

Jan 4th, 2012
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  1. root@webos-device:/media/internal/roadrunner# /sbin/trenchcoat --config /media/i
  2. nternal/roadrunner/roadrunner.xml
  3. <INFO> Trenchcoat version 132.4
  4. <INFO> Output device /dev/mmcblk0 can hold 15925772288 bytes
  5. <INFO> Fixed flash entries require 38273024 bytes of space
  6. <INFO> Variable sized entry gets 15887499264 bytes (0x1d97c00 blocks)
  7. <INFO> Flash Entry 0: type 7 (space), size 512 (1), offset 0 (0), file 0x0, part 0(p), type 0, reformat=false
  8. <INFO> Flash Entry 1: type 2 (Bootloader), size 196608 (180), offset 512 (1), file 0x828c58, part 0(p), type 0, reformat=true
  9. <INFO> Flash Entry 2: type 3 (NVRAM), size 4194304 (2000), offset 524288 (400), file 0x0, part 1(p), type f0, reformat=true
  10. <INFO> Flash Entry 3: type 7 (space), size 33554432 (10000), offset 4718592 (2400), file 0x0, part 0(p), type 0, reformat=false
  11. <INFO> Flash Entry 4: type 7 (space), size 15887499264 (1d97c00), offset 38273024 (12400), file 0x0, part 0(p), type 0, reformat=false
  12. <INFO> Using LVM
  13. <INFO> Volume Group 0 has 0 bytes (0 extents) available
  14. <INFO> Fixed Logical Volumes require 989855744 bytes of space
  15. <ERROR> Not enough space on Volume Group 8 to hold all Logical Volumes. (989855744 bytes short)
  16. <ERROR> Failed to fixup LVM configuration.
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