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  1. Installation Guide
  2. If you are interested in checking out OpenFISMA really quickly and you do not want to go through the process of installing it or do not have a free server to try it out on, consider using our online demo site (currently inactive). The demo site gives you full administrator access to a working OpenFISMA application. Feel free to try anything. The demo server is wiped once each day so any changes you make will be lost.
  3. Overview
  4. The installation is fairly complicated because there are a lot of different ways to customize your installation, and each Linux distribution may have slightly different tools, file paths, and usernames. It may not be possible for us to document every possible permutation of these variations, but in this document we have tried to be as comprehensive as possible. You will need moderate Linux sysadmin experience to use the advanced install procedure. If you do run into any trouble or if you have any feedback on these instructions or the installation process overall.
  5. Standards and Conventions
  6. Throughout the documentation, filenames, daemons and executables are indicated with a courier font. Command line options and keywords will also be printed with the courier font. Command line options may or may not include the command line prompt and output text from the results of the command. Below is an example running of the Unix pwd command.
  7. # pwd
  8. /usr/share/openfisma (OpenSUSE 12.1)
  9. /var/www/html/openfisma (CentOS 6.5)
  10. Caveats
  11. Please note that the goal of this guide is to get you up and running with OpenFISMA! As such, we have skipped over some of the security hardening that you would ordinarily want to perform in a production environment. We also won't delve into any performance tuning in this guide.
  12. Before You Get Started
  13. This installation process will take several hours, although there are steps that can run unattended for a while so you don't have to be glued to your screen for the next 2 hours.
  14. Here are the items you will need:
  15. • A Linux server. (OpenFISMA runs fine in a VMWare guest.)
  16. • Apache is already installed and you have verified that it works.
  17. • MySQL is already installed and you have verified that it works.
  18. If you are using CentOS 6.5, you will have to configure SELinux:
  19. # Install SELinux config tool.
  20. $ sudo yum install -y policycoreutils-python
  21. # Cehck the current SELinux status
  22. $ sudo sestatus
  23. # Add Solr port (8983) to SELinux policy
  24. $ sudo semanage port –a –t http_port –p tcp 8983
  25. $ reboot
  26. Note1: If your server doesn’t have any swap (e.g. like AWS Linux distro), you may have an error. Make swap and configure SELinux again.
  27. Note2: On CentOS (Red Hat), you may need to configure a firewall for http/https.
  29. Placeholders
  30. In order to simplify the installation across different Linux distributions, we will often use placeholders in this document. Placeholders are words wrapped in angle brackets, like this: <user>. When you see a placeholder, you'll need to replace it with the value of that placeholder which makes sense for your system.
  31. All of the placeholders used in this document are defined in the table below.
  33. Placeholder Fedora / Red Hat / CentOS Debian / Ubuntu OpenSUSE
  34. <group> apache www-data www
  35. <user> apache www-data wwwrun
  37. Step 1 - Get OpenFISMA
  38. Go to the OpenFISMA website and click on the "Download" link on our home page. You'll need to log in to access the download links. Copy the URL for the release you want to download. In this example, I'm going to use "" as my download URL.
  39. $ cd
  40. $ wget
  41. $ tar -xzf OpenFISMA-3.3.0.tgz
  43. # OpenSUSE
  44. $ sudo mv openfisma-3.3.0/ /usr/share/openfisma
  46. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  47. $ sudo mv openfisma-3.3.0 /var/www/html/openfisma
  48. (If you install a different directory, you may need to add the location to SELinux policy)
  49. You can put your installation in a different place if you really want to, but this document is going to assume that you've put it in /usr/share/openfisma.
  50. Step 2 - Configure OpenFISMA environment
  51. OpenFISMA provides search functionality throughout the application. Under the hood, this search functionality is powered by Solr. Solr is an open source search engine created by the Apache Foundation, the same non-profit organization that created the very popular Apache web server. Along with the Solr extension, the OpenFISMA requires a list of extensions installed, described in the PHP Configuration section, to function properly.
  52. Install PHP 5.3.x and Extension Packages
  53. Install the PHP5 extension packages used by OpenFISMA:
  54. # OpenSUSE
  55. $ sudo zypper install -f php5.3.x
  56. $ sudo zypper install php-bcmath php-ctype php-curl php-devel php-dom php-enchant php-fileinfo php-iconv php-json php-ldap php-mbstring php-mysql php-openssl php-pdo php-pear php-sqlite php-tokenizer php-xmlreader php-xmlwriter php-zip php-zlib
  58. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  59. $ sudo yum install php
  60. $ sudo yum install php-bcmath php-ctype php-curl php-devel php-dom php-enchant php-fileinfo php-iconv php-json php-ldap php-mbstring php-mysql php-openssl php-pdo php-pear php-sqlite php-tokenizer php-xmlreader php-xmlwriter php-zip php-zlib
  64. Install libs
  65. # OpenSUSE
  66. $ sudo zypper install gcc
  67. $ sudo zypper install libcurl libcurl-devel pear libxml2-devel pcre-devel
  70. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  71. $ sudo yum install gcc
  72. $ sudo yum install libcurl libcurl-devel pear libxml2-devel pcre-devel
  75. Install JDK
  76. # OpenSUSE
  77. $ sudo zypper install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
  79. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  80. $ sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
  82. Application Configuration
  83. PHP Configuration
  84. Make sure below modules are installed:
  85. php5-mysql, php5-fileinfo, php5-bcmath, php5-imagick, php5-mbstring, php5-ldap, php5-zip, php5-zlib, php5-xmlwriter, php5-xmlreader, php5-tokenizer, php5-openssl, php5-pdo, php5-sqlite, php5-ctype, php5-dom, php5-hash, php5-iconvi
  87. For CentOS, by running the php install commands above, we capture all of the php modules we need.
  89. Apache2 Configuration
  90. # Enable PHP and rewrite modules
  91. $ sudo a2enmod php5
  92. $ sudo a2enmod rewrite
  94. MySQL Configuration
  95. # Add below for forcing to UTF8. It will be a cause of a sql import error.
  96. [mysqld]
  97. init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci'
  98. init_connect='SET NAMES utf8'
  99. character-set-server=utf8
  100. collation-server=utf8_unicode_ci
  101. skip-character-set-client-handshake
  103. Create an account and database for OpenFISMA
  104. $ mysql –h localhost –u root
  105. mysql> create database openfisma;
  106. mysql> create user ‘openfisma’@’localhost’ identified by ‘<StrongPassword>’;
  107. mysql> grant all on *.* TO 'openfisma'@localhost with grant option;
  108. mysql> flush privileges;
  109. mysql> exit;
  111. Install APC extension for PHP
  112. # OpenSUSE
  113. $ sudo pear install pecl/APC
  114. (answer: all as "no")
  116. $ sudo touch /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
  117. $ sudo vi /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
  118. #Add below
  120. apc.shm_size=128M
  121. apc.stat=0
  122. apc.rfc1867=1
  123. apc.write_lock=1
  124. apc.slam_defense=0
  127. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  128. $ pecl install APC-3.1.6
  129. (Answer no to all the question or add -a option)
  130. $ sudo touch /etc/php.d/apc.ini
  131. $ sudo vi /etc/php.d/apc.ini
  132. #Add below
  134. apc.shm_size=128M
  135. apc.stat=0
  136. apc.rfc1867=1
  137. apc.write_lock=1
  138. apc.slam_defense=0
  140. Install solr extension for PHP
  141. # OpenSUSE
  142. $ sudo pear install pecl/solr
  143. (answer: /usr/local)
  144. $ sudo touch /etc/php5/conf.d
  145. $ sudo vi /etc/php5/conf.d
  146. # Add below
  149. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  150. $ sudo pear install pecl/solr
  151. (answer: /usr/local)
  152. $ sudo touch /etc/php.d/solr.ini
  153. $ sudo vi /etc/php.d/solr.ini
  156. Configure openfisma_solr
  157. # OpenSUSE
  158. # Copy Solr module
  159. $ sudo cp /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/rpm/openfima_solr_suse /etc/init.d/openfisma_solr
  161. $ sudo vi /etc/init.d/openfisma_solr
  162. LOG_FILE="/usr/share/openfisma/data/logs/solr.log"
  164. $ sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/openfisma_solr
  165. $ sudo systemctl apache2 start
  166. $ sudo systemctl mysql start
  167. $ sudo systemctl openfisma_solr start
  168. (status, restart and stop are available)
  170. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  171. # Copy Solr module
  172. $ sudo cp /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/rpm/openfisma_solr_rhel /etc/init.d/openfisma_solr
  173. $ sudo vi /etc/init.d/openfisma_solr
  174. SOLR_DIR=/var/www/html/openfisma/library/Solr
  175. LOG_FILE=/var/www/html/openfisma/data/logs/solr.log
  176. $ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/openfisma_solr
  178. # Start apache2, MySQL and openfisma_solr
  179. $ sudo service apache2 start
  180. $ sudo service mysql start
  181. $ sudo service openfisma_solr start
  182. (status, restart and stop are available)
  185. Step 3 - Configure OpenFISMA
  186. This guide assumes you are using MySQL and that it is already installed and working properly. If you have just installed mysql, you should set a password for the root account.
  187. Next we need to create the configuration file renaming the database.ini.template to application.ini and editing it.
  188. # OpenSUSE
  189. $ cd /usr/share/openfisma/application/config/
  190. $ cp database.ini.template database.ini
  191. $ vi database.ini
  192. # Edit below section
  193. db.adapter = mysql
  194. = localhost
  195. db.port = 3306
  196. db.username = openfisma
  197. db.password = <StrongPassword>
  198. db.schema = openfisma
  201. # CentOS
  202. $ cd /var/www/html/openfisma/application/config
  203. $ cd database.ini.template database.ini
  204. $ vi database.ini
  205. # Edit below section
  206. db.adapter = mysql
  207. = localhost
  208. db.port = 3306
  209. db.username = openfisma
  210. db.password = <StrongPassword>
  211. db.schema = openfisma
  213. Several files and directories need to be writeable for OpenFISMA to function properly. To accomplish this we will run the following commands.
  214. # OpenSUSE
  215. $ sudo chown -R wwwrun:www /usr/share/openfisma
  216. $ sudo find /usr/share/openfisma -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
  217. $ sudo find /usr/share/openfisma -type f -exec chmod 775 {} \;
  220. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  221. $ sudo chown -R apache:apache /usr/share/openfisma
  222. $ sudo find /var/www/html/openfisma -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
  223. $ sudo find /var/www/html/openfisma -type f -exec chmod 775 {} \;
  225. Now we should be ready to build the database. This command will create the database and all the tables as well as create the administrator (``root``) account in the system:
  226. # OpenSUSE
  227. $> sudo -u wwwrun php /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/doctrine.php –b
  229. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  230. $> sudo –u apache php /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/doctrine.php -b
  232. Or, if you would like to have OpenFISMA populate the application with some sample data, run this command instead:
  233. # OpenSUSE
  234. $ sudo -u wwwrun php /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/doctrine.php –bs
  236. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  237. $ sudo –u apache php /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/doctrine.php –bs
  240. If you need an additional sample data. You can use below commands.
  241. # OpenSUSE
  242. $ sudo -u wwwrun /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-users.php -n 100
  244. $ sudo -u wwwrun /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-systems.php -n 100
  246. $ sudo -u wwwrun /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-findings.php -n 100
  248. $ sudo -u wwwrun /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-incidents.php -n 100
  250. $ sudo -u wwwrun /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-vulnerabilities.php -n 100
  253. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  254. $ sudo -u apache /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-users.php -n 100
  256. $ sudo -u apache /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-systems.php -n 100
  258. $ sudo -u apache /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-findings.php -n 100
  260. $ sudo -u apache /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-incidents.php -n 100
  262. $ sudo -u apache /var/www/html/openfisma/scripts/bin/generate-vulnerabilities.php -n 100
  265. To rebuild index, you can use below command. –a: means all
  266. # OpenSUSE
  267. #sudo -u wwwrun /usr/share/scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -a
  269. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  270. #sudo -u apache /var/www/html/scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -a
  273. Or rebuild index seperately:
  274. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Asset
  275. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Finding
  276. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Incident
  277. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m IrSubCategory
  278. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m IrWorkflowDef
  279. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Network
  280. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Organization
  281. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m OrganizationType
  282. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Product
  283. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Role
  284. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m SecurityControl
  285. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m SecurityControlCatal
  286. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Source
  287. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m System
  288. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m SystemDocument
  289. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m SystemType
  290. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m User
  291. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m Vulnerability
  292. sudo -u wwwrun ./scripts/bin/rebuild-index.php -m VulnerabilityResolut
  295. Step 4 - Configure the Webserver
  296. FIPS 140-2 Compliance
  297. SSL configuration for OpenFISMA is outside the scope of this installation manual. If your installation needs to comply with FIPS 140-2, the following directive must be added to your global Apache configuration:
  299. For OpenFISMA to function correctly the apache rewrite module must be enabled. Enabling the rewrite module varies on each linux operating system, the commands below are known to work for Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, SLES, and Fedora. Apache will need to be restarted before this change will take effect.
  300. # a2enmod rewrite
  301. # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart OR /etc/init.d/httpd restart [Depending on OS Version]
  302. Next you will need to provide Apache a configuration file for OpenFISMA. Configuration files vary from operating system, some versions of apache have a conf.d directory while others have a vhost directory. You will need to figure out the correct placement of this file for your operating system. The binary installation method will take care of this for you. We have provided an example configuration file for you below.
  303. Example Apache Configuration File
  304. # Virtual Host for serving access to OpenFISMA
  305. <VirtualHost *:80>
  308. # Hostname and port that the server uses to identify itself
  309. # ServerName fully-qualified-domain-name[:port]
  310. ServerName
  312. # Instructs apache to remove Trace and Track messages from the
  313. # header response.
  314. RewriteEngine on
  315. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRAC(E|K)
  316. RewriteRule .* - [F]
  317. TraceEnable off
  318. UseCanonicalName On
  320. # Sets the Document Root for apache to serve files
  321. DocumentRoot "/usr/share/openfisma/public"
  323. # Sets the permissions on the document root directory
  324. <Directory "/usr/share/openfisma/public">
  325. <LimitExcept GET POST>
  326. deny from all
  327. </LimitExcept>
  328. Order allow,deny
  329. allow from all
  331. # Allow Options and php_admin flags to be specified in .htaccess
  332. # files which override any settings defined here
  333. AllowOverride FileInfo Options Indexes
  335. # Instructs Apache to (1) follow symbolic links if owners match
  336. # (required for RewriteEngine), (2) not list directory contents,
  337. # (3) not follow symbolic links, (4) disables server side includes,
  338. # (5) disables content negotiation, and (6) disables execution of
  339. # CGI scripts
  342. </Directory>
  344. <IfModule mod_php5.c>
  345. # Disables allow_url_fopen
  346. php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen Off
  347. # Disables allow_url_include
  348. php_admin_flag allow_url_include Off
  349. # Enable PHP stealth mode
  350. php_admin_flag expose_php Off
  351. </IfModule>
  353. </VirtualHost>
  355. For CentOS 6.5 if you want to running SSL….
  357. CentOS puts files into /etc/httpd, including the conf directory which contains httpd.conf, conf.d which contains ssl.conf, logs, modules, and run.
  359. If you need to install a self-signed certificate (necessary for an OpenFISMA server using a private IP), following the steps on this website:
  363. Unless you are running selinux, stop after copying the files into their appropriate directories.
  365. Otherwise, if you already have the appropriate certificate files, adjust the appropriate entries in the ssl.conf file below, and make sure they are placed in the /etc/pki/tls directories, according to type:
  366. .pem goes into /etc/pki/tls
  367. .crt goes into /etc/pki/tls/certs
  368. .key goes into /etc/pki/tls
  369. .csr goes into /etc/pki/tls/private
  371. In the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, you will need to change the ServerName, and under the first <Directory /> in the file make sure it’s like this:
  373. <Directory />
  374. AllowOverride None FileInfo Options Indexes
  375. Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -Indexes -FollowSymLinks -Includes -Multiviews -ExecCGI
  376. <LimitExcept GET POST>
  377. deny from all
  378. </LimitExcept>
  379. </Directory>
  381. Make sure to remove any other references to AllowOverride, and Options. The above should be the only ones in the httpd.conf file. For example, there are the default Directory settings (first in the httpd.conf file) and then after that Directory settings for /var/www/html. At least make them consistent. If you attempt to log in later to OpenFISMA and get an error of something like “path not found: /auth/login” these settings are the problem.
  383. In the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file, for <VirtualHost default:443> make sure it includes this:
  385. DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/openfisma/public"
  386. ServerName
  387. RewriteEngine on
  388. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRAC(E|K)
  389. RewriteRule .* - [F]
  390. UseCanonicalName On
  391. <IfModule mod_php5.c>
  392. # Disables allow_url_fopen
  393. php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen Off
  394. # Disables allow_url_include
  395. php_admin_flag allow_url_include Off
  396. # Enable PHP stealth mode
  397. php_admin_flag expose_php Off
  398. </IfModule>
  400. Then restart httpd:
  402. $ sudo service httpd restart
  405. SSL Configuration
  406. We strongly urge you to configure SSL on your server. In fact, OpenFISMA prevents you from logging in over an insecure (non-SSL connection). However, if you do not configure SSL on your server, then you will need to edit the following line in your OpenFISMA application/conf/application.ini file:
  407. resources.session.cookie_secure = false
  408. The default value is "true", but by changing it to "false" you are telling OpenFISMA to let users log in over unsecure connections.
  410. Step 5 - Re-Index Content
  411. Whenever you change backends, you will need to re-index all of your content. You should shut down your web server while you do this to prevent conflict with any users. Re-indexing can take several hours depending on the amount of data you have.
  412. OpenFISMA includes two tools for modifying indexes from the command line under openfisma/scripts/bin directory:
  413. 1. delete-index.php
  414. 2. rebuild-index.php
  415. Step 6 - Configure Cron
  416. OpenFISMA requires two cron jobs to be run on different intervals for Email notifications, caching, and indexing.
  417. To edit your crontab file run:
  418. # OpenSUE
  419. $ sudo -u wwwrun crontab –e
  422. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  423. $ sudo –u apache crontab -e
  425. This will launch your default editor upon your crontab file (creating it if necessary). When you save the file and quit your editor it will be installed into the system unless it is found to contain errors. Now enter the following:
  426. # Flush email notification queue once every minute
  427. * * * * * php /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/notify.php >> /var/log/openfisma.log
  429. # Enable OpenFISMA Overdue alerts daily
  430. @daily php /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/bin/ecd_notifier.php >> /var/log/openfisma.log
  431. NOTE: Be sure the change the directory to the correct location of the files, for example you may have OpenFISMA installed in another directory.
  433. Specific Notes for Version 3.1.x
  434. In this release of OpenFISMA we've consolidated all cron jobs into one background task which will run every minute and spawn all additional processes. We recommend editing your existing cron job to run the new background task every minute. We've included a new cron job for you in /scripts/rpm/ named openfisma_cron. You may either copy this file over to your cron directory or edit your crontab manually.
  436. # remove existing crontab
  437. $ sudo crontab -u wwwrun -r
  438. # copy new cron configuration for openfisma
  439. $ cp /usr/share/openfisma/scripts/rpm/openfisma_cron /etc/cron.d/openfisma
  441. Step 7 - Log into OpenFISMA
  442. If you use CenOS (Red Hat), you need to replace a hardcoded path below files.
  443. /var/www/html/openfisma/application/Bootstrap.php:
  444. 264: 'File' => array('basePath' => '/usr/share/openfisma'),
  445. /var/www/html/openfisma/public/.htaccess:
  446. 83: php_flag error_log /usr/share/openfisma/data/logs/php_error.log
  447. /var/www/html/openfisma/public/ (This is for production mode)
  448. 6: cd /usr/share/openfisma/public/
  450. You should now be able to log in to OpenFISMA. User account is below. If you install sample data, you can find out a couple user account and password from below file.
  451. # OpenSUSE
  452. $ cat /usr/share/openfisma/application/doctrine/data/sample/User.yml
  453. # CentOS (Red Hat)
  454. $ cat /usr/share/openfisma/application/doctrine/data/sample/User.yml
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