
Where are you Christmas Grilled Cheese?

Dec 26th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was sitting in his bedroom sitting feeling a bit of residual hurt from the Winter Formal. He'd kept to himself for most of the weekend and tried his best to avoid Tae because after her comments, he just assumed that she only felt they were fuck buddies and even though he thought he'd proven to her it was more than that even without him actually voicing it, he was feeling down. Currently he was just sitting on his bed with the door closed and his laptop in his lap, mindlessly scrolling the internet.-
  2. Covet: Tae had been on her bed noticing the definite lack of Noah about since the dance. She got up off her bed, the day wasn't really something all that special, but she assumed he'd have gotten over their little spat by now, She sighed and got up then looked down the hallway to see his door closed. Frowning she made her way into the kitchen and to the fridge, looking inside.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had in fact NOT gotten over their little spat because he's a child who holds grudges forever. Clicking a few articles and beginning to scan them, he almost instantly grew bored and pushed his laptop off his lap. Standing up to his feet, he walked to his door with the intent to get something to eat, stepping out and stopping in the hallway when he saw Tae in the kitchen, just awkwardly standing there not saying anything.-
  4. Covet: Tae grabbed the block of cheese out of the fridge and the butter, then also grabbed the bread from off the counter. Then she grabbed a skillet and put it on the stove, turning it on to get the pan warming up, before going back to getting a few slices of cheese cut to make some grilled cheese sammiches.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He watched her for a moment before deciding to move forward into the kitchen, stopping in front of the fridge to pull it open and reach inside to grab the plate of baked cupcakes from earlier. Keeping silent, he turned and set the plate down on the counter and picked up one of the peppermint cupcakes, peeling the paper back and taking a large bite.-
  6. Covet: Tae heard something behind her and turned around, giving Noah a soft look. "Hey... You want some?" She asked him while she still had the cheese opened and knife in hand.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Nope." He spoke shortly, taking another bite of his cupcake and tossing the paper into the trash. He didnt bother turning arund to look at her because he was spiteful and he wanted to be as obnoxious as possible that he was snubbing her.-
  8. Covet: Tae sighed, " I'm making you one anyways. Nobody who eats like you do would actually deny food they didn't have to cook, regardless of how mad they want to be about stupid stuff." She said as she buttered the bread.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "About stupid stuff?" He stammered, whirling around to face her with furrowed brows. "I'm sorry, and what stupid stuff am I mad about, exactly?"-
  10. Covet: "The stupid stuff at the dance." Tae said a dull tone. "The stupid drama." She said ellaborating on Stuff.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "The stupid drama in which you told me I was just after some ass even though I've basically been jumping through hoops the last couple of weeks?" He shot back, his voice edgy. "Yeah, completely stupid to just shove someone down."-
  12. Covet: "What? How was I supposed to know you were jumping through hoops? I thought you were just being nice, after we had makeup sex. Not once have you implied anything more than us hooking up. So what am I supposed to think?" She asked him. "Especially when I was kind of hoping the dance could have been a date or something, and you said it was just a stupid dance!"
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I went to your family's house for dinner in a fucking suit!" He yelled, throwing his hands up into the air. "It was just a stupid dance and when you mentioned that I specifically said it had nothing to do with us and everything to do with the fact that the dance itself was stupid. We were there ironically because a winter formal is a stupid event to go to. You just don't listen beyond the sound of your own fucking voice."-
  14. Covet: Tae frowned and turned away, then mumbled. "I didn't think it was stupid.... And we didn't even dance." She started slapping cheese onto the bread, before putting it into the hot pan listening to it do that first sizzle thing. "I do too, You don't make shit clear, so I have to make my own assumption!" She argues back with him turning around.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Whether or not YOU think it was stupid is besides the point. I literally told you exactly what I meant, but yeah, I was unclear and and haven't implied shit. Of course, it must be my fault." He said, rolling his eyes and picking up another peppermint cupcake to take a large bite.-
  16. Covet: "I know I'm not that dumb, Noah." Tae said turning back around to flip the first sandwich. " Maybe you just suck and saying things period then. Because I wouldn't have even asked or made it an issue or anything if I wasn't sure in all this stupid grey area."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Well maybe if you knew anything about me at all, you would know thats just how I am." He said, shoving the rest of the cupcake into his mouth and wiping his fingers off on his pants.-
  18. Covet: "The only thing I know about you is that you're... a hot mess..." She started turning around to see him wiping his fingers off on his pants, "That you're a pain in the ass, loud and obnoxious, and for some reason I'm very attracted to that." Tae added in a huff. "Not to mention the fact sometimes shit needs to actually be said simple and plainly for it to actually be clear."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "You're a hot mess." He grumbled in return, giving a pout. "Sounds like your problem, not mine. I thought I was being obvious."-
  20. Covet: "That doesn't make it a me problem, that makes it an us problem you ass." Tae said turning around as she took the sandwich off and then started the next one.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Well I don't know how to be any more obvious than I already have been so.... maybe you should be a little more observant."-
  22. Covet: "Yeah because it's totally just my fault.. You could just fucking say it. Not just imply it. But whatever it's cool It's not your fault it's mine." Tae said wraping an arm around her body while the other flipped the sandwich.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "You want me to just come right out and say everything all the time?" He asked with a sneer like it was a sin to voice your feelings.-
  24. Covet: "No, but this one thing would be at least a little nice. I have to remember though, that I'm dealing with someone who doesn't really do nice." Tae snapped back at him.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I do nice. Im nice all the time. You just assume I'm not because you're too busy trying to piss me off all the time." He jammed his hands down intot he pockets of his jeans, kicking at the floor witht he toe of his shoe.-
  26. Covet: "Oh my god, you think I actually want to deal with you when you're like this all the time. No, I don't. Sometimes yes, but you do the same thing. It just kind of seems like you have 2 modes, Sex mode and pain in the ass mode."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Pain in the ass mode is just my personality." He spoke matter of factly, giving a shrug. "I'm plenty of nice though. It's not my fault you don't get it."-
  28. Covet: "See.. never your fault." Tae said shaking her head as she finished the sandwiches and turned off the burner. She put everything she'd taken out away, walking around Noah, with plenty of distance. Once that was done she grabbed the sandwich on the bottom of the stack that was the coolest and started back to her room. " Enjoy... I guess." She said throwing up one hand in the air dramatic like as she went to her room and shut the door, loudly.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Well it's not..." He started, watching her walk away and turning to stare at the sandwich she'd left behind for him. He waited a long moment before giving in and grabbing for it because he wasnt going to turn down a nice grilled cheese sandwich, lingering in the kitchen to eat it.-
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