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Jan 15th, 2018
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  1. import numpy as np
  2. from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
  3. import pandas as pd
  4. from pandas import DataFrame
  5. import as pdr
  6. import pymysql, dbCredentials
  7. from openpyxl import load_workbook
  9. class Stock:
  10. def __init__(self, SYMBOL, testShare):
  11. self.symbol = SYMBOL
  12. self.dfData = prepareFundamentalStatistics(self.symbol, printFile=True)
  13. self.X_train, self.y_train, self.X_test, self.y_test, self.scalar = trainAndTestData(self.dfData, testShare)
  15. def fetchFromDB(SYMBOL, dbTable='fundamantaltbl'):
  16. # The fundamental data is fetched from an external database
  17. conn = pymysql.connect(
  18. user=dbCredentials.user,
  19. password=dbCredentials.password,
  21. port=3306,
  22. database='innodb')
  23. cur = conn.cursor()
  25. insert_stmt = "SELECT DATE, TYPE, VALUE FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE SYMBOL=%(SYMBOL)s"
  26. #print("insert_stmt: ", insert_stmt)
  27. cur.execute(insert_stmt, {'SYMBOL': SYMBOL})
  28. field_names = [i[0] for i in cur.description]
  29. get_data = [xx for xx in cur]
  30. cur.close()
  31. conn.close()
  32. df = DataFrame(get_data, index=[x[0] for x in get_data])
  33. df.columns = field_names
  34. df.sort_index(inplace=True)
  35. return df
  37. def writeToFile(df, workbook, worksheet):
  38. # Method writes a DataFrame to a specified worksheet in a Excel-workbook
  39. try:
  40. book = load_workbook(workbook) # Try to open an existing file
  41. with pd.ExcelWriter(workbook, engine='openpyxl') as writer:
  42. = book
  43. writer.sheets = dict((ws.title, ws) for ws in book.worksheets)
  44. df.to_excel(writer, worksheet) # Append the dataframe
  46. except:
  47. df.to_excel(workbook, worksheet) # If the file does not exist a new file is created
  49. def fcff(cfo, intexp, taxrate, capex):
  50. return cfo + intexp * (1.0 - taxrate) + capex
  52. def wacc(de_ratio, k_debt=0.05, k_equity=0.12, tax_rate=0.3):
  53. weight_equity = 1.0 / (de_ratio + 1.0)
  54. return (1 - weight_equity) * k_debt * (1 - tax_rate) + weight_equity * k_equity
  56. def dcf(cf, growth, dr):
  57. #Growth rate is a scalar
  58. if (np.size(growth) == 1):
  59. return (cf * (1 + growth) / (dr - growth)) / (1 + dr)
  60. # Growth rate is an array
  61. pvCF, term_value = 0, 0
  62. for i in range(0, len(growth)):
  63. cf = cf * (1 + growth[i])
  64. if (i == len(growth) - 1):
  65. term_value = cf * (1 + growth[i]) / (dr - growth[i])
  66. pvCF = pvCF + (cf + term_value) / (1.0 + dr)**(i+1)
  67. return pvCF
  69. def getDfPrice(stocklist, start_date, end_date, type='Close'):
  70. df = pdr.get_data_yahoo(stocklist, start_date, end_date)
  71. #df = pdr.DataReader(stocklist, start=start_date, end=end_date)
  72. df = DataFrame(df[type].values, columns=[stocklist],
  73. #print("df.index:", df.index, ", df.columns: ", df.columns)
  74. return df
  76. def prepareFundamentalStatistics(symbol, printFile=True):
  78. dfFund = fetchFromDB(symbol, dbTable='fundamentaltbl') # Fetch fundamental data from database
  79. datesFund = dfFund.ix[:, 'DATE'].unique() # The unique dates
  80. dfPrice = getDfPrice(symbol, datesFund[0], datesFund[-1], type='Close') # Fetch the price data from Yahoo Finance
  82. # Prepare fundamental data values for the analysis
  83. rev = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'REV')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  84. ni = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'NI')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  85. ebt = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'EBT')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  86. cfo = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'CFO')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  87. intexp = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'INTEX')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  88. capex = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'CAPEX')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  89. wash = dfFund[(dfFund['TYPE'] == 'WASH')].ix[:, 'VALUE'].values
  91. # For every price-date sum over 4 previous quarters and calulate the key ratios based on the current price
  92. dfTemp = DataFrame(np.column_stack((rev, ni, fcff(np.array(cfo), np.array(intexp),
  93. np.divide(np.array(ebt) - np.array(ni), np.array(ebt)),
  94. np.array(capex)))), index=datesFund,
  95. columns=['REV', 'NI', 'FCFF'])
  96. # Annualize the fundamental data and remove the first 3 quarters
  97. dfTemp = DataFrame.rolling(dfTemp, window=4, min_periods=4, center=False).sum()[3:]
  98. dfTemp['WASH'] = wash[3:] # Add weighted average number of shares as the last column
  100. # Calculate and save the fundamental
  101. count = 0
  102. output2 = np.array([])
  103. dfPriceGrowth = dfPrice.pct_change(periods=1)
  105. price_start = 0
  106. for i in range(1, len(dfPrice.index)):
  107. output = np.array(dfTemp.iloc[dfTemp.index <= dfPrice.index[i]].iloc[-1:].values)
  108. if (output.size > 0):
  109. if (count==0):
  110. price_start = i
  111. count += 1
  112. price = dfPrice.iloc[i].values
  113. priceGrowth = round(dfPriceGrowth.iloc[i], 4)
  114. marketCap = price * output[-1][-1]
  115. output2 = np.append(output2, priceGrowth)
  116. output2 = np.append(output2, np.round(np.divide(marketCap, output[-1][:-1]), 2))
  118. # Assign the Class variable
  119. dfData = DataFrame(np.reshape(output2, (count, 4)),
  120. index=dfPriceGrowth[dfPriceGrowth.index >= dfPriceGrowth.index[price_start]].index,
  121. columns=['Price_delta', 'P/S', 'P/E', 'P/FCFF'])
  122. if (printFile == True):
  123. writeToFile(dfData, symbol + '.xlsx', 'python_output')
  125. return dfData
  127. def trainAndTestData(dfData, trainShare=0.8):
  128. # Prepare Train and Test data by splitting the data set in two parts by trainShare variable
  129. n_train = round(dfData.shape[0] * trainShare) # The total number of rows multiplied by the training share
  130. X = dfData.iloc[:,:].values
  132. # Normalize the dataset
  133. scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
  134. print("scaler: ", scaler)
  135. X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
  137. X = X[0:-1,:] # Remove the last row
  138. y = dfData.iloc[:, 0].values
  139. y = y[1:] # Remove the first row, since the y variables should be forward looking
  140. X_train, y_train = X[:n_train,:], y[:n_train]
  141. X_test, y_test = X[n_train:,:], y[n_train:]
  143. # Reshape input X to 3D format [samples, timesteps, features]
  144. X_train = X_train.reshape((X_train.shape[0], 1, X_train.shape[1]))
  145. X_test = X_test.reshape((X_test.shape[0], 1, X_test.shape[1]))
  147. return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, scaler
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