
Good Unhealthy Relationship

Nov 27th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had very reluctantly taken his sister to The Doll House for the evening to check out the club and see Tae working. He'd been pretty unamused with the fact that his sister had been asking a million and one questions about Tae because she's not a moron and could sense vibes. // Stepping into the club, Olivia glanced around, her eyes lighting up as she took in the decor. "Wow, this place is cool. It's so vintage burlesque, I love it." Walking further in alongside him, the pair made their way over to a table to take a seat.-
  2. Covet: Tae had been at the bar getting her tray filled with the requested drinks, once the bartender finished she walked around and got them handed out. She spotted Noah and Olivia at one of the tables. She went over there, not in a huge rush, because she was the only waitress on a monday night. There was a couple of dancers up on the stage doing their performance thing and a couple others doing private dances and such. "Hey guys, I was wondering how late it was going to be before you showed up. What can I get you to drink?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Hey. Yeah well... it took her like six hours to do her make up so.... sorry." He said with a shrug, trying to be casual, but he loved being here. "Just a beer." // Olivia smiled at Tae when she walked up, folding her hands in front of her on the table. "I did not. It took me an hour to get ready and he wasn't even waiting for me when I got to the house. I'll have a gin and tonic though. Thank you."-
  4. Covet: "You can't rush perfection, Noah. I'm not going to exactly blame her for at least trying to look good tonight." She told him, more as a slight jab for him showing up in his normal jeans and hoodie. "I'll be right back with those drinks." She said then walked away back to the bar again to put their drink orders in.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "What? What's wrong with the way I look?" He asked as she walked away to fetch their drinks. "You know... she's nicer to me when you're not around." // Olivia couldn't help, but laugh, leaning back in her chair. "Sure she is. And the reason you're staring at her ass is because she's nice to you."-
  6. Covet: Tae brought back their drinks, barely catching something about ass. "Who's ass is he staring at this time? Actually in here, it might be who's ass isn't he staring at. That's going to be way easier." She set down Noah's beer and Olivia's Gin and Tonic.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I was not." He shot back quickly, trying to avoid the topic altogether when Tae came back to deliver their drinks. "Yeah, really. I'm staring at everyones ass in here." // Olivia rolled her eyes and accepted her drink, bringing it up to her lips to take a sip. "Real nice." Setting the glass down, she smiled at Tae. "I'm just loving this place. If I was allowed to decorate my office like this, I would."-
  8. Covet: "If it was my ass, it's probably because the last time he was in here, he took me out back in the alley, to fuck me, on my break." Tae said, in a plucky tone that could have sounded like she was joking, and she knew it was she that took him out back to sex, but again, it's fun to watch Noah squirm. "Screw it, decorate your office like this anyways. Though.. depending on what kind of business you're into... there might be questions." She said with a laugh.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Tae..." he mumbled quickly, trying to shut her up. "Cut it out." He said through his teeth, bringing his beer up to his lips to take a long sip in hopes that when he lowered the glass his sister wouldn't be staring at him. // "I knew it!" She yelled, turning and pointing at Noah. "You tried to lie to me, but I knew there was something going on. I'm not an idiot." Turning back to Tae, she started to speak frantically. "He was trying to tell me you were just friends and there was nothing going on between the two of you." She scoffed, tossing her hair back out of her face dramatically because she won. "I work for an advertising agency."-
  10. Covet: [the cackle that came out of my mouth XD]
  11. Covet: "Well he at least tol you half of the truth. We are just friends." Tae said then left it at that, with a shrug, because it was his sister and he could be the one to tell her. "Oh... Hmm.... depending on what exactly you were trying to advertise... that may or may not be good. But I'm sure there's some way to find a happy medium of budoir glam and Business right?"
  12. Covet: told*
  13. Alexithymiaa: "She works in a stuffy office in the city. And her office is like the size of my closet." He said quickly, wanting to get a few jabs in since he was clearly losing the battles of the night. // "First of all, your closet is huge. Second, we do all sorts of advertising. It's an agency so companies come to us to produce their marketing campaigns."-
  14. Covet: "Yeah I was about to say, you turned your closet into another bedroom. It's plenty big. AND.. you can do a lot in a small space. As someone vaguely interested in contracting, you should know these things." Tae told him with a nudge. "I imagine you get good business in New York for that sort of thing though."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "It's not that big... it's still just a closet." He said and finished off his beer. "I'm not interested in contracting. It was a stupid idea." // "Of course, but there's a lot of companies in New York that do the same sort of thing, so it's big competition to bid for a job. We do pretty well though." She sat up straighter, proud of her successes and taking another small sip of her drink. "Oh, can we dance? Do you have time?"-
  16. Covet: "Sorry...." Tae said in regards to the moody male that was Noah. She looked around, and saw that it was pretty dead for the most part, "I don't see why we couldn't I'm only an amature at dancing though, so don't hold me to any sort of high standards, there's a reason I'm a waitress. Let me see if my manager will let me off, I'm supposed to be off in about thirty anyways."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Oh please go dance. Please go." He said a couple of times, leaning his arm on the table. "Can I get another beer before you take off though?" // "Go ask! I'm not holding any of your dancing skills against you at all. I'm probably no better. It's just for fun."-
  18. Covet: "Yes, I can get you another beer before I go ask." Tae told Noah, giving him a pat on the shoulder, then headed over to the bar to get him a refill on his beer, before ducking into the back to talk to her manager. Coming back out, she'd taken her name tag off and let her hair down and was mussing it up a bit. She grabbed Noah's beer off the bar and brought it over to him, smiling. "Here you go, and I have been set free."
  19. Alexithymiaa: -He reached his hand out to take the beer from her, instantly bringing it up to his lips. "Good. Go. Stop shitting all over me. Both of you." // Olivia hopped off her chair and held her hand out to Tae, beginning to make her way to the dance floor. "I could use a little fun. Been way too busy lately."-
  20. Covet: "We'll try." Tae told him as she grabbed Olivia's hand and headed out to the dance floor with her. "That's what a week's vacation is for right?"
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She started to move along to the music as they made their way out to the dance floor, getting into it once they found their spot amongst the few people who were actually dancing. "Of course. And I get the whole week off between Christmas and New Years too, so Im looking forward to that." She paused to do some hair flips in her dancing, letting out a laugh. "I used to do ballet, but couldn't freestyle to save my life."-
  22. Covet: "Are you going to be coming to visit Noah then too?" Tae asked because he said he wasn't going to be going back to celebrate things as well. Tae was only marginally better at the freestyling because she'd been getting lessons from some of the girls here. " I never took a dance class in my life until like....four months ago, when I talked to some of the dancers here. I am going to sign up for a dance class next semester though."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Dance classes are fun. I always enjoyed it. I did it growing up and was never without a class." She smiled and continued to move to the music. "I'm not sure, it depends what I have going on that week. I know our brother really wants to come out here and see everyone. And I dont know if I can take how whiny he's gotten. Please whip him into shape."-
  24. Covet: "If I knew how I would. I have been trying everything sans breaking out the whip." Tae said with a laugh. "I don't think he realized the expectations that were going to be had by becoming an adult. Course... I can't give him too much shit about that, because It took me a moment or two to figure that out. I'm still working on it." Tae said while dancing with her.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Oh I know he didnt. I heard my parents yelling at him more times than I have fingers to count, since he left for school. He's like a child. It's so sad. We all had to get on him about actually going to class because this isn't high school."-
  26. Covet: "Yeah, he's been pretty miserable about it. I understand it from both sides though. It's just something he's going to have to figure out on his own." Tae said sounding incredibly mature for all the shit she pulled with in the last couple of years.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "We all did it, now it's his turn. And then we won't have to do this for another fourteen years." She said cheerfully, raising her arms over her head. "So be honest with me... are you guys really just friends? Because that is the biggest loud of bullshit if I ever heard it."-
  28. Covet: "Wait... is he not the baby of the family?" Tae said, because she'd just assumed with how he acted that he was. " Well... honestly, yes we're just friends, but we hook up on occasion, when he's not being annoying and whiney."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "No, we have a little sister. There's four of us. I'm the oldest, and then Cam, then Noah, then Sadie. Our parents decided to be foster parents a few years ago once we were all older and they took her in. And they officially adopted her into the family two years ago. She's the cutest little thing, I swear." She said with a smile because she did love the little girl. "So your friends with benefits? That sounds messy."-
  30. Covet: "Oh, okay, that's right you mentioned something about Sadie yesterday." Tae said, then smiled, "That's really sweet, especially that they adopted her in. I'm adopted as well, but that's because my mom had a hard time convieving after my older brother, not a foster situation." She said then shook her head, then kind of cringed. "Yeah... well when we first started...I was in a realationship with someone else. So Messy is an understatement."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, he's super sweet on her. It's so cute." She spoke as she danced, spinning herself around. "See, I'm sticking to my guns on brothers ruin everything." She paused, her dancing slowing. "Oh. Well.... okay then."-
  32. Covet: " Well, it's not like he did it intentionally. And I'm not exactly innocent of hurting my mom in a near equally as damaging way. But family drama right?" Tae said with a light laugh then saw Olivia slow down. "But... if it wasn't for Noah... I'd probably still be in that relationship...and it wasn't a very good relationship."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "I know, I'm just messing with you." She said with a nod. "Well... I'm glad everything worked out for you then. I just hope you weren't using him to get what you wanted a little easier because I like you and I'd be upset if I had to not like you."-
  34. Covet: "No no, it's nothing like that. I told him repeatedly not to get involved, because Drew... is just... not a good person. At all. But there's a restraining order in place now. So everything is much better. If anyone is using anyone, it's him using me, for rides and picking up the occasional bar tab. But that's also where the benefits come in... so balance."
  35. Covet: Tae explained, oversharing but now she was concerned that his sister wouldn't like her, and they were getting along so well. *
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Ohhhh." She said as she understood what she was getting at here. "Okay that's fine then. As long as you're equally using each other, that sounds like a really good unhealthy relationship." She smirked, moving to the music again.-
  37. Covet: [XD Really good unhealthy relationship]
  38. Covet: "He's paying me back the only way he can right now. He really is living up this whole college experience. And I try to be a caring pimp for him, even if he has a poor work ethic." Tae said with a laugh, returning to the shitting on Noah near seamlessly
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I can live with this." She laughed, continuing to dance more. She was going to make Noah sit and wait for them for as long as possible.-
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