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  1. [7/24/2015 2:24:05 AM] 豊姫: She made her way home in that state, lost in thought and swirling around in doubt. She was so distracted that she didn't even notice the presence that had followed her. Perhaps it was also because she was used to being watched on her way home, but this time, when she crossed the threshold into her house, the door didn't swing closed behind automatically like it normally did...
  2. [7/24/2015 2:27:54 AM] 天龍: "...?" Slightly dazed and confused, having been lost in the hyper-focus of her thoughts, she slowly resurfaced into the real world, furrowing her brow in confusion and turning around to try and close the door.
  3. [7/24/2015 2:39:44 AM] 豊姫: As she turned around though, she saw a figure standing in the doorway. At first she couldn't figure out who it was, her mind and eyes slowly catching back up with reality. Kumiko quickly realised though, that it was Akashi Himiko, glaring down at her. "Good evening, Takenaka-san. I believe you took something of mine from the Student Council room, I hope it's not too late for me to drop by and pick it up." There was a very dangerous edge to her voice. In spite of the calmness with which she spoke, it sounded like a threat.
  4. [7/24/2015 2:43:50 AM] 天龍: "I... Huh?" She blinked rapidly, her eyes widening like a deer caught in headlights, her muscles finally tensing as she adapted to the situation. "Something... Was it that knife? It looked dangerous, so I had it taken care of. ...And you could have asked me that before we made it all the way here, Himiko-senpai."
  5. [7/24/2015 2:48:26 AM] 豊姫: "Akashi-senpai." A smile spread across her face, and she stepped closer, raising up one hand as if holding something, and moving the other behind her back. "It was that knife, what did you do with it, hm? Did you store it somewhere? Perhaps plotting to take Touma-sama's life with it, or hold her hostage for some ransom..."
  6. [7/24/2015 2:59:55 AM] 天龍: "I-I would never lay a hand on Youko-sama!" Her eyes widened, and she backed up, her gaze darting around like a trapped animal. "You're acting more than suspicious... Get out before I call the police!"
  7. [7/24/2015 3:02:09 AM] 豊姫: "Hmhmhm, you don't get it, do you? I'm on the side with all the money. Who do you think they'll believe, my benign excuse, or your maddened sobs? Ah, but I guess that implies you'll live. After all, I'm here to eliminate a very obvious threat to Touma Youko-sama's life. You're far too dangerous of a person to leave around her."
  8. [7/24/2015 3:03:53 AM] 天龍: "W... What? I-I'm not dangerous..." she whimpered, backing up against the wall and holding up a hand defensively. "P-Please, I don't know what you're talking about..."
  9. [7/24/2015 3:08:06 AM] 豊姫: "Really? You don't? You certainly threatened me an awful lot this afternon, remember this?" She pointed at the mark on her cheek, setting her hands back at her sides. "You can't play dumb, we record all the footage that happens in Touma-sama's room." She turned to leave, chuckling quietly to herself. "I'll make sure you never set foot in that room again. Lunatic."
  10. [7/24/2015 3:09:45 AM] 天龍: "W-What? Where are you going?" She furrowed her brow in confusion, pressed fearfully up against the wall. She certainly hadn't been expecting her to just up and leave.
  11. [7/24/2015 3:12:25 AM] 豊姫: "I'm leaving, of course. Ah, you might as well not show up tomorrow. I'm going to have you expelled after all. You did assault and threaten me, and I do work for the family that owns the school, keheh. I wonder which pitiful kid will try to be her next friend."
  12. [7/24/2015 3:16:39 AM] 天龍: In an instant, her expression changed. It was as if the human mask had been pulled away, exposing the demon's face underneath; her dark, murky grey eyes were like whirlpools of death.
  13. She suddenly kicked off from the wall, darting forward and dropping onto the ground, lashing out with her leg to sweep the President's feet out from under her.
  14. [7/24/2015 3:21:00 AM] 豊姫: Akashi had been expecting something, though she wasn't quick enough to stop Kumiko. She fell down, catching herself on the door frame and haphazardly turning around as she pulled her firearm out from behind her. Her reaction time seemed almost sluggish to Kumiko...
  15. [7/24/2015 3:30:55 AM] 天龍: "...!"
  16. A gun. She hadn't been expecting something like that.
  17. However, in her hyper-focused state, the sight of such a thing caused an enormous rush of adrenaline to surge through her body, and her limbs moved faster than her mind. In an instant, she was up on Himiko's back, pinning her down and twisting har arm up behind her, turning the dangerous weapon away from her and attempting to wrench it out of the wicked girl's grip. Her inhumanly grim expression didn't even flinch.
  18. [7/24/2015 3:38:31 AM] 豊姫: "Kh!" She struggled with Kumiko's grip, desperately trying to hold onto the firearm and turn it around, though with her disadvantageous position it was painfully easy to force it out of her grip. As a last desperate act, the secretary tossed the gun across the entryway, forcing it to clatter into the livingroom area.
  19. [7/24/2015 3:46:19 AM] 天龍: "Not like I wanted it anyway..." she muttered, her eyes widening as her lips twitched into an awful grin. She pressed her knee down on the back of Himiko's neck, pulling the girl's hands up behind her and holding them tight. Up they went, and the doorway was slammed shut, locked up tight.
  20. "You just had to stir the hornet's nest, didn't you...?" Kumiko whispered into the President's ear, slowly walking them forward into the kitchen. "I thought you were smarter than that... I was really going to leave you alone, and yet..."
  21. [7/24/2015 3:50:50 AM] 豊姫: "As if. You're a threat to everyone around you. I've seen your type before, and I won't let you lay a finger on Touma-sama!" Though she wasn't in any kind of position to fight back, much less make threats.
  22. [7/24/2015 3:54:39 AM] 天龍: "As if I would ever touch my lovely goddess. I'm not like you, Hi-mi-ko-chan~!" Her other hand came up, and with one brutal movement Himiko's head was slammed down onto the kitchen counter, leaving her dazed while Kumiko reached into a drawer and withdrew a zip-tie, pulling it painfully tight around the girl's wrists. She leaned down, her breath heavy in Himiko's ear, almost like she were getting excited...
  23. "You're the one who gets off on inflicting suffering on her. The one who deprives her of a rosy highschool life... You're the problem, Himiko-chan."
  24. [7/24/2015 3:57:41 AM] 豊姫: "Wh-what are you talking about?!" Her voice was strained and faint, dizzy from the pain as she collapsed onto the kitchen floor. "I... I'm just doing what I'm told! I work for her family... I must... R-raise her properly! So she can take over the family..."
  25. [7/24/2015 4:02:33 AM] 天龍: With Himiko rendered helpless, she pulled out a few more zipties, hauling the wretched girl over to a kitchen chair and binding her to it thoroughly, humming a tuneless song as she tied each one tight. When Himiko had first arrived, Kumiko had seemed almost sane, but now every time she caught a glimpse of the freshman's face...
  26. There was not a trace of humanity left.
  27. [7/24/2015 4:04:42 AM] 豊姫: "N-not even going to respond?" Even with her head throbbing, she struggled in her seat, trying to stand up fruitlessly. "H-haha, I'll warn you right now... If you kill me, you'll regret it. Though... I suppose it's too late for you, isn't it? You're doomed either way! You were doomed from the start, ahahaha!" With nothing left but her mouth, she hurled insults at the maddened girl.
  28. [7/24/2015 4:07:26 AM] 天龍: "But I won't kill you, Akashi-senpai." With the girl thoroughly restrained, she pulled back, giving a wide, warm smile and petting Himiko on the head. "What do you take me for? I'm just a regular freshman. I would never dream of it."
  29. [7/24/2015 4:09:09 AM] 豊姫: "Really? In that case, I'll ruin you. After all, I've already figured out what happened to poor, poor Kotori-chan. Oops, is that name taboo for you?" She snickered to herself, attempting to rock the chair back and forth.
  30. [7/24/2015 4:13:31 AM] 天龍: "Hahahaha... She was a cute little bird." Kumiko stepped back over to the kitchen counter, letting out a soft sigh. "But no, Akashi-senpai, no matter what you say, I'm not going to kill you."
  31. Slowly, step-by-step, she returned, putting a hand on Himiko's shoulder, pressing her chest into the back of the girl's head.
  32. "No... You're just going to..."
  33. Cold steel. The feeling of a sharp blade right on the skin of her neck. That horrid, heavy breathing.
  34. "...Disappear."
  35. [7/24/2015 4:15:31 AM] 豊姫: "K-khhii..." She trembled and whimpered at the feeling, her eyes wide as she stared up. Her taunting and bragging attitude vanished, though she didn't beg at all, she was completely rigid, frozen stiff.
  36. [7/24/2015 4:19:03 AM] 天龍: "Isn't that great, Akashi-senpai?"
  37. Smiling. The young freshman was smiling warmly, but there was a poisonous quality to it, a sickly sweet luridness as that huge, ugly kitchen knife rested its sharp, sharp blade against Himiko's jugular.
  38. "No one will ever have to hear from you again! You'll never trouble Youko-sama, you'll never sneer at me when I go to visit her, you'll never breathe the same air or look at the same stars as her again... Isn't that great!? You're never leaving here alive! Ahahahahaha!"
  39. [7/24/2015 4:21:15 AM] 豊姫: "H-heh heheh. I... I-I hope... You enjoy it, while it lasts. H-hehehahaahahehehihihi........." Her words were strained, panicked laughter quickly overtaking her. All she could do was laugh until she was out of breath, her eyes glazing over.
  40. [7/24/2015 4:23:48 AM] 天龍: "Oh, I will." Just as quickly as she brought up the knife, she lowered it, giggling to herself and walking over where Himiko couldn't see her. "After all, you're going to tell me eeeverything that's troubling Youko-sama... And what was in those folders that made her so sad. If you do, I might even just change my mind."
  41. [7/24/2015 4:26:51 AM] 豊姫: "Hihehehaa..haaahh?" She looked slightly confused, and very shaken up. She wasn't even looking for Kumiko, she probably couldn't even visualise anything in the room. "Folders...?"
  42. [7/24/2015 4:28:31 AM] 天龍: "I reviewed the footage..." came Kumiko's voice from the next room, accompanied by a great deal of plastic rustling. "You gave her some kind of documents, and she was shocked and started crying. What were those, I wonder...?"
  43. [7/24/2015 4:30:43 AM] 豊姫: "Aaahhh, those. Ehehe, they're just photos of your handiwork, Takenaka-san. All I did was tell her the investigation into her precious missing friend had been concluded, and the reports were all there in those folders." Sensing an edge, her tone suddenly shifted to one of false confidence, in spite of her position.
  44. [7/24/2015 4:33:28 AM] 天龍: There was a pregnant pause from the other room.
  45. "...And what did those reports say? What handiwork was that?"
  46. The rustling continued, a little slower now as Kumiko was clearly listening harder.
  47. [7/24/2015 4:35:07 AM] 豊姫: "Oh, not much. They simply reported how her face was all pulped up, it was lucky you didn't break her teeth, otherwise they might not have even been able to identify the body! The pictures were pretty grizzly too, especially how she looked after she went through the garbage compactor in the truck... Touma-sama was quite distraught, it's no wonder she didn't wish to show you."
  48. [7/24/2015 4:37:39 AM] 天龍: "... ... ..."
  49. Another long silence. All noise and movement had stopped, leaving Himiko in eerie silence, with nothing to look at but the fastidiously clean table.
  50. [7/24/2015 4:40:40 AM] 豊姫: "Hoooh? What's wrong? If you bore me too much I might get up and leave! Hehe, I think I'm starting to feel better now..." True enough, her headache was subsiding slightly, and she almost felt as though she could move the chair with little hops, though it's not as though she'd be able to escape like that.
  51. [7/24/2015 4:47:34 AM] 天龍: Kumiko's face appeared out of nowhere. There was not a hint of amusement left in her expression. The black vortex of her eyes promised no escape.
  53. She smiled.
  55. "I'm glad you're still so confident, Akashi-senpai." Her voice was low, soft and quiet, even as her eye began to twitch. Suddenly, Himiko's chair was lifted effortlessly off the floor, and she began to be carried backward. Before she knew it, she was in the bathroom, harsh light shining into her eyes...
  57. Plastic. There was plastic everywhere. It was covering every surface, and her chair was quickly tied to a heavy barbell. Then she could feel Kumiko's sweet, soft breath on her ear again.
  59. "I'm going to hurt you a lot."
  60. [7/24/2015 4:49:15 AM] 豊姫: "I-I'm sure you'll suffer much more..." Her confidence was shaken by those eyes, not to mention the situation she was in... There was little hope she'd survive, if only her hands could reach her cellphone, though that would be impossible with how they were tied.
  61. [7/24/2015 4:55:32 AM] 天龍: "Ahahahahahaha!"
  62. It was an almost tortured laugh, and there was no joy in her eyes when she threw her head back. "Maybe, maybe! Maybe I will."
  63. Up behind Himiko's head she reached, and when she pulled her hand back she was holding... a saw. Horrid, serrated, the kind that could even cut metal in half. Kumiko lifted up Himiko's skirt, resting its wicked teeth on her bare thigh.
  64. "I wonder if you'll survive this...? I hope you do. Ganbatte, Akashi-senpai!"
  65. [7/24/2015 4:57:50 AM] 豊姫: "Wh-where..." She could barely even believe it, her voice completely silent as the cold steel touched her skin. All she could do was stare and squeak, helpless in the lunatic Kumiko's clutches.
  66. [7/24/2015 5:04:33 AM] 天龍: "Because you know, I've been sooooo lonely..." she cooed, pulling the door closed and locking it. "I'd love it if you would stick around. Well, begging for forgiveness would be great too!"
  67. For a moment, it seemed like it wouldn't happen. Of course, such a ludicrous thing would never actually happen in real life. She'd get out of this somehow and then move on, and it'd just be another bad memory...
  69. Then the saw dug into her flesh.
  71. Back and forth. Back and forth. Without even waiting for her to scream, it started to move. Those horrid teeth chewed up the flesh of her leg, cutting deeper and deeper, mangling skin and muscle and veins as easily as cutting into a dinner steak.
  72. [7/24/2015 5:07:20 AM] 豊姫: She screamed, she screamed loudly. Even when her vocal chords felt as though they would burst, she kept screaming, howling and writhing as the saw cut through her. She was in too much pain to formulate thoughts, she couldn't see anything, her vision was bright and blurry, her head shaking about as blood welled up and slid onto the seat. And yet somehow she didn't pass out from shock, the gods wouldn't grant her freedom from her anguish.
  73. [7/24/2015 5:12:48 AM] 天龍: Eventually she stopped feeling the pain in her lower leg. She stopped feeling anything in it. She hadn't even been aware of when the saw cut through bone, but she felt when the final bit of skin was severed, and there was a pathetic thud as her leg fell to the plastic-covered floor.
  75. "Woow, you're still awake?" Kumiko looked genuinely impressed, reaching over and grabbing a towel to shove up against Himiko's bleeding stump. "You're lucky, I made a really clean cut!"
  77. There was no mistaking it now. The grin plastered across Kumiko's blood-spattered face was nothing but sadistic.
  78. "Keep it up, Akashi-senpai, only threeee more to go! Don't die on me, now!" The teeth were already sitting on her other leg. "Feel free to beg forgiveness at any time, by the way. I'm all ears~!"
  79. [7/24/2015 5:16:17 AM] 豊姫: "Kgghhh..." She hung her head, her tongue hanging out between her teeth, hoarse croaks escaping her throat. She was already at her limit, and if not from the pain she was probably about to pass out from bloodloss. She wasn't able to scream anymore, though that didn't mean she was about to start begging and pleading for her life. Kumiko couldn't even tell if Himiko was paying any attention to her, even as tears welled up in her eyes and dripped onto her leg and stump.
  80. [7/24/2015 5:21:47 AM] 天龍: "Hmmmm? Where's your defiant attitude now...?"
  81. Kumiko tilted her chin up, turning her agonized face this way and that, a look of wicked satisfaction flashing past her features.
  82. "Well, hang in there, Akashi-senpai." Her voice suddenly seemed deeper, more threatening, like she'd dropped the pretense. "I don't plan on forgiving you just for these worthless limbs, after all. For what you've done to Youko-sama, it'll take a looot longer than that..."
  84. She didn't bother going slow with the second leg. She just treated it like any other hunk of meat, and no light escaped the murky swamp of her eyes as she butchered the upperclassman.
  85. [7/24/2015 5:24:48 AM] 豊姫: This time there wasn't any sound from the Student Council President. She didn't even flinch, aside from her muscles spasming. She must have passed out, her head hanging down as if offering up a prayer as she was horribly mutilated.
  86. [7/24/2015 5:41:16 AM | Edited 5:44:11 AM] 天龍: "Hmph."
  87. The other leg fell off, another towel was applied, and the arms proved much easier than the legs. With the air of an experienced worker going about their routine, she sawed them both off before quickly cleaning the wounds, checking to make sure that Himiko's heart was still beating and then hurriedly but carefully bandaging the pathetic, bloody stumps.
  89. She was splattered with warm blood now, but not all that much, all things considered. With a quiet moment, she realized that she was much calmer than she had expected to be. It really wasn't that hard to do, once you steeled your nerves to it. The sharp smell of blood was almost exciting, making her heartbeat quicken. She vaguely remembered worrying about something on the way home, but it was irrelevant now. Caressing Himiko's skin, hearing her ragged breathing as she gathered up the heavy, still-warm appendages... It was certainly thrilling.
  91. The chair was moved out of the bathroom, and with a simple gathering up of all the plastic into a neat little ball, it was just as sparkling clean as ever. The tools washed off easily, the zipties and plastic came off of the chair, and all the incriminating evidence was gathered neatly into one trash bag, making her give a little sigh of satisfaction, her hands on her hips.
  93. Her eyes were crazed. The feeble humanity inside her had simply melted away, leaving only the demon in its absence.
  95. Her gaze moved over to the downsized Himiko sitting on the table, and she grinned widely, stepping over to admire her handiwork. Himiko's bloodied uniform had gone into the bag with the rest of it, of course, which left the President to wear Kumiko's white gym shirt and not much else. Kumiko softly put a hand on the upperclassman's stomach, blushing a little.
  97. "...Cute..."
  99. It had all gone according to plan.
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