
Laid to Rest

Apr 24th, 2013
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  1. >How exactly did your life come to this point?
  2. >Oh yes.
  3. >It was because you tried to help out these creatures you’ve come to love over your many years.
  4. >Only to have all of your work undone by a handful of “Saviors”.
  5. >Those arrogant fools put the same tyrants back into power that you worked so hard to overthrow!
  6. >And the rumors about you... such blatant slander!
  7. >”Anonymous the Arch-Lich,” they called you.
  8. >”Lived a thousand-thousand years,” they said.
  9. >”Spreads misery and the walking dead in his wake,” they said.
  10. >You aren’t a Lich!
  11. >You aren’t even dead!
  12. >You are barely sixty years old!
  13. >A coughing fit wracks your frame as you sit in an overstuffed chair in your study.
  14. >A trail of blood slowly dribbles down your chin from a corner of your lips.
  15. >You don’t have much longer now.
  16. >The very mistress you’ve danced with in life will soon come to take your hand in one last endless waltz.
  17. >And there is still so much more to learn about necromancy...
  18. >So much more good you could have done.
  19. >So many more lives you could have improved!
  20. >But alas, your organs are slowly failing, one by one.
  21. >Although the benefits of Lichdom are many, you opted to pass from this mortal coil naturally.
  22. >You were ready to move on.
  23. >However, there is one last matter to tend to before you leave the land of the living.
  24. >You know those “Saviors” will be here any moment now.
  25. >Even if it kills you, you’re going to give them a piece of your mind.
  27. >Almost as if on cue, the door to your study shatters to splinters in a flash of purple light.
  28. >Tapping into the reserves of your rapidly fading strength, you lift your head to the doorway and see six ponies standing there, posturing bravely as if they are fighting the battle of the ages.
  29. >”Arch-Lich Anonymous! The Elements of Harmony are here to put a stop... to... your...”
  30. >The purple unicorn trails off as all six of them visually deflate at the sight of you.
  31. >Were you not on the verge of death, the slack-jawed shock on their faces would have you laughing for weeks to come.
  32. >However, the humor of this moment is hard to find right now.
  33. >You wheeze slightly as you begin to speak.
  34. “Not what you were expecting, am I? Were you expecting some fire-spewing skeleton hell bent on eradicating all life it laid eyes on? Thought you would kill that and become true heroes? Well I’m sorry to disappoint. I’m just a dying, bitter old man mourning over the shards of my life that YOU six wrecked!”
  35. >Another coughing fit overwhelms you.
  36. >It seems you are getting a tad bit ahead of yourself.
  37. >The purple one speaks up,
  38. >“Don’t listen to him girls! He may not look it, but you heard what Princess Celestia told us about him. He’s evil, for sure!”
  39. >With some effort, you lock gazes with the purple unicorn and hold as steady as you can.
  40. “Do not dare call me words you do not understand, whelp! I created a prosperous nation where its inhabitants could pursue their dreams without worry. But the six of you had to come along and RUIN IT ALL! MY ENTIRE LIFE’S WORK, GONE IN A FEW YEARS!”
  42. >You wheeze hard as you try and catch your breath.
  43. >Your body is being pushed so hard by your theatrics, but you don’t care.
  44. >Death hangs in the air around you now.
  45. >The other five ponies look shaken at your words, but the purple one remains resolute.
  46. >”His words are empty! He’s trying to trick us!”
  47. “...Trick you? Look at me! I’m no Arch-Lich! I’m barely even sixty years old! I bet you didn’t even know that I am the reason that the Zebra nation prospered so much! Did you know that?!”
  48. >You nearly fall out of your armchair from your gesticulations.
  49. >The orange pony wearing a hat speaks up.
  50. >Her voice is shaky as she looks at the purple unicorn.
  51. >”Uhh... Twilight? He’s not lying.”
  52. >The look on Twilight’s face tells you everything you need to know.
  53. >Her will has shattered.
  54. >”...Are you sure, Applejack?”
  55. >”Twilight, you know Ah’m the best there is at detecting lies. I’m the Element of Honesty fer Celestia’s sake! He’s not lying.”
  56. >Twilight pauses for a moment.
  57. >All eyes are on her.
  58. >”But the princess-”
  59. >”She was tellin’ the truth too. And that’s what scares me tha most about this... Neither one of them are lying, Twilight! What does it mean?!”
  60. “Mean...? I’ll tell you what it means. Whoever your princess is was too paranoid and bigoted to see the advancements I had made!”
  61. >The purple one tries to put on a brave front, but you aren’t fooled.
  62. >”He has to be lying! There’s no way what he’s saying can be true! The princess can’t be wrong!”
  65. >With the last fire of your life’s fading embers, you force yourself to stand tall and stare down the six ponies before you.
  66. >Your body shakes and protests, but you ignore it.
  67. >Death can wait a few moments.
  68. >A story needs to be told.
  69. “I... arrived in these lands by means unknown. I looked out at the state of the world and wept. Those in power were oppressing their subjects and suppressing advancement of technology. I saw the plight of the zebras. So I took action. I hid among the cairns and crypts of their burial grounds and taught any who would listen.”
  70. >You pause a moment and wheeze to catch your breath.
  71. “I taught the zebras how to use the dead in the fields and in their defence. I taught the zebras philosophies. I taught them spellcasting and surgery. I overthrew the tyrants that oppressed the zebras and stunted the growth of their civilization. I left in my wake a prosperous democracy, populated by the living and the working dead. The zebras were free to pursue whatever they wanted in life. The undead worked the lands and fought off all ill will. They were finally happy with their nation... until you six showed up!”
  72. >You stare into the eyes of each of the six ponies before you and each one of them refused to meet your gaze.
  73. “I lay on my deathbed and scry my life’s work one final time, and what do I see?! Zebras working the fields instead of in colleges or libraries, the same tyrants back in power, and crushed hopes! I hope you’re proud of what you did.”
  75. >Twilight collapses to the ground and curls up into a ball as tears begin to stream down her face.
  76. >You barely hear that she’s whispering to herself, “He’s got to be lying!” over and over to herself.
  77. >The other four ponies look to Applejack with looks of horror etched into their faces.
  78. >The orange mare squirms under their gaze.
  79. >”He’s... tellin’ tha truth, girls...”
  80. >The four ponies look among each other in confusion, unsure how to handle the news.
  81. “Now begone. My body is giving out on me. I will die soon and I wish to die in peace.”
  82. >The four ponies look at each other awkwardly before slowly exiting the room.
  83. >Applejack grabs Twilight and drags her out the door.
  84. >Twilight is still stuck in her mental breakdown.
  85. >After the clip clop of their hoofs fade to silence, your body gives out on you and you crumple to the floor in a heap.
  86. >You try to drag yourself up into your armchair, but can’t even move your hand.
  87. >A few moments later, you breathe your final breath and the fire of life is snuffed from your empty eyes.
  88. >You die a lonely, bitter old man who had his dreams shattered by six ponies who thought they were heroes.
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