
Convoluted Moth Origin Story [DORF FORT]

Apr 16th, 2014
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  1. >you are a miner
  2. >a miner for the greater good of your mothen civilization
  3. >tasked with the goal of acquiring the mythical light above, you toil endlessly at the stone wall, your hooves moving the pick back and forth
  4. >twelve months have passed since you began your expedition with your moth
  5. >it has taken you through more caverns than you thought imaginable...
  6. > well as unspeakable horrors not to be imagined at all
  8. >you are the last of your party of fifteen
  9. >fourteen of your fellow moth comrades have fallen on your quest for light, to escape the trouble brewing between two factions;
  10. >one, that shuns the light and all that follow it, the Dark Irons
  11. >and another, that revels in the warmth and beauty of luminescence, the Tangible Lumni
  12. >the Irons snuff out any and all light, while the Lumni collect lanterns from fallen Overminers, the Ones that Come from Above and delved too deeply, though they have not found the source of them
  13. >years of harsh bickering have escalated to a war
  14. >a war with no discernible end
  15. >and the Lumni have given you and your friends, lowly miners, the task of finding the Skylight, a mythical orb of pure luminescence
  16. >you had mined a secret passageway through the fields behind the castle, in hopes of being able to have the civilization flee later on in secrecy
  18. >twelve months have passed since then
  19. >all your friends are dead;
  20. >first was Oreme, fallen into a trap laid by Kobolds, tiny lizard men not known for brilliance...
  21. >then it as Ralu, taken by pondlurkers to the murky depths...
  22. >after, it was Dakas' and Akon's time; crushed by a boulder trap...
  23. >next was Egngun, speared through the stomach by Troglodytical ponies...
  24. >soon came Xan's death, brought on by strange fungus spores...
  25. >Arban and Alron, brothers of Akon, were eaten by a terrifying Cave Crawler, a beast similar to a centipede, but exponentially larger...
  26. >Ziril, killed by an Amethyst Warrior, a pony made entirely out of the titular gem...
  27. >Nula, injured in her wing from the Troglodytes, slipped and fell into a chasm...
  28. >Limul, Nula's fiance, disheartened by her death, took a dagger when you were sleeping, and pierced his own heart...
  29. >Tath, the scientist, examined a sphere made completely out of pony flesh, and failed to notice its teeth...
  30. >Neca and Cire, poisoned by a Cave Floater, a hovering sphere filled with toxic gas...
  31. >and Salir...
  32. >Salir met with the terrible fate of being slain by Obospgosmsex, the Brazen Forgotten Beast...
  34. >you shake the tears out of your eyes
  35. >you have to stay strong
  36. >you are the last of your party of fifteen
  37. >sent on a terrible mission to find the Skylight...
  38. >Salir's death is still fresh in your mind though...
  39. >his terror-filled eyes, watching you as you fled, and as he was torn apart by the Bronze Beast...
  40. >you smack the pick against the stone wall
  41. >chunks of mineral fall, and you are allowed more room
  42. >you set the pickaxe down and cover your face with your hooves, sobbing...
  44. >you hear the bellow of the Bronze Monstrosity behind you
  45. >so...
  46. >this is how it ends, now, huh?
  47. >trapped in a cave, no hope of getting out?
  48. >by some metallic colossus?
  49. >...No...
  50. >you will NOT stand for this...
  51. >eyes filled with tears and rage, you wield your pick yet again
  52. >drowned, stabbed, broken, poisoned, crushed...
  53. >I avoid all of those...
  54. >and you mean tell me that I will die now, from a simple alloy?
  55. >No
  56. >not today
  58. >the Alloy Beast lumbers into your small cave, hollow eyes staring
  59. >it makes a grab at you, but you dodge it and smash your pickaxe into its hand, denting it
  60. >the Monstrosity screams, and you back away in terror through where you came in...
  61. >...out onto the thin bridge between the cliffs, a chasm yawning out below...
  62. >the Forgotten One trundles out after you, and throws a punch
  63. >you fly out over the cliffs, and it misses
  64. >it reaches out at you, but oversteps its balance...
  65. >the beast roars as it plummets into the vast space below, landing unseen with a thud
  66. >but you know it will not stop
  67. >not until you are dead
  68. >you rush inside to your miner's cave
  69. >hurriedly, you pick away, chipping stone after stone off the wall...
  70. >until...
  71. >you strike...
  72. >...soft, loamy soil...
  73. >you've only heard rumors of this substance...
  74. >...could it be?
  75. >you scramble to dig away the dirt, and soon you burst through the wall of substance into open air
  76. >a bright light fills the cave, blinding you
  77. >it's a light so intense, you have to shield your eyes for minutes to adjust, and even then your eyes are sore from such luminosity
  78. >you step out through the gap in the soil...
  80. >you blink
  81. >strange, colourful things flutter throughout the air
  82. >bizarre brown-and-green things tower above you
  83. >the floor is covered with a strange looking moss you've never seen before
  84. >a blue cavern yawns above, with...
  85. >...a gigantic lantern in the center, shining its light among the entire world...
  86. >the warmth of the Skylight fills your entire body, warming it from the inside out
  87. >you...
  88. >you did it...
  89. >you found the Skylight...
  91. >a bellow from the cave underneath you calls you back to reality
  92. >the Bronze Colossus bursts through the soil, showering the surroundings with earth
  93. >you had narrowly escaped the blow, and the horrifying statue looks at you flying about in the air
  94. >the monster leaps into the air, lashing out at you
  95. >it takes hold of you in its cold hooves
  96. >the beast takes you by the forelegs, and slowly begins to stretch you out...
  97. >you are filled with fear
  98. >this is it...
  99. >this is the end...
  101. >...
  102. >...No...
  103. >you flashback to each time your friends died over the past year
  104. >Pondlurkers, traps, spears, botany, wildlife...
  105. >each memory inducing more rage...
  106. >until you remember Salir
  107. >Salir died in the hooves of this very Colossus
  108. >eyes wide, filled with terror, but more importantly...
  109. >...filled with pleading...
  110. >...begging you to find your way to the top, to complete the quest, to return to the Lumni with good news...
  111. >and you fail?
  112. >only now, as you break into the Surface world?
  113. >...No...
  115. >the memory of Salir fills you with rage
  116. >it fills you with strength...
  117. >...and confidence
  118. > get a sudden idea
  119. >you toss the pickaxe you were carrying into the air, catching it with your tongue
  120. >and you stab the statue in a hinge under its head
  121. >it keeps pulling you out, slowly, unreacting
  122. >you start prying, summoning all your tongue muscles
  123. >the Brazen head slowly lifts upward
  124. >one final push will do it...
  125. >you jam the handle of the pick downwards, and the head of the Colossus creaks
  126. >and after a few seconds...
  127. >it pops off
  129. >you are dropped to the ground
  130. >alive
  131. >bruised, beaten, and hurt
  132. >but alive
  133. >you made it
  134. >you did it
  135. >you now need to tell the Lumni that you made a path to the surface
  137. >it will be easy getting back
  138. >avoid the telltale signs of traps, always sneak everywhere, avoid water, fungus, and cave life...
  139. >and all will be fine
  141. ==========================
  143. >you are the ruler of the Lumni
  144. >it has been sixteen months since you have sent the mining party on a quest for the Skylight, and in turn, the Surface
  145. >you glance out of your castle tower window
  146. >a dark army marches toward the gates of the keep, only a matter of hours away, across the twilit plains of the Ghoulsinks
  147. >you lower your head in defeat, and head down to the throneroom below
  148. >your guards are tense as you sit upon the throne
  149. >the doors to the throneroom burst open, and in comes...
  150. >...the young iron miner you sent out to the surface
  151. >she regales you about her tales in the above caverns, about all the dangers, and about the Surface
  152. >the Skylight...
  153. >it IS real...
  154. >you question her about what her name is, curious
  155. >"My name? It is Saturniidae. A common name, I know..."
  157. >"...But we must hurry, my Queen. The Dark Irons military is on it's way. We must flee now, or be destroyed!"
  158. >she is correct
  159. >you order your guards to gather as much of your own military as possible
  160. >if the caves are as dangerous as this young moth says...
  161. >you also tell them to collect as many citizens as they can
  162. >your race must be able to live on above, on the surface
  163. >you are no longer welcome down here
  165. >an hour later, you arrive at the secret passageway, along with fifty armed militia, and twenty-five citizens
  166. >as well as Saturniidae
  167. "You will lead us through the caverns, guiding us all the way to the top. I know it was hard carving out the passageway, as well as seeing all your friends die..."
  168. >you smile at her
  169. "...But today is a glorious day. We will begin the journey to the Surface this day, and we will revel in the luminescence of the Skylight!"
  170. >Saturniidae smiles back, and starts through the passageway, leading a long line of seventy-seven mothponies behind her
  172. ---------------
  174. >Seven months after that blessed day, you recount the times in the caverns from your newly constructed house
  175. >the castle has yet to be built, but this place will do fine
  176. >the Moth citizens have settled in, and built homes for themselves
  177. >your 'caravan', so to speak, had traveled for days after they hit the surface, searching for a suitable location
  178. >this location was located near the bottom of a gigantic mountain
  179. >and in honour of her services, Saturniidae was given goddesship from you, as proof of her magnificent feats she has done, and she now resides in a home carved out for her in the mountain
  180. >she watches over us even now
  182. >you glance out the window of your small hovel
  183. >numerous mothponies are constructing houses and farms, to sustain the kingdom
  184. >you smile, and silently thank Saturniidae
  185. >without her, the Lumen would be dead
  186. "Thank you, Saturniidae...Thank you..."
  188. [END]
  191. Not really too detailed, just a bit of bare-bones framework I came up with [spoiler]after playing Dwarf Fortress for the last 48 hours[/spoiler]
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