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Getting Schooled (Human to Espeon TF & smut)

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Mar 3rd, 2013
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  1. Getting Schooled, by Kyouhei:
  2. It was a seemingly ordinary evening when I reported in to the lab for testing. All security checkpoints were passed, and I was disinfected and let into the main lab.
  3. "Ah, Ian, good, good. You're here. I wouldn't expect anything else from our best test subject," said the lead scientist.
  4. He walked off.
  5. "Hey there, man," said my friend. A cordial fist-bump was shared.
  6. "The director was excited to hear about your arrival, Ian. He shared with me the news of what we were planning to do today."
  7. "What is that?"
  8. "Teleportation."
  9. "How? Only Psychic-types can teleport."
  10. "We brought one, for help with the process
  11. "Oh, okay."
  12. "Whenever you're ready," he said. "go right ahead."
  13. I stepped into the pod and pressed the activation button. I could hear the scientists on the other sides talking, and the humming and crackling of electricity. Their voices were still audible. Someone must have taped down the intercom button and forgotten to remove the tape.
  14. "Steady, easy does it."
  15. "Main power couplings holding at 120%."
  16. "On your go, we can initiate."
  17. "Taking 'er up to 125."
  18. "Holding."
  19. "Energy output is stabilized. Readings are as predicted."
  20. "On your go."
  21. "Okay," I stated. "Light 'er up."
  22. "Taking main matter diffusers online."
  23. "Energy output holding."
  24. "Backup power couplings disabling."
  25. "Energy readings normalizing. Power output leveled."
  26. "My Arceus, Joe, look at what we've done. This, this is supposed to be impossible."
  27. "Oh crap."
  28. "Shit, what?"
  29. "Our Psychic-type is gone."
  30. "SHUT IT DOWN, NOW!"
  31. Alarm bells started going off everywhere, and with my face pressed against the glass of the chamber, I could just barely see it, but lightning seemed to be arcing everywhere, the ground was rumbling, and bits of the ceiling and equipment were falling off.
  32. Someone frantically yelled, "I-it's not shutting down!"
  33. Just before the machine broke, I saw an Espeon sitting next to me.
  34. "What are you doing here?"
  35. "Espe~!" it chirupped, before teleporting away.
  36. My vision was suddenly obscured as I passed out.
  37. When I came to, the lab, or most of it, was in ruins, and the Espeon was nowhere to be seen.
  38. "Uugh, what happened?"
  39. I coughed and spluttered, managing to breathe after hacking up what looked suspiciously like blood and mucus. Stumbling to my feet, I shakily made my way to the door, and pushed it open, walking through. The scientists' eyes lit up and their expressions changed near-instantly when they laid eyes on me.
  40. "Great Scott, you're alive! You should have been dead!"
  41. "It's a miracle!"
  42. "Well, I'm just glad I made it in one piece," I said. "It wouldn't have looked good had your best test subject broken a limb, now would it?"
  43. "Wait a minute," said one of the scientists. His brow furrowed in thought, he asked, "If you're not dead, then why were you not breathing for five whole minutes?"
  44. "I got it!" he said, running to a chalkboard and scribbling line after line of complex math down. Within minutes, the board was covered in equations.
  45. Looking it over, I asked him, "So what does this mean, Doc?"
  46. "Well," he said, "It could mean any number of things."
  47. "Then what would be the most likely thing it could mean?"
  48. "That your radiation signature would have been grossly oversimplified by the machine in order to perform the transfer."
  49. "Give it to me straight, Doc," I asked. "Am I gonna be okay?"
  50. "You'll live," he said, "but it is unknown how long you will be like this."
  51. "Like what?"
  52. "I'd rather not tell you. You're shaken already, I can tell."
  53. "Yeah man, go get some rest. I'll see ya in the mornin'," said one of the others.
  54. I took their advice, but I slept fitfully, and I awoke in the middle of the night to extreme pain all over my body.
  55. Blindly wobbling into the bathroom, I tried for the lightswitch.
  56. There was none. Oh right.
  57. I sat down to take a pee, the pain subsiding away, only to clutch me again later. I fell off of the toilet, my pants and underwear still around my legs. The pain rose and rose, until it felt as if I was about to have a stroke. Had I gotten radiation sickness from the experiment?
  58. My muscles seized up, and my skin started to go numb, as I began to fade out again. It wasn't numbness that I felt, it was fur! How the Reverse World did I know that?
  59. When I woke up again, it was under the daylight.
  60. <wake up. it is 6:30,> said the electronic voice.
  61. I rubbed my head. "Mmmrrrppphhh, what happened?"
  62. "W-what the-?"
  63. My hands were now covered in fur. Sure enough, pulling off my shirt revealed the same thing. My entire body was covered in lavender-colored fur!
  64. Just what had happened yesterday?
  65. The pain clutched me again. I felt my head throb with pain. Now there was what felt like a weight in between my eyes. The pain continued to wash over me as I felt my bones crack and shift, splitting, melting, and re-forming, my hands were now paws, and my feet were too. They were only disproportionate for a few seconds, as the rest of my body began to compensate for what was going on, my hind legs shrinking and cracking and my limbs shifting. From what I could see, I now possessed a different frame, that more of a quadruped than a human.
  66. My jaw bones cracked and split as my face began to push itself forward into a muzzle. Running my now smaller, pointed tongue over my teeth, I could now feel that my teeth had become sharp and pointed.
  67. More cracks and pops came from my head. With a fwoop, my ears stretched upward into tall, wide points. I managed to move a forepaw upward to see what had become of them. They were now--
  68. Espeon ears! That was what had happened at there. My Arceus, was I a Slowpoke then!
  69. It popped back up as, with a split and crack, my tailbone gave a shift forward into Espeon's characteristic forked tail. I let it curl and flick up and down my form, which was now completely a Pokemon. I had gone from human to Pokemon in less than five minutes.
  70. Something, though, wasn't right, I could feel it. Then there assaulted my nostrils a smell. It smelled of honey and salt, or almost like a Rare Candy. I didn't know what was going on, but I felt every internal shift.
  71. There was a crack, squish, and crunch from between my legs, and then a strange, burning ache. Looking down, I could see it; my penis and testicles seemed to shrivel up and flatten away as a slit etched itself into my crotch, splitting it into two sides, and my crotch slit peeled back slightly. The ache in my crotch intensified. My pulse suddenly raced at a thousand beats a second, my breath became heavy and I began to feel really hot; heat emanating from my now furry and feminine crotch.
  72. My knees began to tremble, and I began to drool. Suddenly, it felt as if my legs couldn't support my own weight, and I collapsed. Further attempts to stand only proved it worthless to try. As if to add insult to injury, my crotch began to twinge even more, and I groaned in pain.
  73. Turning over, I took a look to see as to what was really going on down there. I watched as protruding started from my chest, as it worked its way down my stomach. Two bulges, each about the size of a ping-pong ball, slowly turned into four bulges, and then into six, with bright pink, erect tips on the ends, sensitive to the slightest of movements. I was afraid that if a breeze blew the wrong way, I'd squirt all over the floor. The tremors got worse, and the smell became more apparent.
  74. I was in heat, and feeling its effects pretty badly. If I didn't get a male soon, I'd have to resort to fingering (pawing?) myself, and if it went badly, there was no telling what could happen.
  75. I smelt it, knowing somehow that it was the scent of another of my species. I saw him, walking towards me from the edge of the room. He saw me, and even from that far away, his arousal was apparent to me, though he didn't seem to see it.
  76. In an instant, or so it seemed, he was already next to me. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. Sparks flew, figuratively. We both needed what was coming, which made the next part that much more bearable.
  77. I needed to be satisfied. His penis had to be at least twice as big as my entrance.
  78. My Espeon lay over me, playing with my erect nipples, running his paws up and down my stomach. "Ha-a~"
  79. He thought-spoke to me, <Are you ready, my love? Because I am.>
  80. His long, thick penis started to erect out of his crotch, stiffening to full length and girth within seconds. It was so disproportionate to his body size, it would have better suited a much larger Pokémon. I'm not surprised it fit into me, because there's no logic here when a Skitty can breed with a Wailord, even with the extreme size difference.
  81. He pulled my body towards his penis, holding it right against my soaked entrance. I arched my back and spread my back legs, readying for what I could only hope would be my first and best sex.
  82. He rammed deep and hard into me, spreading me open impossibly wide. "Aaaaaaaah~!" I scream in utter pleasure as he begins his thrusting. He rocks me violently with every thrust, his firm member having no trouble pushing my hind legs off the floor. I moaned again, blushing even more intensely; I didn't care any more. The pleasure had pretty much killed off every rational part of my brain.
  83. <D-deeper~ Harder~> I say, hardly able to believe what I just said. <I am your fuck toy, use me, abuse me!> However, instead of doing what she asked, he suddenly stopped. I gasped at the relief I was feeling that should have been arousal.
  84. He began tugging at my nipples. Because he stopped when he had, so close to orgasm, he was forcing me to be pleasured even more without the feeling of ultimate release that we so desired, though it was me more than him that wanted it.
  85. <P-please~> I start, not quite sure how to ask for something like this. <I~ I want to feel good~ And I've~ Got to feel more~> I plead, though I'm aware, and he is probably too, how pathetic I was by saying that. To my utter surprise, he shook his head, beginning to retract his member from inside me, as if to imply that wasn't good enough.
  86. Fifteen minutes ago, that would have been a dream come true, though now, after he's broken my mind, it wouldn't be that bad anyway. I never would have thought twice about questioning it. I might have won, if only temporarily, and who knows? Maybe whatever happened to me could be reversed by thinking human thoughts. But now, I know he would never let me out of his grasp until he rutted me silly and I was on the ground in a knee-deep puddle of my own juices.
  87. <N-no!> I begged of him, too horny to think any other thoughts. <I need this! I need you-! I need you inside me!> I gasp, pulling my legs together to yank his penis back into me. <So please-!> she shouts desperately. <Don't stop! I need you inside me~>
  88. Smirking triumphantly, he slammed back into me full force, even harder than last time. I felt something rather large and wide entering me at the same time. For the first time, I audibly moan in satisfaction as he picks his thrusts back up, rubbing roughly over my breasts, nipples perking even more. I didn't care if I never became human again, as long as it could feel this good every day.
  89. I begin to feel something begin to build up in my not-so-private regions, moaning uncontrollably. Every thrust begins to feel better and better, as a numbing sensation starts to come over me. My heart feels like it's going to burst from my chest, my muscles tense up drastically.
  90. I gasp audibly once again right before I experiences my first female orgasm. <Aaaaaaaah!> I scream in satisfaction, feeling my female liquids ooze out over his cock. I feel his knot grow and snag on my insides.
  91. <Still not done? You want more?> I said.
  92. <You and I both know the answer to that question.> he said.
  93. He swings his left hind leg over her back, twisting his knot inside me and reaching places I knew existed, but never thought he could reach. Not showing a moment's hesitation, he resumes his thrusts in a different, much more forceful way than before. <Yes! I want this! Fill me~> I say, feeling so good. <Please, keep going...I feel...too good for you not to~> I pant.
  94. He does just that, picking up his thrusts as he starts audibly grunting through his teeth. He howls loudly, the loud baying echoing off of the ceiling and possibly through the air-conditioning ducts as well. As he gives a particularly deep thrust, I can suddenly feel his hot, sticky fluid begin to enter me. "Aaaah- AAAAAAH!" I scream, indescribable, alien sensations coursing through my body, my insides being pumped full of his seed. It isn't long before I realize my inner areas are, quite literally, filled-to the brim and running over, actually. I, however, was too drunk on love to care. <Come on, big boy. I know you've got more in you. Come on, fill me with your spunk and claim me as your mate~!> I said, because I felt so inhumanly good, unlike any other sensation I ever felt before.
  95. I didn't think it was possible- but I felt a feeling of expansion inside myself as he pushes himself more and more inside, pumping rope after thick, steamy rope of cum into me. Not able to believe this feeling, I ducked my head between my forelegs, turning my attention to my lower stomach. "But this is... Impossible..." I gasp, watching my stomach bulge noticeably, my spine straightening as my back muscles work to hold the new weight up.
  96. <There,> he said. <That enough for ya, you little cumslut?>
  97. I murred and said, <Enough is never enough. Again, again!>
  98. <But I've already...never mind, I'll give you more.> He made a noise that might have been a sigh. <Damn girl doesn't know when to stop.>
  99. His eyes flicked as he noticed a bottle on the floor.
  100. <What's that?>
  101. <It's a can of X-Speed.>
  102. He levitated it over to himself, and drained it faster than I could blink. The can had already clanged on the floor before he picked himself up, became erect, and stuffed himself back into me.
  103. I don't know how long he used me, as I was too clouded with pleasure to see anything but the ground, slowly being covered in our juices, but he did stop eventually, and boy was I relieved when he pulled out of me. He was just as tired as I was, and collapsed on the floor. The X Speed wore off.
  104. I tried to move, but I found myself unable to. I seemed to be too tired and heavy.
  105. <Heavy?> I thought.
  106. I looked down at myself, and was shocked to see that I had become very heavily pregnant in the space of a few minutes.
  107. <I though Pokémon laid eggs?>
  108. <Nah,> he said. <Only some, like Pidgey and Beedrill. The quadrupeds, like us, give live birth, but we all have accelerated gestation processes.>
  109. His last weary thought was, <Damn girl, you milked me dry. I have nothing left in me. I schooled you good. Yeah~>
  110. The last thing that flashed across my mind before I passed out, still shuddering with residual pleasure, was an image of me, in a schoolgirl uniform, running with a piece of toast in my mouth, and the words, "I forgot my bag!" superimposed at an angle over the top right corner.
  111. When I woke up, there was no way of telling what had happened, but it's likely whatever happened was recorded. Whatever caused the transformation returned me to human form, and covered me up in clean clothes again. I was back in my bed, and the sheets were clean as they had been last night.
  112. The second I had a moment alone on the computer, I sat down and typed this out. There's no doubt, as this computer isn't mine, that they're recording every keystroke, but it doesn't matter anyway. I needed to get that off my chest. Much better.
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