
Shounen A 17

Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. app tl ..not that accurate .. more so for some parts i guess.
  3. cunt tells him how the game just started and mc is all 'what the fuck man'. darky comes and asks wth is going on with him. how he's been strange since yesterday and also wtf is up with that sns profile. mc remembers rapist's words ..that he needs to take a smiley selfie with a girl/classmate and mc think how 'however' or smth. darky takes her bye bye. mc thinks how that pic without the mosaic on, is proof of rapist's deed and wonders what to do. gets a text that he will publish it a in 5 min mosaic pic. mc goes and asks bitch to take a pic with him and gets talk back from sensei. mc insists it will end fast and bitch goes how she hates it, why her and it's disgusting. guys wonders if she is his gf? white knight comes and stops him and asks bitch if she's okay and then how mc is bothering bitch and mc goes crazy talk about what to do to prevent the release and freaks out the guy. mc then blabbers how he has to take the pic with smbdy and takes it with sh chick. he then receives talks back from her(why her blah blah) and class guys. bitch comes how it's a lie and then the pic gets posted on the sns and titled as 'i had sex with this girl' and sh chick cant believe it. sh begs him to delete the pic. mc is told not to come to school anymore? sh asks for mc to delete it, but he's all 'im sorry'. cunt taunts him how he's an animal and bs about school, how prbly chick/mc wont go anymore? mc tells the cunt to remove that post now and not involve other ppl. cunt then tells mc that he decides here, not him. cunt tells mc that 4 more times, he has to obey and he will erase all data on fmc. mc wants to meet and cunt refuses. mc wants to be sure he will delete and cunt threatens him with the rape pics. cunt wishes him good luck/do his best for the girl he loves/fmc. how he will contact him and prbly not to move again or talk about it to other ppl. more threats and then more bs in maybe if fmc used to like him/still likes mc, from cunt. lesbian darky came to bring over fmc's school prints and talks to her mom. she tries to wake up fmc. lesbian is all: in the past u might have been friends with him, but now he's a murderer, so no need to care about it. she thinks how she came to like fmc. then fmc gets a call from mc and she sees it and wonders how ..that's shounen a. *next ch on 2 april*
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