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Sep 16th, 2017
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  1. [root@f12 kvm]# /home/zwu/work/virt/autotest/client/bin/autotest --verbose control
  2. 15:44:08 INFO | Writing results to /home/zwu/work/virt/autotest/client/results/default
  3. 15:44:09 INFO | Initializing the state engine
  4. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Persistent state client.steps now set to []
  5. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Persistent option harness now set to None
  6. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Persistent option harness_args now set to None
  7. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Selected harness: standalone
  8. 15:44:09 INFO | Symlinking init scripts
  9. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Running '/sbin/runlevel'
  10. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Running 'ln -sf /home/zwu/work/virt/autotest/client/tools/autotest /etc/init.d/autotest'
  11. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Running 'ln -sf /home/zwu/work/virt/autotest/client/tools/autotest /etc/rc5.d/S99autotest'
  12. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Dropping caches
  13. 15:44:09 DEBUG| Running 'sync'
  14. 15:44:10 DEBUG| Running 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'
  15. 15:44:12 DEBUG| Running 'gzip -9 "/home/zwu/work/virt/autotest/client/results/default/sysinfo/dmesg"'
  16. 15:44:13 DEBUG| Running 'rpm -qa'
  17. 15:44:25 INFO | START ---- ---- timestamp=1307605465 localtime=Jun 09 15:44:25
  18. 15:44:25 DEBUG| Persistent state client._record_indent now set to 1
  19. 15:44:26 INFO | Test 1: virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io
  20. 15:44:27 DEBUG| Running '/usr/bin/kvm_stat --batch'
  21. 15:44:29 INFO | START kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io timestamp=1307605469 localtime=Jun 09 15:44:29
  22. 15:44:29 DEBUG| Persistent state client._record_indent now set to 2
  23. 15:44:29 DEBUG| Persistent state client.unexpected_reboot now set to ('kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io', 'kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io')
  24. 15:44:29 DEBUG| Running 'python -c 'import sys; print sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]''
  25. 15:44:29 DEBUG| Crash handling enabled
  26. 15:44:29 DEBUG| Running 'rpm -qa'
  27. 15:44:31 INFO | Test started. Number of iterations: 1
  28. 15:44:31 INFO | Executing iteration 1 of 1
  29. 15:44:31 INFO | Dropping caches between iterations
  30. 15:44:31 DEBUG| Running 'sync'
  31. 15:44:31 DEBUG| Running 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'
  32. 15:44:31 INFO | Dropping caches between iterations
  33. 15:44:31 DEBUG| Running 'sync'
  34. 15:44:32 DEBUG| Running 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'
  35. 15:44:32 INFO | Profilers present. Profiling run started
  36. 15:44:32 DEBUG| Test parameters:
  37. 15:44:32 DEBUG| cdroms = cd1
  38. 15:44:32 DEBUG| check_image = yes
  39. 15:44:32 DEBUG| convert_ppm_files_to_png_on_error = yes
  40. 15:44:32 DEBUG| cpu_chk_cmd = grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
  41. 15:44:32 DEBUG| dep = []
  42. 15:44:32 DEBUG| display = vnc
  43. 15:44:32 DEBUG| drive_cache = none
  44. 15:44:32 DEBUG| drive_format = virtio
  45. 15:44:32 DEBUG| drive_index_cd1 = 1
  46. 15:44:32 DEBUG| drive_index_image1 = 0
  47. 15:44:32 DEBUG| extra_params = -enable-kvm
  48. 15:44:32 DEBUG| file_transfer_client = scp
  49. 15:44:32 DEBUG| file_transfer_port = 22
  50. 15:44:32 DEBUG| guest_port_remote_shell = 22
  51. 15:44:32 DEBUG| image_format = qcow2
  52. 15:44:32 DEBUG| image_name = /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/rhel6-64
  53. 15:44:32 DEBUG| image_raw_device = no
  54. 15:44:32 DEBUG| image_size = 10G
  55. 15:44:32 DEBUG| images = image1
  56. 15:44:32 DEBUG| images_good =
  57. 15:44:32 DEBUG| io_limits = 100 MB/s
  58. 15:44:32 DEBUG| keep_screendumps_on_error = yes
  59. 15:44:32 DEBUG| kill_unresponsive_vms = yes
  60. 15:44:32 DEBUG| kill_vm = no
  61. 15:44:32 DEBUG| kill_vm_gracefully = yes
  62. 15:44:32 DEBUG| login_timeout = 360
  63. 15:44:32 DEBUG| main_monitor = humanmonitor1
  64. 15:44:32 DEBUG| main_vm = vm1
  65. 15:44:32 DEBUG| mem = 512
  66. 15:44:32 DEBUG| mem_chk_cmd = dmidecode -t 17 | awk -F: '/Size/ {print $2}'
  67. 15:44:32 DEBUG| mem_chk_cur_cmd = grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
  68. 15:44:32 DEBUG| monitor_type = human
  69. 15:44:32 DEBUG| monitors = humanmonitor1
  70. 15:44:32 DEBUG| name = disk_io_limits.no_pci_assignable.smallpages.qcow2.virtio_blk.smp2.Linux.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.rtl8139.disk_io
  71. 15:44:32 DEBUG| nic_mode = user
  72. 15:44:32 DEBUG| nic_model = rtl8139
  73. 15:44:32 DEBUG| nic_script = scripts/qemu-ifup
  74. 15:44:32 DEBUG| nics = nic1
  75. 15:44:32 DEBUG| password = 123456
  76. 15:44:32 DEBUG| pci_assignable = no
  77. 15:44:32 DEBUG| profilers = kvm_stat
  78. 15:44:32 DEBUG| qemu_binary = /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
  79. 15:44:32 DEBUG| qemu_img_binary = /usr/local/bin/qemu-img
  80. 15:44:32 DEBUG| qxl = on
  81. 15:44:32 DEBUG| qxl_dev_nr = 1
  82. 15:44:32 DEBUG| reboot_command = shutdown -r now
  83. 15:44:32 DEBUG| redirs = remote_shell
  84. 15:44:32 DEBUG| run_tcpdump = yes
  85. 15:44:32 DEBUG| screendump_delay = 5
  86. 15:44:32 DEBUG| screendump_quality = 30
  87. 15:44:32 DEBUG| screendump_temp_dir = /dev/shm
  88. 15:44:32 DEBUG| screendump_verbose = no
  89. 15:44:32 DEBUG| shell_client = ssh
  90. 15:44:32 DEBUG| shell_port = 22
  91. 15:44:32 DEBUG| shell_prompt = ^\[.*\][\#\$]\s*$
  92. 15:44:32 DEBUG| shortname = virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io
  93. 15:44:32 DEBUG| shutdown_command = shutdown -h now
  94. 15:44:32 DEBUG| smp = 2
  95. 15:44:32 DEBUG| spice = disable-ticketing
  96. 15:44:32 DEBUG| start_vm = yes
  97. 15:44:32 DEBUG| status_test_command = echo $?
  98. 15:44:32 DEBUG| take_regular_screendumps = yes
  99. 15:44:32 DEBUG| type = disk_io_limits
  100. 15:44:32 DEBUG| used_cpus = 2
  101. 15:44:32 DEBUG| used_mem = 512
  102. 15:44:32 DEBUG| username = root
  103. 15:44:32 DEBUG| vm_type = kvm
  104. 15:44:32 DEBUG| vms = vm1
  105. 15:44:32 INFO | Unpickling env. You may see some harmless error messages.
  106. 15:44:33 DEBUG| Fetching KVM module version...
  107. 15:44:33 DEBUG| KVM version: 2.6.39
  108. 15:44:33 DEBUG| Fetching KVM userspace version...
  109. 15:44:36 DEBUG| KVM userspace version: 0.14.50 (qemu-kvm-devel)
  110. 15:44:36 DEBUG| Preprocessing VM 'vm1'...
  111. 15:44:36 DEBUG| Getting output of 'qemu -help'
  112. 15:44:36 DEBUG| Getting output of 'qemu -help'
  113. 15:44:36 DEBUG| Starting screendump thread
  114. 15:44:36 DEBUG| Attempting to log into 'vm1' (timeout 240s)
  115. 15:44:36 DEBUG| Trying to login with command 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PreferredAuthentications=password -p 5000 root@localhost'
  116. 15:44:37 DEBUG| Got 'Are you sure...'; sending 'yes'
  117. 15:44:38 DEBUG| Got 'Warning added RSA to known host list
  118. 15:44:44 DEBUG| Got password prompt; sending '123456'
  119. 15:44:45 DEBUG| Got shell prompt -- logged in
  120. 15:44:45 DEBUG| Sending command: dd if=/dev/vda of=/dev/null bs=256K count=128 iflag=direct
  121. 15:44:45 DEBUG| io_limits = 100, bps_bytes = 72
  122. 15:44:45 INFO | The limit criteria is met...
  123. 15:44:45 DEBUG| Checking image file /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/rhel6-64.qcow2...
  124. 15:44:45 DEBUG| Running '/usr/local/bin/qemu-img'
  125. 15:44:45 DEBUG| Running '/usr/local/bin/qemu-img info /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/rhel6-64.qcow2'
  126. 15:44:45 DEBUG| [stdout] image: /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/rhel6-64.qcow2
  127. 15:44:45 DEBUG| [stdout] file format: qcow2
  128. 15:44:45 DEBUG| [stdout] virtual size: 10G (10737418240 bytes)
  129. 15:44:45 DEBUG| [stdout] disk size: 2.6G
  130. 15:44:45 DEBUG| [stdout] cluster_size: 65536
  131. 15:44:45 DEBUG| Running '/usr/local/bin/qemu-img check /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/rhel6-64.qcow2'
  132. 15:44:46 DEBUG| Postprocessing VM 'vm1'...
  133. 15:44:46 DEBUG| Terminating screendump thread...
  134. 15:44:46 DEBUG| 'keep_ppm_files' not specified; removing all PPM files from debug dir...
  135. 15:44:46 DEBUG| 'keep_screendumps' not specified; removing screendump dirs...
  136. 15:44:46 DEBUG| 'kill_unresponsive_vms' specified; killing all VMs that fail to respond to a remote login request...
  137. 15:44:46 DEBUG| Trying to login with command 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PreferredAuthentications=password -p 5000 root@localhost'
  138. 15:44:46 DEBUG| Got 'Are you sure...'; sending 'yes'
  139. 15:44:47 DEBUG| Got 'Warning added RSA to known host list
  140. 15:44:53 DEBUG| Got password prompt; sending '123456'
  141. 15:44:54 DEBUG| Got shell prompt -- logged in
  142. 15:44:54 INFO | ['iteration.1']
  143. 15:44:54 INFO | Test finished after 1 iterations.
  144. 15:44:54 DEBUG| Logging subprocess finished
  145. 15:44:54 DEBUG| Logging subprocess finished
  146. 15:44:54 DEBUG| Running 'gzip -9 "/home/zwu/work/virt/autotest/client/results/default/kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io/sysinfo/dmesg"'
  147. 15:44:55 DEBUG| Running 'grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo'
  148. 15:44:55 DEBUG| Running 'rpm -qa'
  149. 15:45:05 INFO | GOOD kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io timestamp=1307605505 localtime=Jun 09 15:45:05 completed successfully
  150. 15:45:05 INFO | END GOOD kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io kvm.virtio_blk.smp2.RHEL.6.0.x86_64.disk_io timestamp=1307605505 localtime=Jun 09 15:45:05
  151. 15:45:05 DEBUG| Persistent state client._record_indent now set to 1
  152. 15:45:05 DEBUG| Persistent state client.unexpected_reboot deleted
  153. 15:45:05 DEBUG| Dropping caches
  154. 15:45:05 DEBUG| Running 'sync'
  155. 15:45:06 DEBUG| Running 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'
  156. 15:45:07 INFO | END GOOD ---- ---- timestamp=1307605507 localtime=Jun 09 15:45:07
  157. 15:45:07 DEBUG| Persistent state client._record_indent now set to 0
  158. 15:45:08 DEBUG| Logging subprocess finished
  159. 15:45:08 DEBUG| Logging subprocess finished
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