
All the ponies in this town are CRAZY!-The Twilight Zone

Dec 14th, 2012
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  1. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  2. >And you are a very naughty pony
  3. "Oh Anon, please forgive me for being tardy. I'll do anything-eep!"
  4. >Your seductive voice is cut off by the sound of the paddle striking your flank
  5. >"Oh"
  6. >*SPANK*
  7. "A<3N<3O<3N"
  8. >You spin around and straddle your legs around his waste
  9. "Or maybe you prefer the strict librarian Twilight Sparkle, hmm?"
  10. >A purple glow surrounds your mane as it turns into a bun, a ruler and glasses flying over to you
  11. >You place the edge of the ruler under his chin and whisper his punishment into his ears
  12. >You start grinding on him
  13. >"What's that Anon? The neoclassical era is your favorite part of Equestrian history too? Oh Anon, I knew we were perfect for each other!"
  14. >You put your lips on his when the door slams open
  16. >"No Twilight! I didn't see you playing with your dolls again! But it's important!"
  17. >You sigh and jump off the life size My Little Human doll that you've glued a picture of Anon's face to
  18. "Unless Ponyville is about to be destroyed nothing is more important than my research Spike."
  19. >You magically slam the door shut take the doll into your arms
  20. "No where were we?"
  21. >You can still hear Spike from behind the door, who appears to be walking downstairs
  22. >"Okay Twilight. I guess I'll tell the naked sweaty Anon to go away, you’re too busy for him."
  23. >Poor Spike, but if he hadn't been in the way he wouldn't have been stepped on
  24. >You open the door to see Anon standing there in his nude glory
  25. >He wraps his arms around your neck
  26. >"Oh Twilight, you have no idea how happy I am to see you."
  27. >You've had wet dreams that start this way
  28. "Anon? Wha-wha-what are you doing here?"
  29. >Smooth Twilight
  30. >No problems, you have a checklist for situations like this
  31. >First thing is to OCELESTIA HE'S TOUCHING YOUR FACE
  32. >"Twilight, are you okay? You seem so warm. And your face is flushed."
  33. "I'M FINE!"
  34. >You start rubbing your hooves together and looking anywhere but Anon
  35. >'Oh Twilight, you don't need to hide your feelings from me."
  36. "Really Anon?"
  37. >You wrap your forearms around him
  38. "I'm so happy that you know."
  39. >He picks you up and craddles you in his arms
  40. >"Let’s get you into bed."
  42. >"I mean, you really shouldn't be out if you have a fever."
  43. >Wut
  44. >"You okay Spike?"
  45. >"Yeah, no problems."
  46. >"Great, could you get Twilight some water? I need to take her to her room."
  47. >Okay, not what you wanted but once he's in your room you can seduce him
  48. >The room covered in your sex toys
  49. >With the My Little Human doll on the bed
  50. >"Twilight, you look like you're about to throw up. Let me take care of you"
  51. >At that you start to drift off into your happy place, snuggling against his naked body
  52. >He smells like he's been in orgy of stallions
  53. >You can see him being held down as a group of stallions have there way with him
  54. >His face contorting with shame and ecstasy
  55. >Those thoughts are driving you wild, your thighs grinding against one another
  56. "Let’s not go to my room Anon! It's a mess. Why don't we-"
  57. >His finger is touching your lips
  58. >You start to put it into your mouth when he removes it to open the door
  59. >The floor is covered by your research apparatus
  60. >And by research apparatus you mean your sextoys
  61. >Dildos, ball gags, beads, silk bindings, a ginger root, blindfolds, hoof cuffs, horn polish, some costumes, paddles, a riding crop
  62. >You really need to get laid
  63. >The good news is that in your commotion to get downstairs the My Little Human doll has fallen under your bed
  64. >But a leg is sticking out, and if examines there is no way you can leave with your dignity intact
  65. "I can explain, see "
  66. >Again his finger cuts you off
  67. >There's another pair of lips you wish it was touching instead
  68. >He pushes some of your toys off the bed and tucks you under the covers
  69. >Your face scrunches up in worry as he looks around the room
  70. >"Twilight, what is all this stuff?"
  71. "Ummmm, I use it in, er, my, uh, experiments! Yeah!"
  72. >You attempt to laugh the question off ends in a groan as he picks up your favorite ball gag
  73. >"And this is?"
  74. >You snatch it out of his hands and put it behind you back
  75. >No problems Sparkle, you can handle this
  76. "That is a spherical oral restraint intended to reduce one's capabilities to communicate"
  77. >His look of confusion gives you hope that he'll drop the subject
  78. >"Could you show me?"
  79. >OH COME ON
  80. >"For me?"
  81. "Anything for you Anon"
  82. >Dammit Sparkle show some back bone
  83. >You levitate the gag into your mouth and wrap the straps around your head.
  84. "Lffk vis ee?"
  85. >"What do you need it for?"
  86. "Ve trfht vis fft i wvve ue"
  87. >He takes the gag off around your neck and starts running his fingers through your hair
  88. >"Never mind Twilight. You're face is so flushed that you obviously need to rest now.
  89. >Whew
  90. >"But first I have a very important question to ask you."
  91. >He drops to one knee beside the bed and looks directly into your eyes
  92. >This can't be happening
  93. >This can't be happening
  94. >OhmyCelestia it's happening
  95. >"Twilight"
  96. 'Yes!?"
  97. >"Will you"
  98. "YES!?"
  99. >"Tell me the fastest way to get to Fluttershy's cottage without being seen in town?"
  100. "YES I WILL MAR-huh?"
  101. >"Thanks Twilight. I can't afford to be seen in town. It turns out some ponies actually
  102. >He motions for you to lean in so he can whisper it to you
  103. >"Want to have sex with me? Can you believe it?"
  104. "Yeah, heheh, I can, I mean, you know, what a shock."
  105. >Your ears drop as you scoot deeper under the covers
  106. >You use your magic to scoot the doll a little more under the bed
  107. >"I suppose you can cut through Sweet Apple Acres, and that will take you to the cottage without being seen."
  108. >He wraps his arms around you again
  109. >"Thank you Twilight, you have no idea how great a friend you are to me or how much I care about you."
  110. >Your voice drops to a whisper
  111. "Not as much as I care about you"
  112. >You must be sick after all
  113. >Sweat is running from your forehead
  114. >And your eyes
  115. >Anon kisses you on the horn and heads out the door
  116. >"Goodbye Twilight, I'll check in on you once this all boils down."
  117. "Bye"
  118. >You can barely hear yourself
  119. "I love you"
  120. You bury your head under the covers and wait for the world to stop hurting
  121. >Or you would if Spike hadn't just ripped them off you
  122. >You roll to the side to avoid looking at him
  123. "Go away Spike. I'm sick."
  124. >You bury your head under some pillows, but don't hear him walking away.
  125. >"Twilight Sparkle. The man of your dreams just drops unexpectedly on your door stop NAKED and you're letting him get away!"
  126. "Spike, I don't feel like talking."
  127. >"What about that checklist you keep saying would seduce him? Or the plan to take him to dinner? Or at least you could have used plan "Linguini”-
  128. "SPIKE! We said never to talk about that one."
  129. >"All I'm saying Twilight is that there are other ponies out there after YOUR man."
  130. "But Spike,"
  131. >"Do you love him?"
  132. "OF COURSE I DO!"
  133. >At this point you’re standing on the bed, looking out the balcony, watching Anon's naked body running as fast as he can
  134. >"And are you gonna let some other pony take YOUR man?"
  135. >You turn around to Spike to argue, but see the look of determination in his eyes
  136. >You whisper
  137. "No."
  138. >"What was that? I can't hear you?"
  139. >With a little more courage, you raise to your normal speaking voice
  140. 'NO! Anon is my man!"
  141. >"I still can't hear you!?"
  142. >Now, you yell to the ceiling loud and proud
  143. "ANON IS MY MAN!"
  144. >"Go chase your man Twilight."
  145. >You wrap Spike up in a hug and kiss him on the cheek
  146. "You're right Spike! I'm going to show him I love him!"
  147. >"Right!"
  148. "I'll make him love me!"
  149. >"Righ-wow, slow down there"
  150. "No time! Thanks Spike!"
  151. >You run down the stairs and gather some equipment
  152. >It's time to go get your man
  153. >Upstairs, Spike runs a claw through his spines
  154. >'Good luck Twilight."
  155. >"And you too Anon. You'll need it."
  156. >"Now that I have a little privacy…."
  157. >Spike pulls some parchment and a quill from Twilight's drawer
  158. >He looks around to make sure no one is there and begins to write
  159. >"Oh Twilight, your tongue feels so good on my horn."
  160. >"Oh Rarity", Twilight moaned, "there is only one way this hot unicorn sex could be better."
  161. >"Ladies?" Spike walked into the room, his sexy dragon body being so much hotter than Anon's
  162. >"OH SPIKE!" both mares cried out in unison
  163. >Back in reality Spike scribbled furiously about what he would do to the two of them with a more mature dragon body
  164. >"Oh yeah, this is the good stuff"
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