
nopan ch3 QC

Dec 31st, 2014
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  1. >overall there's a ton of ellipses that, although I'm sure is from the original dialogue, is really weird because ellipses are used when you trail off into silence instead of actually saying something. use commas instead.
  3. p1
  4. >not sure about word choice for "nuisance"/迷惑
  5. Yuuka, having exposed her unfeminine self's nether regions to another guy, thinks it was a nuisance for him. But as for Hishimaru...
  6. Looking at you was never a nuisance. In fact, I feel really happy.
  8. p2
  9. >normally I spell it as "geez", rather than "jeez", but preferences.
  10. Jeez, Hishimaru, what do you mean by that?
  11. Exactly what I said. I never once thought that you didn't have any charm.
  12. B- But I'm pretty crude, and have no feminine appeal...
  13. That gives you an energetic, down-to-earth kind of personality.
  14. B- But, don't guys like girls who are more cute and ladylike, like Hanao?
  15. Just like how there are guys that prefer girls with energetic, down-to-earth personalities.
  17. p3
  18. Ah, don't tell me, are you trying to make me feel better? You really are a nice guy, Hishimaru!
  20. p4
  21. It's not like that okay, just listen! I truly do--
  22. Ah, huh? Sorry, am I interrupting something?
  23. Oh no, it's nothing. Did you need anything?
  25. p5
  26. Hahh~ Yesterday turned out to be pretty crazy~
  28. p6
  29. But, well, of course you'll loosen up~ It can't be helped~
  31. p9
  32. "Please go out with me," it says.
  34. p10
  35. In fact, I'd like to know!
  37. p11
  38. Well, you did discuss with me before about why you wanted to enter this high school.
  40. p12
  41. Now that I think about it, I decided to go to this high school because I was frustrated about my lack of femininity and wanted to start over.
  42. Think about it. Up until now, you couldn't even imagine getting a confession, and now you have 3 love letters, right?
  43. Now that you no longer have to wear panties, you body became more feminine, thus making you more popular, don't you agree?
  45. p12
  46. But you know, Hishimaru said to me recently,
  47. That I was cute and charming.
  49. p14
  50. And then I entered this high school. He happened to as well, so we just started talking to each other again.
  52. p18
  53. Let's walk together until we have to split up then.
  55. p19
  56. What's wrong? You're usually more energetic.
  57. If it's alright with you, tell me what's on your mind. I'm willing to listen.
  58. The truth is, I got a love letter today.
  59. Three of them, to boot.
  60. Wha--! I see!
  62. p20
  63. I originally entered this academy so I could become more feminine, right?
  64. So I could get over how I was turned down by the person I liked in middle school because I wasn't feminine at all.
  65. Hanao was saying that the results were showing. That this was all because of the no-panties policy.
  67. p21
  68. The president's opinion is half-right.
  69. Your sudden popularity is because of the effects of the no-panties policy.
  71. p22
  72. After the no-panties policy, it all changed, 180 degrees.
  73. Your working hard and becoming the vice president led people to think even higher of you.
  74. It's complicated, I guess. Getting confessed to in itself made me happy, but...
  75. Well, I'm kinda pissed off.
  76. How come?
  78. p23
  79. Because I knew it, ever since the day I met you in primary school.
  80. That you've always been cute, the type who gives her best in everything.
  81. The timing is just too perfect. Now that it's come down to this, I finally realized that I wanted to get along better with you.
  82. Then my parents who couldn't bear to watch had me join the tennis club, thinking I might be able to make a friend who could change my environment.
  83. From there, I met you, and we got along. And from then on, I was able to make friends with others.
  85. p24
  86. I was so happy. I thought that if we entered the same school, then maybe I could continue from where my emotions were left off.
  87. I... (horizontal ellipsis)
  88. Ever since then, I've always...
  89. Wha-!
  91. p27
  92. The next day
  93. Thanks for the advice!
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