Guest User

My Speedrunners Info

a guest
Jul 11th, 2016
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  1. [English]
  2. [popup dialogs]
  3. pud_ok=Ok
  4. pud_cancel=Cancel
  5. pud_yes=Yes
  6. pud_no=No
  7. pud_save=Save
  8. pud_quit=Quit
  9. pud_recover=Recover
  10. pud_unsubscribe=Unsubscribe
  11. pud_delete=Delete
  12. pud_error=Error
  13. pud_warning=Warning
  14. pud_workshop_error=A workshop level could not be loaded. Steam workshop is sometimes broken, try workshop levels again later.
  15. pud_disconnected_error=Lost connection with the host.
  16. pud_disconnected_as_host_error=Lost connection with all players.
  17. pud_join_error=Unable to join a game.
  18. pud_lobby_not_invited=You were not invited to this game.
  19. pud_lobby_does_not_exist_error=The game you are trying to join no longer exists.
  20. pud_older_version_error=The game you are trying to join is running an older version of the game.
  21. pud_newer_version_error=The game you are trying to join is running a newer version of the game.
  22. pud_connection_problem_with_host=Could not connect with the host of the lobby.
  23. pud_manually_join_ranked_game_error=The friend you are trying to join is currently playing a ranked game.
  24. pud_overwrite=Overwrite existing file?
  25. pud_sure_quit=Are you sure you want to quit?
  26. pud_recover_autosave=There's an AutoSave file, called %title%. Do you want to open it?
  27. pud_error_download_delete=The level %title% could not be downloaded. Do you want to delete it (recommended)?
  28. pud_error_ranking_unavailable=Unable to connect to ranking server. Please check your internet connection and try again.
  29. pud_error_ranking_down=Whoops! The ranking server seems to be down.\n\nTry quick match instead while we work on the problem.
  30. pud_error_ranking_loading=The game is busy loading rank information.
  31. pud_unsubscribe_sure=Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %title%? This action can not be undone!
  32. pud_delete_sure=Are you sure you want to delete %title%? This action can not be undone!
  33. pud_no_save_editor=Your level can not be published yet, please fix all the errors shown on the left.
  34. pud_corrupt_level_file=The level file is corrupt.
  35. pud_could_not_find_level_file=Could not find the level file.
  36. pud_cannot_publish=Can't publish
  37. pud_publish=Publish
  38. pud_report_name=Report %name%
  39. pud_report_description=Please enter the reason why\nyou want to report\n%name%
  40. pud_report_cheating=Cheating
  41. pud_report_abuse=Abuse
  42. pud_report_button=Report
  43. pud_latency_warning=Setting search distance higher than default may cause your online games to have more latency then usual.
  44. pud_reset_xp_message=You will be set back to level 0 and all your previously unlocked characters, maps, weapons, modifiers and features will be locked again.
  45. pud_xp_load_fail=Something went wrong while trying to load your xp progression from the Steam Cloud, you are currently not earning any xp. To fix this, restart the game.
  46. pud_ranked_locked_message=Ranked games will be unlocked early in level 5. Play some quick games or games vs. bots for now, so you come prepared!
  47. pud_afk_dc_message=You have been inactive for too long and have been disconnected from the match.
  48. pud_publish_publishing=Publishing..
  49. pud_publish_publishing_error=Publish failed!
  50. pud_publish_description=Description
  51. pud_publish_change_note_desc=Change Note
  52. pud_publish_difficulty=Difficulty
  53. pud_publish_preview=Preview
  54. pud_publish_beginner=Beginner
  55. pud_publish_intermediate=Intermediate
  56. pud_publish_expert=Expert
  57. pud_publish_elite=Elite
  58. pud_publish_update=Update existing workshop item
  59. pud_theme_title=Change Theme
  60. pud_theme_descr=Are you sure you want to change the Theme to %? This will delete all your graphics and background tiles!
  61. pud_change_game_type_title=Change game type
  62. pud_change_game_type_message=Are you sure you want to change the game type to %? This will delete all objects not belonging in this game type!
  63. pud_failed_to_save=Failed to Save
  64. pud_save_success=Save successful
  65. pud_replay_save_success=The last replay was saved successfully
  66. pud_replay_save_fail=An error occured while saving the last replay
  67. pud_can_not_load_replay=The replay could not be loaded
  68. pud_replay_delete_title=Delete replay
  69. pud_replay_delete_message=Are you sure you want to delete this replay?
  70. pud_exit_ranked_game=By exiting this game you will lose % ranking points.\nAre you sure you want to exit?
  71. pud_has_left_ranked_game=You lost % ranking points by exiting a ranked game previously.
  73. [startup]
  74. start_continue=Press % to continue
  76. [quickchat]
  77. chat_1_0=Woh
  78. chat_1_1=Dat speed o~o
  79. chat_1_2=Oh my god XD
  80. chat_2_0=XD
  81. chat_2_1=Hehe~
  82. chat_2_2=Ahaaaa!
  83. chat_3_0=Wait a second.
  84. chat_3_1=Can you wait a sec?
  85. chat_3_2=Wait a sec, I gotta fix something.
  86. chat_4_0=Good game! ^ - ^
  87. chat_4_1=Good game, that was fun~
  88. chat_4_2=Good game! I gotta go, it was fun playing~
  90. [main menu]
  91. mm_story=Story (Beaten)
  92. mm_tutorial=Practice >:C
  93. mm_party=Local Stuff That I Never Do
  94. mm_replay=Replays
  95. mm_multiplayer=Play Wif Other Peoples
  96. mm_options=Settings
  97. mm_practice=Origins
  98. mm_shop=TRRRAIILSS
  99. mm_editor=Stuff other people made
  100. mm_credits=Credits
  101. mm_quit=Am Dun
  102. mm_saving_indicator=Saving...\nDo not turn off the device.
  103. ws_level_editor=Level Editor
  104. ws_trail_editor=Trail Editor
  105. ws_level_editor_descr=Create your own custom levels and share them with the SpeedRunners community
  106. ws_trail_editor_descr=Create your own custom boost trails. You can upload these for curation; other players can buy them if they're accepted and you'll get a part of the revenue!
  108. [Streams widget]
  109. ts_open_in_steam=Open in Steam overlay
  110. ts_open_in_browser=Open in web browser
  111. ts_no_streams_available=Want to show off your skills? Click here to start setting up your stream!
  112. ts_request_stream=Requesting streams
  114. [practice menu]
  115. pr_tutorial=Tutorial
  116. pr_tutorial_descr=Having trouble with the controls? Don't worry, you're free to play the tutorial again. Take on a couple of bots that will take it easy on you in Metro!
  117. pr_vs_bots=vs. Bots
  118. pr_vs_bots_descr=Pick any map and practice it against computer-controlled bots.
  119. pr_solo=Solo Run
  120. pr_solo_descr=No opponents or bots to disturb your flow. Enjoy the freedom and explore the ins and outs of every map, or race against a ghost of your best lap time!
  121. pr_difficulty=Difficulty
  122. pr_diff_easy=YOU'RE TOO SLOWW!
  123. pr_diff_medium=In between easy and hard
  124. pr_diff_hard=Hard
  125. pr_diff_expert=Cheap Mode
  126. pr_origins_descr=Play the original Speedrunner's singleplayer time-trial campaign.
  128. [options menu]
  129. om_credits=View Credits
  130. om_sound=Gameplay Sfx
  131. om_music=Music
  132. om_ambient=Ambient Sfx
  133. om_controllervibration=Controller Vibration
  134. om_playerindicator=Player Indicator
  135. om_show_xp_popup=Show XP Popup
  136. om_game=Game Options
  137. om_editcontrols=Edit Controls
  138. om_graphics=Graphics Options
  139. om_audio=Audio Options
  140. om_done=Done
  141. om_on=On
  142. om_off=Off
  143. om_always=Always
  144. om_never=Never
  145. om_fade=Fade Out
  146. om_search_distance=Search Distance
  147. om_search_distance_0=Country
  148. om_search_distance_1=Continent
  149. om_search_distance_2=Half the world
  150. om_search_distance_3=Worldwide
  151. om_search_type_0=Always
  152. om_search_type_1=Max
  153. om_reset_xp=Clear Progress
  154. om_auto_mute=Auto Mute
  155. om_auto_xp_skip=Auto skip xp awards
  156. om_replay=Replays
  157. om_enable_recording=Enable recording
  158. om_load_last_replay=Load last replay
  159. om_auto_save_replay=Always save replays
  160. om_save_last_replay=Save last replay
  161. om_playertrails=Custom Trails
  162. om_player_trails_all=Show all trails
  163. om_player_trails_local=Hide opponent's trails
  164. om_twitch=Twitch Streaming
  165. om_user_details=Setup Credentials
  166. om_betting_mode=Viewer betting
  167. om_whispers=Whispers
  168. om_hostmode=Hostmode
  169. om_twitch_popup=Twitch Credentials
  170. om_twitch_username=Username
  171. om_twitch_password=OAuth token
  172. om_oauth_link_desc=Get my OAuth
  173. om_twitch_show_pass=show password
  174. om_twitch_betting_mode_desc=Enables your Twitch viewers to bet on the outcome of your (custom) matches.
  175. om_twitch_host_mode_desc=Enables you to host a match between two or three remote players, without participating in it yourself.
  176. om_twitch_checking_credentials=Verifying credentials. Please wait
  177. om_twitch_credentials_not_valid=Invalid Twitch credentials. Betting is disabled.
  178. om_twitch_credentials_valid=Credentials verified.
  179. om_betting_connecting=Connecting to betting server. Please wait
  180. om_betting_failed=Could not connect to betting server. Betting is disabled.
  181. om_betting_enabled=Connected to betting server. Betting is now enabled!
  183. [graphics menu]
  184. gm_screenresolution=Screen Resolution
  185. gm_vsync=Vsync
  186. gm_windowmode=Window Mode
  187. gm_windowmode_window=Window
  188. gm_windowmode_fullscreen=Fullscreen
  189. gm_windowmode_borderless=Borderless Window
  190. gm_on=On
  191. gm_off=Off
  192. gm_apply=Apply
  193. gm_done=Done
  194. gm_sd_color=Sudden death color
  195. gm_quality=Quality
  196. gm_quality_high=High
  197. gm_quality_nes=NES
  198. gm_quality_ega=EGA
  199. gm_quality_gameboy=Gameboy
  200. gm_quality_normal=Normal
  201. gm_quality_low=Low
  203. [sudden death menu]
  204. sdc_start=Start
  205. sdc_end=End
  206. sdc_red=Red
  207. sdc_green=Green
  208. sdc_blue=Blue
  209. sdc_color_custom=Custom
  210. sdc_preset=Preset
  211. sdc_save=Save
  212. sdc_cancel=Cancel
  213. sdc_color_0=Red
  214. sdc_color_1=Black
  215. sdc_color_2=Blue
  216. sdc_color_3=Yellow
  217. sdc_color_4=Pink
  218. sdc_color_5=Purple
  219. sdc_color_6=Green
  220. sdc_color_7=White
  222. [controls menu]
  223. ci_current=currently
  224. ci_accept=Accept
  225. ci_accept_save=Save
  226. ci_cancel=Cancel
  227. ci_player_no=Player %
  228. ci_keyboard=Keyboard
  229. ci_gamepad=Gamepad
  230. ci_restore_defaults=Restore
  231. ci_common_controls=Advanced options
  232. ps_left=Left
  233. ps_right=Right
  234. ps_jump=Jump
  235. ps_slide=Slide
  236. ps_grapple=Grapple
  237. ps_weapon=Use Pickup
  238. ps_boost=Boost
  239. ps_taunt=Taunt
  240. ps_passports=Player Info
  241. ps_reset=Reset
  242. ps_help=Help
  243. ps_item=Item
  244. ps_camera=Camera
  245. ps_chat=Chat
  246. ps_pause=Pause
  247. ps_by_author=by {0}
  248. ps_trail_hidden_for_others=Hidden for others
  249. ps_iap_buy_char=Buy this character!
  251. [level select menu]
  252. ls_level select=Level Select
  253. ls_university=University
  254. ls_city=City
  255. ls_industry=Industry
  256. ls_simulation=Simulation
  257. ls_info=Info
  258. ls_friends=Friends
  259. ls_play=Play
  260. ls_leaderboards=Leaderboards
  261. ls_hardcore=Play Expert Challenge
  262. ls_locked=- Locked -
  264. [twitch]
  265. tw_login_failed=Login failed
  266. tw_login_fail_desc=Please check if you entered the correct details and try again
  268. [in-game]
  269. sd_in=Sudden Death In
  270. tip_loading=Loading
  271. tip_validating_level=Validating Level
  272. tip_downloading_level=Downloading Level
  273. tip_initializing=Initializing
  274. tip_synchronizing=Synchronizing
  275. tip_waiting=Waiting
  276. tip_continue=Continue
  277. paused=Paused
  278. pp_report=Report
  279. pp_mute=Mute
  280. pp_unmute=Unmute
  281. mod_speedhookers_description=All items are grappling hooks!
  282. mod_rocketrunners_description=All items are rockets, and you get three of them!
  283. mod_super_speedrunners_description=You run superfast!
  284. mod_speedrapture_description=There are missiles raining down from the sky!
  285. mod_srennuRdeepS_description=The level is flipped!
  287. [tutorial]
  288. tut_jump=% to Jump
  289. tut_slide=% to Slide
  290. tut_grapple=Hold % to Grapple white ceilings
  291. tut_boost=% to Boost
  292. tut_item=% to Use Item
  293. tut_walljump=% to Walljump
  294. tutorial=Since this is your first time playing,\nlet's start with a quick tutorial match..\n\nPress % or $ to get started!
  295. tutorial_out=You are out!\nThe last person left on screen scores a point,\nthe first person to score 3 points wins!
  297. [editor]
  298. ed_intro=Welcome to the SpeedRunners Level Editor!\nUse WASD to move the Camera\nPress F1 for more tips
  299. ed_level=Level Title
  300. ed_bomb=Bomb Timer
  301. ed_save=Save
  302. ed_save_publish=Save & Publish
  303. ed_quit=Quit
  304. ed_next=Next (E)
  305. ed_prev=Prev (Q)
  306. ed_objects=Objects (O)
  307. ed_volumes=AI Volumes (V)
  308. ed_graphics=Graphics (G)
  309. ed_checkpoints=Checkpoints (C)
  310. ed_tiles=Tiles (T)
  311. ed_playtest=Playtest (P)
  312. ed_respawn=Respawn (R)
  313. ed_auto_AI=Auto AI vol (I)
  314. ed_remove_bot=Remove Bot (M)
  315. ed_flip_bot_dir=Flip bot\ndirection (N)
  316. ed_next_layer=Next Layer ( ] )
  317. ed_prev_layer=Prev Layer ( [ )
  318. ed_tips=Tips (F1)
  319. ed_current_layer=Current Layer
  320. ed_tips_title=Tips
  321. ed_done=Done
  322. ed_tips_details=- Control-click to box select.\n- Hold Control while moving a selection to duplicate\n- Alt-click to delete tiles\n- Hold Shift to draw straight lines\n- Press 1 .. 9 to change tile size\n- Press B to spawn a Bot\n- Use [ and ] to change Bot Difficulty\n- Press P or start to Playtest\n- Press I during playtest to give yourself an Item
  323. ed_tips_trails=Please let us know on the Steam forum if there is anything about this editor, or about how custom trails work in SpeedRunners, that you don't understand. We'll put that information here for future players.
  324. ed_AI_vol_intro=AI Volumes will automatically be placed\nbased on your movement!
  325. ed_auto_AI_info=Auto AI vol\nPlacement
  326. ed_auto_AI_info_on=On
  327. ed_auto_AI_info_off=Off
  328. ed_goto_checkpoint=To checkpoint
  329. ed_no_cp=No\ncheckpoints
  330. ed_more_cp=Needs more\ncheckpoints
  331. ed_invalid_start_cp=Invalid start\ncheckpoint
  332. ed_no_valid_loop=No valid\nloop at\ncheckpoint
  333. ed_singleplayer=Singleplayer
  334. ed_multiplayer=Multiplayer
  335. ed_switch_game_type=Switch game type
  336. ed_current_game_type=Current game type
  337. ed_restore_camera=Restore Camera
  339. [singleplayer level completed]
  340. lc_title=Level completed!
  341. lc_score=Score
  342. lc_hc_unlocked=Expert challenge unlocked!
  343. lc_needed_silver=Needed for silver
  344. lc_needed_gold=Needed for gold
  345. lc_continue=Continue
  346. lc_controls=Controls
  347. lc_select_level=Select Level
  348. lc_restart=Restart
  349. lc_exit=Exit
  350. lc_previous=Previous best
  351. lf_title=Level failed!
  352. h_toolate=You were too late, the bomb went off!
  353. h_machine=Try to stay ahead of the villain's diabolical machine!
  354. h_gap=Even you can't survive a fall like that!
  355. h_bounds=Try to stay focused on finding and dismantling the bomb!
  356. h_floor=Better avoid those spikes on the floor!
  357. h_djump=Jump further and higher by doing a double-jump!
  358. h_spikes=It's better to avoid those spikes..
  359. h_default=Auch!
  360. h_laser=Watch out; these high-powered lasers are of the deadly kind..
  361. h_rocket=You can avoid rockets by hiding behind walls and platforms
  362. lh_title=Expert challenge completed!
  363. lh_descr=Complete ALL the expert challenges for a special reward!
  365. [leagues]
  366. league0=Entry League
  367. league1=Beginner League
  368. league2=Amateur League
  369. league3=Expert League
  370. league4=Bronze League
  371. league5=Silver League
  372. league6=Gold League
  373. league7=Platinum League
  374. league8=Diamond League
  375. kingofspeed=The King of Speed
  377. [multiplayer menu]
  378. mp_title=Multiplayer
  379. mp_quick=Quick Match
  380. mp_custom=Make a Lobby to Play With Friends
  381. mp_ranked=Risky-League-Mode
  382. mp_rank_progress=Rank Progress
  383. mp_league=My League
  384. mp_friends=Friends
  385. mp_world=World
  386. mp_tip_details=Score % points to advance to the next league! Score points by playing matches, get bonus points for your first matches of the day!
  387. mp_quick_descr=Quickly join an online match
  388. mp_custom_descr=Set up your own match with friends, local players and bots
  389. mp_ranked_descr=Earn points to become the speediest runner in the universe!
  390. mp_local_party_descr=Quickly jump into a local game. Perfect if you're having friends over!
  391. mp_game_options=Game options
  392. mp_retreiving_friend_list=loading friends list..
  393. mp_retreiving_world_list=loading world list..
  394. mp_betting_enabled=Viewer betting enabled!
  396. [party view]
  397. mp_pv_private_lobby=Allow online players to join mid-game
  398. mp_pv_timer=Game starts in..
  400. [workshop menu]
  401. ws_open=Edit
  402. ws_create=Create a new Level
  403. ws_explore=Explore Workshop
  404. ws_small=Small
  405. ws_medium=Medium
  406. ws_large=Large
  407. ws_size=Size
  408. ws_type=Type
  409. ws_theme=Theme
  410. ws_single=Singleplayer
  411. ws_multi=Multiplayer
  412. ws_levels=Workshop Levels
  413. ws_popular_levels=Popular Levels
  414. ws_dev_pick=Developer's Pick
  415. ws_popular=Popular this week
  416. ws_subscribed=Your subscribed maps
  417. ws_published=Your published maps
  418. ws_unpublished=Unpublished maps
  419. ws_votedfor=Recently voted for
  420. ws_random_workshop=Curated workshop maps
  421. ws_open_in_workshop=View map in Overlay
  422. ws_trails=Workshop Trails
  423. ws_create_trail=Create New
  424. ws_open_trail_in_workshop=View in Overlay
  425. ws_open_trails_folder=Open My Trails Folder
  426. ws_import_trails=Import Trails
  427. ws_delete=Delete
  428. ws_descr_explore=Vote for your favourite trails created by other players. Top voted trails get a chance of being curated as part of the game's item store!
  429. ws_descr_folder=Share your creations with other players by sending them your .srt files. You can find these files in this folder.
  430. ws_descr_import=Put .srt files, sent to you by other players, in your Import folder and press this button to import them into the game.
  432. [lobby - player slots]
  433. ps_select_runner=Runner
  434. ps_cancel=Cancel
  435. ps_unknown=Not yet setup by the lobby owner..
  436. ps_waiting=Waiting..
  437. ps_searching=Searching..
  438. ps_waiting_for_friend=Waiting for an invited friend to join..
  439. ps_no_invites_sent=No invites sent. Click on a friend to invite him or her to your lobby
  440. ps_no_friends=No friends found. Make sure you are signed in and online
  441. ps_add_local=Add Local
  442. ps_add_bot=Add Bot
  443. ps_invite_friends=Invite Friends
  444. ps_search=Add Online
  445. ps_close=Close
  446. ps_connected=Connected
  447. ps_kick=Kick
  448. ps_closed=Closed
  449. ps_state_level_select=Selecting Level
  450. ps_state_loading=Loading Game
  451. ps_state_syncing=Synchronizing
  452. ps_state_game=In-Game
  453. ps_receiving_xp=Receiving XP
  454. ps_receiving_ranked=Receiving Ranked score
  455. ps_add=Add
  456. ps_join=Press % or $ to Join
  457. ps_join_gamepad_only=Press % to Join
  458. ps_bot=Select Difficulty
  459. ps_cancel=Cancel
  460. ps_easy_bot=Easy bot
  461. ps_medium_bot=Medium bot
  462. ps_hard_bot=Hard bot
  463. ps_expert_bot=Unfair bot
  464. ps_remote_bot=Remote bot
  465. ps_remove_bot=Remove
  466. ps_skin=Skin
  467. ps_trail=Trail
  468. ps_ready=Redi
  469. ps_selecting_char=Selecting Runner..
  470. ps_invite=Send Invite
  471. ps_un_invite=Uninivite
  473. [mp level select]
  474. mp_ls_timer=Pick a level to advance timer
  475. mp_ls_workshop=Workshop Levels
  477. [chat system messages]
  478. chat_spam=Message not sent: spam
  479. chat_peer_entered=%name% entered the room...
  480. chat_peer_left=%name% left the room...
  481. chat_start_countdown=All players ready, starting countdown...
  482. chat_stop_countdown=Less than 2 players are ready, stopped countdown...
  483. chat_lobby_new_attempt=Creating new room...
  484. chat_lobby_new_created=New room created...
  485. chat_lobby_new_failed=Failed to create a new room...
  486. chat_lobby_looking_for_players=Looking for online players of your own rank for 20 seconds...
  487. chat_lobby_broaden_rank_window=Broadening search to %rank% league above or below your rank...
  488. chat_lobby_broaden_rank_window_plural=Broadening search to %rank% leagues above or below your rank...
  489. chat_lobby_increase_search_distance_to_default=Increasing search distance from country to the continent...
  490. chat_lobby_increase_search_distance_to_far=Increasing search distance from continent to half the world...
  491. chat_lobby_increase_search_distance_to_worldwide=Increasing search distance from half the world to worldwide...
  492. chat_lobby_search_0=Searching for players in your country...
  493. chat_lobby_search_1=Searching for players in your continent...
  494. chat_lobby_search_2=Searching for players in your half of the world...
  495. chat_lobby_search_3=Searching for players all over the world...
  496. chat_lobby_connecting_to_host=Connecting to room...
  497. chat_lobby_matchmaking_issue=No games could be found for a while. This can in most cases be fixed by restarting Steam.
  498. chat_lobby_matchmaking_issue_distance=No games could be found for a while. This can in most cases be fixed by restarting Steam. Another cause could be the lack of games near you. This can be solved by increasing the search distance under "game options" in the options menu.
  499. chat_error_no_slots_available=Unable to enter your friend's room. There is no available slot waiting for a friend to join.
  500. chat_error_join_failed=Failed to enter a room. Looking for another room to enter...
  501. chat_peer_timed_out=Connection with %name% was lost...
  502. chat_peer_unkown_name=Someone
  503. chat_mute=%name% muted.
  504. chat_unmute=%name% unmuted.
  505. chat_afk_warning=It looks like you've been inactive for too long!\nStart playing to avoid being kicked from the game\nin %sec% seconds.
  506. ingame_freeze_bots=There are only bots left in this game.\nPress any button to speed things up!
  508. [ranked scoreboard]
  509. r_joined_midgame=You joined mid-game
  510. r_load_ranking_failed=Ranking failed to load
  511. r_too_many_players_left=Too many players left to validate rank scoring.
  512. r_beat=beat!
  513. r_tied=tied!
  514. r_lost=lost!
  515. r_bonus=bonus!
  516. r_total=total
  517. r_first_match=1st match of the day
  518. r_second_match=2nd match of the day
  519. r_third_match=3rd match of the day
  520. r_advanced=you advanced to %!
  521. r_first_win=1st win of the day
  523. [replay]
  524. rpl_level_menu_save=Press Y to save\nthe last replay!
  525. rpl_save_succes=Replay saved!
  526. rpl_save_failed=Replay save failed!
  527. rpl_save_inprogress=Saving Replay..
  528. rpl_post_xp_save=Press Y to save this replay!
  529. rpl_replay_time=Replay time
  530. rpl_no_replays=No replays available\nPlay some more Speedrunners!
  531. rpl_outdated=Outdated
  532. rpl_outdated_replay=Outdated replay
  533. rpl_outdated_popup_msg=This replay is outdated and might cause errors in the game, are you sure you want to watch this replay?
  534. rpl_recorded_by=Recorded by
  535. rpl_unknown_player=Unknown player
  536. rpl_overview_menu_delete=Press Y to delete this replay.
  538. [options]
  539. o_sound=Sound Volume
  540. o_music=Music Volume
  541. o_vibration=Gamepad Vibration
  542. o_clear=Clear Save File
  543. o_controls=Setup Controls
  544. o_done=Done
  546. [game options menu]
  547. game_option_0=Golden Hooks
  548. game_option_1=Triple Crates
  549. game_option_2=Single Crates
  550. game_option_3=Rockets
  551. game_option_4=Triple Rockets
  552. game_option_5=InvinciDrills
  553. game_option_6=Bombs
  554. game_option_7=Shockwaves
  555. game_option_8=Fireballs
  556. game_option_9=Freezerays
  557. game_option_10=Lethal Spikes
  558. game_option_11=srennuRdeepS
  559. game_option_12=SuperSpeedRunners
  560. game_option_13=SpeedRapture
  561. game_option_14=Sudden Death
  562. game_option_15=Tournament Settings
  563. game_option_16=Ranked Settings
  564. game_option_17=Default Settings
  565. game_option_18=Roulette Wheel
  566. game_option_no_items=No Items
  567. game_option_all_items=All Items
  568. game_option_no=No %
  569. game_option_only=Only %
  570. game_option_locked=Locked
  571. game_option_item_descr=Enable or disable %
  572. game_option_10_descr=Hitting a spike, saw or laser will instantly knock you out
  573. game_option_14_descr=The screen will get smaller and smaller. Starts when the first player is knocked out or after two minutes, whichever comes first
  574. game_option_15_descr=The official ESL tournament settings. Turns lethal spikes on. All items are allowed, except triple crates and triple rockets
  575. game_option_16_descr=The default settings for Ranked matches. Turns lethal spikes on. All items are allowed, except triple rockets.
  576. game_option_17_descr=The default Quick Game settings. All items except triple rockets. No lethal spikes.
  577. game_option_18_descr=Show the Roulette Wheel at the start of the match, picking a random modifier. This could be SpeedHookers (all items are Golden Hooks), RocketRunners (all items are Triple Rockets), srennuRdeepS, SpeedRapture or SuperSpeedRunners
  578. go_items_title=Items
  579. go_modifiers_title=Modifiers
  580. go_presets_title=Presets
  582. [characters]
  583. character_Speedrunner=Speedrunner
  584. character_Unic=Unic
  585. character_Cosmonaut=Cosmonaut Comrade
  586. character_Hothead=Hothead
  587. character_Moonraker=Moonraker
  588. character_Buckshot=Buckshot
  589. character_Gil=Gil
  590. character_Falcon=The Falcon
  591. character_ManekiNeko=Maneki Neko
  592. character_Scout=Scout
  593. character_SkullDuggery=SkullDuggery
  594. character_Salem=Salem
  595. character_Markiplier=Markiplier
  596. character_JesseCox=Jesse Cox
  597. character_UberHaxorNova=UberHaxorNova
  598. character_PeanutButterGamer=PeanutButterGamer
  599. character_PewDiePie=PewDiePie
  600. character_Dodger=Dodger
  601. character_Strippin=Strippin
  602. character_CinnamonToastKen=CinnamonToastKen
  603. character_Goat=Goat
  604. character_GangBeast=Gang Beast
  605. character_Payday=Payday
  606. character_Lucjadore=Luc J'adore
  607. character_SherlockBones=Sherlock Bones
  608. character_Jailbird=Jailbird
  609. character_Excel=Excel
  610. character_XL=XL
  611. character_Burger=Burger
  612. character_DoctorSmart=Doctor Smart
  613. character_MrQuick=The Original Mr. Quick
  614. character_Flamenco=Flamenco
  615. character_FortKnight=Fort Knight
  616. character_VelociTrex=Veloci-T-rex
  617. character_Alpha=Alpha
  618. character_Glitch=Glitch
  620. [character join lines]
  621. character_join_Speedrunner=Time to go sanic fast!
  622. character_join_Unic=I'm a brony!
  623. character_join_Cosmonaut=Да, детка, бухаем!
  624. character_join_Hothead=...ECH
  625. character_join_Moonraker=Know your sstarrsss.
  626. character_join_Buckshot=I'm coming for you e.e
  627. character_join_Gil=Time to make a splash! Haha, cause I dive in water!
  628. character_join_Falcon=Is it a bird? Nah, it's a plane.
  629. character_join_ManekiNeko=( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  630. character_join_Scout=IM THE FREAKING SCOUT
  631. character_join_SkullDuggery=Can you dig it!? HAH, CAUSE I HAVE A SHOVEL!
  632. character_join_Salem=Ohi.
  634. character_join_JesseCox=I don't watch this guy
  635. character_join_UberHaxorNova=I need my G-Stank for this..
  636. character_join_PeanutButterGamer=FUS RO WATER! ...That wasn't funny at all.
  637. character_join_PewDiePie=I am going to scream at you.
  638. character_join_Dodger=Hi, I'm a fox, that's cool.
  639. character_join_Strippin=Hi guys, I'm Strippin here!
  640. character_join_CinnamonToastKen=Hey guys, I'm CinnamonToastKen! ..Remember that cereal?
  641. character_join_Lucjadore=Préparez-LUCJADORRRREEEEEEEEEE
  642. character_join_SherlockBones=I smell trouble! Hah, cause I'm a dog
  643. character_join_Jailbird=Jailbird, on the run!
  644. character_join_Excel=I'll file this as a high priority. HAH ITS FUNNY CAUSE IM A WORKER AND MY NAME IS EXCEL
  645. character_join_XL=Here's why they call me X L! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  646. character_join_Burger=Just in time for the breakfast menu! BECAUSE IM A BURGERRRR
  647. character_join_DoctorSmart=Enough Monkey business! AGHHH THE PUNS
  648. character_join_MrQuick=Lethal spikes!!!!!!!!!1111
  649. character_join_Flamenco=Unleash the beast!! MMMACHO MAAAAANNNN
  650. character_join_FortKnight=Stand and deliver!
  651. character_join_VelociTrex=Bork Bork
  652. character_join_BB_Speedrunner=I'll race you to the beach!
  653. character_join_ST_Cosmonaut=мой мороженое тает слишком быстро
  655. [tips]
  656. TIP_HOOK=You can shoot a grappling hook at white ceilings to swing!
  657. TIP_WALL_HANG=You can hang on to white dotted walls! Jump away again by pressing jump.
  658. TIP_DOUBLE_JUMP=You can doublejump by pressing jump in mid-air!
  659. TIP_CHALLENGE=This level is really difficult, so good luck!
  660. TIP_RANDOM_1=Explore the level to find the best and fastest routes.
  661. TIP_RANDOM_2=Use your new gadgets to improve your scores on previous levels.
  662. TIP_RANDOM_3=You can press %back% or %start% to pause the game.
  663. TIP_RANDOM_4=You can adjust the sound and music volumes in the options menu.
  664. TIP_RANDOM_5=You can quickly restart a level from the pause menu.
  665. TIP_RANDOM_6=Collect all the winged sandals to unlock an awesome bonus level!
  666. TIP_RANDOM_7=Collect all gold medals to unlock a special reward!
  667. TIP_RANDOM_8=Jumping slows you down slightly. Briefly tap %jump% to do a small jump, hold %jump% to perform bigger jumps.
  669. TIP_UN_0=What's the name of a female horse? ...I have no idea.
  670. TIP_UN_1=Did you know that horses can sleep lying down or standing up? ..Yeah.
  671. TIP_UN_2=Ponies may be smaller than horses, but watch out! They'll bite your feet!
  672. TIP_UN_3=Who has the biggest eyes of any mammal on earth? Probably me. I have big eyes.
  673. TIP_UN_4=Did you know horses only sleep between 2 and 3 hours a day? THAT'S AWESOME
  674. TIP_UN_5=Let's turn that smile into a pile! ...What?
  675. TIP_UN_6=Tonight is your night Hothead, light it up! HAH GET IT BECAUSE YOU'RE FIRE
  676. TIP_UN_7=Moonraker, that outfit is truly Astronomical! HAHAHA PUN
  677. TIP_UN_8=It's time for a Speedy trot! Lets do it =3=
  679. TIP_UN_10=im tired
  680. TIP_UN_11=*clap clap* LETS DO THE UNIC
  681. TIP_UN_12=Join the pink side, it's totes fab
  682. TIP_UN_13=Always be a unicorn.. Unless you can be yourself.
  683. TIP_UN_14=I never say never to Justin Beiber!
  684. TIP_UN_15=Buckshot, my deer friend! BECAUSE HE'S A DEEEEERRRR AHHHHH PUNNNN
  685. TIP_UN_16=That Falcon guy is giving me goose bumps!
  686. TIP_UN_17=You're the catch of the day, Gil! ;~; because he's a fish and you catch those
  687. TIP_UN_18=Hello to you too, friendly scat man! :D
  688. TIP_UN_19=I really dig that costume, SkullDuggery! ..Man, tough crowd.
  689. TIP_UN_20=Knock 'em dead, SkullDuggery... Please actually do.
  690. TIP_UN_21=You sure are a charmer, Salem! B)
  692. TIP_SR_0=Lets run some Speed!
  693. TIP_SR_1=Time for a speed!
  694. TIP_SR_2=Nothing says Speed like saying the word speed!
  695. TIP_SR_3=I've got the need for a collab with sonic!
  696. TIP_SR_4=Speedrunner's the name, Speed is my game. Oh, and sonic references.
  697. TIP_SR_5=You can Speed-run, but if you do.. you might trip.
  698. TIP_SR_6=Nobody can out-run the puns!
  699. TIP_SR_7=A round helmet?! I WANT ONE OF THOSE!
  700. TIP_SR_8=Goooo sonic!
  701. TIP_SR_9=If you've got the Run, I'll bring the gun.
  702. TIP_SR_10=Every day I'm shufflin'. dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
  703. TIP_SR_11=Run fast or don't!
  704. TIP_SR_12=I've got the need. The need.. for terrible puns.
  705. TIP_SR_13=That Falcon sure looks like he's brooding on something..
  706. TIP_SR_14=Nice try, Gil, but I've got bigger fish to fry! Me!
  707. TIP_SR_15=You run like a fish out of water, Gil! Well, I mean, he is.
  708. TIP_SR_16=Don't chicken out now, Falcon! Ba-dum-tsssssss.
  709. TIP_SR_17=Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Falcon!
  710. TIP_SR_18=Hey, Skullduggery, you're gunna die.
  712. TIP_CC_0=Ты меня уважаешь?
  713. TIP_CC_1=Запивай водку пивом!
  714. TIP_CC_2=Я хотел бы летать один из этих ракет к более счастливому месте
  715. TIP_CC_3=Я бегу но не могу убежать
  716. TIP_CC_4=Нас не догонят. Наверное.
  717. TIP_CC_5=Я пытаюсь убежать от прошлого, быстрым бегом
  718. TIP_CC_6=Я разбиваю эти ящики надеюсь что в них есть водка
  719. TIP_CC_7=В жизни нет смысла, кроме бега
  720. TIP_CC_8=От чего мы всего бежим?
  721. TIP_CC_9=Я бегу на водке
  722. TIP_CC_10=Адреналин от ускорения - единственное что заставляет меня чувствовать себя живым
  723. TIP_CC_11=Я не понимаю этот розовый носорог мужчину
  724. TIP_CC_12=В космосе никто не слышит как я плачу
  727. TIP_HH_0=Rrooarwaaooawwrrr!!
  728. TIP_HH_1=Aggaaeeowwwwweeeaagggaaaarrrwwrwwwrr!!!
  729. TIP_HH_2=Grraaahhwww!!
  730. TIP_HH_3=Rrwooaaaaahhhgggf!!!
  731. TIP_HH_4=Ffffguugggrrrraarara!!
  732. TIP_HH_5=Huurrrrrzzaaaaarrf!
  733. TIP_HH_6=Ggggrooooowwwwlll!
  734. TIP_HH_7=Aaaarrgghh!!
  735. TIP_HH_8=Rrrruuummmbbbllleeeeaaaarrgh!!
  736. TIP_HH_9=...ECH!
  738. TIP_BS_0=The hunt is on, sanic.
  739. TIP_BS_1=I'm in this for cheap money.
  740. TIP_BS_2=I'm on your trail, SpeedRunner! God, I hate trails.
  741. TIP_BS_3=I'll give you some real bang for your cluck!
  742. TIP_BS_4=I've got you in my sniper, Speedrunner.. =-=
  743. TIP_BS_5=Good game, Unic..
  744. TIP_BS_6=I've got you dead to rights, SkullDuggery!
  746. TIP_GL_0=...
  747. TIP_GL_1=Looks like you're in some hot water, SpeedRunner! Which is slightly painful! AHA!
  748. TIP_GL_2=I'll win this race, come at me hell!
  749. TIP_GL_3=I'll leave you swimming! In water!
  750. TIP_GL_4=The biggest fish has just arrived in Shreks' Swamp!
  751. TIP_GL_5=Time to dive!
  752. TIP_GL_6=>:C
  753. TIP_GL_7= Oh, I gotchu =3=
  754. TIP_GL_8=You're going to need a boat! To catch fish! Like me! Aha!
  756. TIP_TF_0=I will have my vengeance on you SpeedRunner, in this life or the next!
  757. TIP_TF_1=Catching a boost makes me eggstatic!
  758. TIP_TF_2=Don't play fowl with me, SpeedRunner!
  759. TIP_TF_3=All hail The Falcon!
  760. TIP_TF_4=Prepare for the Peckoning
  761. TIP_TF_5=I'll crush you into an omelette!
  762. TIP_TF_6=You've had your last run, SpeedRunner!
  763. TIP_TF_7=Nobody calls me a chicken!
  764. TIP_TF_8=The early bird catches the worm!
  765. TIP_TF_9=This time, the chicken comes first!
  767. TIP_MN_0=(T^T)/
  768. TIP_MN_1=\("~")/
  769. TIP_MN_2=( :c)_
  770. TIP_MN_3=( :D)/
  771. TIP_MN_4=(;3;)_
  772. TIP_MN_5=(o.o)
  774. TIP_MR_0=Oh, you're still on earth? Pshhh, that's lame. The moon is so much cooler.
  775. TIP_MR_1=That Sputnik is a real ass-to-nut. How lame.
  776. TIP_MR_2=Oh, you guys still have gravity? Pshhh, you're lame. You guys are lame.
  777. TIP_MR_3=What do you mean your boots don't have rockets? Pshhh, that's totes lame.
  778. TIP_MR_4=One small step for man, one giant leap for moon people. Like me! Cause earth is lame.
  779. TIP_MR_5=These crates are sooooooo lame!
  780. TIP_MR_6=Why so lame, Sputnik?
  781. TIP_MR_7=Watch out boys, this girl's pretty lame.
  782. TIP_MR_8=Oo-ee-oo-aa-aa! Ting, tang, walla-walla-bing boom bang bap beepadie bop
  783. TIP_MR_9=It's my way or the milky way!
  784. TIP_MR_10=Unic's fashion sense is lame.
  785. TIP_MR_11=Keep up guys, it's not rocket science! It's lame.
  786. TIP_MR_12=I'm a grapple-shooting steak. Nevermind, I hate meat. It's lame. I'm a vegetarian.
  787. TIP_MR_13=Hey Unic, we should be friends on lamebook!
  788. TIP_MR_14=May the best lame chick win!
  789. TIP_MR_15=There's only room for one lame chick in this race!
  790. TIP_MR_16=That Buckshot's got me all doe-eyed. How lame.
  791. TIP_MR_17=That Papyrus is such a lazybones! How lame of him.
  792. TIP_MR_18=Enough kitten around, Salem! Man, my jokes are lame.
  794. TIP_SC_0=WOO HOO HOO!
  795. TIP_SC_1=WOOHOO!
  798. TIP_SC_4=BONK!
  799. TIP_SC_5=BOINK!
  800. TIP_SC_6=EAT MY DUST!
  801. TIP_SC_7=LET'S GO! GO, GO GO!
  802. TIP_SC_8=YOINK!
  805. TIP_SC_11=PLAY BALL!
  806. TIP_SC_12=BRING IT!
  809. TIP_SC_15=LET'S GET HIM!
  813. TIP_JSSCX_0=I'm some guy on youtube.
  816. TIP_PDP_0=I have 40 million subscribers. How?
  817. TIP_DDGR_0=I'm a girl, that makes me popular.
  818. TIP_STRPN_0=I'm strippin!
  819. TIP_CTKEN_0=I am 90% sure my name is based off the cereal.
  821. TIP_GOAT_0=Bahh!
  822. TIP_GOAT_1=/BAAAAHHH!!!
  823. TIP_GOAT_2=#teamGoat all the way!
  825. TIP_SD_0=I'm dead fast!
  826. TIP_SD_1=You're making a grave mistake, running against me!
  827. TIP_SD_2=I've got a bone to pick with you, SpeedRunner!
  828. TIP_SD_3=I'll bring SpeedRunner to a dead end!
  829. TIP_SD_4=I'll bury the competition!
  830. TIP_SD_5=You're dead meat!
  831. TIP_SD_6=Dig this!
  832. TIP_SD_7=You're such a chicken, Gil!
  833. TIP_SD_8=Don't be such a scaredycat, Salem!
  835. TIP_SM_0=I've got a good feline about this run!
  836. TIP_SM_1=I'm feline great!
  837. TIP_SM_2=Watch out boys, this cat's got claws!
  838. TIP_SM_3=I've got the magic touch!
  839. TIP_SM_4=I'm going for the purr-fect run!
  840. TIP_SM_5=I've got a spell on you, SpeedRunner!
  841. TIP_SM_6=A cat always lands on its feet!
  843. TIP_LJA_0=I will break you as I would a baguette!
  844. TIP_LJA_1=I’ve eaten snails faster than you!
  845. TIP_LJA_2=Viva la lucha!
  846. TIP_LJA_3=Today will be your dia de muertos!
  847. TIP_LJA_4=I’ll give this race a little je ne sais quoi!
  848. TIP_LJA_5=Muy bien, mon amor!
  849. TIP_LJA_6=Donde es la peda!?
  851. TIP_SB_0=How’s life as a police dog? Ruff!
  852. TIP_SB_1=What’s my favourite part of a tree? Bark!
  853. TIP_SB_2=I’m on your tail, criminals!
  854. TIP_SB_3=I’ll take a bite out of crime!
  855. TIP_SB_4=Cat-burglars, my worst nightmare!
  856. TIP_SB_5=A clue!
  858. TIP_JB_0=Catch me if you can!
  859. TIP_JB_1=I’ll take no prisoners!
  860. TIP_JB_2=Nothing speedier than life on the run!
  861. TIP_JB_3=I’m on the run, and he’s on the case!
  862. TIP_JB_4=I’d let you win, but my hands are tied!
  863. TIP_JB_5=Crime doesn’t pay, and neither do I!
  864. TIP_JB_6=What am I in for? None of your business!
  866. TIP_EXCEL_0=Running is a great way to stay sharp.
  867. TIP_EXCEL_1=Time for a speedy run? I’ll check my agenda…
  868. TIP_EXCEL_2=I can’t wait to hear the reports on this run!
  869. TIP_EXCEL_3=Ahh, my old friend the Gantt Chart!
  870. TIP_EXCEL_4=Nothing beats cross-departmental synergy!
  871. TIP_EXCEL_5=What’s the long-term return on these crates?
  872. TIP_EXCEL_6=Let's get down to business!
  873. TIP_EXCEL_7=Time to take care of business!
  875. TIP_XL_0=Time to cut loose!!!
  876. TIP_XL_1=Work hard, run harder!
  877. TIP_XL_2=High on LIFE!!!
  878. TIP_XL_3=I’ll never die, woohoo!!
  879. TIP_XL_4=Excellent!
  880. TIP_XL_5=Bring on the weekend!!
  881. TIP_XL_6=Party all the time!
  882. TIP_XL_7=Time for a Speedy party!
  884. TIP_BURGER_0=Ever heard of fast food?
  885. TIP_BURGER_1=You’ll never ketchup!
  886. TIP_BURGER_2=Don’t stop me now, I’m on a roll!
  887. TIP_BURGER_3=Lettuce race!
  888. TIP_BURGER_4=Running against me would be a big mis-steak!
  889. TIP_BURGER_5=The steaks are high, in this race!
  890. TIP_BURGER_6=I’ve got no beef with you, Falcon!
  891. TIP_BURGER_7=It's time for a speedy snack!
  893. TIP_DS_0=I’ve got a fever, and the cure is more bananas!
  894. TIP_DS_1=It’s wise to take bananas before a run.
  895. TIP_DS_2=Feeling drowsy? Not enough bananas.
  896. TIP_DS_3=Sprained wrist? Eat lighter bananas.
  897. TIP_DS_4=Back injuries? Eat smaller bananas!
  898. TIP_DS_5=Get me a bunch of bananas, stat!
  899. TIP_DS_6=He’s flat-lining… Peel a banana!
  900. TIP_DS_7=Nurse, hand me my bunch of bananas…
  901. TIP_DS_8=I find this banana… appealing!
  902. TIP_DS_9=That yellow shark looks tasty!
  904. TIP_OMQ_0=Did you know you can double-jump? PFFFF, of course you don't.
  905. TIP_OMQ_1=Look at all these noobs! LOL! LMAO! ROFL!
  906. TIP_OMQ_2=What is this, do you even know how to play the game?
  907. TIP_OMQ_3=Wait, how do you quickscope?
  908. TIP_OMQ_4=You, me, alley, no powerups, trickshot last.
  909. TIP_OMQ_5=Weapons are for n00bs.
  910. TIP_OMQ_6=Wow, I'm surprised you figured out how to open the game. Loser.
  911. TIP_OMQ_7=It’s not cheating if I can do it! AHA!
  912. TIP_OMQ_8=If it ain't broken, don’t fix it.
  913. TIP_OMQ_9=SpeedRunner who?? Aren't I the only person in existance?
  915. TIP_FLAM_0=I’ll trample you!
  916. TIP_FLAM_1=I heard you like running with the bulls!
  917. TIP_FLAM_2=I’ll take the bull by the horns!
  918. TIP_FLAM_3=Play with the bull, you get the horns!
  919. TIP_FLAM_4=I’ll bully you out of first place!
  921. TIP_FK_0=Express delivery!
  922. TIP_FK_1=Think outside the box!
  923. TIP_FK_2=I won’t fold so easily!
  924. TIP_FK_3=It’s hip to be square!
  925. TIP_FK_4=What’s in the box? Fort Knight!
  926. TIP_FK_5=My armour is impenetrable!
  928. TIP_MP_0=You can dodge the Golden Hook by sliding under it!
  929. TIP_MP_1=Boost through everyone and everything with the powerful Invinci-Drill!
  930. TIP_MP_2=Homing Missiles can be blocked by dropping crates!
  931. TIP_MP_3=The Bomb can be extremely powerful, just remember to detonate it!
  932. TIP_MP_4=You can dodge the Golden Hook by sliding under it!
  933. TIP_MP_5=Don't forget to use your Boost!
  934. TIP_MP_6=Check back often for more levels and characters!
  935. TIP_MP_7=Use the Shockwave to deflect missiles, bombs or fireballs!
  936. TIP_MP_8=The Shockwave can also be used to break Grappling Hooks!
  937. TIP_MP_9=It's faster to swing than it is to run!
  938. TIP_MP_10=You can carry only one Item, so make sure to use it!
  939. TIP_MP_11=Watch out for spikes and lasers!
  940. TIP_MP_12=Slide into your opponents to tackle them!
  941. TIP_MP_13=You can counter the Shockwave by Boosting through it!
  942. TIP_TUTORIAL=Welcome to SpeedRunners!
  944. [themes]
  945. th_StageCasino=Casino
  946. th_StageCity=City
  947. th_StageIndustry=Industry
  948. th_StageAlley=Alley
  949. th_StageUniversity=Library
  950. th_StageNightclub=Nightclub
  951. th_StagePowerplant=Powerplant
  952. th_StageShip=Ship
  953. th_StageSilo=Silo
  954. th_StageSki=Ski Resort
  955. th_StageThemePark=Theme Park
  956. th_StageVR=Prototype
  957. th_StageZoo=Zoo
  958. th_StageFestival=Festival
  959. th_StageMetro=Metro
  960. th_StageResort=Beach Resort
  961. th_StageMansion=Mansion
  963. [progression]
  964. xp_unlock_title_0=New Weapon!
  965. xp_unlock_title_1=New Level!
  966. xp_unlock_title_2=New Character!
  967. xp_unlock_title_3=New Skin!
  968. xp_unlock_title_4=New Comic!
  969. xp_unlock_title_5=New Game Option!
  970. xp_unlock_title_6=New Feature!
  971. xp_points_scored=Scored % points
  972. xp_match_won=Won the match!
  973. xp_flawless_victory=Flawless victory!
  974. xp_tutorial=Tutorial match!
  975. xp_airtime_distance=Big Air
  976. xp_airtime_distance_2=Huge Air
  977. xp_airtime_distance_3=Crazy Air
  978. xp_golden_hook_hits=Gotcha
  979. xp_golden_hook_hits_far=Get Over Here
  980. xp_golden_hook_hits_revenge=Revenge
  981. xp_golden_hook_dodges=Dodged
  982. xp_shockwave_hook_broken=Denied
  983. xp_shockwave_explosive_broken=Kaboom
  984. xp_shockwave_objects_removed=Shocker
  985. xp_crates_on_players=Crate Block
  986. xp_crates_on_head=Crate Drop
  987. xp_crates_as_rocket_shield=Blocked
  988. xp_rocket_victims=Rocket Stun
  989. xp_rocket_victims_2=Double Stun
  990. xp_rocket_victims_3=Triple Stun
  991. xp_bomb_victims=Boom
  992. xp_bomb_victims_2=Double Boom
  993. xp_bomb_victims_3=Triple Boom
  994. xp_rocket_self=Backfired
  995. xp_tackle=Tackle
  996. xp_invincidrill_victims=Drilled
  997. xp_fireball_victims=Fireball
  998. xp_fireball_victims_2=Double Hit
  999. xp_fireball_victims_3=Strike
  1000. xp_freezeray_victims=Freeze
  1001. xp_freezeray_victims_2=Double Freeze
  1002. xp_freezeray_victims_3=Triple Freeze
  1003. xp_players_eliminated=Opponents eliminated
  1004. xp_over_speed=Super Speed
  1005. xp_first_game_of_day=First game of the day
  1006. xp_second_game_of_day=Second game of the day
  1007. xp_third_game_of_day=Third game of the day
  1008. xp_first_win_of_day=First win of the day
  1009. xp_match_played=Played a match
  1010. xp_reflect_fireball=Deflected
  1011. xp_taunt_survived=Still Alive
  1012. xp_golden_char_played=Played a golden character
  1013. xp_golden_char_win=Won with a golden character
  1014. xp_unit_times=x
  1015. xp_unit_pixels= pixels
  1016. xp_unit_seconds= seconds
  1017. xp_weapon_invincidrill=Invincidrill
  1018. xp_weapon_bomb=Bomb
  1019. xp_weapon_shockwave=Shockwave
  1020. xp_weapon_earthquake=Fireball
  1021. xp_weapon_freeze_ray=Freezeray
  1022. xp_ranked_matches=Ranked Matches
  1023. xp_random_workshop=Random Workshop Maps
  1024. xp_modifier_lethal_spikes=Lethal Spikes
  1025. xp_modifier_speedhookers=Speedhookers
  1026. xp_modifier_srennuRdeepS=srennuRdeepS
  1027. xp_modifier_rocketrunners=Rocketrunners
  1028. xp_modifier_superspeed=Super SpeedRunners
  1029. xp_modifier_speedrapture=Speedrapture
  1030. xp_modifier_no_items=No Items
  1031. xp_char_speedrunner_0=SpeedRunner
  1032. xp_char_speedrunner_1=River Runner
  1033. xp_char_speedrunner_2=Shock Runner
  1034. xp_char_speedrunner_3=Winter Runner
  1035. xp_char_unic_0=Unic
  1036. xp_char_unic_1=Golden Unic
  1037. xp_char_unic_2=Darkside Unic
  1038. xp_char_unic_3=Blunic
  1039. xp_char_cosmonaut_0=Cosmonaut Comrade
  1040. xp_char_cosmonaut_1=Silver Starchild
  1041. xp_char_cosmonaut_2=Cosmonight
  1042. xp_char_cosmonaut_3=The Patriot Pal
  1043. xp_char_hothead_0=Hothead
  1044. xp_char_hothead_1=Ghostface Runner
  1045. xp_char_hothead_2=Abominable Hotface
  1046. xp_char_hothead_3=Angry Hothead
  1047. xp_char_moonraker_0=Moonraker
  1048. xp_char_moonraker_1=Champagne Star
  1049. xp_char_moonraker_2=Ms. Milky Way
  1050. xp_char_moonraker_3=Intergalactic Investigator
  1051. xp_char_falcon_0=The Falcon
  1052. xp_char_falcon_1=The Quick Chick
  1053. xp_char_falcon_2=The Raven
  1054. xp_char_falcon_3=The Iron Falcon
  1055. xp_char_buckshot_0=Buckshot
  1056. xp_char_buckshot_1=White Stag
  1057. xp_char_buckshot_2=Stag Knight
  1058. xp_char_buckshot_3=The Safari Sniper
  1059. xp_char_manekineko_0=Maneki Neko
  1060. xp_char_manekineko_1=Unlucky Waving Cat
  1061. xp_char_manekineko_2=Fortune Favours
  1062. xp_char_manekineko_3=Ginger Stray
  1063. xp_char_gil_0=Gil
  1064. xp_char_gil_1=The Great White
  1065. xp_char_gil_2=Banana Gil
  1066. xp_char_gil_3=Bad Gil
  1067. xp_char_skullduggery_0=SkullDuggery
  1068. xp_char_skullduggery_1=Jack-O-Lantern
  1069. xp_char_skullduggery_2=StrawberryDuggery
  1070. xp_char_skullduggery_3=Guardian Grim
  1071. xp_char_salem_0=Salem
  1072. xp_char_salem_1=The Crimson Witch
  1073. xp_char_salem_2=Goldilocks
  1074. xp_char_salem_3=Banshee
  1075. xp_char_lucjadore_0=Luc J'adore
  1076. xp_char_lucjadore_1=Le Diablo
  1077. xp_char_lucjadore_2=Magnifique
  1078. xp_char_lucjadore_3=Bumble Bonsoir
  1079. xp_char_sherlockbones_0=Sherlock Bones
  1080. xp_char_sherlockbones_1=The Fuzz
  1081. xp_char_sherlockbones_2=The Pink Pug
  1082. xp_char_sherlockbones_3=Bloodhound
  1083. xp_char_jailbird_0=Jailbird
  1084. xp_char_jailbird_1=Jailbreak
  1085. xp_char_jailbird_2=Candystripe Convict
  1086. xp_char_jailbird_3=Nightwatch
  1087. xp_char_excel_0=Excel
  1088. xp_char_excel_1=Business Excel
  1089. xp_char_excel_2=Casual Excel
  1090. xp_char_excel_3=Formal Excel
  1091. xp_char_burger_0=Burger
  1092. xp_char_burger_1=Burger, no bun
  1093. xp_char_burger_2=Zombie Burger
  1094. xp_char_burger_3=Fast Food
  1095. xp_char_doctorsmart_0=Doctor Smart
  1096. xp_char_doctorsmart_1=The Silent Simian
  1097. xp_char_doctorsmart_2=Nurse Nice
  1098. xp_char_doctorsmart_3=Banana Split
  1099. xp_char_mrquick_0=The Original Mr. Quick
  1100. xp_char_mrquick_1=The Speedy Scoundrel
  1101. xp_char_mrquick_2=The Quick Crusader
  1102. xp_char_mrquick_3=Silver-Age SpeedRunner
  1103. xp_char_flamenco_0=Flamenco
  1104. xp_char_flamenco_1=Rodeo Blanco
  1105. xp_char_flamenco_2=The Blue Bobo
  1106. xp_char_flamenco_3=Stampede
  1107. xp_char_fortknight_0=Fort Knight
  1108. xp_char_fortknight_1=The Poisonous Paladin
  1109. xp_char_fortknight_2=Bubble Knight
  1110. xp_char_fortknight_3=The Fiery Fortress
  1111. xp_char_velocitrex_0=Veloci-T-Rex
  1112. xp_char_velocitrex_1=Dino Light
  1113. xp_char_velocitrex_2=Jurassic Dark
  1114. xp_char_velocitrex_3=Fossil Fool
  1115. xp_char_bb_speedrunner_0=Beach-Body SpeedRunner
  1116. xp_char_bb_speedrunner_1=The Speedy Splash
  1117. xp_char_bb_speedrunner_2=Sunny-Side Speedo
  1118. xp_char_bb_speedrunner_3=The Lotioned Locomotion
  1119. xp_char_st_cosmonaut_0=Summertime Cosmo
  1120. xp_char_st_cosmonaut_1=Solar Flare
  1121. xp_char_st_cosmonaut_2=Solar Eclipse
  1122. xp_char_st_cosmonaut_3=The Sunshine Soviet
  1123. xp_char_speedrunner_4=Ultimate SpeedRunner
  1124. xp_char_hothead_4=Ultimate HotHead
  1125. xp_char_cosmonaut_4=Ultimate Cosmo
  1126. xp_char_unic_4=Ultimate Unic
  1127. xp_char_moonraker_4=Ultimate Moonraker
  1128. xp_char_scout_0=The Scout
  1129. xp_char_scout_1=Blue Scout
  1130. xp_skip_xp_awards=Ready for the next match!
  1131. xp_screen_title=Points!!!
  1132. xp_screen_no_xp=Play official maps to earn more xp!
  1134. [multiplayer level infos]
  1135. mp_ssroyale_title=SS Royale
  1136. mp_ssroyale_description=BEGINNER\nThis race takes place on the lovely 'SS Royale', a cruise ship filled with switches that you can use to your advantage.
  1137. mp_alley_title=Metro
  1138. mp_alley_description=BEGINNER\nA perfect map for beginners. Enjoy a speedy welcome, as you run in and around New Rush City's Central Station
  1139. mp_themepark_title=Theme Park
  1140. mp_themepark_description=ADVANCED\nTake a swing in this thrilling theme park and chilling haunted house!
  1141. mp_plaza_title=Plaza
  1142. mp_plaza_description=INTERMEDIATE\nA section of the city's main plaza has been shut down especially for SpeedRunners to show their skills.
  1143. mp_warehouse_title=Mansion
  1144. mp_warehouse_description=INTERMEDIATE\nWith all the city's villains vanquished, our heroes decide to take their race to one of the defeated miscreants' mansion
  1145. mp09_title=Festival
  1146. mp09_description=EXPERT\nThe speedrunners have taken their race downtown! Boost through Chinatown, bust Jailbird out of prison or try to outrun a train during the epic Speed Festival!
  1147. pttype2_title=Resort
  1148. pttype2_description=EXPERT\nNothing beats the beach for a Speedy Run! Enjoy a romantic sprint across New Rush City's night life, famous for its classic cocktails and groovy parties!
  1149. mp_swiftpeaks_title=Swift Peaks
  1150. mp_swiftpeaks_description=EXPERT\nHit the slopes in this cool map. Use your momentum wisely and watch out for Yeti's!
  1151. mp_powerplant_title=Powerplant
  1152. mp_powerplant_description=ADVANCED\nWatch out for lasers and other traps in this abandoned powerplant!
  1153. mp_factory_title=Factory
  1154. mp_factory_description=INTERMEDIATE\nA small but action-packed race, taking place in an old car factory filled with traps and deadly spikes
  1155. mp_library_title=Library
  1156. mp_library_description=ADVANCED\nUse your Grappling Hook to swing from the high bookcases in this old library, but beware as it's also filled with traps and deadly spikes
  1157. mp_silo_title=Silo
  1158. mp_silo_description=ADVANCED\nClimb your way to victory using your grappling hook in this vertically oriented race!
  1159. mp_nightclub_title=Nightclub
  1160. mp_nightclub_description=ADVANCED\nUse your momentum to reach neck-breaking speeds in this swinging nightclub!
  1161. mp_zoo_title=Zoo
  1162. mp_zoo_description=EXPERT\nSwing along with monkeys and run past lions and elephants in the New Rush City Zoo!
  1163. mp_casino_title=Casino
  1164. mp_casino_description=EXPERT\nTry your luck at The Golden Hook Casino! This level is based on "Fresh Out" by GraphiqueNez2, the winner of the first level editor competition
  1165. mp_airport_title=Airport
  1166. mp_airport_description=EXPERT\nGet ready for takeoff! Our heroes take their final race to New Rush City's Airport. A great place to reach maximum velocity, as long as you don't get stuck in traffic
  1167. mp_random_title=Random
  1168. mp_random_description=Select a random (official) level
  1169. mp_random_custom_title=Random workshop
  1170. mp_random_custom_description=Select a random user-made level from the workshop
  1172. [singleplayer level infos]
  1173. sp_locked=This level is locked! Complete the previous level to unlock this level.
  1174. sp00_title=Prologue
  1175. sp00_description=A bomb has been planted at the University of Science! Save the scientists by dismantling the bomb before it explodes!
  1176. sp01_title=Another Bomb
  1177. sp01_description=Another bomb has been found at the University! Use your grappling hook to get over there and dismantle it in time!
  1178. sp02_title=More bombs
  1179. sp02_description=Dismantle another bomb before it explodes!
  1180. sp02b_title=For Science!
  1181. sp02b_description=Who is behind all these bombings?!
  1182. sp03_title=The City
  1183. sp03_description=Stalnik the mad bomber has focused his attention elsewhere and has now placed bombs all over the city!
  1184. sp04_title=Rooftops
  1185. sp04_description=Use your new wallclimbing gadget to get to the bomb in time! Be aware of spikes; they can prove to be rather deadly..
  1186. sp04b_title=Boobytraps
  1187. sp04b_description=Stalnik filled this area with boobytraps! Be careful to avoid these deadly lasers while racing to dismantle another bomb!
  1188. sp05_title=To the Tower
  1189. sp05_description=It seems like Stalniks main target is the highest tower in the city. Get over there as soon as possible!
  1190. sp05b_title=Going up..
  1191. sp05b_description=A big bomb has been found at the top of this tower! Use your wallclimbing gadget to get there right now!
  1192. sp06_title=Hide & Seek
  1193. sp06_description=After your escape, Stalnik has retreated to this abandoned industrial area. Find him, and take him out!
  1194. sp07_title=Finding Stalnik
  1195. sp07_description=Use your double-jumping skills to jump over boobytraps and other dangers and get to Stalnik!
  1196. sp08_title=Almost There
  1197. sp08_description=Go find Stalnik, but beware of any lingering bombs and other traps!
  1198. sp08b_title=Hide & Seek II
  1199. sp08b_description=Try to find the bomb in this dangerous maze-like area!
  1200. sp08c_title=Final Defences
  1201. sp08c_description=Judging from all these lasers and rocket launchers, you must be getting close to Stalniks hideout..
  1202. spB01_title=VR Mission I
  1203. spB01_description=Finding the fastest route to the bomb is essential in this mission if you want to get the gold..
  1204. spB02_title=VR Mission II
  1205. spB02_description=A great place to test the strength and accuracy of your jumps.
  1206. spB03_title=VR Mission III
  1207. spB03_description=Put your grappling hook skills to the test and see how fast you can climb in this vertical mission.
  1208. spB04_title=VR Mission IV
  1209. spB04_description=The perfect environment to just swing around a bit..
  1210. spB05_title=VR Mission V
  1211. spB05_description=So close and yet so far away..
  1212. spB06_title=Final Challenge
  1213. spB06_description=The ultimate place to show your skills
  1214. spB06_locked=This level is locked! Collect all the winged sandals to unlock this level.
  1215. spBo01_title=The Chase
  1216. spBo01_description=Escape Stalnik the Mad Bomber and his diabolical machine!
  1217. spBo02_title=The Escape
  1218. spBo02_description=Another trap! Stalnik the Mad Bomber was waiting for you halfway up this building!
  1219. spBo03_title=The Finale
  1220. spBo03_description=Take care of this villainous Bomber once and for all!
  1221. spN01_title=VR Mission VI
  1222. spN01_description=A varied mission with lots of swinging and tight jumps.
  1223. spN02_title=VR Mission VII
  1224. spN02_description=Another mission in which it's essential to find the perfect route
  1225. spN03_title=VR Mission VIII
  1226. spN03_description=Don't be afraid to take that leap of faith!
  1227. spN04_title=VR Mission IX
  1228. spN04_description=Use these switches to your advantage!
  1229. spS01_title=VR Mission X
  1230. spS01_description=This area is filled with rockets!
  1231. spS02_title=Treacherous Traps
  1232. spS02_description=It seems like Stalnik has outfitted this industrial area with lots of rockets, lasers and other traps!
  1234. [story mode]
  1235. sm_ep0_ch0_txt0=Bang, zoom! I'm Moonraker and I've been sent here to challenge you to a race!
  1236. sm_ep0_ch0_txt1=%SR%I accept your challenge! Allow me to prove to you and all your friends who is the Speediest Runner!
  1237. sm_ep1_ch0_txt0=You're fast indeed SpeedRunner! But do you know all the fastest routes on this ship?
  1238. sm_ep1_ch0_txt1=%SR%You bet I do! And I'm even faster when I swing!
  1239. sm_ep2_ch0_txt0=You may be fast, but these deadly spikes are sure to stop you!
  1240. sm_ep2_ch0_txt1=%SR%Ha ha haa not a chance, Moonraker!!
  1241. sm_ep3_ch0_txt0=Enough of this running around. I'll take you on all by myself! Prepare to face the future queen of speed!
  1242. sm_ep3_ch0_txt1=%SR%Then I guess it's time for a Speedy Run!
  1243. sm_ep0_ch1_txt0=Your speedy antics are ruining this dear city of mine, SpeedRunner, and I'm going to stop you before you take it too far!
  1244. sm_ep0_ch1_txt1=%SR%You can try to catch me Gil, but I doubt you know all the shortcuts in Factory!
  1245. sm_ep1_ch1_txt0=You'd better watch out for my Golden Hook or you'll be done for!
  1246. sm_ep1_ch1_txt1=%SR%Then I'd better slide at just the right time to avoid that hook!
  1247. sm_ep2_ch1_txt0=Watch your step, speedy man. If these lasers hit you you’ll be dead last!
  1248. sm_ep2_ch1_txt1=%SR%These traps should be no problem as long as I save up some boost…
  1249. sm_ep3_ch1_txt0=You’ve run your last race, SpeedRunner! I know the shortcuts in Silo like the back of my fin!
  1250. sm_ep3_ch1_txt1=%SR%You might know the map, Gil, but hitting all these downward slopes is gonna boost me to an easy win!
  1251. sm_ep0_ch2_txt0=In order to catch a SpeedRunner, one must become a speedrunner!
  1252. sm_ep0_ch2_txt1=%SR%Sorry Bucko, but I’m the top of this food chain!
  1253. sm_ep1_ch2_txt0=I’ve heard you can swing through this night club without touching the ground. Is that true?
  1254. sm_ep1_ch2_txt1=%SR%Well I sure didn’t come here to dance!
  1255. sm_ep2_ch2_txt0=My shockwave can disrupt crates, fireballs and even rockets. I’ll be unstoppable with it!
  1256. sm_ep2_ch2_txt1=%SR%Ha ha! Even the powerful shockwave can’t slow me down when I'm boosting!
  1257. sm_ep3_ch2_txt0=I’ve got you in my sights, SpeedRunner. After this race I’ll be the top predator in New Rush City!
  1258. sm_ep3_ch2_txt1=%SR%Keep dreaming Buckshot, I’m the king of these slopes!
  1259. sm_ep0_ch3_txt0=I’ll give you one chance to leave before I embarrass you in front of the whole city, SpeedRunner!
  1260. sm_ep0_ch3_txt1=%SR%Boy Falcon, with threats like that you must think I’m a real… chicken! Ha ha ha ha ha!
  1261. sm_ep1_ch3_txt0=You were lucky at the casino, but with this next race I’ll run you out of town for good.
  1262. sm_ep1_ch3_txt1=%SR%What the-- He even uses sloped ceilings to bounce himself downwards!!
  1263. sm_ep2_ch3_txt0=Having trouble getting around, SpeedRunner? Why don’t you rent a nice peppy scooter?
  1264. sm_ep2_ch3_txt1=%SR%Big mistake, Falcon..
  1265. sm_ep3_ch3_txt0=I challenge you to one final race, SpeedRunner, and the loser will be exiled from New Rush City!
  1266. sm_ep3_ch3_txt1=%SR%Time for the ultimate speedy run!
  1267. sm_chapter_0=Welcome to New Rush City
  1268. sm_chapter_1=Jumping the Shark
  1269. sm_chapter_2=Big Game Hunter
  1270. sm_chapter_3=Rise of the Falcon
  1271. sm_desc_0_0_title=It’s Time For A Speedy Run!
  1272. sm_desc_0_0_text=A mysterious new runner challenges SpeedRunner to a race
  1273. sm_desc_0_1_title=Bang! Zoom! She’s From The Moon!
  1274. sm_desc_0_1_text=A footrace aboard the SS Royale is held to determine who is the speediest runner
  1275. sm_desc_0_2_title=Watch Out For Spikes!
  1276. sm_desc_0_2_text=Things get dangerous as the speedy runners take the challenge to an abandoned mansion
  1277. sm_desc_0_3_title=Moonraker’s Sprint Finish!
  1278. sm_desc_0_3_text=SpeedRunner gets challenged to a one-on-one race that will decide the future of New Rush City
  1279. sm_desc_1_0_title=Shark Attack
  1280. sm_desc_1_0_text=Down at the old factory, it seems like everyone in New Rush City wants to take down SpeedRunner!
  1281. sm_desc_1_1_title=A Leap of Faith
  1282. sm_desc_1_1_text=Gil challenges SpeedRunner to some lethal jumps and crucial swings at the Theme Park
  1283. sm_desc_1_2_title=One Wrong Move
  1284. sm_desc_1_2_text=The runners risk their very lives for competition at the New Rush City Powerplant. Don’t try this at home!
  1285. sm_desc_1_3_title=The Jaws of Life
  1286. sm_desc_1_3_text=Gil pulls out all the stops in one final race to take down SpeedRunner!
  1287. sm_desc_2_0_title=The Hunt Is On
  1288. sm_desc_2_0_text=Buckshot’s out to catch the ultimate trophy… SpeedRunner!
  1289. sm_desc_2_1_title=Very Important Runners
  1290. sm_desc_2_1_text=SpeedRunner even gets challenged at New Rush City’s hottest night club. It must be tough being a celebrity!
  1291. sm_desc_2_2_title=King Of The Jungle
  1292. sm_desc_2_2_text=Buckshot picks up all the tricks, but will it be enough to take on SpeedRunner?
  1293. sm_desc_2_3_title=Hitting The Slopes
  1294. sm_desc_2_3_text=SpeedRunner continues to give Buckshot the cold shoulder, but is he skating on thin ice?
  1295. sm_desc_3_0_title=A Chicken And Egg Situation
  1296. sm_desc_3_0_text=Falcon finally shows his face, and this chicken’s got some beef with SpeedRunner!
  1297. sm_desc_3_1_title=The Annual Speed Festival
  1298. sm_desc_3_1_text=The city’s got a lot to celebrate, but will it be SpeedRunner’s goodbye party?
  1299. sm_desc_3_2_title=A Vacation Cut Short
  1300. sm_desc_3_2_text=SpeedRunner takes a well-deserved break, but his newest rival won’t go down without a fight.
  1301. sm_desc_3_3_title=The King of Speed
  1302. sm_desc_3_3_text=Falcon makes the ultimate wager. It’s all about speed, and running.
  1304. [common level info]
  1305. cli_beginner=Beginner
  1306. cli_intermediate=Intermediate
  1307. cli_expert=Expert
  1308. cli_elite=Elite
  1309. cli_workshop=Workshop
  1310. cli_workshop_description=Create, share and play your own custommade levels in the workshop!
  1312. [fonts]
  1313. font_default_12pt=UI/Font/FreeSans.ttf:12,UI/Font/NotoSans-Regular.ttf:12,UI/Font/Symbola_hint.ttf:12,UI/Font/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.otf:12,UI/Font/NotoSansCJKkr-Regular.otf:12
  1314. font_default_16pt=UI/Font/GOTHIC.TTF:16
  1315. font_default_18pt=UI/Font/GOTHIC.TTF:18
  1316. font_kooky_12pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:12
  1317. font_kooky_16pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:16
  1318. font_kooky_18pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:18,UI/Font/NotoSans-Regular.ttf:18,UI/Font/Symbola_hint.ttf:18,UI/Font/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.otf:18,UI/Font/NotoSansCJKkr-Regular.otf:18
  1319. font_kooky_22pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:22
  1320. font_kooky_30pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:30,UI/Font/NotoSans-Regular.ttf:30,UI/Font/Symbola_hint.ttf:30,UI/Font/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.otf:30,UI/Font/NotoSansCJKkr-Regular.otf:30
  1321. font_kooky_40pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:40
  1322. font_kooky_55pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:55
  1323. font_kooky_64pt=UI/Font/Souses.ttf:64
  1324. font_lobster_16pt=UI/Font/Lobster1.4.ttf:16
  1325. font_lobster_22pt=UI/Font/Lobster1.4.ttf:22
  1326. font_cocktail_30pt=UI/Font/COCKTAIL SHAKER.TTF:30
  1327. font_cocktail_40pt=UI/Font/COCKTAIL SHAKER.TTF:40
  1328. font_cyrillic_40pt=UI/Font/ariblk.ttf:28
  1329. font_tf2_40pt=UI/Font/tf2build.ttf:40
  1330. font_digital_30pt=UI/Font/digital-7 (mono).ttf:30
  1332. [controller]
  1333. DPad=DPad
  1334. Thumbstick=Stick
  1335. Trigger=Trigger
  1336. LeftStick=Left Stick
  1337. RightStick=Right Stick
  1338. DPadUp=DPad Up
  1339. DPadDown=DPad Down
  1340. DPadLeft=DPad Left
  1341. DPadRight=DPad Right
  1342. Start=Start
  1343. Back=Back
  1344. LeftShoulder=Left Shoulder
  1345. RightShoulder=Right Shoulder
  1346. BigButton=Big Button
  1347. LeftThumbstickLeft=Left Stick Left
  1348. RightTrigger=Right Trigger
  1349. LeftTrigger=Left Trigger
  1350. RightThumbstickUp=Right Stick Up
  1351. RightThumbstickDown=Right Stick Down
  1352. RightThumbstickRight=Right Stick Right
  1353. RightThumbstickLeft=Right Stick Left
  1354. LeftThumbstickUp=Left Stick Up
  1355. LeftThumbstickDown=Left Stick Down
  1356. LeftThumbstickRight=Left Stick Right
  1358. [keyboard]
  1359. DirectionKeys=Direction Keys
  1361. [mouse]
  1362. Mouse=Mouse
  1363. MouseButton=Mouse Button
  1364. LeftMouseButton=Left Mouse Button
  1365. MiddleMouseButton=Middle Mouse Button
  1366. RightMouseButton=Right Mouse Button
  1367. MouseButtonX1=X1 Mouse Button
  1368. MouseButtonX2=X2 Mouse Button
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