
Hank does a thing in Vatican City

Apr 7th, 2014
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  1. Hankolijo looked up at the helicopter beginning to land. April was accompanying him to his next destination, which he still wasn't introduced to. The chopper landed on the helipad, and the pilot, a young Asian man, gestured for them to enter. They did, and Hank looked at the samurai. "So, you never showed me... what is your tattoo?" he asked. April shook his head. "I do not have one yet. We have to go through several stages of training and initiation before we earn our tattoos. The other students that remain at the dojo don't have their tattoos yet either. Once you earn one you are sent to patrol different countries. And our next destination doesn't have one.". Hank considers the response for a moment before asking: "And where are we going, exactly? And when will I regain my immortality?". April smirks. "You will regain your immortality once we collect all of the godly items and finish the ritual... and as to where we're going... Let me just tell you that along with the pentagon, US military, police forces and biker gangs you'll have to deal with the pope too." he says with a smile. Hank raises a brow. "Vatican? What are we looking for there?" he asks. April responds as the helicopter flies up: "The pope is in possession of several powerful artifacts... We can only identify a few, so we will require to bring some... sacred items back to the dojo for our master to examine." and with that, the helicopter began it's way over china.
  2. Hankolijo leaned back as April looked out the window. He got bored, so began idle chit-chat with Gacko. April looked at him. "The sleeping dragon speaks to you?" he asked. Hank smirked: "Gacko can talk to anyone, he controls it when others can hear him." Hank responded, and the little lizard spoke, heard by April: "True." and Hank added: "He just prefers to talk to me." "False." the tattoo said, grinning. April smiled, and looked out the window once again. Hank leaned closer to the pilot who could apparently speak English, asking how long until they arrive. "An hour or two." the Asian man responds. "We will land just outside of Rome and you'll be taken there with a car. Our current member stationed at Italy will drive you.". Hank nodded, and sat back down. He then turned to April again: "What do you mean by 'we're going to take sacred items'? What 'sacred items' are we taking and how will we get to them?" he asked. The samurai responded: "We will know which items are truly sacred with the help of the sleeping dragon. It will know what to take. And the details of our plan weren't given to me. Only Takenso, the member stationed at Rome knows the full plan.". "I say we take the popes underpants! Oh, and that car the car the pope always drives!" Gacko exclaims, and Hank laughs. April chuckles, and looks out the window once more.
  3. Hankolijo had fallen asleep. He had gotten some rest at the dojo, but it wasn't enough. He was woken up by Aprils voice: "We have arrived.". Hank opened his eyes, stretched out and stood up. The chopper had landed on a helipad, and Hank could see a highway in the near distance. He smirked. ~All roads lead to Rome.~ Good lord that was a cliche, and he frowned immediately. He turned to April. "So, where is our... "he got cut off mid-sentence as he noticed a Lamborghini drive over. He raised an eyebrow. "Won't that sort of... stick out?" he asked. April smiled, turning to him. "Not really. In Italy, this is one of a million. Some prefer Ferrari's, some Bugatti's, but Italians take their cars seriously. They like them fast." he said, approaching the vehicle. Hank followed, and they got inside, April taking the seat next to the driver. "So, Takenso, what is the plan?" he asked to the man in the drivers seat. He started the car, and drove off before speaking: "Pope Francis will be at St Peters Basilica. We'll confront him once we get the opportunity, have the sleeping dragon check him for artifacts. Once that is done, we will visit the other basilicas to check for artifacts there, but we will have to be fast. Vatican is a small place- we won't be hard to find." the man says, as they get on the road, driving towards Rome. Hank nods, and leans back, looking at Gacko. Was this little lizard tattoo really that powerful? Apparently so...
  4. Hankolijo checked his bag. He still had all of his equipment. After getting into Vatican, they got out of the car. Takenso pointed at the St. Peter basilica. "Right there. The pope should be inside." he said. The two men nodded, and followed him inside the building. Hank felt his arm shiver where Gacko was at. He tossed a look down, and the lizard spoke: "I just felt... weird, man. Like, a cold wave ran down my non-existent spine...". Hank nodded, and they kept going, using Gacko to determine whether they were going the right way. They finally saw the man- dressed in a white robe, that pope-hat-thing on his head. He was speaking to some other man in a robe. The three men pretended to pray, waiting for him to go someplace where they wouldn't be seen. Well, Hank was just pretendig, it seemed like the two Asian men might actually be praying. Figures. After a couple of minutes, pope Francis walked off. There weren't too many people around him, none of them looking at him. The three men used this as a chance to stick a gun to his back, whispering: "We do not wish to harm you or anyone in this church. Cooperate and all these people will live." Hank said. For a second, he could have sworn he saw a smirk on the popes face. The man nods, and Hank removes the weapon. "Wait a minute, then walk outside, over to a red Lamborghini. This man," Hank added, pointing at April, "Will be standing beside it. Fail to come out in time and you won't be the only man to die in this building today.". With that, the three men left, doing as they said they would. The plan had changed slightly, but a threat like that should - in theory - make the pope to as they say. If he wouldn't do it... too bad for him.
  5. Hankolijo looked out the car window. The pope was approaching the car, looking to all sides. ~Don't do anything stupid, old man...~ Hank thought, watching him get closer. April got in the car, soon followed by the pope. Thee man wiped the sweat off his forehead. "And... and what do you want?" he asked. Hank caught... distortion in his voice. He felt disturbed by this, and whispered it to April. He nodded, and turned to the pope. "We require your robe, hat and scepter, Francis.". The mans eyes widened. "How.. how dare you..." he spoke, but Takenso hushed him. "Remember, we have no problem with taking them by force. This does not need to turn violent, and..." the man is unable to finish, as the pope exclaims: "HOW DARE YOU? MY NAME IS FRANCIS, AND..." Hank stabbed him in the head before any unwanted attention was attracted. April took his had off... revealing a pair of large, red horns protruding from the popes head. Francis grinned, the blade still in his head. "... I am God here..." he spoke, his voice distant and distorted. Hank felt... strange. The car and buildings around it began to dissappear, leaving only the people... But they dissappeared as well, leaving only Hank and the pope, standing a step away from each other. Francis's shape shifts, turning into a grinning devil. He speaks: "I exist in the very fabric of reality. Do you want to challenge me?". Hank doesn't respond. A flash of light, and he is suddenly in a sort of temple, alone. He notices a single door, and walks through it, unaware of what awaits him.
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