
Wren and Nimrav chat

Dec 3rd, 2016
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  1. * steelApparition has begun trolling fracturedThyme
  2. <steelApparition> hi Wren!
  3. <fracturedThyme> Hello Nimrav.
  4. <fracturedThyme> How goes your quest?
  5. <steelApparition> someWhat Well
  6. <steelApparition> i am currently stuck in a caVe
  7. <steelApparition> but other than that, i am good
  8. <fracturedThyme> I'm glad to hear you're well.
  9. <steelApparition> i haVe some questions about alchemy!
  10. <steelApparition> haVe you done any?
  11. <fracturedThyme> Okay. Go for it.
  12. <fracturedThyme> Nope.
  13. <fracturedThyme> I haven't been back to my room yet.
  14. <steelApparition> hmm, thats unfortunate
  15. <steelApparition> i'Ve done a good bit actually
  16. <fracturedThyme> How did that go?
  17. <steelApparition> and Was Wondering if you'd found a better Way to do it
  18. <steelApparition> oh, it Went Very Well
  19. <steelApparition> i haVe a Very nice knife
  20. <fracturedThyme> That's, uh, useful.
  21. <fracturedThyme> What kind of stuff did you find?
  22. <steelApparition> i found a coffin
  23. <steelApparition> and i sorta stole a skull
  24. <steelApparition> and some daggers
  25. <fracturedThyme> Oh? That's strange. I also found a coffin. With a skeleton inside.
  26. <steelApparition> really?
  27. <fracturedThyme> I found a thunderbolt and some scaely boots.
  28. <steelApparition> did you find tWo, side by side?
  29. <fracturedThyme> Yes I did.
  30. <steelApparition> huh, i had a dagger and a blindfold
  31. <steelApparition> Was there a Weird symbol on the skull of one of them?
  32. <fracturedThyme> No.
  33. <fracturedThyme> One of the skulls had no eyes however.
  34. <steelApparition> like it Was just flat bone?
  35. <fracturedThyme> And when I captchalouged it, it was called a Seer's Skull.
  36. <steelApparition> mine is a rage skull!
  37. <steelApparition> very strange indeed
  38. <fracturedThyme> I wonder if it's related somehow.
  39. <steelApparition> it must be
  40. <fracturedThyme> I wonder if the other player I know has found any coffins.
  41. <steelApparition> yeah for real
  42. <steelApparition> We should ask around
  43. <fracturedThyme> Sounds good.
  44. <steelApparition> do you haVe the code for the skull, thunderbolt or boots?
  45. <steelApparition> We could do some cool alchimization
  46. <fracturedThyme> I haven't checked them. I'll get back to you when I do.
  47. <steelApparition> cool!
  48. <steelApparition> i
  49. <steelApparition> should probably try to get out of this caVe.
  50. <fracturedThyme> That sounds like a good plan.
  51. <steelApparition> We can chat more about alchemy When youre at home
  52. <steelApparition> see ya!
  53. <fracturedThyme> Bye.
  54. * steelApparition has ceased trolling fracturedThyme
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