

Sep 9th, 2017
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  1. [19:21:29] zekrom74✝: skill: Fires of Revolution
  2. [15:56:52] zekrom74✝: ok so i can spread shit
  3. [15:57:01] zekrom74✝: like rumours, ideas, thoughts
  4. [15:57:11] zekrom74✝: that one has a small range, maybe about 20m, but it can chain
  5. [15:57:23] zekrom74✝: for things that we can touch and feel, let's say energy, and material things
  6. [15:57:38] zekrom74✝: i can only spread things that are less dense than water, water not included of course
  7. [15:57:42] zekrom74✝: it'll multiply the thing too
  8. [15:57:59] zekrom74✝: so like, i can make air more dense, but not more dense than water perhaps
  9. [15:58:30] zekrom74✝: i can spread energy too, which includes fire, or lack of it
  10. [15:58:41] zekrom74✝: but the temperature is locked
  11. [15:58:52] zekrom74✝: so i can spread the temperature of something to a certain place
  12. [15:59:03] zekrom74✝: with a range of 30m?
  13. [15:59:26] zekrom74✝: of course
  14. [15:59:31] zekrom74✝: like, more tiring per chain required
  15. [15:59:40] zekrom74✝: and the chain can only extend out so far
  16. [15:59:51] zekrom74✝: but it'll stay there, if it's something like a revolutionary idea,
  17. [16:00:01] zekrom74✝: negative thoughts will wear off after, say, an hour
  18. [16:00:15] zekrom74✝: i'll think of a name, hold on
  19. [16:01:03] zekrom74✝: and for like the material things, it'd obviously have to be there at first before i can use my power
  20. [16:01:10] zekrom74✝: so i'd have to light a fire somewhere to spread it
  21. [16:07:25] zekrom74✝: also uh, for material things i can only spread things within 30m of me, to 30m of the thing itself
  22. [16:07:40] zekrom74✝: from the point of origin, which would be it's centre
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