
Kingdom Come: Deliverance General, KGDG

Feb 15th, 2018
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  1. Contents list
  2. 1. FAQ
  3. 2. Console Commands
  4. 3. Mod list
  5. 4. Types of Encounter
  7. 1. FAQ
  8. What is Kingdom Come Deliverance?
  9. Kingdom Come Deliverance is an open world RPG set in the Bohemian countryside of the Holy Roman Empire in the very early 15th century. You play as Henry, son of a blacksmith, voiced by and modeled from an inbred looking Englishman, working to gain the trust of Sir Radzig of Kobyla, and eventually fight in his service, adventuring and regaining Sir Radzig's sword. The map is 16km squared, 11 settlements or so, some major some minor, with bandit and poacher camps scattered throughout.
  11. Tutorial village help?
  12. Choke out Kunesh by crouching behind him then pressing the key, he should have his keys and axe (if you knock him out whilst he has it equipped he'll drop his axe on the ground on him, whilst the hammer and nails will be in his chest, having his keys obviously means you don't need to lockpick it. Once you have all this return to your father, he'll give you more money than any of the merchants would give you, even with max speech. Make sure to save before talking to your father once you have the coal and beer, as if the game crashes in the following cutscene you'll have to redo all of this.
  14. Help!?!?! A character I need to talk to isn't waking up and talking to me to fulfill a quest.
  15. Make sure it's an appropriate hour, normally day time. Then try leaving the area, resting for an hour then going back to the quest area.
  17. When do I get better armour than a gambeson?
  18. You can either grind money and buy it in shops (through flower picking and poaching), or continue the main quest until you're asked to locate a bandit camp. You can either choke these camp guards or make them follow you and then get town guard to kill them. Random encounters (which are easiest to farm by just fast travelling from one point to another, over and over) can make you encounter a knight who wishes to spar or a cuman (choking the knight out and shooting the cuman whilst he's still in the bushes are the easiest ways to kill them, bandits via random encounters are also the best source of mace weapons early on).
  20. >Can receive training for polearms
  21. >There isn't a skill for polearms
  22. >Anime Girl with Question Mark.jpeg
  23. There is but the game doesn't show you, download this mod for spears and polearms to actually work
  25. 2. Console Commands
  26. Press the ` key to activate in game
  27. wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 - adds crosshair to bow
  28. wh_pl_showfirecursor 0 - removes crosshair from bow
  29. cl_fov 60 - Changes FOV to 60
  30. cl_fov 65 - Changes FOV to 65
  31. cl_fov 70 - Changes FOV to 70
  32. cl_fov 75 - Changes FOV to 75
  33. r_vsync 0 - May or may not turn off Vsync
  34. r_vsync 1 - May or may not turn on Vsync
  35. g_showHUD 0 - Turns off UI
  36. g_showHUD 1 - Turns on UI
  37. wh_ui_showCompass 0 - Turns off the Compass at the top
  38. wh_ui_showCompass 1 - Turns on the Compass at the top
  39. e_ViewDistRatio X - Replace X with your desired render distance
  40. e_ViewDistRatio 500 - Sets render distance back to default
  41. e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X - Replace X with your desired render distance for trees, bushes and other vegetation
  42. e_ViewDistRatioVegetation 500 - Sets render distance for trees, bushes and other vegetation back to default
  43. e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X - Replace X with your desired render distance for grass
  44. e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist 20 - Sets render distance for grass back to default
  45. p_gravity_z X - Replace X with your desired gravity
  46. p_gravity_z -13 - Sets gravity back to default
  47. - ID tags for all known items
  49. 3. Mod List
  50. - lets halberds be used as regular weapons, and also with shields for some reason, no idea if AI can do this
  51. - Starts you at Rattay mills, only missing thing would be GF's ring, baliff's sword and free levels in speech, strength and agility
  53. 4. Types of Encounter
  54. Mercenary - You gamble money for a duel, I won 200 groschen not sure if this is fixed
  55. Wondering Knight
  56. Wayfaring knight
  57. Beggar - Pretends to be a beggar in the road, but two bandits jump out the bushes as you approach
  58. Pilgrim - Asks for bandages, can also give him boots, but these seem to be your equipped ones so equip your worst boots before talking to him
  59. Chest - Empty chest in the road with two bandits, or a cuman and a bandit hiding in the bush
  60. Female Beggar - Asks for food for her and her children
  61. Merchant - Sells books and other goods cheaply
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