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Mar 20th, 2016
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  1. Actually turns out angie was when me and you were split up for a short time,When i took that botle of sleeping pills...Just wanted to feel anything other than nothing..., no doesn't make it right regardless I should of waited longer
  3. Angie
  4. This one will be a bit more fuzzy since it happened longer ago...
  5. It was after I was a helpop on the server we had to stay in touch mainly in the staff channel and let eatch other know if anything happened
  6. While in the staff channel she asked if she could pm me I said "sure", we talked about random stuff and became friends I suppose. One day I asked what he was doing she said playing "chess" I said "random" he sent me a picture of her masturbating...(No I don't have it, It was an igur link iirc and was a temp post (that or she deleted it aftwards), No I didn't save it...) I replied with ">< that's not chess..." she replied with something like "that's what I call it ;)"
  7. And she asked if I wanted to as well... I replied with "no I'm good" and she went into roll playing with "bites at sess neck" and don't rember all the rest of what happened I do remember mike coming on "her past love or something" durring what we were doing, she said "talk later" and again I went and finished by watching a movie... I know you won't belive me, but that is what happened
  10. MC Girl aka starlover
  11. It was durring the day, I was waiting for you to get online and We met on devco, she asked randomly in chat if anyone wanted to team, I said I would since was borred atm
  12. from there there was someflirting going on, I shoulda said I had a girlfriend and i'm not interested... But I didn't...
  13. She named a sword "stars dildo" and let me see it, I asked If she even had one, she answered "yes multiable" and i asked how many times she masturbated she said "often,I am now"
  14. I asked if she ever tried anal... she said yes and that she liked it and I asked for details on how, so she told me just the normal stuff in/out and continued to ask her questions... such as why she liked anal, what she tasted like I honestly don't remember the other questions
  15. But before any of us could finish she suddenly had to go I was still in the mood so i finished by watching a hentai on h-moeAnd I masturbated and finished
  17. And never seen/heard from her again and that's the 100% truth
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