

May 20th, 2016
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  1. CAO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  3. CUC: >Play game.
  4. CAO: Is this your last saved game:
  5. CPP ceased responding to memo.
  6. CURRENT pionoPlayer [CPP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  7. CPP: Blug
  8. ?GG: wow.
  9. CUC: Huh.
  10. CCP: βαcκ
  11. CUC: >Yes,
  12. CUC: *.
  13. CAO: Loading file...
  14. CAO: Loading file...
  15. CAO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  16. CCP: >eχplode
  17. CAO: No.
  18. CUC: Let me just recall the recent past quick...
  19. CAO: Very well.
  20. CUC: Aha.
  21. CTG: TT: whoa. that's another one of the greats gone...
  22. CTG: what's left?
  23. CTG: DTG?
  24. CUC: We're at the crafting altar.
  25. CTT: Well, yeah
  26. CAO: That is correct.
  27. CTG: ONLY dtg??
  28. CUC: Riiiight.
  29. CAO: You just manufactured a Loch Plate.
  30. CUC: Hrm.
  31. CTT: The thing is, Outpost Defenders had a slow decline
  32. CTT: Twin, define "Greats"
  33. CPP: The big MCForum games.
  34. CTG: really popular forum games that actually require strategy
  35. CUC: >Deconstruct Loch Plate.
  36. CTG: not mindless things like go through the alphabet or ban the above user
  37. CTT: Like, long-term stuff that isn't counting... hmmm...
  38. CTT: I should look to see if there's anything we've missed, but yeah.
  39. CAO: You destroy the thing, and regain your Lapis Stone Shard and hunk of meteoric iron. The Limb Destabilizer Cannon pops back up on the screen.
  40. CCP: just got 100 points on α mediveαl mode αlt. vαlve server
  41. CCP: αs lucκsmαn sniper
  42. CTG: TT: uh. wow.
  43. CCP: αt leαst my scoped spαrtαn is up to 100 noω
  44. CUC: >Create Venuz's Cry.
  45. CUC: This should be good.
  46. CTG: TT: at least you still have pie quest ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  47. CTG: which i AM working on, just slowly
  48. CAO: You pour two portions of your Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse into the altar. The bubble forms over the altar as you turn the key.
  49. CAO: Within moments, the thing is revealed, complete.
  50. CTT: YEAH!
  51. CTT: Pie Quest is great.
  52. CTT: And I know.
  53. CUC: >Examine Venuz's Cry.
  54. CTT: Quality and time spent on something often equal each other.
  55. CAO: Venuz's Cry: A hollow equilateral triangle of pure liquid essence, able to fuse with the flesh. One can inscribe their memories into the the points of the thing, and watch as they bring forth change in reality itself. Mind onto matter, of course.
  56. CPP: DTG will live on.
  57. CUC: This sounds familiar...
  58. CTG: thank o7
  59. CUC: (As I well know.)
  60. CAO: Hah.
  61. CUC: Hrm.
  62. CPP: We've got a lot of DTG0 to go through.
  63. CPP: And then the reboot after that.
  64. CUC: Hrm, I'm thinking limb destabilizer cannon.
  65. CPP: Also, if Pie Quest goes on for long enough, it'd make a good webcomic.
  66. CUC: Anyone want to weigh in?
  67. CUC: On the choices in AO, that is.
  68. CUC: ...anyone?
  69. CUC: Fine, I'll choose myself. >Create limb destabilizer cannon.
  70. CAO: Hah.
  71. CAO: You place three larger Lapis Stone Shards, as well as four hunks of meteoric iron, into the altar.
  72. CAO: A clear bubble forms over the thing, this time.
  73. CPP: Finally getting back to work on the GameFAQ by the way, since ! don't seem to have the emotional stability to work on homework.
  74. CPP: !f anyone wants a pastebin of a page !'ve completed, just ask me.
  75. CAO: The Shards float into the air, and vaporous minium floods the internal altar chamber.
  76. CAO: You can see the mechanical limbs firing various lasers and chemicals in the thing all the while.
  77. CAO: Soon enough, the thing is ready.
  78. CUC: >Examine limb destabilizer cannon.
  79. CAO: Limb Destabilizer Cannon: A green-painted mechanical apparatus that appears to fit into the arm of a humanoid. Bears five transmuted inert peridotite cylinders, and functions as both a weapon and an interface analogue. The long procession of technological advancement has eschewed more traditional methods for the effective and deadly.
  80. CUC: Ooooooh. More Peridot references. I like it.
  81. CAO: Hah.
  82. CUC: Now... hrm. Will or Salt?
  83. CPP: Hmm...
  84. CPP: 5.5 finished,
  85. CUC: The upgrading of the water.
  86. CPP: But ! think ! derailed a bit towards the end.
  87. CUC: So far, I'm wavering between Tenebrous Substance and Bristewater.
  88. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  89. CCU: So where's this FAQ?
  90. CPP: Hm?
  91. CPP: Currently held in Google Drive.
  92. CCU: Oh.
  93. CUC: Meh, who cares. >Create Tenebrous Substance.
  94. CCU: What you've got thus far?
  95. CPP: Up through 5.5
  96. CCU: ...So what are the actual chapters called?
  97. CPP: Although !RL issues meant ! had to stop halfway through 5.5
  98. CPP: What do you mean?
  99. CCU: Um.
  100. CPP: Do you want me to give you the !ndex pastebin again?
  101. CAO: You manufacture some Tenebrous Substance easily.
  102. CCU: | never recieved it at all in the first place, so sure.
  103. CUC: >Examine Tenebrous Substance.
  104. CAO: Tenebrous Substance: Encroaching on the uncharted waters of the unknown to plot the impossible and improbable can often lead to unwanted attention. Such attention is easily diverted to others.
  105. CPP: Sure thing
  106. CPP: Lemme make sure ! remembered to update it when ! had to shift it around.
  107. CUC: Hee hee. So it's eldritch to go with the mercury and the poison.
  108. CUC: Nice.
  109. CUC: >Examine screen.
  110. CPP:
  111. CAO: Which screen?
  112. CUC: Let's see what else we can make.
  113. CPP: There ya ho
  114. CPP: go*
  115. CPP: 5.5 is "done"
  116. CUC: The screen that shows which items we can make, of course.
  117. CPP: But it's one of the ones that's very patchy.
  118. CAO: Ah, yes. Not your new personal one, of course.
  119. CUC: Oh, yes.
  120. CUC: >Equip limb destabilizer cannon.
  121. CCU: PP: What's with 9?
  122. CAO: You don't have the electrokinetic capabilities to do so.
  123. CUC: Ah.
  124. CUC: So this one goes to Cyan.
  125. CPP: You attempt to access Chapter 9.
  126. CAO: So it seems.
  127. CPP: !t seems that someone has somehow locked this section of the GameFAQ with a password.
  128. CCA: ((CU, is the dop done))
  129. CUC: So, examine crafting screen.
  130. CAO: The waters have all vanished with your supply of salt water.
  131. CCU: So you're not willing to say what that actually is?
  132. CPP: !t's spoilers.
  133. CAO: You can make more Salt Water, a Frequency Resonator, and a Microcluster.
  134. CPP: Speculate all you want, answers will not be forthcoming until some point during the reboot.
  135. CCU: Piono, looking at this |'m slightly concerned.
  136. CCU: Not because you're not doing a good job or anything {as far as | know}.
  137. CUC: >Tap Frequency Resonator.
  138. CCU: But the Reboot's itnention was to S|MPL|FY things?
  139. CCU: This is about as big as it was in DTG2.
  140. CAO: You look into the thing's base items. It requires some sort of deactivated Vitae Canister, and a few psiowires.
  141. CPP: Yes, and it covers everything that's been expanded upon since then.
  142. CCU: But the Reboot won't concern any of that.
  143. CCU: Really, the big question is, 'do we need this?'
  144. CPP: !'m covering mechanics mostly.
  145. CPP: !t's not necessary.
  146. CCU: Because part of why DTG kind of feels unaccessible plot-wise is because we have so much lore piled up.
  147. CUC: Hrm. >Create Frequency Resonator.
  148. CTG: ^
  149. CCU: |'ll give it a pass for now, but this Reboot is far from a greenlight, you know. :P
  150. CAO: You use Cyan's Deactivated Vitae Canister, and a few spare psiowires.
  151. CPP: The thing is that we need to have a foundation on the lore right off the bat.
  152. CPP: ! know we need to simplify.
  153. CPP: But at the same time,
  154. CAO: The thing lies upon the table, precisely built, and sleek.
  155. CPP: We need to be able to have a standing point so that when things grow,
  156. CUC: >Examine Frequency Resonator.
  157. CCU: PP: Most of the foundation can be covered in the first two chapters.
  158. CPP: *Shrug*
  159. CAO: Frequency Resonator: A life-charged locational detector. Upon use, can transport a group to a previously-marked location, and back. Space and time are but a moonlit lake. Peering into your reflection, it is easy to forget that leaving is truly impossible.
  160. CCU: Just explain how the DTGverse {as it may be} works and then detail Godmodding enough to give an idea on how it works.
  161. CPP: ! can always trim it down later.
  162. CCU: Yeah.
  163. CCU: |n any case...
  164. CCU: |'d like to preview all of the 1st chapter if that's not too crazy right now.
  165. CUC: Hm, all of these items are quite water-themed.
  166. CUC: Nice.
  167. CPP: Ooh, okay.
  168. CUC: >Make more Salt Water.
  169. CAO: How much more?
  170. CUC: Three vials' worth, I suppose.
  171. CUC: So we can create the rest of the waters.
  172. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  173. ?AO: You expend one full bottle of water to do so.
  174. ?AO: Would you like to just make one of each type you have not yet manufactured?
  175. CUC: >Yes.
  176. CCU: Also, minor suggestion, PP: Switch 'the Pantheon' around with 'TvTropes,' as the Pantheon is a part of TvTropes itself.
  177. ?AO: Brinewater: The waves of the ocean are an unbreakable phalanx of potency. Breaking the lines is nigh-impossible.
  178. CPP: Okay then,
  179. ?AO: Fluchwater: Knowledge is but an eternal sea. Splintering the paddles on the boats of the seekers is by far more optimal than having to shatter boats themselves.
  180. CUC: Also, Piono, I'd appreciate seeing all of the first chapter as well. As long as you're giving it to Tazz.
  181. CPP: You're right.
  182. ?AO: Bristewater: Even in those seawalls considered indestructible, there is some flaw.
  183. CPP:
  184. CUC: Hrm, wasn't it Cursewater?
  185. CPP: ! believe that's the entire chapter
  186. CUC: Not Fluchwater?
  187. ?AO: It was. And now it is not.
  188. CUC: Ah.
  189. ?AO: The tides move in and out, ever changing, my friend.
  190. CUC: So they're the same thing with different names.
  191. CUC: Fair enough.
  192. ?AO: They are very much the same thing, yes.
  193. CUC: So, each of these has a different specialty I'm guessing.
  194. CUC: Brinewater is defense.
  195. CPP: Actually tazz, the Pantheon is the part of tvtropes that constitutes the main (physical) part of the universe.
  196. CUC: Fluchwater is debuffing.
  197. CUC: Wait.
  198. CPP: !ts the part most people see.
  199. CUC: Or movement slowing.
  200. CUC: Bristewater is destruction of non-enemies, I think.
  201. CUC: Like walls.
  202. CUC: And Tenebrous Substance is presumably pure offense.
  203. CPP: Anyways
  204. ?AO: Their effects are parallel to the spheres of those whom they were formed for.
  205. CPP: !'ve gotta go.
  206. CPP: Ciao
  207. CPP ceased responding to memo.
  208. CUC: I see.
  209. CURRENT flamingCarbohydrates [CFC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  210. CFC: ooh, we got company here
  211. ?AO: Please enter command.
  212. CUC: Don't suppose we know those spheres, so for now I'll just go with my interpretations.
  213. CUC: Hm.
  214. ?AO: You do not.
  215. CUC: What else can we make... I think it's just the Microcluster now.
  216. ?AO: That is correct.
  217. CUC: And I don't really want to make that.
  218. ?AO: That would be wise.
  219. ?AO: Will that be all for the manufacture of objects this day?
  220. CUC: Yep, looks like it.
  221. CUC: >Give limb destabilizer cannon to Cyan.
  222. CFC: (( So whats happened with CAG? ))
  223. ?GG: haha wow these guys are dıcks
  224. ?GG: anyways I shuffled numbers
  225. ?AO: Very well. You do so. She gratefully attaches the thing, amazed by its coolness. Would you like to set the Frequency Resonator here?
  226. CUC: >Yes.
  227. ?AO: You prime the thing to the Manufactory. You may now travel back and forth to this place, with zero consequence.
  228. CUC: Woo.
  229. ?AO: The Manufactory Key pops out of the slit in the wall you place it in, and two hard-light bridges appear on the edge of the altar platform.
  230. ?AO: *placed.
  231. CUC: Ooh, you included the INWVSA, Piono.
  232. CUC: Nice.
  233. ?AO: ((Hah, wow.))
  234. ?GG: hahahaha wowww
  235. ?GG: holy shıt thıs ıs a great movıe
  236. ?GG: I should have seen ıt when ıt came out :/
  237. CUC: >Cross bridges.
  238. ?AO: Which one?
  239. ?AO: The left leads to some sort of second wing of the building, filled with corotite bookshelves. The other leads to a staircase upwards, built into the wall.
  240. CUC: ooooh, booooookkkksss.
  241. CUC: >Left.
  242. ?AO: Hah.
  243. ?AO: The two of you head into the area filled with tomes.
  244. ?AO: So much knowledge. Lining the walls, in fact.
  245. ?AO: What shall it be?
  246. CUC: >Examine general area.
  247. CUC: (trying to find choices on what to look at, etc.)
  248. ?AO: There are several floors, a metallic ladder heading up to each. Several tables are scattered across your floor, with a number of books scattered upon them, some open. The bookshelves lining the walls are orderly, and filled.
  249. CTG: does anyone want to watch me make pie quest
  250. CUC: ye?
  251. CUC: I'll still AO, tho.
  252. CUC: >Examine books on tables.
  253. CTG: nvm
  254. ?AO: You take a look at the nearest book on the table.
  255. CTG: cant
  256. ?AO: The plague of Aft'mathai creeps through the night, unseen. First come the sanguine regurgitations. Then, the pulsations, with fear of death. Last, the total loss of humanity; thought, memory, and form. The illness itself is of especial potency to those dealt grievous physical wounds.
  257. CFC: (( wow that was brutal ))
  258. ?AO: The rest of the page goes into vivid detail about the suffering of plague victims, complete with illustrations.
  259. CUC: ...Does this look like the Ashen Plague?
  260. CUC: If not, probably not important.
  261. ?AO: Given that the illustrations show people hacking up mixtures of ash and blood, likely so.
  262. CUC: Ooh.
  263. CUC: >Examine book further, see if you can find any more info.
  264. CURRENT pionoPlayer [CPP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  265. CPP: Okay, !'m back
  266. CUC: hello.
  267. CPP: Didn't think ! would be.
  268. CPP: But ! am
  269. ?GG: yo
  270. ?AO: The rest of the book goes down the standard explanatory sequence. The cure is, as of yet, unknown, death is imminent for all who catch the plague, there are no preventative measures, et cetera.
  271. ?GG: ha
  272. CUC: Ugh.
  273. CUC: >Find another interesting book.
  274. ?AO: This book was written what appears to be two hundred years ago, however.
  275. ?AO: You find another tome.
  276. CUC: Ooh.
  277. CPP: Tazz, you still reading the pastebin ! dropped you?
  278. CUC: So a lot could have happened in those two hundred years.
  279. ?AO: Indeed.
  280. ?AO: The new book appears to be a diary, of sorts.
  281. CUC: I know I read the pastebin.
  282. ?AO: The last entry was one hundred seventy-four years ago.
  283. ?AO: It reads thus: The injector ships loom on the horizon. The Kristalli Imperium approaches us. I can sense it. Have we no choice but to seal the gates, and ascend, leaving behind naught but wreckage and the warden of the graves?
  284. CFC: WB piono
  285. CUC: Gem-analogues!
  286. CPP: Hi toast
  287. ?AO: ... You've heard the term Kristalli Imperium somewhere before.
  288. CUC: A whole empire of them!
  289. CUC: >Try to remember.
  290. CUC: Holy fucking shit, all these PEOPLE.
  291. CFC: 12 I think
  292. CUC: 13.
  293. CPP: Yup.
  294. CPP: We're one of the biggest memos on pchum during prime time.
  295. CFC: cool.
  296. ?AO: Unless you're mistaken, that's the name of the highest order of those affiliated with Grayhold Citadel. It is composed of some sort of elite scientific unit, as well as His Imminence himself.
  297. CAU: seriously though, its crazy
  298. ?AO: They do some shady shit, you must say.
  299. CPP: Yeah, there's just that many of us.
  300. ?AO: Please enter command.
  301. CPP: You know what,
  302. CPP: Tazz is reading through my huge infodump.
  303. CPP: ! might as well get two out of the three big opinions on it.
  304. CPP: TG: You got time to read an infodump?
  305. CUC: Hrm.
  306. CUC: >Search shelves for any more info on the Ashen Plague.
  307. CUC: You can have my opinion, for sure.
  308. CFC: PP is it about the reboot?
  309. CPP: Yeah.
  310. ?AO: You find what appears to be a book of x-ray photographs of the actual plague itself, in human blood.
  311. CPP: Tazz wanted the rough draft of the entire first section of the FAQ all at once.
  312. CPP:
  313. CPP: There you guys go.
  314. CUC: Hrm. Apart from my dislike of you injecting your characters and plot elements into it (see: Haven, the OP King, the High Warpers) it looks good.
  315. CUC: It's great that you included the INWVSA, btw.
  316. ?AO: The Plague appears to be some sort of bacteriophage, heavily modified with arcane techniques. Interesting.
  317. CUC: Interesting indeed.
  318. CUC: Hm.
  319. CPP: !NWVSA?
  320. CPP: Hold up, sorry.
  321. CUC: International Northwest Vietnamese Security Administration, aka the Italian Space Mafia.
  322. CPP: bluh, !'m going to need to reread my own gameFAQ...
  323. CPP: Oh yeah.
  324. CPP: That was too good an opportunity to miss.
  325. ?AO: ((Hah. My legacy lives on.))
  326. CUC: Hm...
  327. CPP: !n the reboot, ! figure that them and the !UPC'd probably be like arch nemeses.
  328. CPP: cops vs. robbers and all that.
  329. CUC: >Find more info on the waters you made, if you can. Their uses and such.
  330. CPP: Well, cops vs. mafia.
  331. CUC: hah.
  332. CUC: Yeah.
  333. CPP: ...
  334. CFC: I should probably work on the semi-manual at this point.
  335. CUC: Running space rum past the coppers and having shootouts with fleets that mass greater than planets, and all that.
  336. CFC: ~doing that
  337. CPP: Yeah.
  338. CPP: ! like that imagery.
  339. ?AO: You can't find much on the waters themselves, though you certainly find a book on the four eldritch beings whose names appeared to have been gifted to them.
  340. CPP: ! don't know whether or not either organization will actually ever get involved,
  341. CPP: But ! hope they do.
  342. CPP: Because it'd be awesome.
  343. CUC: And, of course, minor territorial scuffles with massive kilometer-long ships.
  344. CUC: >Read book.
  345. CPP: Heh. No kidding.
  346. CPP: And the poor !mperium of Man gets stuck in the middle.
  347. CCU: OK, first off, name for the High Warpers: Terminae.
  348. ?AO: You attempt to read the book, but it is in some sort of incomprehensible runic language. You recognize a few symbols from the front of the stone monoliths you found earlier, though not their meaning.
  349. CCU: Derived from Terminus, an ending.
  350. CAU: hate to derail the memo game but
  351. CFC: is that an 'eye' sound or 'ay' sound
  352. CCU: Second off, | would really prefer it if you didn't include the OP King right off the bat.
  353. CAU: god fucking dammit woolie
  354. CUC: it's eye.
  355. CUC: Eye think.
  356. CUC: Hrm.
  357. CFC: (pls)
  358. CUC: Yeah, I agree with Tazz on the OP King.
  359. CUC: You use him too much already.
  360. CCU: Yeah.
  361. ?AO: ((Shit. /AFK. Contemplate the books. You know you love them.))
  362. CURRENT taintedChampion1 [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  363. CTC: It's time
  364. CTC: To git crunk
  365. CTC: Or
  366. CTC: Gud
  367. CCU: git gud
  368. CUC: GIT GUD
  369. CTC: Gud it is
  370. CCU: cranky's advice:
  371. CCU: git gud
  372. CFC: dug tig
  374. CFC: DIG DUG M8
  375. CAU: git gud at dig dug
  377. CAU: you fookin pleb
  378. CPP ceased responding to memo.
  380. CUC: DIG DUG
  382. CFC:
  384. CUC: IÄ DIG DUG
  385. CUC: IÄ
  386. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  387. CURRENT pionoPlayer [CPP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  388. CPP: Okay, what did ! miss?
  389. CPP: My internet goes on the fritz sometimes.
  390. CUC: IÄ DIG DUG
  391. CPP: ! see Revan has dropped in.
  392. CFC: people digging dug
  393. CTC: Hullo
  394. CFC: so whats that
  395. CPP: Also, crystal, to address your issues: ! understand you having issues with me inserting the !UPC, OP King and Terminae into canon.
  396. CFC: 14 now?
  397. CTC: Why would you put those in dear Canon?
  398. CPP: !ssue is, two of the three got inserted in DTG2
  399. CUC: Poor Canon.
  400. CTC: The poor lady can only take so much
  401. CUC: 
  402. CPP: And !'m sort of balancing things around.
  403. CPP: !'m trying to even things out so that the lore position of the universe is roughly the same,
  404. CPP: without needing to understand all the background.
  405. CPP: But having it all still be there in case people want to dive in.
  406. CTC: Wait
  407. CFC: dear sweet precious canon?
  408. CTC: Is this for the reboot?
  409. CPP: Yeah.
  410. CTC: So OP lives
  411. CTC: Heh
  412. CPP: Yes.
  413. CTC: So that's Nyarly and The OP King who will rise again
  414. CTC: Next time I'm doing this better
  415. CTC: My character will be a cultist or something
  416. CTC: Maybe a Mi-go
  417. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  418. CAC: Hey Piono, will people be able to mess about on Earth in the reboot.
  419. CPP: Yes.
  420. CPP: Which Earth though?
  421. CFC: Is this the equivalent of "if something went differently in DTG"?
  422. CAC: What Earths are there?
  423. CPP: All of them.
  424. CFC: like, really early in the universe
  425. CPP: FC: No.
  426. CTC: The one belonging to the Trifecta?
  427. CTC: Everyone died
  428. CTC: A paradox killed everyone
  429. CTC: And I mean everyone
  430. CPP: FC: Well, something D!D go differently.
  431. CPP: What that something is spoilers.
  432. CPP: And ! have very little plot planned.
  433. CPP: So ! don't plan to go spoiler what little ! do have planned.
  434. CPP: Especially not with this many people around.
  435. CFC: k.
  436. CPP: ...
  437. CFC: ...
  438. CCU: ...
  439. CPP: You could always try rummaging around in the GameFAQ though.
  440. CAC: Yeah, Universe B Earth.
  441. CPP: That'll give you at least some answers.
  442. CPP: AC: Universe B applies to the Trifecta, which ain't a thing in the reboot.
  443. CTC: So
  444. CAC: I'm pretty sure that's still the universe's name.
  445. CTC: No Gnomeluck?
  446. CAC: I mean, other universes have letter names too.
  447. CPP: Too many Prime Earths to assign letter names randomly.
  448. ?AO: ((/UNAFK.))
  449. CFC: who GM's acolyte?
  450. ?AO: Please enter command.
  451. CFC: I go~~a put it in the guide
  452. CTC: >Inquire for a log
  453. CPP: ?
  454. CPP: What do you mean?
  455. CTC: Oh
  456. CTC: Wait
  457. CTC: Nevermind
  458. CUC: >Take out Venuz's Cry, attempt to divine purpose.
  459. CTC: I actually can find it
  460. ?AO: You pull out the triangular object.
  461. CPP: FC: What do you mean by your question?
  462. ?AO: Would you like to use it?
  463. CUC: >Yes.
  464. CFC: The session, DTG: Acolyte
  465. CFC: or is that not a thing anymore
  466. CTC: The Acolyte
  467. CTC: And it is a thing
  468. CPP: oh, ninjatwist GMs it.
  469. ?AO: The liquid triangular frame glows bright fuchsia, and levitates out of your hands, before vaporizing itself.
  470. CFC: thank
  471. CPP: ...
  472. ?AO: Suddenly, you feel an incredibly excruciating pain on your back, just above your gem. You scream out in pain, falling to the floor in shock. Cyan rushes over to help you up.
  473. CTC: ...
  474. CFC: ...
  475. CPP: ...
  476. CTC: Why do you do this to me Erelye
  477. ?AO: It seems like the sensation of some triangular brand being stabbed directly into your back, quite frankly.
  478. ?GG: ha
  479. CPP: Dangit Bill
  480. CTC: Nope
  481. CUC: It's Venuz, not Bill.
  482. ?AO: Bill Cipher is a character on the popular TV show Gravity Falls.
  483. CTC: He's a Gun God
  484. CUC: Although this is a very close analog to Cipher's Call.
  485. CUC: Venuz's Cry.
  486. CPP: ! know that.
  487. ?AO: In fact, President Sanders had to stop a bunch of Cipher groupies from building a 1200 foot human throne in the Nevada desert and incinerating themselves, back in late 2016.
  488. CTT: Bye for tonight guys
  489. CTT: See you all!
  490. CTC: Ciao
  491. CTT ceased responding to memo.
  492. CFC: Who was that?
  493. CTC: ?
  494. ?AO: Please enter command.
  495. CFC: totallyTenacious
  496. CUC: >Check out your back, where the pain was.
  497. CTC: TT2000
  498. ?AO: You pull up your shirt, only to find that Venuz's Cry appears to have fused with your flesh, directly above the location of your gem.
  499. CTC: Cool
  500. CTC: Or not
  501. ?AO: Cyan's Limb Destabilizer's peridotite fingers blink with fuchsia light several times when you pull your shirt up, and form a screen akin to the Vardiveig Holoscroll's directly above the burn.
  502. ?AO: "Uh... What's this thing doing?"
  503. CUC: >See what it's doing.
  504. ?AO: Well, you can't. But, Cyan provides realtime commentary.
  505. ?AO: TRIANGULUM: Y'ei.
  506. ?AO: MNEMONIC DIRECTORY: Chtmu'dahgai, Thkhu-ustmiagl.
  507. CUC: Let me quick pull up the Aklo dictionary.
  508. CUC: I know Chtmu'dahgai is Arcane Lake.
  509. ?AO: It is not.
  510. ?AO: It was Great Clarity.
  511. CUC: Ooh.
  512. CUC: Ah.
  513. CUC: The other was Arcane Lake.
  514. ?AO: Thkhu-ustmiagl is Arcane Lake, yes.
  515. ?AO: What now?
  516. CUC: Hrm, I'm guessing Y'ei is 'Nothing'.
  517. CTC: Gonoloc means hands
  518. CUC: Ah, yep.
  519. CTC: Kek
  520. ?AO: Cyan tells you that there is now a triangular symbol taking up the majority of the space on the screen, directly over your triangle.
  521. CUC: Found it, and it means 'Absence'.
  522. CUC: So...
  523. CUC: >Select 'Thkhu-ustmiagl'.
  524. CUC: Can you select it? Eh, I suppose we'll see.
  525. ?AO: Cyan taps 'Thkhu-ustmiagl'. It appears to move along with the singular limb enhancer finger she has left.
  526. ?AO: As such, she just sort of... drags it into the triangle?
  527. CUC: >Drag the s-yeah.
  528. ?AO: Immediately, visions of darkened water and the brine-filled ocean of madness fill your mind, and fade.
  529. ?AO: TRIANGULUM: Mtliehye.
  530. CUC: Cohesion: One?
  531. CUC: Hrm.
  532. ?AO: ((Or, Integrity: One?))
  533. CUC: Ah.
  534. CUC: Yeah, that works better.
  535. ?AO: What now?
  536. CUC: >Drag the second symbol into the triangle.
  537. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  538. ?AO: Cyan places Chtmu'dahgai in the triangle as well. Your vision somehow becomes much clearer, if only for a moment.
  539. CUC: Ooh.
  540. ?AO: TRIANGULUM: Gviehye.
  541. CUC: Integrity: Two.
  542. CUC: So... Have Cyan check around on the screen for anything that could show the possible effects of the symbols.
  543. ?AO: "... I can't even select anything anymore? Just the exit button..."
  544. CUC: >Select Exit, then.
  545. CUC: Or, have her select it.
  546. ?AO: She does so. The screen fades, and her limb enhancer's fingers all return to her. You feel a rush of energy throughout your limbs.
  547. CTC: Also Cyan is now Peridot
  548. CTC: I love it
  549. ?AO: Hah.
  550. ?AO: I would hope so.
  551. ?AO: ((This is clearly all a Lapidot analogy.))
  552. CTC: And now that they have actually met
  553. CTC: I can condone it
  554. ?AO: Hah.
  555. ?AO: Please enter command.
  556. CUC: >Continue searching library?
  557. ?AO: You don't find much else, save for two books.
  558. CTC: I'm both reading this, the Archived Oddities and the Aklo dictionary
  559. ?AO: One, a book of poetry with a few interesting things regarding the Delta Sector and the Graveguard, it seems.
  560. CTC: I'm also going to get /tg/ to help me with Aklo
  561. CUC: Aklo is easy enough once you have a dictionary.
  562. CTC: I know
  563. ?AO: Two, five hundred pages of some guy rambling about some sort of superweapon named Lapis Philosophorum that the Kristalli Imperium used on the Lambda Sector, and locked away in the Omega Sector afterwards.
  564. CUC: Philosopher's Stone.
  565. CTC: Oh no
  566. CTC: We are getting into Alchemy?
  567. ?AO: You're pretty sure the Philosopher's Stone of legend has nothing to do with warfare.
  568. ?GG: waıt.
  569. ?GG: what the FUCK
  570. CTC: Oh
  571. CTC: Thank
  572. CUC: Circle, square, triangle, circle.
  574. ?GG: WHY
  575. ?AO: Squaring the circle.
  576. ?GG: THE FUCK
  578. CTC: ?
  579. ?GG: tetrıs movıe.
  580. ?AO: Would you like to examine the book of poetry?
  581. CUC: >Yes.
  582. CTC: Why would they make an Angry Birds movie
  583. ?AO: The soundless bells toll, unheard. The silence bears upon ye, without a word. Nothing wholesome yet lives, neither beast nor bird. Fear the first audible chimes.
  584. CTC: Why would they make a 5N@F movie?
  586. ?GG: FUCKING
  587. ?GG: NO
  588. ?GG: WHY
  589. CTC: Kek
  591. ?AO: The first one is evidently an allegory to the Silent Bell.
  592. ?GG: I don't actually care that much
  593. CUC: Ooh, so we have to beware the sound of bells.
  594. ?GG: ıt's just kınd of dumb
  595. CTC: Bill Cipher is the villain
  596. ?AO: The second has something to do with the Delta Sector?
  597. ?AO: "Through ancient dark, with steady stride. Beneath Delta Crown lies eldritch pride."
  598. CTC: For being a rejected block
  599. CUC: :udelta:
  600. CAU: haha i saw that one too, TC
  601. CUC: dammit
  602. CUC: :deltau:
  603. CUC: dammit!
  605. CUC: DAMMIT
  606. CFC: /afk
  607. CAU: hue x3
  608. ?AO: Gradient x3.
  609. CUC: I made quirks for the Godmodding Ladder ranks, and they're all gone!
  610. CUC: Salt has increased slightly.,
  611. CUC: Eh.
  612. ?AO: What shall it be, now?
  613. CUC: >Return to the crafting area and cross the other bridge.
  614. ?AO: You cross over. Fortunately, no stream crossing is involved.
  615. ?AO: You head up the limestone staircase.
  616. ?AO: Upon reaching the top, you see stone gates in the ceiling, along with a holoscreen control panel.
  617. ?AO: Please enter command.
  618. CUC: >Examine control panel.
  619. ?AO: The thing appears to be a numerical keypad, with ten number slots.
  620. CUC: Gates in the ceiling...
  621. CUC: >Try a combination. 1200, perhaps.
  622. ?AO: ERROR. Incorrect passcode.
  623. CUC: Hrm, we should try and find this passcode somewhere else, then, because I have no idea.
  624. CTC: Oh boy
  625. CUC: >Return to the library, search for the passcode.
  626. CTC: Another one of these
  627. CUC: Crap, afk.
  628. ?AO: You head back to the library.
  629. ?GG:
  630. ?GG: 
  631. CTC: OH MY GOD
  632. CCP: ??
  634. ?AO: Please enter command.
  635. ?AO: Hah.
  636. ?GG: yeah
  637. CTC: Why did nobody tell me!
  638. CCP: the psi-coffeemodder
  639. ?AO: It wasn't important.
  640. CUC: >Search around for anything that could be a passcode.
  641. CUC: Back.
  642. CTC: That was literally the most important thing to our quest
  643. CTC: Our goal
  644. ?AO: You find nothing, save for some curious cylindrical holes in the walls, inscribed with what appear to be swathes of nanopillars.
  645. ?AO: Cyan's eyes widen suddenly. She immediately grabs your wrist, and pulls you along with her to the top of the staircase. "I think I've got this! Hold on a sec!"
  646. ?AO: You stop at the apex of the stairs, and she steps over to the keypad, sort of half-cracking her knuckles with a combination of real fingers and levitating peridotite cylinders.
  647. CPP: Section 5.6 completed.
  648. ?AO: With a few brief movements of her limb enhancer, she maneuvers the cylinders into a pseudo-pyramidical shape, and sort of sticks to point into the screen.
  649. ?AO: The screen practically overloads with number combinations, before flashing green, and diffusing.
  650. ?AO: Cyan turns to you, grinning. "I think I just overloaded it with every possible combination at once, with this thing. It is the coolest fucking thing ever, oh my GOD."
  651. CUC: Nice.
  652. CUC: Can I see 5.6?
  653. CUC: Also, that is amazing.
  654. ?AO: The ceiling-gates slide open, revealing the simulated nighttime sky of the Lambda Sector.
  655. CPP:
  656. CPP: !'m not too proud of it honestly.
  657. CUC: Thank.
  658. CUC: Let's see here...
  659. CPP: Definitely one that'll get trimmed if ! wind up doing trimming.
  660. CPP: Bleh, ! wish the realms was still up.
  661. ?AO: Please enter command.
  662. CUC: Hrn,
  663. CUC: >Climb up.
  664. CPP: >jump off a cliff
  665. CTG: kek
  666. ?AO: You ascend.
  667. CUC: I like the idea of certain bits of Terraria being supercharged.
  668. ?AO: Achievement COMPLETE: Dark Praxeum.
  669. CTC: Shit
  670. CTC: Cyan is fucking amazing
  671. CPP: Thanks.
  672. ?AO: You are now on the Altar Summit.
  673. CTC: Also reading now
  674. ?AO: With actual green grass, and mountain air.
  675. CPP: !'m trying to reconcile as much of the absurdity in our canon as ! can at once.
  676. CPP: You know, without making it unworkable.
  677. CTC: I like it
  678. CPP: Thanks.
  679. CTC: Also Loremaster Piono is officially your title
  680. CUC: >Examine Altar Summit.
  681. CPP: Yay.
  682. CTC: Or just plain Storyteller Piono
  683. CPP: !'m doing a lot of building off of what twin did in DTG2.
  684. ?AO: You look about. There are a few wolfsbane flowers about, intermixed with asters, of course.
  685. ?AO: Probably cursed.
  686. CPP: And then sort of... twisting? that into something new based off of what's happened since then.
  687. CUC: Hrm, what else is on the Summit?
  688. CPP: expanding is probably a better word.
  689. ?AO: Then, on an earthy pedestal of some sort, covered in grass and half-melted candles, is a grave with eldritch runes carved into it.
  690. CUC: Ooh.
  691. CUC: >Go over and examine the grave.
  692. CPP: Oh, and good news to everyone who wants to be a first guardian.
  693. CPP: Thanks to power shifts,
  694. CPP: First guardian might not be too overpowered a title to claim in the reboot.
  695. CPP: !'d recommend not abusing it.
  696. CUC: Ohhhh boy.
  697. ?AO: You look over to the thing. There are two empty jars, for use in incense, as well as a central basin before the altar.
  698. CCP: so psi is ωeακsαuce noω?
  699. CPP: But ! might let one or two people go through with being first guardians still.
  700. CUC: FGship should still be reserved for GMs, IMP.
  701. CPP: What do you mean?
  702. ?AO: Is that saliva in that thing? Tears? You don't know.
  703. CUC: *IMO.
  704. CPP: UC: Nope.
  705. CFC: :?
  706. CPP: First guardian has nothing to do with running an update terminal anymore.
  707. CUC: Ooooooh.
  708. CCP: "joins gαme αnd clαims FG stαtus from join" 
  709. CUC: This should be interesting. Is this something to do with healing?
  710. CCP: "hullo i αm the first guαrdiαn of derplαnd
  711. CCP: 
  712. CFC: "changes handle to firstGuardian"
  713. ?AO: That which is dead can eternal lie, o'er altar grave and incensed sky.
  714. CUC: Because saliva and tears both are known to sometimes have healing properties.
  715. CUC: Oooooooh.
  716. CPP: !'m taking the opportunity to sever ties with the Homestuck invasion fully like everyone has been clamoring for since it happened.
  717. CCP: gud
  718. CFC: git
  719. CUC: I think this might be the opportunity to cure Topaz.
  720. CTC: It is dead
  721. CUC: Or something close to it.
  722. CUC: We should get her in here.
  723. CTC: Long live Undertale
  724. CTC: 
  725. CPP: ! will try to avoid having any "!nvasion" events.
  726. ?AO: There is some Rodarbi text, in fact, reading the whole 'That which is dead can eternal lie, o'er altar grave and incensed sky' thing, upon the grave itself, below the runes.
  727. CCP: good
  728. CPP: ! don't want to ruin any franchises.
  729. CUC: OOH AH DOP
  730. CCP: inβ4 populαr gαme comes out αnd invαsion ensures αnyωαy
  731. CCP: 
  732. ?AO: Please enter command.
  733. CFC: inb4 Talist is the first FG
  734. CPP: Now THAT'D be a plot twist to behold.
  735. CUC: >Examine grave a bit more. Have Cyan do so as well. Let's make sure this thing is good before we get Topaz up here.
  736. CCP: Don't ωorry, i intend to grαβ the first post, αnd thus, first guαrdiαn stαtus 
  737. ?AO: There's nothing else to examine, really.
  738. CFC: inb5 Talist is the godmodder
  739. CUC: Ah.
  740. CUC: Ok, let's get Topaz up here.
  741. CFC: AND the FG
  742. CPP: Okay, know what?
  743. CPP: Nevermind, no FG status.
  744. ?AO: Shall you tell her to bring the ship down right on the summit, and come out, then?
  745. CPP: !'ll give it to twin and nobody else.
  746. CUC: Maybe we can get back to the ship and transport back with the -- Ooh, that works.
  747. ?AO: The thing is certainly large enough to hold the thing.
  748. CUC: Do so.
  749. CCP: *βrutαlly murders tωin in protest*
  750. CTC: Wait
  751. CPP: No, !'ll give to pricey.
  752. CUC: Hah!
  753. CFC: heh
  754. ?AO: "Alright, let's do this."
  755. CTC: >is it stable enough to hold the ship
  756. CPP: Ooooh, even better.
  757. CPP: !'ll give it to goanna.
  758. CCP: *elevαtes pricey to GM of the psi-godmodding ωαrs in protest* 
  759. CFC: Reboot becomes Entity Ba~~le Royale
  760. ?AO: It lands, and nothing collapses, so you'd guess so.
  761. CCP: *elevαtes goαnnα into heαd CAG cαrd creαter in protest* 
  762. CPP: goanna-quest 2017
  763. ?AO: Topaz steps out of the landing hatch. She doesn't exactly look too good. Her skin tone is definitely... ashen.
  764. ?AO: She glitches out then and there for a full five seconds, before stumbling over to you.
  765. CCP: *creαtes α crαppy psi-ωαr gαme in protest of goαnnα quest, in reβoot cαnon*
  766. CFC: note to self: if I ever make a franchise, don't make it good enough to have a fandom
  767. CCP: 
  768. CUC: >Place incense in jars, pour a draught of tears into the main basin, perform ritual.
  769. CUC: Or otherwise do what was prescribed.
  770. CUC: I assume the draught of tears is Rose-tears analogue.
  771. CPP: Hmm...
  772. ?AO: You pour both of the jars of incense within the containers, along with one Blessing/Curse each.
  773. CPP: Not certain how to do the opener for section 6.
  774. CCP: Whαt is section 6 αβoot?
  775. CPP: The Void
  776. ?AO: Similarly, you pour one full Draught of Tears into the basin.
  777. CCP: It should just βe empty. It is, αfter αll, the void. 
  778. ?AO: Topaz... Topaz passes out.
  779. ?AO: And then falls what you would presume is gem-first onto a fucking rock. Ouch.
  780. CURRENT temporaryTechnology [CTT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  781. CTT: Oof haha
  782. CFC: Or just white text everything you DO end up pu~~ing in
  783. CTT: I'm off for prom kek
  784. CFC: kek
  785. CPP: Scratch isn't the one writing the FAQ
  786. CPP: The Author is.
  787. ?AO: Please enter command.
  788. CPP: 
  789. CUC: >Light incense.
  790. CUC: >Place Topaz on grave.
  791. CFC: plot twist, the author is an excellent host
  792. ?AO: You light the incense, and all of the melted candles ignite at once with them. You pull Topaz over to the altar grave.
  793. CPP: He's too great a parent to be an excellent host.
  794. CTT: Plot twist the author dies
  795. CCU: PP: that might be literally.
  796. ?AO: A crackle resounds throughout space and time from above.
  797. ?AO: Then, the sound some sort of fibrous tentacle might make, cleaving through the fabric of spacetime.
  798. CPP: ! dunno, you guys seem to be of the opinion that you want my characters OUT of your hair, not in it.
  799. ?AO: A twisted hole in existence forms above and before you, ever growing.
  800. CPP: You'd likely need the OP King's help if you wanted to kill The Author.
  801. CTT: Nah
  802. ?AO: The flames of the candles grow ever hotter, along with the all-encompassing scent of the incensed sky.
  803. ?AO: Now what?
  804. CCP: And the OP κing ωould βe βαnned the second he steped ωithin the OPscαle's domαin
  805. CTT: Just publish at a faster rate
  806. CTC: Well
  807. CUC: Hrm.
  808. CCP: He ωould then βe erαsed from eχistαnce 
  809. CTT: And then pull out a flashy machine gun
  810. CUC: This is... hm.
  811. CTC: I've managed to work with them before
  812. CPP: Fun-fact, OP King's half-way to being an agent of the Conflict.
  813. CTT: And then the author is there in the vicinity of horces
  814. CTT: After dying
  815. CPP: The OP Scale is made from the Conflict and Narrative struggling for power.
  816. CUC: What to do now...
  817. CPP: OP King knows how to play that to his advantage.
  818. CPP: As is demonstrated by the fact that he still exists.
  819. CUC: >Examine hole in existence?
  820. ?AO: You look on, and watch. Waiting.
  821. CCP: OP κing for finαl plot tumor imeαnβoss of DTG:reβoot 
  822. CPP: Heh, ! actually had in mind for him to be a Trial for a while?
  823. CPP: Not even the final one is the best part.
  824. ?AO: With a twisted sonic boom that is abruptly cut short, a monolithic portion of some horrific tentacular entity cleaves its way through the rift, floating in the void sky before you without any difficulty whatsoever.
  825. ?AO: Hundreds of eyes blink open to look at the three of you.
  826. CPP: Talk about getting demoted.
  827. ?AO: "'Abi, 'abi. Y'ookhu t'mki."
  828. CPP: Well, this was before the idea for the reboot ! mean.
  829. CPP: ...
  830. CPP: hmm... Lots of old ideas ! had.
  831. CUC: ...crap, let me re-grab the dictionary quick.
  832. CCP: So, is the current lore regαrding the Psi-godmodder gonnα just βe αltered, or ωiped from history?
  833. CPP: Nope.
  834. CTC: Psi always lives
  835. CPP: Psi's still a thing.
  836. CCP: *insert joκe αβout me GMing the psi ωαrs here* 
  837. CTC: He's the First Evil of God for a reason
  838. CPP: But the Psi-wars were... a bit more violent.
  839. CCP: "α βit more"
  840. CCP: *tακing notes*
  841. CUC: "Yes, yes. I am fresn/new."
  842. CUC: Hm. That's interesting.
  843. CCP: "..right, so i αdd α couple more βoss βαttles, αdd plαyer PHP rαtios of 2000-1.."
  844. CTC: /afk
  845. CUC: Someone make an invite to the DTG Discord for me.
  846. CPP: You're not going to be running a session of it, the events are set in stone still.
  847. CUC: I just lost access for some reason.
  848. CTT: Y
  849. CCP: ^^^
  850. CTT: Huh
  851. CCP: i αlreαdy κnoω.
  852. ?AO: The horrid thing seems to await your response?
  853. CCP: Hence the """"""""joκe""""""""""
  854. CPP: Oh, okay.
  855. CUC: >Look up. "Can you... fix her?"
  856. CPP: Oops.
  857. CCA: invite me to dtg discord plox
  858. CCP: Since the Psi-ωαr is αlreαdy set in stone, it'd βe reαlly just α βunch of events leαding up the most ωell-κnoωn events.
  859. CCP: So, not α good gαme.
  860. CPP: Yeah.
  861. ?AO: Several of the thing's eyes roll into the direction of the back of its head-analogue. You suddenly become aware that this is an incredibly small part of the being poking out of this hole.
  862. CPP: You can read the summary ! think.
  863. CCP: Plus my ideαs for it don't even contαin α storyline. Just α replαcement for terrors to suit the lαcκ of them, αnd α feω comβαt thingys
  864. CUC: Uh, I hope we don't offend this being.
  865. ?AO: "Cthk'aryvti ioucosu. Y'harne, y'harne. E'ookhu nfto. Y'kyoi-bah'om ukhyoiikhu. G'uln y, y'kadishtu. G'gotha, y'goka."
  866. CUC: It could be really bad if we do.
  867. CPP: Yeah, subsection 2.3 includes them ! think.
  868. CUC: Ok, translation time.
  869. ?AO: Your gem somehow informs you that the first sentence loosely translates to "I am the Eye of a Thousand Seas."
  870. CURRENT canonW [CCW] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  871. CCW: Eyo.
  872. CPP: Hey canon
  873. CCP: Hello cαnon
  874. ?AO: ((Hello.))
  875. CFC: hello canon
  876. CCW: Been doing yard work all afternoon, feeling chipper. ^u^
  877. CFC: is chipper happy or sad
  878. CFC: I have never understood that
  879. CCW: happy
  880. CFC: oh ok
  881. CFC: good for you then
  882. CFC: (in the least sarcastic way possible)
  883. CUC: [unknown, unknown]. I see, I see. It is good. I have to consume the end of infinity. You summon me, I understand. You wish, I grant."
  884. CUC: Very basic translation.
  885. CCW: Wot
  886. CUC: Started typing before Erelye provided that translation of the first sentence.
  887. ?AO: It becomes evident that the being has to strain itself to lower its level of speech to that a human might understand.
  888. CUC: Didn't edit it in.
  889. CUC: Hrm.
  890. CUC: Ah.
  891. ?AO: You can practically feel the power crackling off of this entity, rather akin to the monolith stones you activated, actually. As well as the Blessing/Curses.
  892. CUC: ((in other words, Aklo is low? Huh.))
  893. CUC: Also, this being is a small part of Cthk'aryvt.
  894. CUC: Huh.
  895. CUC: ((Canon, Abyssal Oddity is underway.))
  896. ?AO: ((^))
  897. CUC: ((Also, I lost access to the Discord, can you give me another invite link? The first seems to have expired.))
  898. ?AO: "Gnh'gua? Ee, 'abi."
  899. CUC: What is to come? Answers, yes.
  900. ?AO: It seems to want you to respond. Its tone grows more frustrated than it was, certainly.
  901. CUC: "So, can you heal her (point to Topaz) of what's afflicting her?"
  902. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  903. CUC: "The Ashen Plague, or whatever other names it has."
  904. ?AO: "'Abi. G'athg-muggs'uhn."
  905. CUC: Yes. You (sign or must sign) the Elder Pact.
  906. CUC: ((One of those two. Probably the second.))
  907. CUC: ((Erelye, is it the second or first?))
  908. ?AO: ((The former.))
  909. CUC: ((So it's 'sign'?))
  910. ?AO: ((Yes.))
  911. CUC: ((I.e. does Cthk'aryvt want us to sign, or have we already signed in some way or another?))
  912. CFC: I made an awesome house in Terraria for once
  913. CUC: ((Either way, I'm answering yes.))
  914. ?AO: You have signed the Elder Pact in bringing the Eye of a Thousand Seas here.
  915. CUC: Ah.
  916. ?AO: There is no free will henceforth.
  917. CUC: So he'll do it?
  918. CPP: Ooh, here's some good quotes.
  919. ?AO: The being emits a watery chuckle, as if in response to you.
  920. CUC: Ok, that works.
  921. ?AO: ""'Abi."
  922. CPP: "Sometimes you have fun, and sometimes the fun has you."
  923. ?AO: "Tmokholvrum hupadgh n'gha."
  924. CUC: Hrm.
  925. CUC: The first is a simple yes.
  926. ?AO: That yes seems as if it were to YOU, not Azure.
  927. CUC: Oooh.
  928. CUC: Second...
  929. CUC: Life born of death.
  930. CUC: Ah.
  931. CUC: That double adjective construction confused me for a bit.
  932. ?AO: Suddenly, as if it were waiting for something to understand, the being extends a tendril forth.
  933. CUC: Double *suffix* construction.
  934. ?AO: ((That stuff is pretty standard to me.))
  935. ?AO: ((I tend to use -lvrum quite a bit.))
  936. ?AO: Anyhow, the being jerks the tendril downward, impaling Topaz in a shower of blood.
  937. CUC: ((Verb to adjective, then adjective to noun. Clever.))
  938. ?AO: The tentacle actually pierces the earth beneath her slightly.
  939. ?AO: Retracting, Topaz is poofed, easily, dropping into the tear-filled basin.
  940. ?AO: You can see that she certainly... exacerbated her crack.
  941. ?AO: Regardless, a fuchsia glow sprays over her gem, and the pool of tears.
  942. ?AO: Emitting yet another watery chuckle, the eldrtich horror speaks one last time, descending back into the rapidly-diffusing rift. "Vkah. R'yoi."
  943. CUC: Goodbye. Maybe.
  944. CUC: Hah.
  945. CUC: Nice.
  946. ?AO: *eldritch.
  947. ?AO: Topaz's gem seals back up, in pristine condition.
  948. CUC: Woohoo.
  949. ?AO: A cloud of vaporous ash bursts from it, hissing madly.
  950. ?AO: You can see the cloud form into the shape of some sort of phoenix, before arcing toward the Sigma Sector at superluminal speeds.
  951. CUC: I knew it.
  952. CUC: That asshole is an ash phoenix.
  953. CUC: Or... it's doing something else.
  954. CUC: Hrm.
  955. ?AO: Soon enough, Topaz reforms, and by far more healthy than earlier.
  956. ?AO: She immediately rushes over, and pulls both of you into some sort of monster hug, thanks to 15 POT. "Thank you! I feel great!"
  957. CUC: ((off topic, but guise there is an awful hospital discord
  958. CUC: and it is amazing))
  959. ?AO: Please enter command.
  960. CUC: >Look around, see if anything has changed.
  961. CUC: Also, celebrate, Topaz is healthy!
  962. ?AO: Nothing at all, save for the fact that all of the Blessing/Curses in the containers have been vaporized by some occult force's arrival.
  963. ?AO: The three of you celebrate quite happily.
  964. ?AO: Achievement COMPLETE: Crystallopanacea.
  965. CUC: Hooray.
  966. ?AO: The runes on the grave have all diffused into a single δ, oddly enough.
  967. CUC: Is that a lowercase delta?
  968. ?AO: It is.
  969. CUC: Yep, I think.
  970. ?AO: What now?
  971. CUC: Personally, I basically have to afk now.
  972. CUC: Seems like a good stopping point.
  973. ?AO: Sounds good.
  974. ?AO: Would you like to save your game?
  975. ?AO: No response detected. Autosave initialized.
  976. ?AO: Saving...
  977. ?AO: Saving...
  978. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Quitting now. Have a nice day.
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