
cellestaline summary

Feb 9th, 2015
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  1. On the subject of taking substances to induce enlightened states of being. This is NOT a new phenomenon by any means. The following is a very brief summary of a long transmission taken by EAsha from the Beloveds regarding DNA strand bonding, and briefly touching on the use of external substances for enlightenment:
  2. Cellestaline is the chemical of atomic transmutation. It is the natural chemical product that forms in the chemical DNA through activation of the chemical turnstile DNA sequences within the hydrogen bonds when the particles and anti-particles in the DNA template vector codes fuse to transform the base/acceleration code pair of each keylon into an electromagnetic micro merkaba field.
  3. Kathara 4, Disk 4, © A&A Deane, Azurite Press [Please refer to the source material for the full dispensation on cellestaline production in the transmutation process.]
  4. “Celesmiac residue” is a tanglibe residue left behind by a body that has undergone atomic transmutation. It is a fine crystalline, whitish, yellow-gray by-product and is temporarily radio-active. It could be used like a “6th dimensional LSD”. In the hunt for celesmiac residue, the Anunnaki would trap members of the angelic human and maji races and force harvest celesmiac residue from their bodies by using photosonic devices to force the transmutation process within the DNA. They would use the device to halt the transmutation process just before the person went into full atomic transmutation. They generally had 3 minutes to collect the residue before the person spontaneously combusted from this forced and tortuous process.
  5. With celesmiac residue, they needed on average 12 victims to obtain enough. The Nibiruan Anunnaki would have to torture 12 people simultaneously until the victims literally blew up in flames, and then they had a window of several hours to use the residue to OBTAIN STARGATE PASSAGE. Talk about a god particle…you could get a ride through a stargate with this particular substance!
  6. Of course, once Thoth photosonically pulsed the grids in the Babble On event and the checkerboard mutation went into the grids and the DNA of the people on planet, most bodies on planet wouldn’t have been able to do the full organic process of DNA strand bonding to even arrive at a state of being able to transmutate and produce celesmiac.
  7. With the checkerboard mutation, the hunt for celesmiac redisue (aka “celestron powder”) became harder to obtain. This could be force harvested from some maji humans who could still transmutate despite the checkerboard mutation and also in smaller quantities from Anu-Melchizedek Eluli Stage 5 hybrids (in other words, their OWN Leviathan hybrids). These Eluli couldn’t do the full stranding braiding, but through artificial stimulation, they could do strand 3-5 braiding due to the portions of their DNA that had angelic human hybridized coding.
  8. The celestron powder also produced temporary effects of increased physical endurance, disease immunity and expanded mental capacity. For these reasons, the celestron powder became a valuable commodity, especially once the checkerboard mutation genetically blocked interdimensional awareness as the substance could temporarily induce short glimpses of the other side of the biological veil. Celestron powder became most popular amongst the Leviathan Anunnaki human hybrid races and to some unfortunate angelic humans who fell to the powers of its seduction.
  9. Despite the seeming beneficial effects of ingesting celestron powder, which created temporary benefits in health and consciousness expansion, the substance progressively shattered the natural scalar wave blueprints of the DNA template by drawing higher dimensional frequency randomly into the DNA and body out of the natural electromagnetic sequence. This created the condition known as “molecular compaction” or progressive reduction and destruction of the DNA template and the resultant progressive irreversible mutation of the chemical DNA and ultimately degeneration of the physical body and mental faculties.
  10. Kathara 4, Disk 4, © A&A Deane, Azurite Press
  11. As many Egyptian Royals of recorded history were Leviathan Anu-Melchizedek Eluli family lines, their mummified bodies often contained a degraded form of celestron, or mummy dust, which was sought after and harvested. This is the origin of “white powder gold”. To preserve it, it would be combined with powdered elemental gold and other ingredients. Its even more degraded form which was harvested from very long dead bodies and was black came to be known as “black powder gold”.
  12. Akhenaton used white powder gold for the very same type purposes that people today use DMT and other “enlightenment” inducing plants and chemicals. In the end his quest for chemically induced enlightenment and ego gratification led to his social dysfunction and mental insanity.
  13. In contemporary times, several recipes for the manufacture of substances resembling gold powder celestron have been introduced into scientific and metaphysic communities through cover fallen angelic Anunnaki inspiration. Though none of these concoctions contain genuine celestron powder and thus do not replicate the original strength of ancient gold powder products, they do however, with repeated use, progressively produce the same type of side effects. j
  14. When external means are used to induce “consciousness expansion” the external force “owns the power”, the user does not. We are all capable of reclaiming our natural dormant powers of consciousness expansion and biological transmutation through internal spiritual integration and natural DNA template activation. A potential we can easily lose by damaging the DNA template in the quest for a quick fix of false enlightenment.
  15. Kathara 4, Disk 4, © A&A Deane, Azurite Press
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