
Circus Freak Chapter Two

May 24th, 2012
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  1. >You stand up, put your hands together and do a short bow.
  2. "I can’t thank you two enough for your hospitality, but I need to go make plans for my new life."
  3. >L: “Like, where will you live from now on?”
  4. "Among other things, yes."
  5. >”Well that’s easy, why don’t you live here with Bon Bon and me?”
  6. >You and Bon Bon react in the exact same way.
  7. >”What?”
  8. >”Yeah! Norman can live in my room, it’s not like I really use it anymore.”
  9. >You wonder what she means by that. Judging by her cutie mark, she’s a musician. Maybe she just travels a lot?
  10. >Your duet with Bon Bon continues.
  11. >”I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
  12. >”Come on! It’s a great idea! Where else would you go live anyway?”
  13. >’She kinds of have a point.’
  14. >’Yeah, where would you find food anyway?’
  15. >Who are you guys?
  16. >’Brain.’
  17. >’Stomach.’
  18. >You shake your head and stop the conversation you’re having with your organs.
  19. "I... I’m going to get some fresh air. Thanks for the offer though, I’ll be considering it."
  20. >Lyra lets out a sigh of disappointment as you leave, but doesn’t do anything to stop you.
  23. >It's with a belly full of breakfast and lungs filled with fresh air that you take your first step in town.
  24. >First step in your new life.
  25. >Feels fantastic.
  26. >Now, how about you get a little more acquainted with this town.
  27. >You look around and notice a few good holds on the house you just left.
  28. "Perfect!"
  29. >Taking a short running start, you jump up and grab the window's ledge.
  30. >You hoist yourself higher and get a hold of the small overhang above the window.
  31. >Continuing your ascension, your hands reach for the roof.
  32. >You pull yourself up and make sure the thatched roof is sturdy enough to hold your weight.
  33. >Looking good.
  34. >Uh... Maybe it wasn't the best idea to climb the side of a house in broad daylight.
  35. >A few ponies are gathering beneath you.
  36. >Time to bail, before the crowd gathers more spectators.
  37. >Fortunately, the roofs around you are close enough to cross from one to another without any effort.
  38. >You move away from the growing group of equines and start to look around, scanning the surrounding area.
  39. >Residential area, large tree-house thingy, orchard, marketplace, purple big top, windmill...
  40. >Wait. Purple big top?
  41. >Nope. False alarm, it's just a strange purple building with a carousel on top of it.
  42. >Well, this looks like a pretty nice small town.
  43. >So far its inhabitants have been receptive to you, hopefully that trend will continue.
  44. >You'll try to stay low-profile for some time, just in case.
  45. >Maybe you should try to find someplace to stay while you think about plans for your new life.
  46. >By Celestia do you love saying this.
  47. >Your new life.
  50. >You lay on your back and look at the sky.
  51. >A decade.
  52. >It's been at least a decade since you've been this relaxed.
  53. >Your bare chest bathing in sunlight.
  54. >Your gaze wandering the sky, observing the clouds, birds and pegasi.
  55. >Screw looking for place to crash for now.
  56. >Instead, you relish in the sweet sensation of freedom you strived after for so long.
  58. >After an hour or so, you hear someone yelling from what seems to be the direction of the marketplace.
  59. >"News Flash!"
  60. >"A strange creature was spotted leaving the domicile of Lyra Heartstring and Bon Bon!"
  61. >Wow, these guys work FAST!
  62. >So much for keeping low profile.
  63. >"Read more about the creature in our exclusive interview of the two mares!"
  64. >Wonder what they said about you.
  65. >"The creature was last seen climbing the roof of Ms.Heartstring and Ms.Bon's house."
  66. >Oh fuck. If even a single slightly curious pegasus heard that, you're mere seconds from being found.
  67. >Franticly, you look for a subtle way down the roofs.
  68. >You spot a pile of hay in a small alley between two houses.
  69. >Jumping down, you grab the edge of the roof and hang from it.
  70. >You brace yourself and let your grip slip.
  71. >A small cloud of hay and dust rises with your landing.
  72. >Sure enough, you can see a gray pegasus with a blond mane flying above you.
  73. >A piece of paper drops from her saddle bag and floats down to the street next to you.
  74. >Could it be?
  77. >You silently make your way to the paper, making sure no one is looking when you exit the alley.
  78. >As soon as you pick it up, you rush back to your hiding place.
  79. >Let's see...
  80. >The article begins with a few eyewitness descriptions of your ascension.
  81. >Bla bla bla, 'looked like a hairless ape'
  82. >Yada yada, 'pretty tall and slightly intimidating'
  83. >Words words words 'absolutely HORRIBLE sense of fashion'
  84. >Well, this is boring.
  85. >You skip to the interview and read it.
  86. >Basically, the two mare told them where and how they found you. They also mentioned that you were nice and harmless.
  87. >But to use caution if they had food on them if they were to meet you.
  88. >Gee, thanks Bon Bon.
  89. >Another line catch your attention.
  90. >'While Ms.Heartstring insisted the creature was named Henry-'
  91. >Dammit Lyra.
  92. >'Ms.Bon affirmed that it stayed anonymous for the entirety of its visit.
  93. >Anonymous?
  94. >You like how that sounds.
  95. >The rest of the editorial is a bunch of thanks to the people who gave informations about you.
  97. >You need to get away from here, ponies might get curious about all this and-
  98. >"Girls! It's the creature!"
  99. >Oh no...
  100. >"If we can capture it, we'll get our cutie mark for sure!"
  101. >You raise your head from the sheet of paper.
  102. >Three fillies are blocking the entrance of they alley.
  107. >Shit shit shit!
  108. >"You still have your sister's rope with you, Applebloom?"
  109. "NOPE!"
  110. >You sprint towards them and flip over the fillies.
  111. "Nopenopenope!"
  112. >Not getting tied up by a bunch of children today.
  113. >"He's getting away! Hop in girls!"
  114. >Where are you running to?
  115. >You have no idea, hopefully you're not going to a crowded place.
  116. >What's that buzzing noise?
  117. >By the sun, what are you looking at?
  118. >They're riding a small board with four wheels?
  119. >It's propelled by the orange filly flapping her wings like a humming bird?
  120. >What?
  121. >Oh man, they're catching up on you.
  122. >Wondering how you could shake them off, an idea dawn upon you.
  123. >You slow down to let them get within a mere foot behind you.
  124. >"Come on Scoots, just a little closer!"
  125. >You give a quick look behind you.
  126. >The yellow filly is spinning a lasso above her head.
  127. >In your dreams, little ones.
  128. >At the next intersection, you take a sharp turn to the right.
  129. >You hear a screeching sound and then a crashing one.
  130. >You stop to make sure they're alright.
  131. >"Quick girls, we're going to lose him!"
  132. >Yep, they're doing fine.
  135. >They prop their vehicle back on its wheel and rush their way towards you.
  136. >They're determined, you'll give them that.
  137. >With a sigh, you go back to running away from young fillies.
  138. >Alright, next plan.
  139. >You can see a bridge up ahead.
  140. >A new idea forms in your mind.
  141. >You alter your trajectory a little.
  142. >Now, you're running straight for the small creek instead of the bridge.
  143. >With your pursuers getting closer, you pick up the speed.
  144. >And jump up and above the little stream of water.
  145. >Success!
  146. >You turn around with a laugh.
  147. "Haha! Sorry fillies, no capturing monsters for you to-"
  148. >"Hold on tight girls!"
  149. >What?
  150. >Oh shit.
  152. >As soon as you see their little contraption leave the ground, you bolt away.
  153. >You hear a little 'Yeehaw!' right before a small thud.
  154. >No splash though, so no time to turn aroud.
  155. >This side of the brook is composed of a small hill with a building on top of it.
  156. >You pray to the celestial princesses in hope of finding this house void of occupant.
  157. >Fortunately, the combination of grass and small slope slows down the fillies enough for you to get a good headstart.
  160. >Rapidly, you hide behind the rather large building.
  161. >You can't see anyone nearby. Good.
  162. >Peeking around the corner you wait for the young trio to show themselves.
  163. >And you wait.
  164. >...
  165. >And wait.
  166. >...
  167. >What if they just gave up and went back to town?
  168. >A sudden feeling of constriction around your arms and chest quickly refutes that hypothesis.
  169. >They took the long way around to sneak up on you.
  170. >Smart kids.
  171. "Alright, you got me."
  172. >The three fillies giggle and look at their respective flank, smiling with anticipation.
  173. >Disappointed pouts replace the smiles.
  174. >What's wrong with their flank? They're you can't see anything wrong with them.
  175. >Oh. You can't see anything.
  176. >You can guess what they were looking for.
  178. >"Darn, ah was SO sure we were gonna earn 'em this time."
  179. "Now that you have me tied up, what's next?"
  180. >They look at each others in confusion.
  181. >The white filly breaks the silence.
  182. >"...We didn't plan this far."
  183. >The yellow one perks up.
  184. >"OH! Ah know!"
  185. >"Remember that interview in the journal? We could try that!"
  186. >"YEAH!", the other two exclaim in unison.
  187. >That might be a good idea, actually.
  188. >Let the fillies to spread some good words about you.
  189. >Nothing can go wrong with this.
  192. "Well, since you caught me fair and square, I have no choice but to let you interview me."
  193. >All three of them : "Really!?"
  194. "Of course, where do you want to do this?"
  195. >"Oh! OH!", the orange filly starts.
  196. >"We could bring you to our headquarters!"
  197. >The young trio lets out what could be mistaken for a battle cry.
  199. >"YAY!"
  200. >You chuckle.
  201. >A totally adorable battle cry.
  202. "Alright, lead the way!"
  204. >Wow, those girls are SLOW.
  205. >Where's all that energy they had earlier?
  206. >Heh, kids these days.
  207. >You slip through your bindings.
  208. >Substituting the escape artist that one time finally paid off.
  209. "You girls look tuckered out, how about you let me do the walking?"
  210. >They yelp in surprise as you pick them up.
  211. >You place the two light colored ones on your shoulders and the orange one on your head.
  212. >Your head is surrounded by adorable giggles and you feel a lightness in your chest.
  213. >It feels amazing, it's as if some of those years of mental scarring were melting away.
  217. >The rest of the walk to the 'headquarters' was uneventful.
  218. >Said headquarters are actually a cute little cabin perched in a tree.
  219. >As you get closer to the entrance, the -what did they call themselves, crusaders?- hop off you.
  220. >They rush inside and slam the door in your face.
  221. >"Sorry mister Creature, we need to prepare the interview room before you can get in!"
  222. >Fair enough.
  224. >Leaning against the door, you wait for them to call you in.
  225. >Is the sun already about to set?
  226. >Yup, apparently that little chase scene with the fillies went on longer than you thought.
  227. >Well shit, you'll have to find a place to crash in the midst of the night.
  228. >Hmmm... You COULD go back to Lyra and Bon Bon, but you'd rather-
  229. >The door suddenly opens behind you.
  230. >You comedically flail your arms around, trying to regain balance.
  231. >As soon as you start to get some stability back, a ring of rope drops around your torso.
  232. >Ugh, again?
  233. >A quick tug makes you fall on your ass.
  234. >You are dragged inside the small clubhouse.
  236. >Damn, it's dark in here.
  237. >Your head recoils as a flash of bright light assails your eyes.
  238. >What the fuck is going on here?!
  239. >You blink a few times to fight your sudden blindness.
  240. >Once your vision has recovered enough, you discern the silhouettes of the three fillies behind the spot of dazzling light.
  241. >A yellowish hoof slams against the table in front of you.
  242. >"Tell us your name!"
  243. >Wow, that's one aggressive tone, it's too adorable to be threatening though.
  244. "I don't have a na-"
  245. >You think back to what you read this morning.
  246. "Anonymous. My name is Anonymous."
  247. "Can I ask you yours?"
  248. >Another voice chimes in, it cracks every few syllables.
  249. >"Oh! This is Scootaloo, I'm-"
  250. >The filly with a bow on her head interrupts.
  251. >"Sweetie Belle! You can't tell him our names! We're supposed to be the ones asking questions."
  252. >"Applebloom's right! We're the intrev-, interwe-, questioners in this room!"
  253. >Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Got it.
  254. >Sweetie Belle : "Oh. Right."
  255. "Sorry, I won't be asking anymore questions during the interrogation."
  256. >SB: "Interrogation? I thought we were doing an interview."
  257. >Scootaloo: "There's a difference?"
  258. >What have you got yourself into?
  261. >Oh well. Might as well play along since you're here.
  262. >The yellow hoof strikes the wooden surface again.
  264. "I don't think I ever ate ic-"
  265. >She slaps you in the face.
  267. >Okay, what the fuck. It's not like those little hooves can really hurt you or anything.
  268. >But, is this really their idea of an interview?
  269. >Oh shit, she's readying another slap.
  270. "Vanilla! It's vanilla!"
  271. >You guess you'll just let them have a little fun.
  273. >She slaps you again.
  274. "Hey! You didn't even let me ans-"
  275. >Slap.
  277. "How would I kn-"
  278. >Slap.
  280. "Not getting slapped in the face!"
  281. >Slap.
  285. >Eventually, your interrogators run out of questions to ask.
  286. >SB: "I think we should stop for today. It's getting dark outside."
  287. >SC: "You think we have our cutie marks now?"
  288. >AB: "I don't know, I can't see my own flank in this darkness."
  289. >Light finally spreads around the room.
  290. >You can now see that the blinding light was actually a regular lamp with a large piece of cardboard used to focus the light to your face.
  291. >Smart kids.
  292. >With the cardboard down, the fillies each look at their own flanks, smiling with anticipation.
  293. >Again.
  294. >Their faces change to a disappointed pout.
  295. >Again.
  297. "Sorry you didn't get what you girls were looking for."
  298. >Applebloom comes closer and starts to untie the rope around your chest and arms.
  299. >AB: "It's alright mister Anonymous, we'll just have to try harder next time."
  300. "That's the spirit!"
  301. >The four of you leave the small cabin and go down the little ramps leading to the ground.
  302. >SB: "Thanks for letting us interview you."
  303. "Anytime."
  304. >You wave the fillies goodbye as they leave for their respective homes.
  305. >That is until you realise Scootaloo is by your side, waving at her with you.
  306. >You look at her incredulously.
  307. "You're not going home?"
  308. >"Yeah, I- uh, I just need to go grab... something, in the clubhouse first."
  309. >"Don't wait for me, it might take a while."
  310. >Suspicious.
  313. "Alright then, later kid."
  314. >You start to walk towards the town, keeping an eye at the filly.
  315. >As soon as you see her enter the treehouse, the door closes behind her.
  316. >Her voice was way too nervous earlier, it also had a hint of sadness to it.
  317. >Wonder what's wrong with her.
  318. >Curiosity gets the best of you and you run back to the clubhouse.
  319. >Instead of barging in through the front door, you use a nearby tree to silently climb on the roof.
  320. >You go prone on the edge of the roof and let your upper body hang upside-down.
  321. >This let you look through a small window above the front door.
  322. >You can see Scootaloo pulling a blanket and a pillow from a closet.
  323. >She joylessly lays down on the pillow and cover herself with the blanket.
  324. >This is none of your business.
  325. >You get back on the roof and start to make your way down the tree.
  326. >You really shouldn't meddle with this.
  327. >Halfway during your descend, you stop next to an open window.
  328. >None of your business.
  329. >You slip in and sit on the windowsill.
  330. "So this is your home, huh?"
  331. >Dammit.
  332. >The filly jumps to her hooves, startled.
  333. "Better than mine I guess."
  334. >"What are you doing here?"
  335. "I could ask you the same question."
  336. >You drop on the floor and go sit next to her.
  337. "Don't you have a family waiting for you?"
  338. >She looks at the ground and slowly shakes her head in the negative, tears forming in her eyes.
  339. >Raising her head, she looks at you.
  340. >"Do you?"
  343. "Yes and no."
  344. >Her face changes to a confused expression.
  345. "You see kid, family isn't all about who your parents are."
  346. "It's about who you love and enjoy spending time with."
  347. "I'm pretty sure I'm the only one of my kind in this world, and I can't remember anything about my folks.
  348. "But I still had a family, back in the circus."
  349. >You remember about the other unfortunate souls who had been 'enrolled' with you.
  350. >They were the only ones to show some concern about you.
  351. >You were kept isolated and alone most of the time, but the little time you spent with them is probably what kept you sane.
  353. "We went through though times, but we supported each others."
  354. "That's what family's about."
  355. >"Can... Can I join the circus?"
  356. >She's looking at you, eyes filled with both hopes and tears.
  357. >There's no way in Tartarus you can tell her what it was like back there.
  358. "Sorry kid, I'm not a member anymore."
  359. >That sentence looks like it crushed a little part of her soul, it's heartbreaking.
  360. >"Oh..."
  361. >Quick brain, think!
  362. "Doesn't mean you can't join the family, though."
  365. >Scootaloo smiles brightly and jumps on you, wrapping you in a warm hug.
  366. >There it is again, that amazing feeling.
  367. >The lightness in your chest.
  368. >"Can you stay here tonight?" she asks, her hooves wrapped around you like she never wants to let go.
  369. >You weren't expecting this, it's been so long since someone hugged you.
  370. >"I don't want to be alone anymore..."
  371. >And apparently, you weren't the only one.
  372. >You hug her back.
  373. "Sure thing kid."
  374. >"Thanks..."
  375. >She yawns and let go of you, curling up in a ball on your lap.
  376. >"...big brother."
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