
Download CircleDraw

Mar 12th, 2015
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  2. Download: http://solutionzip.com/downloads/circledraw/
  3. Take the basic project we worked on in class and complete the following features:
  4. • Add in switches for choosing and setting colors for the pen and fill. These colors should be passed to the object to be drawn as we did with pre-set colors.
  5. • Add at least two more shapes to the menu. Each shape would be added to the original switch for the shape choices. To add them you must do the following:
  6. o Create a separate class similar to the Circle class we used. This class should have all of the functionality that was imbedded in the Circle class. o Create the appropriate methods in the ShapeMaker class to gather information from the user and to draw the shape.
  8. public class CircleDraw { JFrame mainWindow; Container contentPane; public static void main(String[] args) { CircleDraw circle = new CircleDraw(); circle.start(); } public CircleDraw(){ mainWindow = new JFrame(“Shape Maker”); mainWindow.setSize(500, 400); mainWindow.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); mainWindow.setVisible(true); contentPane = mainWindow.getContentPane(); contentPane.setBackground(Color.white); } public void start(){ int shape; //display menu of shapes //get user’s choice //based on choice, call methods to get input about shape Circle circle = new Circle(); getCircleInfo(circle); drawCircle(circle); } public void drawCircle(Circle c){ Graphics graphicsContent = contentPane.getGraphics(); c.draw(graphicsContent); } public void getCircleInfo(Circle c){ double radius = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow, “Enter the radius of your circle”)); c.setRadius(radius); //display a menu for pen color //get user choice c.setPenColot(Color.red); //display menu for fill color c.setFillColor(Color.blue); int x = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow, “Enter upper left x-coordinate”)); c.setX(x); int y = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow, “Enter upper left y-coordinate”)); c.setY(y); } } AND HERE IS THE CIRCLE CLASS: public class Circle { //data members private double dblRadius; final public double PI = 3.142; private int xcoord, ycoord; Color penColor, fillColor; //constructor public Circle(){ } public Circle(double radius){ setRadius(radius); penColor = Color.GREEN; fillColor = Color.ORANGE; //set default locations xcoord = 0; ycoord = 0; } //other methods public double getArea(){ return PI * dblRadius * dblRadius; //return PI * Math.pow(dblRadius, 2); } public double getCircumference(){ return 2 * PI * dblRadius; } public void setRadius(double rad){ dblRadius = 0; if(rad > 0){ dblRadius = rad; } } public void setFillColor(Color fill){ fillColor = fill; } public void setPenColot(Color pen){ penColor = pen; } public void setX(int x){ xcoord = 0; if(x>0){ xcoord = x; } } public void setY(int y){ ycoord = 0; if (y>0){ ycoord = y; } } public void draw(Graphics g){ int width = (int)dblRadius * 2; int height = (int)dblRadius * 2; g.setColor(penColor); g.drawOval(xcoord, ycoord, width, height); g.setColor(fillColor); g.fillOval(xcoord, ycoord, width, height); g.dispose(); } }
  10. Download: http://solutionzip.com/downloads/circledraw/
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