Guest User


a guest
Sep 26th, 2018
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  1. "musicPreference": "Music Preference",
  2. "latestAlbums": "Latest Albums",
  3. "latestSongs": "Latest Songs",
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  7. "songsAlbums": "Songs / Albums",
  8. "artists": "Artists",
  9. "artist": "Artist",
  10. "charts": "Charts",
  11. "genre": "Genre",
  12. "allGenre": "All Genre",
  13. "bioGraphy": "BioGraphy",
  14. "goMobile": "Go Mobile",
  15. "myPlaylist": "My Playlist",
  16. "playlist": "Playlist",
  17. "sad": "Sad",
  18. "romantic": "Romantic",
  19. "workout": "Workout",
  20. "copyRight": "2018 Korek Studio",
  21. "aboutUs": "About Us",
  22. "faq": "FAQ",
  23. "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
  24. "termsOfUse": "Terms Of Use",
  25. "contactUs": "Contact Us",
  26. "weRecommend": "We Recommend",
  27. "popularSongs": "Popular Songs",
  28. "browseArtist": "Browse By Artist",
  29. "browseMood": "Browse By Mood",
  30. "discoverNewSongs": "Discover New Songs",
  31. "sortBy": "Sort By",
  32. "popularity": "Popularity",
  33. "name": "Name",
  34. "date": "Date",
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  41. "signIn": "Sign In",
  42. "submit": "Submit",
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  44. "lastName": "Last Name",
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  49. "getInfo": "Get Info",
  50. "playAll": "Play All",
  51. "playNow": "Play Now",
  52. "addToQueue": "Add to Queue",
  53. "addToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
  54. "removeFromPlaylist": "Remove from Playlist",
  55. "aboutThePlaylist": "About The Playlist",
  56. "description": "Description",
  57. "top": "Top",
  58. "startRadio": "Start Radio",
  59. "more": "More",
  60. "banner": "Banner",
  61. "otherAlbumsBy": "Other Albums By",
  62. "allArtists": "All Artists",
  63. "allCharts": "Top Charts",
  64. "tab": "Tab",
  65. "createNew": "Create New",
  66. "recentlyPlayedSongs": "Recently Played Songs",
  67. "otherSongsFromAlbum": "Other Songs From the Album",
  68. "listen": "Listen",
  69. "viewAll": "View All",
  70. "createPlaylist": "Create playlist",
  71. "clearList": "Clear List",
  72. "or": "or",
  73. "save": "save",
  74. "hello": "Hello",
  75. "logout":"Logout",
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  78. "enterPassword": "Enter Password",
  79. "iAgreeTo": "I agree to",
  80. "yes": "Yes",
  81. "cancel": "Cancel",
  82. "cancelConfirm": "Are you sure want to delete this?",
  83. "userProfile": "User Profile"
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