
Fifty likes

Sep 24th, 2019
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  5. WATTPAD USER :: @GlisteningHobi
  6. NAME :: Lee Sanmi
  7.    ↳OTHER NAMES :: Sierra Lee
  8. NICKNAMES :: Crackhead | Druggie | Sanie | Error Sierra ; just because they sound similar
  9. BIRTHDAY :: 19th February 1998
  10.    ↳AGE :: 21
  11. BIRTHPLACE :: Croydon, South London
  12. HOMETOWN :: Ilsan, South Korea
  13. ETHNICITY :: Korean
  14. SEXUALITY :: Bisexual
  15. FACE CLAIM :: Jinsoul (Loona)
  16.    ↳BACKUP :: Reserved
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  19. 𝗚𝗘𝗧 𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗗
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  23. + Generous; she likes sharing things with people because if she doesn’t then she would feel selfish. Also her parents always told her to be generous. One of her biggest issues is when people don't share and so that is why she is so generous.
  24. + Reckless; she gets high a lot of the time and this makes her pretty reckless, she cannot control what she does or what she says and often ends up doing some questionable or regretfull things. She doesn't think about the consequences of her actions and continues to live the way she wants to live.
  25. + Flirtatious; she can be very flirtatious. She would give suggestive glances to someone she is interested in or make very salacious comments. At a party, she would be in the middle of the dance floor gyrating her hips on a random boy or girl. She doesn't care what she ends up doing at parties and usually ends up walking into school with tokens of her previous night such as hickeys.
  26. + Sharp-tongued; she can be quite quick to make snappy remarks and insults. She can be very harsh and rude with the way she speaks. She is usually like this when someone has annoyed her. She has always had a sharp-tongue and frequently reminds people of this when she fires insults upon them.
  27. + Humourous; she has got a really good sense of humour and can easily make people laugh with her really witty jokes. She also has a major dirty mind. She will not hesitate to make a dirty comment or joke about something someone accidentally said or did. Her humour can range from dark to self-depricating to self praising to dirty.
  28. + Confident; she does not easily get embarrassed in public and will act the same in public as she does at home or with some friends. She doesn't care for the dirty looks that she may sometimes recieve from people that she doesn't know and continues to do her own thing.
  29. + Outspoken; she is very open about her opinions over issues and won't feel afraid on expressing her opinions on certain situations. She won't censor her opinions just because someone may get butthurt over her truth. If there is something that she doesn't like, she won't hesitate to voice this.
  30. + Bossy; she is a natural born leader and she knows how to direct people. Sometimes it may annoy people but she does know how to get the job done so she is very efficient.
  31. + She not someone to be openly nice to people. She will do things undetected because she is not someone who likes being praised by other people. For example, instead of directly giving someone something, she would probably leave it in their locker and not say anything about it.
  32. + She is also really caring and is someone you can talk to when in a tough situation. She will give you honest opinions and will give good advice that will actually help you instead of trying to sugarcoat the situation which would not help. She can sometimes show genuine kindness and conern for people.
  33. + Misunderstood; people believe her life is bad because of the drugs but it is actually the other way around. It was her bad life that made her turn to drugs.
  34. + Chill; in school, she is the epitome of relaxation and when you just want to kick back after a stressful day, she is the person you go to. She lets close friends come to her house if they just want to rest because she lives alone and she likes the company.
  35. + If you need something to help you "relax" she is definitely the person you go to for that since she always has something in her bag or jacket pocket.
  36. + Social butterfly; she knows a lot of people and if she doesn't know you, she will make sure by the end of your time together that you are practically best friends.
  39. + Seeing pictures and videos of her at parties
  40. + Swearing
  41. + Being high
  42. + Going to parties because she get get high freely (not that she doesn't already) and let loose
  43. + Listening to vulgar music by Cupcake, Cardi B and others
  44. + The Sidemen (they are the only youtubers that she will watch)
  45. + Danger
  47. DISLIKES ::
  48. + Thinking about her home life
  49. + Being ridiculed
  50. + Being told what to do
  51. + Restrictions
  52. + When people act way too prestige and entitled
  53. + Milkshakes (makes her feel sick)
  54. + Hot chocolate (again, very sickening)
  55. + People who are nosy
  57. SLOT :: Get cool
  58.    ↳BACKUP :: Reserved
  59. TRIVIA :
  60. + She has this weird thing where she will go up to someone's ear as if she has something to tell them and then depending on the person, she will either scream or moan in their ear. Nobody knows why she does it but she does and she enjoys it.
  61. + She, surprisingly, has a high metabolism.
  62. + She always carries a spoon and a lighter with her for obvious reasons.
  63. + She has hayfever and she is also allergic to shellfish
  64. + She prefers bad boys over timid and squeaky-clean ones
  65. + One of her favourite groups are Prettymuch.
  66. + She finds folding clothes very relaxing and will often fold piles of clothes, unfold them then fold them again as a way to relax.
  67. + She is one of those students to leave homework 'til half an hour before the lesson it is due and then put the date as the day it was set and somehow get away with it.
  68. + She frequently comes to school really high and doesn't care if she gets caught or not
  69. + She also really likes vaping and brings her vape to school with her
  70. + She is really good at mixing cocktails because she learnt from her cousin who works as a bartender.
  73. Q1. Since she doesn't live with her family, she gets lonely sometimes and goes to visit them however, when she does, she finds her mum in her room, shaking with bruises all over her body. Everytime she tries to help her, her mum just says stuff like "don't worry darling, I deserved it, he is a good man" or "he clothed and fed us, we should be grateful" however, when she does say it, it doesn't sound like she means it, it sounds as if she has just been made to say it. She has to live with the fact that her mum is going through domestic abuse and she can't do anything about it.
  75. Q2. One time, at a party, she was dared to eat an edible and she did and she loved the way it made her feel. After the party she got the phone number of the person that supplied them and contacted them a few days later to buy some drugs. She gets discounts on her drugs since she is a loyal customer and more so if she does certain jobs for them such as transporting some drugs to people or other things. She knows that it is dangerous but does it anyway.
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  78. 𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗞 𝗜𝗧
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  82. Sanmi and her mum grew up just scraping through life. Sanmi's biological father left 2 days after she was born. They were living on benefits in a small flat in Croydon as she was a single mother. Sanmi's mum had a low-paying job which couldn't provide enough to feed and cloth both of them. One day, her mum met a man and they started dating. At this point, in school, Sanmi was having a hard time in school since she was being bullied for having a shaggy and unkept uniform. This was because they couldn't afford to buy another one at that time. She was being bullied for her financial situation and this put her in a bad place. A few months into dating, her mum's boyfriend proposed to her. They got married and this is when their financial situation picked up. Byungjae helped get them on their feet to the point where they were finally comfortable and not just scraping by. When she was 16, her mum and stepdad decided it would be a good idea to move to Korea because he would be able to provide even more for them. So they moved once she had finished secondary school. Moving to Korea, life was very different from England, especially the place she was from. They seemed to be a lot more censored and less rowdy and erratic than people from England. However, she soon got used to life in Korea and enjoyed it. When she turned 18, she moved out in order to be closer to her school but little did she know that this would be one of the biggest mistakes of her life. One day she went to go and visit her mum and stepdad during their holiday and when she saw them, her stepdad was nowhere to be seen and there was glass all over the floor and her mum was crying and shaking on the floor but when she saw her daughter standing there, she got up and tried to act as if nothing happened saying that she "slipped" and that she "shouldn't worry about it". Her stepdad came back and saw Sanmi, he told her that she had to leave because they were going somewhere tonight and due to the fear she had of him, she complied. Sanmi went back to her apartment crying her eyes out.
  84. FAMILY ::
  85. Lee Byungjae | Step-Father | 41 | Construction worker
  86. Mary-Jane Lee | Mother | 43 | Vet
  88. RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY :: She is very close to her mum but since she moved, her mum hasn't been answering her calls and texts as frequently. They spoke about everything together however, now not so much. She and her dad aren't very close because he was always ridiculing her and being overly strict on her to the point where it became suffocating and overbearing.
  90. ANY HEALTH ISSUES :: nope
  92. + Hosting a party together
  93. + Talking to Black and Blue about Hongjoong and asking him what Hongjoong was like
  94. + Talking to Take me Higher about how he is coping and trying to get him to open up.
  95. + Discussing the next person to get 50 likes with the rest of the admins and what they are going to do
  96. + Getting pissed off at everyone for asking her too many questions about her personal life
  97. + Some members judge her for her reliance of drugs and vaping not knowing the full story
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  103. LOVE INTEREST :: Park Seonghwa
  104.    ↳BACKUP :: Reserved
  105. SEXUALITY :: Heterosexual
  106. THEIR PERSONALITY *:: Bully
  107. + Impulsive; he doesn't think before he acts often making rash decisions with no proper thought behind them. He says or does things that may hurt people just because of a rush of anger. Sometimes it can be good though, it allows him to seize opportunities before they pass where as other people would carefully think it through and potentially miss the opportunity. Being spontaneous can also be really great in friendships and relationships because instead of hesitating to tell the person how they feel, running the risk of losing them to someone else, he will tell them straight up.
  108. + Domineering; he can be quite arrogant in the way he acts around people. He has a lot of influence on how people around him think and he knows this.
  109. + Easily frustrated; small things can irritate him and this can build up or he will just lash out straight away, this makes him quite unpredictable.
  110. + Aggresive; he gets easily frustrated as stated before and he takes his frustation out on people using aggressive means such as beating people up. He tries to control it by going to the gym to do boxing however, if it is helping, clearly not enough since he is still the same. With friends, he is very rough and tough and will jokingly punch or shove them.
  111. + Menace; he is constantly causing trouble wherever he is and he is so used to doing this, that it has been internalised and it just comes natural to him to start trouble.
  112. + Misunderstood; people definitely have a certain perception of him and he hates how nobody tries to dig deeper and see what he is really like. They only take him at face value and don't want to go near him. Also since he is known for being badly behaved, teachers would automatically target him and would tell him off for things that he didn't even do which in turn makes him more frustrated.
  113. + Protective; he is protective over his family, friends and anyone else he cares about and if people do anything thing to hurt them, he will make it his personal mission to "teach them a lesson". He doesn't like seeing the important people in his life upset or angry.
  115. HOW DID YOU MEET :: He was hosting a party and she was invited since he already knew of her but then at the party, they got talking and got very close during his party. They exchanged snapchats so they could stay in contact.
  116. THEIR INSTAGRAM USER :: park.hwa
  118. + Getting high together at a party and they dance together and make out a lot throughout the night. They then leave the party for a bit to stock up on alcohol.
  119. + Seonghwa has a major breakdown at some point and he needs comfort and so he finds comfort in Sanmi. She tells him that it will be okay and that his mum wouldn't want him to be crying right now. In a moment of vulnerability and impulse, he pulls her forward and kisses her, she kisses back. Afer a couple of minutes, they soon realise what they are doing seperate themselves as she gets off his lap. They both quickly apologise and she runs out of the room.
  120. + Sanmi telling Seonghwa about the abuse and getting advice from him about what she should do.
  121. + Him helping Sanmi get her mum out of the house and protecting them from her stepdad.
  122. + After getting into a fight, he shouts in her face and she gets angry and scared and so he backs up and starts crying because he made her cry. He then hugs her to try and comfort her and he apologises after realising why she was so upset.
  123. + Him taking her boxing to help with some pent up anger
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  129. INSTAGRAM USER* :: @totallynothigh OR @Si_Lee
  130. WHAT DO THEY POST :: Red and black aesthetic
  131. HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT THE CREATOR* :: She is close friends with the creator and sometimes helps him work on it when he is particularly busy. They have known each other for a while. They are pretty similar in many aspects including the fact that they won't go out of their ways to be nice and so she related to him and how he is. She loves what he is doing and he is one of the few people that she respects.
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