
Twitter Thing.

Jun 3rd, 2017
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  1. Ok there were 15 social media numbers on the tweet when I started writing this, so here we go.
  3. 1. The first game I ever streamed on my channel was Train Simulator 2012. My friend bought it for me as a gag gift and I downloaded OBS and forced him to watch it. I didn't stream again for about 2 years, when I started speedrunning.
  5. 2. I was actually born in Illinois, moved to Iowa when I was about 6, moved to another place in Iowa at 8, and then moved to Wisconsin at age 9. My dad worked for JCPenneys and got transferred a lot.
  7. 3. I was hit in the head with a golf club when I was in first grade. A neighborhood friend and I were gonna pretend to be Tiger Woods, but the club slipped out of his hand the first swing and I was standing too close and got hit. Had about 20 stitches in my forehead for a couple months, there's still a fairly noticeable scar and dent just above my hairline.
  9. 4. I have a much much much better time learning and practicing games than grinding attempts. I don't think it's nerves or anything, just more that once I've learned or practiced something, I'm usually more interested in finding something else to learn or work on than try to immediately do runs. I'm a definite practice grinder, as much as I joke about dirty practicing being cheating.
  11. 5. This July will mark the third SGDQ I've attended, and thanks to the accident I was in a couple days ago, it'll be the third different car I'l drive to the event.
  13. 6. I pretty much always have music playing when I'm at home, and it's almost always video game soundtracks or some other form of instrumental stuff. I sang in Concert Choir and Show Choir in high school, and still enjoy singing from time to time, but when I'm just listening to music I often find lyrics distracting from either following what the instruments are doing, or from whatever I'm working on while it's on in the background.
  15. 7. My nick has no real significance, nor does it have a "correct" pronunciation. It comes from me literally slapping my keyboard after being unable to think of a name when I signed up for League of Legends back in college. I'm terrible at saying people's nicks correct myself, so I really don't care too much how people think mine should be said. Most interesting pronunciations I've heard include "a wee gleeb", "a wedge lib", and "a way gleyeb", but honestly if you're even close I'll let it slide.
  17. 8. I'm not sure what the exact number is since it's been across multiple PCs, but I've logged tens of thousands of games of Solitaire, FreeCell, and especially Minesweeper. AFAIK my best times in Minesweeper are 1 second Beginner, 28 second Intermediate, and 80 something Expert, but again that's spread across a couple different PCs so I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is. My biggest gripe with Windows 10 so far is the removal of those simple games; I've been searching for some way to get them, or some reasonable substitute back.
  19. 9. If I'm not mindlessly clicking through a game of Solitaire or Minesweeper, I'm likely shuffling poker chips or spinning a Rubik's Cube. I definitely have a need to have my hands be active constantly; you've likely noticed that if you hear me tapping my controller during literally any downtime during a speedrun. I debated getting a fidget spinner since it seems like something right up my alley, but honestly I have enough things that already fill that gap so it'd just be another thing to sit on the desk.
  21. 10. Speaking of poker chips, I've played a lot of poker. Like a lot. I watched the World Series of Poker religiously from 2003 to 2006; I'll still catch a broadcast here and there, and have played online at a number of different sites, or live if I know of a group of people playing. Never for any high stakes or anything, I've never lost more than 20 dollars or won more than 50, but I do enjoy having at least a little something on the line, which is why I hope online poker gets regulated again soon. My favorite game is probably Texas Hold 'Em, but I do have quite the soft spot for the hilariousness that is Razz.
  23. 11. I went to college for four years for Software Engineering, but unfortunately due to financial and personal reasons, I had to drop out before I could finish. It's something that I still want to be able to do, but money is too much of an issue right now to go to school and still pay the bills I have to do... I'll still hold out that some day it'll happen, just not sure when. This may shock a good number of the programmer buds I have out there, but I actually hate the actual coding more than anything else. Gathering requirements, designing work flows and use cases, and even testing was more enjoyable to me as the problem solving aspect of it always interested me more than the building aspect that coding provided.
  25. 12. I have a hilariously long list of potential/scrapped/delayed projects that never get much further than the idea phase. I'm usually super excited about them at first, but then once I start thinking of what it would actually entail, and how much enjoyment or helpfulness it might bring to anybody, myself included, most of them are just frankly not worth it. Either that or I just have literally no idea how to even get the idea off the ground. I've talked about a few here and there, but I'll mention the first few that come to mind: The SMB3 Level Naming Project, an SMB3 Inventory Tracker, SMB3 Bingo, some sort of research study/video/something into the risk/reward aspect of different strategies in speedgaming and how it may relate to real life risk/reward analysis, playing through and tracking the 32,000 original deals of Microsoft FreeCell, and some sort of documentary or something tracking a GDQ submission from the initial submission phase all the way (hopefully) to the run itself at a GDQ. While most of these rattle around in my head, I have poked around with a few of them, maybe some day one or two of them will actually see the light of day.
  27. 13. I'm an extremely quiet and introverted person in "real life". I used to be fairly outgoing and loud, and still can be at times, but I've definitely mellowed out as I've gotten a bit older. I think the biggest reason for this is I really don't "click" in terms of interests with family and old friends; I can often feel them drifting out of a conversation when I talk about nearly anything gaming or computer related, and I find myself doing the same thing too. I think the reason I'm very chatty in streams or on social media is because I still have that need for interaction, so I take every chance I can at it, yet the option to just say "gotta go bye" and instantly disconnect still provides me an out if I need to chill alone.
  29. 14. I absolutely HATE calling people on the phone. I'd rather email, text, tweet, send a carrier pigeon, ANYTHING but call them on the phone. I dread calling people on the phone so much it's led to some really silly situations. For instance, I've probably needed new glasses for years, but I put it off because I really just don't want to have to call an optometrist to schedule the appointment.
  31. 15. There's a lot of things that I deleted because I still don't want too many people (or anybody) to know. I often keep my personal life and stream life separate, not so much for any sort of privacy, but more because I just feel like those two parts of me are different enough that mixing them is just a little weird.
  33. OK bonus one since I forgot to post this before going to bed and somebody else liked it.
  35. 16. My go-to stream to watch if nobody I follow is doing anything interesting is professional CS:GO matches. I've never even played CS:GO but I really enjoy watching and listening to them.
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