
STRIFE// Verela Sekkao

Jul 17th, 2011
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  1. Aluminum Bat || Crit-A-Cola || Diamond Ring = The Diamond Devil 8a77rUp A strong metal bat that has red diamonds forming spikes at the end. Along the side of the bat is the word BONK in red letters. This is a close range melee weapon that can also reflect projectiles it hits back. Reflected projectiles also become stronger. It is quite durable, so it is a defensive and an offensive weapon.
  3. Bonk! Atomic Punch && Crit-A-Cola || The Ambassador = The Sugar Rush 5ug4rplz A lightweight revolver with a long barrel. Capable of firing 6 shots of it's radio-active in a matter of seconds, this gun is quite the speed devil. Although it chews through ammunition, it's shots are quick and often difficult to dodge. Using this weapon also makes the user a little quicker as well, but a little twitchy. Extended use of this weapon can often lead to the user passing out. It's bullets can also cause severe damage if left in the wounds. Engraved on the side of the barrel there is a picture of Verela's Ancestor.
  5. Bonk! Atomic Punch || Baseball Cleats = Sonic Slippers Cnth17m3 A pair of mismatching red and blue baseball cleats with yellow trim. The back of the cleats have the Bonk! Emblem on them. The toes of the cleats are steel plated. The wearer of these cleats is granted a slight speed boost while running. They also allow the wearer to do a second jump mid-air.
  7. The Sugar Rush || Artful Dodgers = The Speed Demons 63n7lm3n A pair of mismatching red and blue, lightweight revolvers with long barrels. On the red one there is an image of Verela's Ancestor etched in on the side with the BONK! symbol on the bottom of the handle. On the blue there is a wonderful image of Miss Scanty and a little demonic wings symbol on the same position. They both fire off slightly radio-active bullets at a shocking speed. Being demonic weapons though they don't use ammunition or gunpowder. When used together they make the user incredibly skilled with speed and dodging, but only together. They also turn into a pair of red and blue lingerie, with the respective symbols on them, when not in use or when they are out of Verela (or anyone who she gives them to)'s use. They have a side effect of jitteryness and fainting from overuse.
  9. The Speed Demons || Zippo Lighter = Hell Fire Flintlocks 50h0t88y A pair of red, light weight flintlock revolvers with orange details. On the side fire is etched in with a small demon symbol. On the bottom they have demonic wing and tail symbols. Both of them have item duality that transform them into a pair of red panties with fire on them, demon wing decals on the backsides when not in use or when not in her (or someone she allows to have) possesion. They fire of either Fire or radioactive bullets, depending on Verela's rage levels. Being demonic weapons they don't use ammunition or gunpowder. When used together they make the user a better dodge and faster, but ONLY when together. There is a side effect of jitteryness, and eventually fainting from overuse.
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