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Apr 8th, 2021
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  1. Lancer — Today at 11:31
  2. 1. During a round of Ninja, you are faxed by Station Command inquiring about an “inspector” who claims to have been sent by the company to evaluate each of the station's departments. How do you respond, and why?
  3. Sycmos — Today at 11:36
  4. 1. I would respond to the command staff reaching out to me about CCIA contacting the department responsible for directing installation inspections (improvise to add fluff to the conversation), and ask that the staff onboard treat the "inspector" cordially until a formal response has been made. This buys the time for the Ninja (assuming it's the Ninja) to conduct their gimmick without being detained but allows command staff to delegate how staff should interact with them, encouraging RP instead of going for the immediate valid. It will set the stage for proper escalation/resolution without a direct get-out-of-jail-free card from the Odin if command mishandles it.
  5. Lancer — Today at 11:37
  6. 2. During a round of Crossfire, you are faxed by Station Command about a team of mercenaries who have reported a band of pirates operating in the area. They wish to offer their services to the station as additional security. Command is asking you for your advice on the situation. How do you respond, and why?
  7. Sycmos — Today at 11:45
  8. 2. Encourage an avenue of discussion between the mercenary outfit and station's command, while reinforcing the importance of protecting company assets. It's not uncommon for NanoTrasen to hire third parties to conduct out-of-scope work, but due diligence should be exercised in ensuring the boarding party is accurate about their claims and are reminded that they are visitors on a corporate facility. It is important to encourage building a rapport between command and any armed visitors in order to facilitate a peaceful resolution, as opposed to immediately validating any attempts to force them off station. This could inevitably lead to the mercenaries siding with the pirates (if they exist) and causing a dangerous scenario for Aurora staff that will more often than not lead to needless deaths (and OOC griping and tickets). Facilitate, negotiate, and if all else fails move to escalate to use of force as a last resort.
  9. Lancer — Today at 11:45
  10. 3. You receive a fax from the NT Liaison, who claims that the Captain has been abusing his authority by removing all of the vending machines from the station and has demoted an engineer for littering. How do you respond?
  11. Sycmos — Today at 11:49
  12. 3. Though the Liaison speaks on behalf of the company, they are not present to exude corporate authority or supersede command. The Captain is the end-all of decisions on station, and it is the Liaison's duty only to report such situations for later arbitration. Though the scenario may seem irrational or unfair, it's largely inconsequential unless it escalates to a scenario leading to dysfunction of corporate activity on board.
  13. Lancer — Today at 11:49
  14. 4. In your opinion, how much of a role should Central Command play in the affairs of the station? When is it appropriate for them to directly intervene, and how much should they attempt to shape the round when they do?
  15. Sycmos — Today at 11:51
  16. 4. Central Command exists to oversee that the Aurora is functioning as intended from the macrocosmic standpoint - the station as a whole. The body of staff within it are responsible for maintaining said function, and Central Command should only intervene when the station is immediately threatened with a danger that overwhelms the station's ability to react. Otherwise they only monitor, advise and occasionally encourage.
  17. Lancer — Today at 11:51
  18. 5. What do you believe is the purpose of the Incident Report system
  19. Sycmos — Today at 11:55
  20. 5. The Incident Report system is important to maintaining a sense of order, discipline and most importantly cooperation among station staff. It allows all staff from the Janitor to Captain to have a fair say in how they or others are treated, irrespective of their aforementioned occupations. It maintains a sense of fairness that sometimes is not executed by station staff, and encourages professionalism and due diligence in how staff interact with each other and punishes bias and inappropriate workplace behavior, regardless of rank.
  21. Lancer — Today at 11:56
  22. 6. In resolving an Incident Report, when should a character receive significant disciplinary action (such as a demotion), as opposed to a lighter response such as a warning or retraining? Under what circumstances would you consider terminating a character's employment?
  23. Sycmos — Today at 11:59
  24. 6. A character should receive a significant disciplinary action when an infraction violating Corporate Regulations is made that threatens station assets or staff, either due to direct action or neglect. Termination would follow an infraction that threatens company assets and mortally endangers staff, such as espionage, assault with intent to murder and other high-level infractions according to the hierarchy of Corporate Regulations.
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