
School Yard Shorts: Fast Times at Ponyville Schoolhouse

May 1st, 2017
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  1. It was graduation day and Cheerilee was proud of herself. Looking over her soft curves in the mirror in her bathroom she jiggled the soft belly that hung low underneath her and spanked her round ass a few times. The students she had eaten over the school year had added to her figure little by little but it was apparently the combined efforts of the Cutie Mark Crusaders that really vaulted her from being pleasantly plump to amazingly ample in all the right spots. Though her student body wasn’t the reason why she was proud, it was because she had managed to keep from eating least one student, Silver Spoon; as tasty as these her little ponies were she couldn’t very well call herself a teacher if she did at least have one student graduate.
  3. “Next year, I think I will double the class size,” Cheerilee said, leaving her bathroom and getting ready for the ceremony.
  5. It was graduation day and Silver Spoon was furious. Ears down and trying to kill anyone with her glaring and huffing she marched around her house getting ready for the graduation ceremony. She couldn’t believe that those Cutie Mark “Goof”saders got themselves gobbled up by Miss Cheerilee before she could, it wasn’t hard to figure out either, Cheerilee was still digesting them when Silver Spoon was over her feather flu and came in the next day. That angered the filly more than anything, not only did they experience the bliss of being gobbled up and gurgled into belly pudge they were such good meals they kept her nourished and full for days after.
  7. “I hate this! I’m so sick of being denied!” Silver Spoon exclaimed, throwing her hair brush to the floor in anger, “If Miss Cheerilee won’t recognize me for the meal that I want to be then I’ll just have to do something drastic!”
  9. The Schoolhouse was mostly quiet, the family’s of the students who were nothing but fat on Cheerilee’s ass were absent themselves, save the extended family of Silver Spoon. Mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all were in attendance to watch one of the family graduate. The stage was decorated with stars, glittering gold, and a huge back drop filled with every students signature and a message to Miss Cheerilee about what a great teacher she was. Cheerilee walked on stage dressed in faculty regalia and diploma in hoof taking her place at the podium while a sparse sound applause echoed across the mostly empty hall.
  11. “I would like to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you for attending this ceremony, it has certainly been an interesting school year!” Cheerilee began
  13. Silver Spoon was dressed prime and proper for the occasion, her little robe hung off her and her tassel hung just to the side of her field of vision. Brow furrowed she scrapped her hoof twice against the ground, readying herself to charge as soon as Miss Cheerilee called her onto stage.
  15. “This is gonna happen one way or another you predatory bitch,” Silver Spoon muttered.
  17. “Without further ado, I present you with our only graduate this year, Silver Spoon!” Cheerilee called, her hoof pointing stage right.
  19. Just like that Silver Spoon was off, breaking into a full gallop she bopped graduation cap off her head and caught it in her teeth before slinging it al Cheerilee’s head, the teaching mare ducking as the cap flew over head. The family in the audience gasped in surprise and fright at Silver Spoons outburst but she wasn’t through yet. Pulling her graduation cloak off, Silver spoon spread the head opening wide and put Cheerilee’s muzzle through it, draping the rest of the garment across the mare’s head and body.
  21. “You want something good? Eat this!” Silver Spoon yelled.
  23. Silver Spoon’s family got front row seats as they watched Silver Spoon spread her teachers jaws and thrust her body in, half of their precious little filly disappearing before their very eyes, a wet glurk marking her entrance into Cheerilee’s throat. Cheerilee was equal parts confuse and surprised by the act, learning her lesson from Scootaloo’s over exuberance, Cheerilee relaxed her throat and let that struggling little filly do the work.
  25. Warmly hugged on all side by soft fleshy throat, Silver Spoon dragged herself forward, wiggling her slender hips into Cheerilee’s already drooling mouth before anyone could think to stop her from achieving her destiny. The throat offered no constriction and posed no resistance as her cutie mark vanished from sight, leaving only her little hind hooves outside. Cheerilee couldn’t up but sneak a taste, as wrong as it was, and was satisfied to find that Diamond Tiara’s little crony was twice the tasty morsel she ever was, soft tasty honey suckle coat with a oat pie tail. Cheerilee couldn’t help herself and slurped up that tail like it were a noodle.
  27. Silver Spoon’s family was already going for the stage when a soft gulp turned the bulge of their little filly in a bulge in her teacher middle. Dashing up the steps the mother and father set their hooves on Cheerilee’s belly and jiggled it from side to side.
  29. “Silver Spoon! Silver Spoon! Oh Celestia! Can you hear me sweety are you okay?” the mother exclaimed, placing her face to the soft flesh and caressing it.
  31. Silver Spoon heard everything, surrounded in darkness and feeling warmth all around her and knowing this was what she had been wishing for her whole short life, she was more than “okay” she was elated to leave everything behind and be digested into ass fat for Miss Cheerilee. Silver Spoon said nothing and settled in the stomach like the good meal she was.
  33. Cheerilee finally managed to get that accursed gown off her head and saw the whole family gathered around her filly filled gut, asking a myriad of question to Silver Spoon.
  35. “Cheerilee, you spit my daughter out right now, do you hear me?!” the father demanded, pointing to the groaning belly holding her daughter.
  37. “I-I’ll try, but I’ll need you to keep doing what you’re doing,” Cheerilee said.
  39. Dutifully, the family took their turns patting, stroking, caressing, rubbing, shaking and prodding her belly, unknowingly helping the digestion of their little girl along. Silver Spoon felt her skin going numb, her body taking on a goopy, almost gelatinous look as the shifting from side to side, the rubbing from the top and sides helped break her body down for processing. Cheerilee burped every couple of minutes, the taste of Silver Spoon accompanying each expulsion until an ominous gurgle made the family stop and look at Cheerilee.
  41. Cheerilee, felt something rising, her throat swelling with a presence as it traced it’s way back up to her mouth. The family’s eyes lit up certain that their Silver Spoon would come from that mouth, but that hope faded when Cheerilee let out a thick and wet belch launching Silver Spoon’s glasses and necklace pass the crowd and landing on the floor.
  43. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  45. The new school year had come, unfortunately Cheerilee didn’t get what she asked for, her class had more students in it, the count now up to 12. After gorging herself on her students and only getting one to graduate before that student too went mad and made herself a meal to Cheerilee, the teaching mare took a few classes on self control to keep her appetite in check around her students. Cheerilee’s teaching chair was replaced with one fashioned with magic infused rock crystals, wide enough to hold her prodigious rump as it squished outwards in the seat from the weight she had failed to lose over the summer.
  47. Watching filly and colt pile into her classroom she saw one little colt stop and stare at her in awe for a minute only blushing slightly and retreating when Cheerilee looked at him waved and gave him a warm smile. She knew that look, and it was one that made her mouth water.
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