
Oh nooo Adam

Jun 2nd, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, the TV on youtube. He was catching up on episodes of Good Mythical Morning. He what Adam and Hayley were up to and how the cheer competition went. He was also double checking with his Dad about the tile materials coming in. He was also going over the events from Tuesday night when Hayley had walked in on him and Bliss in the middle of sex. He'd did his best to cover it, leaning over to kiss Bliss and duck down behind the couch, but he didn't exactly stop his motions either.
  2. Alexithymiaa: (Im just shaking my head.)
  3. Tsaaq: Bliss was in the kitchen, cleaning and such. "I hope everyone's finals went well. Because mine did. This summer is going to be great!" She declared, continuing to fix up the kitchen, obviously trying to compensate for being CAUGHT getting BANGED OUT. // Hayley stomped up the stairs and shoved her lended key into the door and warily pushed it open, peeking around cautiously.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stepped up to the door of the apartment, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder because he was just exhausted from all the travel and shit over the last couple of days. Moving behind Hayley, he raised his brows to the fact that she wasnt just walking into the apartment, speaking gently. "Uh... Halo? Are you going inside?"-
  5. Covet: "Mine did pretty good too. Next year should be easy peasy to finish up for my degree." Eli looked up as he heard the door open up this time and turned his head, "Hey there you guys are. Welcome home...don't worry it's safe..." He said with a cough.
  6. Tsaaq: She grinned then went silent once Hayley and Adam came inside of the apartment. "Hey guys. How was the competition?" She asked perkily. // Hayley glanced at Adam and nodded as she stepped inside, putting her bag on the floor. "Sorry." She said to Adam before staring blankly at Eli. "Great." She said in a monotone before going to sit down.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He stepped inside the apartment behind Hayley, pushing the door closed behind him. Lifting his head when Bliss inquired about the competition, he winced slightly, not really wanting to answer that very painful question. "Not.... great..."-
  8. Covet: Eli paused his show and got up walking around the couch towards the kitchen and dining room, "Ouch.. I'm sorry. How bad was it?" Eli asked, "Do you guys want anything to drink, snack?"
  9. Tsaaq: Bliss lowered her head awkwardly and stepped out of the kitchen. "I can get some iced tea for you if you want?" Bliss offered. Her mouth forming a frown at the news. "Oh no... That's so unfortunate. Maybe next year?" // "Ninth place." Hayley replied as she began to slouch on her spot on the couch. "I'm not hungry or anything." She said, leaning her head on the arm of the couch as she curled into a ball on the corner.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I'm okay. Thank you, though." He forced a smile to Eli and Bliss before setting his bag down on the floor, making his way over to the couch to look down at Hayley. "Do you want me to find Hera for you?"-
  11. Covet: "Again, I reiterate, Ouch. It doesn't sound like it was last place though." He said watching Hayley and looking over at Bliss, with a soft frown. When he heard Adam he piped up with the cat's location, "I think she's asleep on the bed. Or she was back there at least." He said, making his way over to the couch.
  12. Tsaaq: She poured herself a glass of iced tea then did the same for Eli before handing him the glass. "Yes, she thinks she owns the place." Bliss said with a small laugh, but still looked a little awkward. "Um..." She trailed off before walking towards the dining room. // She turned to Adam and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah that doesn't sound too bad." She replied with a nod. "I suck as a cheerleader so I barely even know why I'm on the team anymore..." She said.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "You don't suck." He corrected her quickly, leaning over to peck her cheek before wandering off to the bedroom where Eli had said Hera was doing the loungey cat thing. When he steped inside, he saw Lady on the floor, immediately getting up and running over to him. He smiled and ran his hands over her fur, walking to the bed to pick up Hera who seemed none too happy to see him. Stepping out of the bathroom with the cat and Lady at his heels, he made his way back to the couch, setting her down beside Hayley which was safer than passing her off because she might scratch.-
  14. Covet: "He's right. You guys gave it your best, I'm sure." Eli said, giving her a soft look. While Adam was off finding Hera, he looked at Hayley and cleared his throat. "I need to tell you I'm sorry for Tuesday night too. I didn't hear the door open at first and when I saw you, I kind of half panicked, and didn't want to freak Bliss out too. I told her after...We both feel awful, me especially... " He said trailing off as Adam came back out to set the cat on the couch.
  15. Alexithymiaa: (Bedroom**)
  16. Tsaaq: Bliss walked over to the couch as well and inhaled deeply while Eli spoke. "Yes... I'm sorry. I didn't ever want you to catch us in such comprimising conditions..." // She sighed. "It's okay if I suck, Abs." She shrugged. Hayley frowned widely once Eli came over. "Don't worry about it..." She trailed off. "People have sex... I guess." Hayley said in a monotone, looking like she wanted to hide. She didn't lower her voice or anything so it was more than audible. "Thank you." She smiled at Adam a moment and went to clutch onto Hera, giving her pets.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the very tail end of Eli's words and then Hayley's also, he furrowed his brows, dropping his hand to stroke over Lady's head while looking around. "Why do ya'll feel awful?"-
  18. Covet: "Oh, Uh.. incident from the other night." Eli said sheepishly waving it off. "It's nothing..." He said seeing how awkward it was for Hayley as well, which made him feel even worse about it. "You've got the summer now to take a break from all that. You should enjoy it."
  19. Tsaaq: Bliss opened her mouth a moment then shook her head. "Just, something unfortunate that happened but we've apologized and... Hopefully we'll learn to be better hosts in the future." She told Adam with a slow nod. // Hayley cuddled up with Hera before looking over to Adam. "Bliss and Eli were fucking the other night when I came home late." She answered flatly. "But like I said it's okay. Who cares or whatever..." She trailed off.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Nearly ready to just drop the topic because everyone seemed to be writing it off, he nodded his head and looked down at the dog until Hayley just blurted that shit out all casual like. His head shot up, his face hardening as he looked at her. "What?"-
  21. Covet: "It was a total accident and I handled it wrong. I thought it was right in the moment. But....yeah." He said clearing his throat. "I'm going to go get my pj's and ready for bed... So that you guys can have the room without interuption. I'll be quick." He said in a sheepishly quick way, becaues this conversation just got ten times more awkward.
  22. Tsaaq: Her eyes widened as her face went red. "Oh well... Yes." She whispered and looked over to Eli as he spoke. "I'll do the same." Bliss said before shaking her head. "Or, perhaps I'll just... Wait my turn." She whispered. // Hayley looked over to Adam and shrugged her shoulders again and went to look down at Hera again. "Okay guys, thanks." She replied casually.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Adam let his eyes slip closed because he was mad and upset, but he had no real right to be because this was their apartment. "Okay...." He dropped down to sit on the couch beside Hayley, his eyes staring down into Lady's face as he not so gently pet her head.-
  24. Covet: Eli looked at Bliss and nodded his head, making his way into the room and grabbed his Pj's. He changed quickly and got his teeth brushed before he made his way out and went to crawl into the fort "doghouse" as he was mentally describing it in his head. "Bathroom's all yours My love." he told her as he went about getting things set up for him and Bliss for the night.
  25. Tsaaq: "Thank you darling." Bliss said as she went to go into the room and got ready for beds, but she still looked pretty embarrassed. // Hayley bit her lip a moment and picked up Hera and shook her head at her. "Why are you being crabby tonight...?" She asked. "I should get ready for bed when they're done." Hayley sighed.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I'm..." He paused, trying to keep his tone even. "Going to take Lady out for a walk. I'll be back in a little while. Get into bed." He pushed up to his feet, making his way to the front door to grab Lady's leash, turning around to hook it onto her collar because she would of course be right up his ass where ever he went.-
  27. Tsaaq: Hayley rose her eyebrows at him. "Oh... Okay? I'll be here waiting then." She said quietly, picking up Hera and heading for the bedroom.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded to her, standing up straight with Lady's leash in his hand as he turned to step out of the door, using all of his self restraint not to slam it behind him.-
  29. Covet: Eli just kind of kept to himself as he laid down and waited for Bliss to join him, getting the laptop set up with something for them to watch. "Goodnight Hayley, " Eli called out to her as she walked off towards the bedroom as Adam walked out the door.
  30. Tsaaq: ((Damn Adam, you mad D:))
  31. Alexithymiaa: (Hes mad. But like also mad at himself for beingmad because he doesnt think hes allowed to be mad at Eli because its his apartment and theyre the guests here)
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