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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. Here are some spooky ghost tales.
  3. Back when I was around 5 or 6, my mother and I were hearing faint voices all around the house. We originally thought it was the TV making the noise but they would continue when it was off. We lived out in the sticks so it wasn't very likely that we were hearing neighbors, either. These voices were mostly mumbling crowds. One voice in particular didn't like us very much and he was named "Washel". He sounded like an angry young child, probably around my age at the time. One night he yelled at my mother to get out of the kitchen which spooked her so bad she ran to bed crying. He also yelled at me by stating what his name was, though I don't remember being as frightened. His presence eventually left and we later on learned that there was a Washel family living in the area during the Oregon Trail times.
  5. After a few years of peace we were hearing strange, heavy sounding steps up the walls which always made the dog freak out. There was frequent stomping around the front door and nobody was ever there. I would also hear whistles down the hallway when mother was asleep. She claims that it could've been my great grandfather. After a friend of hers lent us a few Korans and bibles the noises & whistles stopped entirely. I still wonder if either book released or smote my great grand pappy, bless his soul.
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