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Aug 31st, 2024
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  1. I am iOS Dev with 4 YOE and i got an interview with google for SDE 3 for iOS, they said 4 rounds of medium and hard dsa, algo questions and 5th round googliness management round. The thing is I remember learning basic ds and algo in my college as it was a mandatory for my degree and never touched it, i casually solved general problem solving questions on hackerrank and hackerearth and all i did in my job was reading documentation and articles and making POCs and see what works and how it works and implement it in main project rarely required DSA algo so didnt touch it. I only have 17 days and on monday mock interview, should i just be honest and tell my recruiter person that I am not ready or simply wing it and get humilited in the interview? What happens if didnt answer a single question in interview will i be blocked from applying in future? if i say I am not ready now can i get a chance in future when i am ready? What should i do?
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