
Use Youtube Video as Alarm (Linux)

Jan 16th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. # You can use any sophisticated youtube video (or audio) of your choice as a wake up alarm or notification.
  2. # Requirements: Linux/CLI and MPV player installed
  3. # To install MPV:
  4. * ubuntu/debian - `sudo apt install mpv`
  5. * fedora/centos - `sudo dnf install mpv`
  6. * arch/manjaro - `sudo pacman -S mpv`
  7. * alpine - `apk add mpv`
  8. # Now, if you have MPV, just a short single line:
  9. sleep 1h 30m && mpv
  10. # Replace the video URL with any of your choice.
  11. # Video will pop up and play.
  12. # Sleep can take hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (just write seconds without an additional argument)
  13. # You can as well replace sleep with at, if you want to specify exact time:
  14. mpv | at 9:00 AM
  15. # But in this case you'll also need the cron daemon to work
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