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eruption Log

a guest
Jun 16th, 2022
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  1. INFO eruption:1454 > Starting Eruption - Realtime RGB LED Driver for Linux: Version 0.1.24 (0.1.23.r88.g8c2cffd) (release build)
  2. WARN eruption:1505 > ** EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES are ENABLED, this may expose serious bugs! **
  3. WARN eruption:1523 > ** EXPERIMENTAL DRIVERS are ENABLED, this may expose serious bugs! **
  4. INFO eruption:1528 > Loading saved state...
  5. INFO eruption:1543 > Registering plugins...
  6. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Keyboard - Keyboard related functions
  7. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Mouse - Mouse related functions
  8. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Macros - Inject programmable keyboard and mouse events
  9. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Introspection - Provide runtime status of the Eruption daemon
  10. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Persistence - A storage and persistence layer for Lua Scripts
  11. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Profiles - Switch profiles based on system state
  12. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: System - Basic system information and status
  13. INFO eruption::plugins::macros:79 > Initializing Linux virtual input devices
  14. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Sensors - Query system sensor values
  15. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Linux ULEDs - Linux Userspace LEDs interface
  16. INFO eruption::plugins::uleds:161 > The ULEDs subsystem is not available on this kernel
  17. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: SDK Support - Support for the Eruption SDK
  18. DEBUG eruption::plugins::sdk_support:305 > Unlink of control socket failed: ENOENT: No such file or directory
  19. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Audio - Audio related functions
  20. DEBUG eruption::plugins::audio::backends:344 > Unlink of audio socket failed: ENOENT: No such file or directory
  21. INFO eruption::plugin_manager:52 > Registering plugin: Animal - Simulation of organic movements (support library)
  22. INFO eruption::plugins::persistence:162 > Loading persistent state data from disk...
  23. INFO eruption:1551 > Plugins loaded and initialized successfully
  24. INFO eruption:1554 > Enumerating connected devices...
  25. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x46d:0xc214 - Logitech Logitech Attack 3
  26. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x11c9:0x55f0 - HJC Game GAMEPAD
  27. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x48d:0x5702 - ITE Tech. Inc. ITE Device
  28. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x6a3:0x763 - Saitek Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
  29. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x56a:0x303 - Wacom Co.,Ltd. Intuos PTM
  30. INFO eruption::plugins::audio::backends:381 > Audio proxy connected
  31. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x56a:0x303 - Wacom Co.,Ltd. Intuos PTM
  32. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1119 > Found unsupported device: 0x56a:0x303 - Wacom Co.,Ltd. Intuos PTM
  33. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x2c8b - ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone XP
  34. INFO eruption::hwdevices:1027 > Found supported mouse device: 0x1e7d:0x2c8b (1-11.2:1.0) - ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone XP
  35. INFO eruption::hwdevices::roccat_kone_xp:150 > Bound driver: ROCCAT Kone XP
  36. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x2c8b - ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone XP
  37. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x2c8b - ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone XP
  38. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x2c8b - ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone XP
  39. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x30f7 - ROCCAT ROCCAT Vulcan Pro
  40. INFO eruption::hwdevices:986 > Found supported keyboard device: 0x1e7d:0x30f7 (1-11.1:1.0) - ROCCAT ROCCAT Vulcan Pro
  41. INFO eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:119 > Bound driver: ROCCAT Vulcan Pro
  42. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x30f7 - ROCCAT ROCCAT Vulcan Pro
  43. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x30f7 - ROCCAT ROCCAT Vulcan Pro
  44. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:962 > Found supported device: 0x1e7d:0x30f7 - ROCCAT ROCCAT Vulcan Pro
  45. INFO eruption:1287 > Opening keyboard device...
  46. INFO eruption:1301 > Initializing keyboard device...
  47. INFO eruption:1308 > Configuring keyboard LEDs...
  48. INFO eruption:1314 > Firmware revision: <unknown>
  49. INFO eruption:1565 > Spawning keyboard input thread...
  50. INFO eruption:1322 > Opening mouse device...
  51. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1562 > Picking evdev device: /dev/input/event257
  52. INFO eruption::threads:121 > Now listening on keyboard: /dev/input/event257
  53. INFO eruption::threads:123 > Input device name: "ROCCAT ROCCAT Vulcan Pro"
  54. INFO eruption::threads:128 > Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x1e7d product 0x30f7
  55. INFO eruption::threads:137 > Physical location: usb-0000:00:14.0-11.1/input0
  56. INFO eruption::threads:141 > Grabbing the keyboard device exclusively
  57. INFO eruption:1335 > Initializing mouse device...
  58. ERROR eruption::hwdevices::roccat_kone_xp:453 > Wait 1: Invalid result
  59. ERROR eruption::hwdevices::roccat_kone_xp:458 > Wait 2: Invalid result
  60. ERROR eruption::hwdevices::roccat_kone_xp:463 > Wait 3: Invalid result
  61. INFO eruption:1342 > Configuring mouse LEDs...
  62. INFO eruption:1348 > Firmware revision: 0.00
  63. INFO eruption:1597 > Spawning mouse input thread...
  64. INFO eruption:1670 > Device enumeration completed
  65. INFO eruption:1679 > Performing late initializations...
  66. INFO eruption:1682 > Loading saved device state...
  67. DEBUG eruption::state:186 > 0x1e7d:0x30f7: Brightness: 100
  68. DEBUG eruption::state:204 > 0x1e7d:0x2c8b: Brightness: 100
  69. INFO eruption:1687 > Initializing Linux Userspace LEDs interface...
  70. INFO eruption:1694 > Initializing D-Bus API...
  71. DEBUG eruption:1156 > Registering filesystem watcher...
  72. INFO eruption:1708 > Initializing device I/O thread...
  73. INFO eruption:1717 > Late initializations completed
  74. INFO eruption:1719 > Startup completed
  75. INFO eruption:1722 > Entering the main loop now...
  76. INFO eruption:493 > Switching to profile: /var/lib/eruption/profiles/matrix.profile
  77. INFO eruption::threads:659 > Loading Lua script: /usr/share/eruption/scripts/solid.lua
  78. INFO eruption::threads:659 > Loading Lua script: /usr/share/eruption/scripts/ghost.lua
  79. INFO eruption::threads:659 > Loading Lua script: /usr/share/eruption/scripts/wave.lua
  80. INFO eruption::threads:659 > Loading Lua script: /usr/share/eruption/scripts/afterhue.lua
  81. INFO eruption::threads:659 > Loading Lua script: /usr/share/eruption/scripts/macros.lua
  82. DEBUG eruption:598 > Switch successful
  83. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Int { name: "ghost_backoff_secs", description: "Time (in seconds) that has to pass, before ghost typing commences", min: Some(0), max: Some(120), default: 10 }
  84. DEBUG eruption::profiles:517 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'ghost_backoff_secs' (value: '1') [5]
  85. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "ghost_intensity", description: "The higher the value, the more ghost typing", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(10.0), default: 1.5 }
  86. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'ghost_intensity' (value: '2.5') [5]
  87. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "afterglow_step", description: "Step afterglow animation every [n] frames", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(10.0), default: 1.0 }
  88. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_background", description: "Background color", min: None, max: None, default: 4294905872 }
  89. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'afterglow_step' (value: '1') [5]
  90. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_afterglow", description: "Afterglow color", min: None, max: None, default: 721420287 }
  91. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'color_afterglow' (value: '553648127') [5]
  92. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_step_afterglow", description: "Color value that gets subtracted from afterglow every [n] frames", min: None, max: None, default: 252316170 }
  93. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'color_step_afterglow' (value: '168430090') [5]
  94. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'color_background' (value: '4279303952') [5]
  95. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_shockwave", description: "Color of the shockwave", min: None, max: None, default: 754974719 }
  96. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'color_shockwave' (value: '2701066240') [5]
  97. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "opacity", description: "Opacity value in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, where 1.0 is fully opaque", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1.0), default: 1.0 }
  98. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_step_shockwave", description: "Color value that gets subtracted from the shockwave every [n] frames", min: None, max: None, default: 84215045 }
  99. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'color_step_shockwave' (value: '84215045') [5]
  100. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param 'opacity' [3]
  101. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Int { name: "shockwave_divisor", description: "Controls the spread of the shockwave. Range: [1..15], lower values mean less spread", min: Some(1), max: Some(15), default: 12 }
  102. DEBUG eruption::profiles:517 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'shockwave_divisor' (value: '12') [5]
  103. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  104. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Bool { name: "horizontal", description: "Horizontal or vertical", default: true }
  105. DEBUG eruption::profiles:523 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'horizontal' (value: 'false') [5]
  106. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Int { name: "direction", description: "-1 == left/down, +1 == right/up", min: None, max: None, default: -1 }
  107. DEBUG eruption::profiles:517 > Using default value for config param 'direction' [3]
  108. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1741 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  109. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "afterglow_step", description: "Step afterglow animation every [n] frames", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(10.0), default: 1.0 }
  110. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  111. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "scale_factor", description: "Scale factor of the alpha value", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(255.0), default: 127.0 }
  112. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param 'scale_factor' [3]
  113. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  114. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  115. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "speed_divisor", description: "Speed of the wave", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1000.0), default: 25.0 }
  116. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'speed_divisor' (value: '20') [5]
  117. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "hue_step_afterglow", description: "Angle value that gets subtracted from afterglow every [n] frames", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(360.0), default: 10.0 }
  118. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  119. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "wave_length", description: "Wave length divisor", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1000.0), default: 4.0 }
  120. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'wave_length' (value: '1') [5]
  121. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  122. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_wave", description: "Color of the wave", min: None, max: None, default: 0 }
  123. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using default value for config param 'color_wave' [3]
  124. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1805 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  125. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "opacity", description: "Opacity value in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, where 1.0 is fully opaque", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1.0), default: 0.5 }
  126. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  127. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  128. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "opacity", description: "Opacity value in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, where 1.0 is fully opaque", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1.0), default: 1.0 }
  129. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using value from .profile file for config param 'opacity' (value: '1') [5]
  130. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'keyboards/roccat_vulcan_pro.lua'
  131. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'keyboards/roccat_vulcan_pro.lua'
  132. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "animation_delay", description: "Step animation every [n] frames", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(10.0), default: 1.0 }
  133. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  134. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  135. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Color { name: "color_highlight", description: "Highlight color", min: None, max: None, default: 4279242768 }
  136. DEBUG eruption::profiles:529 > Using default value for config param [2]
  137. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1805 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  138. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "highlight_opacity", description: "Opacity value in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, where 1.0 is fully opaque", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1.0), default: 1.0 }
  139. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  140. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  141. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "overlay_opacity", description: "Opacity value in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, where 1.0 is fully opaque", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1.0), default: 1.0 }
  142. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  143. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  144. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Int { name: "highlight_step", description: "Step TTL value for highlight effect each frame by [n]", min: Some(0), max: Some(256), default: 32 }
  145. DEBUG eruption::profiles:517 > Using default value for config param [2]
  146. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1741 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  147. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Int { name: "overlay_step", description: "Step TTL value for overlays each frame by [n]", min: Some(0), max: Some(255), default: 6 }
  148. DEBUG eruption::profiles:517 > Using default value for config param [2]
  149. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1741 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  150. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter Float { name: "opacity", description: "Opacity value in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, where 1.0 is fully opaque", min: Some(0.0), max: Some(1.0), default: 1.0 }
  151. DEBUG eruption::profiles:520 > Using default value for config param [2]
  152. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1757 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  153. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1733 > Applying parameter String { name: "requires", description: "Import macro definitions sub-module", default: "macros/user-macros" }
  154. DEBUG eruption::profiles:526 > Using default value for config param [2]
  155. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script:1789 > Parameter is undefined, using defaults from script manifest
  156. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'keyboards/roccat_vulcan_pro.lua'
  157. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'keyboards/roccat_vulcan_pro.lua'
  158. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'mice/roccat_kone_xp.lua'
  159. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'mice/roccat_kone_xp.lua'
  160. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'mice/roccat_kone_xp.lua'
  161. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'keyboards/roccat_vulcan_pro.lua'
  162. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'mice/roccat_kone_xp.lua'
  163. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Loading device specific Lua script: 'mice/roccat_kone_xp.lua'
  164. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices:1562 > Picking evdev device: /dev/input/event7
  165. INFO eruption::threads:242 > Now listening on mouse: /dev/input/event7
  166. INFO eruption::threads:244 > Input device name: "ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone XP Keyboard"
  167. INFO eruption::threads:249 > Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x1e7d product 0x2c8b
  168. INFO eruption::threads:258 > Physical location: usb-0000:00:14.0-11.2/input2
  169. INFO eruption::threads:262 > Grabbing the mouse device exclusively
  170. DEBUG eruption::dbus_interface:1061 > Message: Message { Type: Signal, Path: "/org/freedesktop/DBus", Interface: "org.freedesktop.DBus", Member: "NameAcquired", Sender: "org.freedesktop.DBus", Destination: ":1.15421", Serial: 2,Args: [":1.15421"] }
  171. DEBUG eruption::dbus_interface:1061 > Message: Message { Type: Signal, Path: "/org/freedesktop/DBus", Interface: "org.freedesktop.DBus", Member: "NameAcquired", Sender: "org.freedesktop.DBus", Destination: ":1.15421", Serial: 3,Args: ["org.eruption"] }
  172. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6b 00000000| ...k.... 00000000
  173. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  174. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 107
  175. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6d 01000000| ...m.... 00000000
  176. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  177. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 109
  178. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6d 00000000| ...m.... 00000000
  179. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  180. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 109
  181. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6e 01000000| ...n.... 00000000
  182. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  183. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 110
  184. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6e 00000000| ...n.... 00000000
  185. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  186. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 110
  187. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb16 01000000| ........ 00000000
  188. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  189. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 22
  190. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb15 01000000| ........ 00000000
  191. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  192. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 21
  193. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb15 00000000| ........ 00000000
  194. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  195. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 21
  196. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6b 01000000| ...k.... 00000000
  197. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  198. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 107
  199. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb6b 00000000| ...k.... 00000000
  200. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  201. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 107
  202. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb16 00000000| ........ 00000000
  203. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  204. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 22
  205. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  206. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  207. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  208. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  209. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  210. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  211. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  212. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  213. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  214. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  215. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  216. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  217. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  218. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  219. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  220. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  221. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  222. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  223. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb17 01000000| ........ 00000000
  224. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  225. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 23
  226. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  227. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  229. >> These next few lines appeared when I pressed my Control Key on my Keyboard for Ctrl+C
  231. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  232. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  233. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  234. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  235. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 18
  236. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  237. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  238. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  239. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  240. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  241. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  242. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  243. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  244. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  245. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  246. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  247. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  248. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  249. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  250. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  251. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  252. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  253. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb17 00000000| ........ 00000000
  254. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  255. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 1 args: 23
  256. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key up: Index: 6
  257. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 19
  258. ERROR eruption:1047 > Could not notify the systemd software watchdog
  259. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb17 01000000| ........ 00000000
  260. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  261. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 23
  263. >> Here again, but this time I also pressed C to close it
  265. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 6
  266. DEBUG eruption::threads:981 > FPS: 17
  267. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: Key down: Index: 28
  268. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > |0300fb2e 01000000| ........ 00000000
  269. DEBUG eruption::hwdevices::roccat_vulcan_pro:647 > 00000008
  270. DEBUG eruption::scripting::script::callbacks:233 > Macros: HID event: 2 args: 46
  271. ^C INFO eruption:1735 > Main loop terminated gracefully
  272. INFO eruption:1752 > Shutting down all Lua VMs now...
  273. INFO eruption::plugins::persistence:149 > Storing persistent state data to disk...
  274. INFO eruption:1785 > Saving global runtime state...
  275. DEBUG eruption::state:243 > 0x1e7d:0x30f7: Brightness: 100
  276. DEBUG eruption::state:255 > 0x1e7d:0x2c8b: Brightness: 100
  277. INFO eruption:1790 > Closing all devices now...
  278. INFO eruption:1855 > Exiting now
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