
Some shit at OCH

Jul 17th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -She planted her hands on her hips, turning to face Felix. "Excuse you. I don't need you. You're just nice. With nice hair. And soft t-shirts. And..." She trailed off, eyes fixed on his face as she only grew frustrated with herself. "Ugh, fuck my life." Letting out a huff, she glanced at Dori again, rolling her eyes. "Wow. That must be so fun for you." // Jade's attention snapped over to the little dog who popped out of the blankets, waving her hand off at her. "Shoo. You're not even supposed to be here. Be quiet you stupid dog."-
  2. iKamal: [brb gotta wrap my braids real quick]
  3. Covet: Felix looked at Steph as she went about complimenting him instead of retaliating. He couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. "Yeah, I know Jade. She's not terrible. But she can be a little... much at times." He said with a chuckle knowing how Steph felt about Jade.
  4. iKamal: [ok im bk]
  5. iKamal: Dori smiled to them both and shrugged her shoulders."I just think she is misunderstood is all, but she seems very nice."she smiled to them both and tucked her hands into her pockets."So the cat? lucky you got the pink room.I would love to have a pink room." she chuckled some.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "She's a bitch." Steph blurted out, reaching up to tighten her ponytail on her head. "You guys can sugarcoat it all you want, but I'm telling you one day I'm going to kick her ass and it'll be a long time coming and she'll deserve every second of it." She dropped her arms to her sides, looking to Felix. "If you're done smoking, can you brush your teeth so we can continue our conversation?"-
  7. Covet: "Yes, like the cat. My mom has a think for eccentric names. Pink is my favorite color. Nobody was going to be taking that room from me." Felix said with a laugh, then shrugged in regards to Jade. "Yeah, I'm sure it's something like that." Felix laughed and put his arms around Steph. "Calm down their fiesty. There's no reason to kick ass right now. Maybe later, but not right now.. and yes, I'll go brush my teeth so we can keep talking."
  8. Covet: *thing
  9. iKamal: Dori chuckled at STeph and Felix and she smiled."that's cool. I love that little cartoon. And im sorry you don't like Jade maybe it will change in the future. But I have to go Maci is inside waiting for me and probably has to use the bathroom. Nice meeting you two though." Dori walked off and headed up to the house unlockign the door and making her way inside. she went to her bedroom and as soon as she opened the door Maci began to bark at the door.
  10. Tsaaq: Thaddeus came from his bedroom, adjusting his fitted cap as he began to move down the hall. He saw Dori and flashed a smile. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while, what's up?" He greeted.
  11. Alexithymiaa: (Theyre outside)
  12. Tsaaq: ((IT STILL WORKS.))
  13. Covet: [ Dori just went inside]
  14. Alexithymiaa: (IM JUST MAKING SURE)
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She looped her arms around him with a laugh before clasping her hand over his mouth. "You stink." She dropped her arms and took his hand, turning to walk up the front steps and into the house behind Dori, dragging Felix along with her. "And just as soon as I don't have to smell the smoke on your breath, we can-" She cut her words off, stopping short in front of the staircase when she saw Thad standing at the end of the hallway, her smile slowly fading from her face as she just stared at him, her grip tightening just a bit on Felix's hand. // Jade's eyes followed the little dog when she went over to the door and began barking, letting out a huff when Dori appeared. "You know you can't just leave this dog in here, right? This is my room and I don't want a dog in here."-
  16. Covet: "I'm going to stink after I brush my teeth. I'll just stink of wintermint... or whatever my toothpaste is." He said with a laugh, nearling running Steph over as she stopped, and was staring at Thad. " Hey, It's okay, We're going upstairs. Nobody's going to bother us." He told her kneelling down to whisper in her ear, trying to get her to relax and keep moving.
  17. iKamal: Dori heard Thad's voice and she turned her head to look at him while Maci pawed at her leg."Oh you know the sky and airplanes." she chuckled at her own joke."But nah Just been working alot. I been picking up alot of people's shifts." She heard Jade speak and she turned smiling to jade."You mean our room. LAst I check I pay my portion of bills and well that is my side of the room. I want a dog in a roo mthat is also get over it." she shrugged her shoulders and closed the door as Maci trotted her way down the hall. Dori noticed Steph and Felixstopped at the end of the hall. she looked at thad and back to them making her way down the hallway and sliding past them to head back outside.
  18. Tsaaq: "Ohhhh." He dragged out wth a nod of his head. "Well that's good. Glad that you didn't quit after your first day." Thad smirked then furrowed his thick eyebrows, looking over to Steph then sighing a bit as he looked away. Before he knew it Dori was walking away. "Oh... Okay see you later I guess." He shrugged.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Steph didn't take her eyes off Thad despite Felix's words, flinching when he turned his head and looked at her. Chewing on her lower lip, she gathered herself and turned back to the stairs, beginning to ascend with Felix. "Not exactly reassuring, Arizona." She spoke in a small voice, running to the top of the stairs and breathing a little heavily by the time she got to the top. "Your door locks, right?" // Jade scowled at Dori. "Um, okay but I have allergies and I can't sleep in a room full of dog hair!" She shot back at her, pouting like a child on her bed when Dori walked out of the room.-
  20. Covet: "Yes, they lock. Please, calm down. You're going to get yourself worked up and that's no good on your heart Tinman." He told her following her up the stairs at a slightly less quick pace. Come join me in the bathroom keep my shiney teeth and me company while I brush them. "
  21. Alexithymiaa: (NO. FUCK YOU. NOW IM SINGING.)
  22. iKamal: [im thinking of miranda lambert tinman now]
  23. Alexithymiaa: (I was thinking Fairly Odd Parents. CHIP SKYLARK.)
  24. Covet: [XD]
  25. Covet: *. "Come
  26. iKamal: Dori turned and looked at Thad and smiled."You aren't coming with me?" she tucked some of her hair behind her ear and maci waited beside her looking up at Dori and then to Thad and back again."I'm just taking Maci out for a walk real quick."Dori had ignored Jade on purpose because well screw her.
  27. iKamal: [a skunk is outside and just sprayed ><]
  28. Tsaaq: ((Sorry guys.))
  29. Tsaaq: He felt awkward from Steph's gaze and decided to retreat as soon as he possibly could. Thaddeus went to walk down the hall behind her as he shrugged. "So you got a dog?" He asked as he went out on the porch and watched the tiny dog before looking over to Dori.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I'm calm. And the Tinman has no heart and therefore the Scarecrow has nothing to be worried about." She forced a smile at him, turning to follow him into the bathroom. "Really? Your shiney teeth and you? It's like you want me to break out into song and dance or something." Leaning her back against the bathroom vanity, she dug her phone from her pocket, staring at the screen.-
  31. Covet: "Or just distract you in general." Felix told her as he got his toothbrush ready with the toothpaste and the water. "So...Did you want to call him tonight?" He asked before he started to brush away.
  32. iKamal: Dori smiled up at Thad and nodded her head."Umm kind of yeah. She was in the parking lot of the mall scared when I got off work so I just kind of took her in and here she is." she watched as Maci sniffed around. Dori then sat down on the porch steps."so what have you been up to?"
  33. Tsaaq: He nodded his head as he watched the pupper plaing around in the grass. He smiled. "Nothing really. I'm boring. I've just been working and stuff." He answered.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "I think you do enough of that, thank you very much." She pursed her lips, keeping her eyes down on her phone in her hand. "I don't really wan to call him ever, but I don't think I have much of a choice if I want to get anywhere with this." She let out a sigh and started to dial his number since she'd long deleted his contact in her phone, bringing it up to her ear to listen to it ring while watching Felix brush his teeth since he was minor salvation right now. // Jade frowned and looked back down to the computer in her lap, angrily pushing her fingers into the keys of her keyboard, not budging from her place on the bed.-
  35. Covet: Felix scoffed and spit out the toothpaste he'd built up. "You say that like you don't appreciate how I distract you." He said softly as he tried to listen in on the call. He stuck his tongue out so that he could scrub it with his toothbrush too, making a face in the mirror while he did it, then spit again.
  36. iKamal: Dori smiled at him."Yeah you are pretty boring aren't you." she chuckled only picking on him slightly.She runs her fingers through her hair."My car died on me today. Felixand STeph helped me push it up the driveway."
  37. Tsaaq: Thad glanced over to her car then back over to her. "That sucks." He said with a geniune look of concern. "What are you gonna do? How are you gonna get around?" He asked her with his eyebrows raised. "What happened anyways?"
  38. Artificer: Ben wandered out of his cave for a piss and a smoke. He walked towards the house without a shirt, because it was hot as balls. He saw jade through her window, watching her as he walked past. He turned and got to the porch seeing Thad and Dori here. "Heeey." He said, only looking at Dori. He didnt even glance at Thad, his hand lingering on the door knob as he said his hellos to Dori.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Trust me, I'm well aware that I'm in too deep with you." She shot back, pursing her lips when she heard Ash's voice on the other end. "I want Penny." She paused, draping her free arm uncomfortably around herself. "As soon as possible. Tomorrow?" She stammered, shifting uncomfortably. "Why the fuck not?" She looked over at Felix, her face pained. // Jade turned her head to look out the window again, seeing Ben as he passed seemingly coming into the house from her view. Pushing her computer off her lap, she wandered to her bedroom door, cracking it open so she could listen for him if he came inside.-
  40. iKamal: Dori shrugged"Probably take the bus agian and scrap that for cash. I might just try to find a better car too of course but untill then i'll take the bus" she smiled and watched Maci jsut enjoy being outside. she ooked over seeing Ben shirtless and smiled."hey Ben."
  41. iKamal: [brb]
  42. Tsaaq: "I'll just drive you around. I don't care." He shrugged his shoulders and went to glance at Ben. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest as he passed them. Getting tired of the glares even though they were well deserved.
  43. Artificer: "How are you? You look cute today." He said before opening the door. He finally looked over at Thad just as he complimented Dori, giving Thad a grin. He then stepped inside and walked towards the downstairs bathroom.
  44. iKamal: [bk]
  45. Covet: Felix smirked and watched Steph as she started in with Ash demanding her dog up front. When she started asking why not his brow furrowed together and he quickly rinsed out his mouth. He mouthed silently to her, "What's his deal?"
  46. iKamal: she smiled to Thad."You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll give you gas money of course." she turned her attention back to ben and offered a sweet smile."I'm doing good just working alot and thanks I apperciate the compliment." she then turned back to Thad once Ben was in the house."oh I got this awesome tshirt at work the other day along with a few others." she chuckled lookingdown at the zombie unicorn."How awesoe is it its pretty awesome"
  47. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly? It's not even a big deal. Just ask me for a ride whenever. It's no sweat." He spoke then went silent when Ben started to talk. He darted his eyes a moment then shrugged his shoulders at Ben's weird grin after he complimented Dori. He turned to her then looked at her shirt. "Aw, that is cute." He laughed a bit.
  48. Alexithymiaa: -She sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm as she listened to him, looking at Felix and shaking her head, her voice snapping. "I don't give a shit if you're busy. I want my dog, Ashlynn." She paused, moving her hands to sign at Felix while pressing the phone to her ear with her shoulder. 'Delaying.' "Fine. Tuesday. At the park. Don't be late." She pulled the phone away from her ear and ended the call, shoving it down into her pocket and rubbing her hands up through her hair. // Hearing footsteps, Jade stepped out of her bedroom and out into the hallway, beginning to walk down the hallway and almost right into Ben with a nervous laugh. "Oh, hi."-
  49. Artificer: "Oh. Hey you." Ben said, giving Jade a smile as she walked in. "Hows it going?" He asked, scratching his chest.He rocked back and forth on his feet, really having to pee.
  50. iKamal: Dori smiled and nudged Thad lightly with her shoulder."It's not suppose to be cute its supposeto be badass." she chuckled softly and didn't pay attention to the grin Ben had on his face at all."since you offered to give me aride mind giving me one to work tomorrow?"
  51. Covet: Felix tried not to laugh as he heard Ash's full name nearly choking on the water he had in in his mouth while he was rinsing it it out. He coughed a bit then swallowed, grabbing for a towel to wipe his mouth with, then gave Steph a look, "You alright? So, Tuesday?"
  52. Tsaaq: He went to pat her on the should then began to chuckle. "Stop. You'll never be badass. Just cute." He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah sure." Thad answered. "I dont mind driving you at all, like I said before"
  53. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah..." She mumbled, stepping closer to him and moving her hands to frame his face, staring into his eyes. "I owe you. For so many things. And we're just going to add this one to the list." // Jade planted her hand on her hip as she looked Ben over. "Oh you know, just trying to figure out how I got stuck with like the worst roommate ever. What about you?"-
  54. iKamal: Dori smiled."One day I'll be bad ass. You will see. I only look cute im like really this top secret ninja here to destroy you all." she laughed and snorted some and covered her mouth."Jade isn't to happy I am keeping Maci as you can be honest I don't even care.."
  55. Covet: Felix watched her then pressed a minty kiss to her lips, " You keep a tally going and you're just going to wind up oweing me for forever, Red. Should I conveniently have Bryan meet up with us at the park. Just in case?" He asked. trying to get permission before he was going to tell him anyways.
  56. Artificer: "Just trying to take a piss." He said before looking over his shoulder. "hold that thought, I really gotta go." Ben said before hobbling to the bathhroom. He dropped his pants and did his business. Washing up and what not before he came out. "Sorry you got Dori." He said as he turned the corner giving her a grin.
  57. Covet: [You're making me have to pee dammit Lucas]
  58. Tsaaq: "Maybe. I don't know." He chuckled. He leaned on the wall near the front door. "Well good. Don't let people push you around..." He trailed off. "Besides. You pay rent just like everybody else so she can just scratch her ass and get glad."
  59. Alexithymiaa: "I'll figure out a way to repay you. I'm fairly creative, most days." She laughed, giving a little shrug. "I guess so long as you can promise me everyone walks out of that park with all the limbs they came in with. And breathing. And no one ends up in handcuffs. Because... have you met my brother?" She winced, tipping her head to one side. Coiling her arms around his neck, she gave a little jump, holding herself to him and wrapping her legs around his hips. "I think you should let me start making it up to you." // "Oh..." She stepped to one side and out of his way, leaning back against the wall to wait patiently for him to come back out of the bathroom. She rolled her eyes when he did, pushing her hair over her shoulder. "Yeah, me too. You know she brought a dog in without even asking me first if I minded. Like, who does that? That's so rude. Like I don't live in this room too. She doesn't even know how to be courteous."-
  60. Covet: Felix grabbed Steph by her waist and started walking off to the bedroom with her attached to him like a god damn monkey taking her to his room. "I'll make sure as much of that doesn't happen as possible." He told her then nodded his head, "Yeah, let me lock the door and you can start making up for whatever you wish, Red." He said shutting the door and flipping the lock.
  61. iKamal: Dori smiled and she looked at Thad for a moment before looking back out at Maci."I've pretty much given up trying to be nice to her. Not everyone is going to like me." she shrugged her shoulders some and whistled having Maci come running up the steps and sitting infront of her."Though I mean I have met some nice people heresince I been here. Felix and steph were nice enough to help me push my car and Brad listen to me sing in english. I was hoping Kelsey would have been there but it was nice of him to listen for me."
  62. Artificer: "Damn, I feel even worse for the dog." Ben said looking at the front door. "Cant you change rooms?" Ben asked before his gaze moved back to her. "Or have her change rooms or something?"
  63. Alexithymiaa: -The clothes and the stuff and the craziness before sleep. // "I tried that. She's being such a bitch about it like I wasn't there first or something." She shook her head, glancing in the direction of her room. "Whatever. I'll find a way to make her want to leave. But I should get to bed. See you tomorrow?" She asked before turning away from him to head back into her bedroom for sleeps.-
  64. Tsaaq: Thaddeus nodded his head as he listened to her. He let out a small sigh. "Well you guys have to live together. Don't be a bitch or anything-" He paused. "I'm glad you met people who don't act like they hate everything as soon as you meet them. Positivity is someting you need to be around."
  65. Artificer: "Yeah sounds good. Ill see you tomorrow." He gave her a smile then headed back out the front door to wjere Thadd and Dori were. "Hows it going?" Ben asked, looking straight at Dori again.
  66. iKamal: Dori shrugged."I'm not going to be a total bitch towards her just stand my ground. It's my room too. weather she likes it or not and i'm not going anywhere anytime soon." she pet maci and smiled."Plus Maci doesn't take up that much room. she literally fits in the palm of my hand." she looked at Thad some and then away out to the yard."I actually kind of like it here to be honest. There are alot of nice people." she heard the door open and scooted over on the steps so she was out of the way with maci in her lap."It's going okay just talking to Thad and letting Maci have some outside time is all. What about you?"
  67. Tsaaq: "Exactly." He said to Dori. "I'm glad." Thaddeus smiled down at her. "And yeah she's a cutie. You deserve a cutie like her." Thad went quiet once Ben past them again.
  68. Artificer: Ben just sat down beside Dori, reaching over to pet the dog. "Oh Im good, just hanging out. Cute dog. She yours?" Ben asked, petting the dog in her lap. He scooched a littled closer to her so he could reach.
  69. iKamal: Dori smiled to Thad."yeah I just adore her. She is great company." she looked down at Maci who was jsut sucking up the attention. Mai winced some when ben went to go touch her. she let him pet her though. Dori was now stuck between both guys and she looked between them both."umm yeah she is mine. Her name is Maci. I found her in the parking lot at work."she fell silent for a moment and turned her attention back to Thad."So umm I have to be at work at 9 so did ou want to leave here around say 8:30 or so."
  70. Tsaaq: "Its not so secret that I love dogs..." He trailed off. He nodded his head before going quiet from the awkwardness. He nodded again at Dori. "No problem. I can get up pretty early. It's not that hard for me."
  71. Artificer: "She seems like a sweetheart." He said, keeping his hand on Maci. He stood up and walked down the rest of the stairs. "I gotta crash. Ill see you around Dori." He said before heading home to get mo high and pass out.
  72. iKamal: Dori smiled and nodded her to thad"ok awesome. I will buy you breakfast or something." she looked back at Ben. Her smile faded abit but her lips were still slightly curled."Night ben sleep well see ya around." when ben was out of ear shot and in his place Dori let out a breath of relife."oh gods that was awkward as hell." she smiled to Thad. Maci perked up and looked at him expecting more attention.
  73. Tsaaq: He waved his hand at at Dori. "Don't worry about it." He whispered then lowered his head. He inhaled deply once Ben was gone and looked over to Thad. "Why was it awkward?" He asked quietly, pretending not to notice.
  74. iKamal: Dori shrugs some.I don't know I get this weird vibe from Ben. I don't know maybe I'm being stupid. He might be a really nice guy and i'm just being mean." she shrugged her shoulders some and looked him."I sould probably head to bed though. We should hangout sometime. feels like forever since we hung out." she leaned over and pecked his cheek leaving a little kiss mark."I'll see you around Thad. Night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite" she stood up and tugged her pants up over her butt some and made her way inside with maci in her hands.
  75. iKamal: [i ahve to be up in like four hours]
  76. Tsaaq: ((Whaaaat,.))
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