
Fuck Remy, I do what I want

Jan 7th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was sitting at the counter with her laptop in front of her trying to catch up on some of the emails she hadnt been answering over the vacation because vacation. She had her head propped up in one hand and was just staring at the screen as she scrolled through, skimming some generic label announcements they sent out to all clients and whatnot.-
  2. Covet: Felix was in the fridge looking for something to eat, just kind of staring into the abyss with a glass of juice in his hand sipping off of it, loudly, as he pondered his food options. // Cadence pulled up in her vehicle, and parked her vehicle. She climbed out and grabbed the backpack she used as Tricks diaper bag, and a secondary duffle bag, before disconnecting Trick's carseat to get him out. She then made her way up to the house, quickly in the rain, looking like she'd been crying for at least a couple of days. She pressed the doorbell and anticipated the dogs barking.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Like clockwork, the doorbell rang immediately followed by the dogs barking and running to the front door. With a sigh, she let out a grumble and looked in their direction. "Really? You guys are so fucking loud..." Slipping of the stool, she trudged across the room to the front door, pulling it open to see Cadence a wreck. "Bruce... what's going on?" She asked, stepping back to let her inside.-
  4. Covet: Felix called out to the dogs, "Hey! Hush you two, come here!" He said calling to them as he closed the fridge and got into the treat cupboard to get them both a soft bone treat. "Penny, Nugget C'mon. Come sit and be quiet, you obnoxious beasties." // Cadence walked in, then took a deep breath her voice sounding just as bad as she looked, "Can Trick and I stay here tonight? I've got his pop up playpen in the back of the hummer. I just can't be at my place tonight." She asked her first, trying to keep her emotions in check.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Of course you can. You're always welcome here, you know that." She said, putting her hand out to take the duffle from her. "Arizona, can you get the playpen from the Hummer, please?" She asked, trying to push Cadence along to the living room. "What happened?"-
  6. Covet: "Yeah sure thing." He said heading for the door to go get the play pen. He finally got a look at Cadence and felt sorry for her, cause she looked miserable. // " Thank you. I got home after Tyler picked us up from the airport, and got the zoo taken care of, but... my holiday break ended on awful note, and I can't be in that house right now. Not after the fighting and fuking bullshit." Cadence said walking into the livng room, setting Trick down, who was working on a bottle.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you, babe." She said to him before taking Cadence into the living room to have a seat on the couch. Furrowing her brows, she watched her. "What fighting?"-
  8. Covet: Felix went out to her vehicle and got the playpen, and headed back inside, taking it to the spare room to get it set up for her. // "Remy and I, got into it pretty bad over the break. I'm frustrated about this whole second baby thing, I'm trying hard to be happy, but at first he didn't want to say anything just yet to the family, because he didn't want to upset Hayley, cause of her situation. Still. Always. And I told him it was going to be kind of hard to hide when I'm four months along." She started to explain.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Wait wait wait, he didn't want to announce your pregnancy, very happy news to share and celebrate with your family, because his sister would be depressed?" She stammered, gawking at Cadence. "I'm sorry. I get it, trust me I do, but that is her problem and there will be plenty of people in her life that will have children. It's something she needs to learn to live with and he can't cater every god damn thing around whiney Hayley." She raised her voice a bit, tossing her hands up into the air. "This baby should be celebrated, not kept hush to save face with Hayley who is eventually going to find out and then she's not only going to be upset, she's going to be hurt it was kept from her anyway."-
  10. Covet: "She's been more down than up lately, so to a point I get it, and where I want to be happy, I really do, I'm just overwhelmed with all of it. They all know now, And the arguements just kept getting more and more heated, he didn't want me to come back, was trying to convince me to finish my degree out there, but I pretty much told them everything and basically exploded before leaving for the airport with Trick to come home. I also added that because of all of this, and me not wanting to stress while being pregnant, you know after the fucking fact that I had a seizure before going into labor with Trick, that Remy and I are taking a break... kind of indefinitely right now. Just because I am apparently the vessel for his kids, doesn't give him the right to dictate where I am or what I do."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Oh Cadence..." She said, leaning over to wrap her ars around her and give her a hug. "Well you're welcome here as long as you need. You don't have to worry about anyone in this house trying to dictate where you are or what you do. Except possibly Nugget or Harvey trying to dictate you feeding them, but you can ignore them." She said with a smile, trying to be comic relief.-
  12. Covet: Cadence's was crying at this point, and she wiped her face. "Thanks. I appreciate it, so much. I feel bad taking Trick from him, but... It's kind of necessary for him to be with me. Plus if Hayley's having such a hard time, the last thing she needs is a reminder of what she can't have on her own. I don't want her building up resentment to my kids. None of her issues are their fault."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Of course not. Not to mention Trick hasn't been without you and he's seen more of Remy through a computer screen during his life than he has in person. There's no way Remy would be taking him. Absolutely not." She shook her head. "You need to be making plans for the future, not dwelling on this shit with Remy."-
  14. Covet: "I know, I know. But that's even more daunting. A single mome of not one but two infants. I love my I do, but this is not where I ever saw myself in life." Cadence said, closing her eyes as she wiped them again. // Felix had kind of been listening in on the conversation, but he'd fuckered off into the study because this wasn't something he knew how to deal with.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "But you have me and you have Felix and you have Tyler... we're all here to help you. No one is going to let you fail and your kids will never for a second feel like they're not the most loved children in the world. I promise. You're not alone and neither are they." She paused, raising her voice. "Arizona? Can you make sure the guest room is made up?"-
  16. Covet: "Thank you. I know you all would never feel burdened by that, I just have to remind myself of that, when I need to rely on you guys." Cadence said giving a soft smile. "I'm having a girl... what the hell am I going to do with a girl? I liked being the only girl." She said with a bit of a whine.// "Already did!" He called out back to her. "It's good to go, Trick's playpen is all set up too!" Felix added.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "You're going to raise the most badass girl ever, that's what you're going to do. Come on, let's put your stuff away." She pushed up from the couch and grabbed Trick first obviously, beginning to head toward the guest room. "Have you considered names at all yet?"-
  18. Covet: Cadence got up and grabbed his diaper bag, and her duffle, following behind Steph, "No I don't even know where to start. Just that it's got to be as cool as Trick's is. Cause I don't want to give one kid an awesome name and another a terrible name. That's not fair to her."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Not at all, that's why we're going to think of something totally badass." She stepped into the guest room and set Trick down on the bed, turning to look at Cadence. "I already low key know how I would name my kids, but we're not going to tell Felix that. You need to plan ahead."-
  20. Covet: "I've still got five months or so. It will get done before then." Cadence said putting the bags down, getting into Trick's backpack to get his pj's out, tossing them over to Steph. She herself kicked off her boots then flopped back on the bed with her hand on her stomach. "Thank you for being a support. I'd be so fucked if I didn't have you guys and my brother. All the more reason I wanted to come back home too."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Exactly, five months so you need to start brainstorming. And fuck Remy because her name is your choice." She spoke firmly, grabbing the pajamas from her and taking Trick out of his seat so she could start getting him undressed. "We will always support you, no matter what. And even when you're being a pain in my ass, still then too."-
  22. Covet: "I know, I'll start putting it at the forefront of my mind. I need to get Petey back to him too. The rest of the zoo I'm keeping. His mom refuses to have Rosie at her house. Which is fine, because I paid for him and Strangles, so fuck him for that too." Cadence said.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "They're just as much your pets as they are his and they're already in your house. He's the one who left, not the other way around. It's his loss. Now he gets to miss out on everything." She was hating pretty hard on Remy right now. Finishing dressing Trick in his pajamas, she picked him up to hold him on her hip. "You should get ready for bed too. I'm sure you're exhausted and just want to be comfortable."-
  24. Covet: "I mean, I can really only feel so comfortable right now. And I'm more or less in shit I can wear for pajamas. But I am exhausted... It's been a long couple of weeks." Cadence said with a sigh. // Felix called out to Steph, "Your brother is asking weird questions...he's trying to contact you apparently."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I know. Do you want anything to eat or drink before I leave you guys alone for the evening?" She asked like she wasn't still holding onto Trick and clearly wasn't going to give him up right this moment. She turned to walk to the bedroom doorway, looking down the hall to the office. "Weird questions like what?"-
  26. Covet: "Some tea without any caffiene would be cool. my throat is killing me from all the yelling.// "Like if we were having sex and that's why you weren't answering. Now he wants to know why Cadence is here, he's such a nosey asshat." Felix said sending back a vague response, because it's not his business to tell.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I don't even know where my phone is. He's been so good lately, why is he being so annoying now?" She asked before looking to Cadence. "I have plenty of green tea and I will get you some." She turned to take Trick with her out of the bedroom and off into the kitchen, setting up the tea kettle to boil water.-
  28. Covet: "It's Bryan are you really asking that?" Cadence asked her flatly. "Thank you." She said getting up to follow her into the living room.// Felix came out of the office and did the same, "Have you talked to him recently at all? Maybe that's why he's harassing me on your behalf. "
  29. Alexithymiaa: "No, I've been busy." She said as she shifted Trick onto her other hip, lingering by the stove for the water. "Besides, he shouldn't be harrassing you regardless. I checked my phone like an hour or so ago. He doesn't need access to me every minute of the day."-
  30. Covet: "When has Bryan ever given up the chace to harass someone though?" Cadence asked. // Felix snickered as he kept messaging Bryan, "Don't worry, two can play this game. He'd like you to get a hold of him when you're done doing girl things though."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Never. He lives to harrass." She said as she reached up to open the cabinet, unable to reach a mug for Cadence and not going to climb on the counters with Trick in her arms. "Arizona, can you get a mug down, please?" She asked. "I'll call him tomorrow. He's going to berrate me for not answering and I'm not in the mood for his crap."-
  32. Covet: "I've already got him primed for you for tomorrow." Felix said putting his phone in his pocket, then went to help Steph out with her short people problems. // Cadence smiled feeling more at home than she did with her inlaws the last couple weeks. She gave a yawn, "How late are you staying up, because I'm not sure if he's going to go down just yet. He slept through most of the plane ride home."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Don't even worry about him, I've got him." She said, waving Cadence off, but choosing not to go into why she intended to be up all night. She poured the water into the mug that Felix had so moderately talled down from the cabinet, adding the green tea bag and pushing it over to Cadence. "You need to sleep."-
  34. Covet: "I'm not even going to argue with you on that one. If you've got him, I'm going to take this and go lay down. I probably won't even wake up if you bring him into the room to put him down, or you can take the play pen and bring it out here, or wherever." Cadence said. "Thank you gain. I'll try to figure out some semblance of a plan tomorrow." // Felix gave her a concerned but supportive look and nodded, "Don't worry, you've got us while you figure it out."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Stop fussing over him. I'll take care of him. You take care of you, okay?" She gave Trick a little bounce on her hip, before nodding to Cadence. "You're going to bed and Felix is getting his butt in bed and Trick and I are going to watch some cartoons."-
  36. Covet: "Why can't I watch cartoons too?!" Felix said with a pout. // Cadence shook her head, "I'm not getting involved. I'm passing out. Goodnight you two." She said, then went to give Trick a kiss on the head before she went to go pass out.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Fine, but if you start to fall asleep, you're getting into bed because I'm not carrying you into the bedroom." She spoke to him and went into the living room to turn the tv on, getting comfy with Trick on her lap.-
  38. Covet: "I'll be fine." Felix said as he followed her, cause forever a child.
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