
The Underground Trail [Update + Extra]

Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. Author's Note: Use Ctrl + F and search "2015+1" to find most recent green.
  2. >Yes, I'm sure he'll be the one...
  3. >...
  4. >...
  5. >...
  9. >You are Anon.
  10. >Opening your eyes, for what feels like the first time, you reach up instinctually to touch your pounding head.
  11. >As you try to move, you realize your body is incredibly stiff and resists the motion.
  12. >Upon scanning the room, you realize you are locked inside a holding cell.
  13. >A conversion catches your attention.
  14. >Wait, no, an argument.
  15. >"Why can't you get it through your thick skull that we should study this creature? He could prove to be a valuable asset," one voice booms.
  16. >Definitely an argument.
  17. >"I've seen his kind before, Doc," another voice chimes. "Believe me, the only thing special about them is their opposable thumbs."
  18. >"Well General, did you ever think that understanding their anatomy more thoroughly could make advances in robotics?" Doc grumbles in retort. "It could even help create more realistic prosthetics or we could discover something about humans that make them special."
  19. >Two stallions emerge from down the hall, entering the room, and stopping right in front of your cell.
  20. >One is draped in a white lab coat while the other dons a wide breastplate.
  21. >Were they the ones talking?
  22. >As soon as the thought occurs, you realize how idiotic that sounds.
  23. >Unless you're dreaming. Then everything would make perfect sense.
  24. >"So why did you make me bring you to it?" the General asks.
  25. >"Just to get some preliminary observations," Doc responds. "I've never seen a human in the flesh. Books and documents can only tell you so much with so few having been recorded in Equestria."
  26. >"What is your angle, Doc?" the General presses, turning to his peer.
  27. >Doc turned in response, wearing a face of mock surprise, "Why, whatever do you mean?"
  28. >"Your attempts to convince me to donate it to your department seem desperate at best," the intimidating stallion growls. "What is it you actually wish to do with... this specimen."
  29. >Doc grins. "Isn't it obvious?"
  30. >The General squints his eyes for a moment before responding, "Enlighten me."
  31. >"Tell me," Doc begins, pacing towards the opposite side of the room. "If a human magically appeared in the sky and crashed on Equestrian soil, what would you think?"
  32. >The General raises an eyebrow. "It's an anomaly. Every other human has just... appeared one day trying to interact with citizens, sometimes violently so."
  33. >"Exactly, this is the first human we've recorded and had video footage of appearing in Equestria. Not to mention it's only been two years since the last human appeared. This is a huge outlier relative to our pretty consistent ten year average."
  34. >"It's strange, but I fail to see your point."
  35. >"I see it as being a possibility for an invasion of some sort. The previous humans could have been scouts or sleeper agents, planting themselves in society only to uproot it when we least expect it!"
  36. >"Well, it's a possibility we've always considered," the General answers straight faced. "We've always monitored the humans that have entered Equestria. None have done anything without knowledge. None have disappeared spontaneously or exuded magic. We've even watched some until they've passed of old age. None of the humans have seemed militant and I wouldn't invade a location I had no intelligence on. It'd be like sending your armies to the moon."
  37. >Doc stops pacing and begins staring at the General. He sighs, "Looks like I really can't change your mind on this."
  38. >Doc turns to face you and the General follows suit.
  39. >"So what are you going to do with it?" Doc questions in an unusually calm voice.
  40. >"We'll interview it, implant a chip, and sell it like the others."
  41. >With that, the General turns and exits the room. Doc is quickly catches up to him.
  42. >"Your department could use some new uniforms," he snorts.
  43. >After they leave, you are finally left with your thoughts.
  44. >Surely a dream would have you in a more active role and not stuck in this cage.
  45. >You can't even remember how you got here.
  46. >The last thing you remember is sitting alone in the dark, dreading what the future had in store for you.
  47. >You had then gone to bed to sleep it off and hopefully feel better in the morning.
  48. >To your amazement, you're now here.
  49. >Slowly, the vivid ice cold floor and smell of chemicals makes you believe you're not dreaming.
  50. >Your migraine and body aches agree, this is very real.
  51. >The sensation of two prongs pressing into your neck catch your attention.
  52. >It feels like some sort of collar but the prongs scared you for a moment.
  53. >There is a plastic box sitting right where the prongs are.
  54. >A shock collar, perhaps?
  55. >Besides the cold, hard floor, your holding cell has a bed and a toilet.
  56. >The bed can't be any harder than the floor.
  57. >Or any colder.
  58. >When you try and stand up, you recoil suddenly, remembering your joints are extremely stiff.
  59. >It felt as if you hadn't moved in weeks.
  60. >You slowly ease your legs out in front of you, pulling back slightly each time you feel pain.
  61. >Eventually, you manage to fight through the stiffness and your legs feel operable.
  62. >Time to try standing again.
  63. "Using the bed would probably be a good idea," you tell yourself.
  64. >As you rise, you stumble slightly but catch yourself on the bed.
  65. "Good idea, me," you mumble.
  66. >Huh, didn't know it would feel so nice to be standing again.
  67. >Pacing around your cell, your body feels more flexible as you begin using your joints again.
  68. >Glancing at the toilet again, you decide to relieve yourself.
  69. >Amazing, even better than walking.
  70. >Despite the fact you had just woken up, you feel exhausted.
  71. >The bed stares at you longingly. You share the same look in return.
  72. "Can't be any harder than the floor."
  73. >Lying down, you can't help but wander in the realm of denial.
  74. >This can't be real life can it?
  75. >There are talking horses for fuck's sake.
  76. >The sand man manages to find you though, even in this strange place.
  80. >The sound of clanking startles you awake.
  81. >The cell bars remind you this isn't a dream.
  82. >Something else quickly grabs your attention.
  83. >A pony with soft features standing outside of your cell, picks up a clipboard and begins writing something.
  84. "Who are you?" you ask in a hoarse, tired voice. It's almost inaudible.
  85. >Feeling embarrassed to yourself, you clear your throat.
  86. >She jumps slightly, bumping the cart and sending objects sliding across the surface.
  87. >Once she regains her composure, she says, "Oh, you startled me."
  88. "Who are you?" you repeat.
  89. >"I'm just here to check your vitals, get some basic information, and double check you've made a full recovery," she replies, her attention returning to the clipboard.
  90. "Full recovery from what?" you ask, perplexed.
  91. >The other ponies said you fell from the sky. Surely that would have killed you so what really happened?
  92. >"I'm not surprised you don't remember," she answers making a check on the clipboard. "You fell from the sky."
  93. >You lean your head forward in disbelief.
  94. "The sky?" you stammer.
  95. >"W-well, more like a couple meters," she stutters. "But still, you had a concussion and a few cracked ribs."
  96. >That sounded more reasonable.
  97. "How long have I been here?"
  98. >She tilts her head, thinking a moment before responding. "You've been in your cell a good sixteen hours. Equestria? More like sixteen days."
  99. >So much time had passed and you hadn't even been a part of it.
  100. >Who knows how long it was from your last memory to falling here in... Equestria.
  101. >"I need to ask you some basic questions now," she says slowly, looking over her clipboard.
  102. "Okay," you manage to spit out.
  103. >"How old are you?"
  104. "Twenty two."
  105. >"What's the last thing you remember?"
  106. >Considering suicide a pretty viable option.
  107. "Staring at my computer screen."
  108. >"Computer? What is a computer?" she asks, looking up from her clipboard.
  109. "It's a machine," you begin slowly, unsure how to concisely describe it. "You use it to play games and talk to people who aren't nearby."
  110. >She raises an eyebrow and begins writing on her clipboard.
  111. >"What country did you live in?"
  112. "The United States."
  113. >She finishes writing on her clipboard, "That's everything we'll need for now."
  114. >Really? She never asked your name.
  115. >"I'm going to do a check up on you," she says approaching the door to your cell.
  116. >Unlocking it, she steps inside, pulling the cart along with her.
  117. >You stand up and begin walking towards her.
  118. >She jumps again but quickly turns and holds out a radio device in front of her.
  119. >All your muscles from your neck up to your jaw and down to your chest start seizing.
  120. >You fall to your knees in pain.
  121. >"There is no need to be irrational," she growls.
  122. >The mare stabs something into the back of your neck.
  123. >With your nerves shot, you can't identify the object.
  124. >"Well, I was going to do this after the numbing shot, but may as well implant the chip now."
  125. >It almost sounded like she thought she was being humane.
  126. >Yeah, whatever makes you sleep better at night, bitch.
  127. >She straps something to your arm and cuts off blood flow. Must be looking for your pulse.
  128. >"Well that covers our checklist," she exclaims almost happily. "Time to give you your shot and get you sold." She sticks another shot into your neck.
  129. >Sold?
  130. >You heard it before but what that specifically entailed, you weren't sure.
  131. >The shot's effect hits and you don't have time to figure out its effects before you're unconscious.
  135. >A soft vision plays before you, like an old video.
  136. >The faded, bright colors were warm.
  137. >It was strange how tactile it all seemed, even though you knew immediately it was a dream.
  138. >You're standing in the doorway of your house, looking down a hallway straight into your backyard. There's a doorway to the left and stairs leading to your on the right of your of the scene.
  139. >It feels surreal and the sensation to reach out and touch it swallows all other thoughts.
  140. >As you do, your sister turns a corner walking away but turns her head momentarily and notices you.
  141. >"Nonny, what are you doing back so soon?" she says, giving you her usual beaming smile.
  142. >You return her smile weakly.
  143. "How could I leave behind my baby sister?" you reply softly.
  144. >She chuckles a bit at your statement. "Are you okay Nonny?"
  145. "No," you say honestly. "I miss you. I shouldn't have left."
  146. >What were you saying?
  147. >She walks over and hugs you with unexpected force.
  148. >"I miss you too Nonny. I miss so much."
  149. >No.
  150. "Don't say that... Please... Just forget."
  151. >"I'll never forget my forget my favorite Nonny."
  152. >No, this is only a dream. None of this is real.
  153. >She can't miss you. She just can't.
  154. >You could never forgive yourself.
  158. >Your head slamming on metal awakes you from your horribly pleasant nightmare.
  159. >Memories are the worst. They trickle such sweet dreams over your conscience while you sleep.
  160. >You become aware of the scene and bury those feelings where they belong.
  161. >At least you weren't in that fucking jail cell.
  162. >It felt like the room was moving.
  163. >The heat was sweltering and the darkness revealed nothing about what was going on.
  164. >The last thing you can recall is the notion that you would be sold.
  165. >You began to let your mind wander.
  166. >Slavery wasn't an unfamiliar topic.
  167. >History mentioned it a few times.
  168. >Sometimes it wasn't even necessarily called slavery.
  169. >Indentured servitude for some.
  170. >Thinking about it, the scale of the enslaved affected what the title was.
  171. >Large scale forced labor was slavery for world wonders or sometimes carrying an economy.
  172. >If it's just one person with a few slaves, then it's more often called indentured servitude.
  173. >Letting your mind ramble on was nice. It helped keep your emotions numb to what all of this meant for you.
  174. >The vehicle eventually rolls to a stop and the backdoors open.
  175. >You're pulled from the truck and tossed down onto the ground.
  176. >The blinding sunlight makes it difficult to discern your whereabouts.
  177. >If it wasn't pitch black, it had to be pure white.
  178. >You stumbled to your knees, feeling chains limit your mobility.
  179. >After a second you realized there were cuffs on your ankles and wrists.
  180. >The cuffs were chained together, binding every limb to each other.
  181. >As your eyes become accustomed, you see yourself on a large dirt lot.
  182. >Colorful ponies stand in various locations.
  183. >Other more faded ponies are locked in chains, walking in lines or crowding into rooms.
  184. >"Get up," snarls a gruff male voice. You feel a hard kick hit you in the back, knocking you over.
  185. >Bastard.
  186. >"Did you hear me?" he growled again. "I said get up!"
  187. >He kicked again, hitting squarely in the side of your lower ribs.
  188. >You stumbled to your feet as quickly as possible to avoid taking another hit.
  189. >The sudden disorientation from the blows subsides and you get a good look at the creature who attacked you.
  190. >He's a white pony who looks like he's taken some steroids.
  191. >His blonde, buzz-cut mane looks similarly styled to a human's hair.
  192. >The sight is grotesque but you manage to keep a straight face.
  193. >You notice small wings attached to his side.
  194. >To your surprise, they look very real.
  195. >It becomes impossible to suppress a giggle.
  196. >He glares intently, “Something funny human?”
  197. >You quickly stop laughing, seeing a remote in his hoof.
  198. >To your horror, he presses a button and sends pain coursing through your neck.
  199. >Pain slowly begins to extend further up and down your body, making it more extreme then when you were previously shocked in the jail cell.
  200. >You collapse on the ground and have uncontrollable spasms.
  201. >The white pony laughs himself. “You're right, this is pretty funny,” he snarls.
  202. >“Enough,” shouts a feminine voice.
  203. >The shock stops and the pain subsides.
  204. >You're left on the ground, sweat dripping off your body, twitching, and gasping for air.
  205. >“We need him to be presentable if he's going to sell,” she explains to the white pegasus.
  206. >He grunts, “He's all yours,” and hands her the remote before walking back towards the truck.
  207. >You manage to turn your head upwards and see the nurse pony.
  208. >Sunlight hits her bright purple fur and pink mane.
  209. >As she notices your gaze, her annoyed look becomes more gentle.
  210. >“If you want to avoid being shocked, you should be more submissive,” she lectures.
  211. “What? Walking towards ponies and laughing is illegal?” you grumble.
  212. >She sighs, “You don't get it, do you. You're a slave so you have to be careful about how you present yourself. You're also a human that's twice as tall as most ponies. If your owner sees you as a threat, you can expect your collar to come into effect.”
  213. >There a silence for a moment.
  214. >You carefully stand up as passively as possible, making sure not to face her.
  215. >Turning to look her in the eye again, you ask, “This isn't real right?”
  216. >Her concerned gaze becomes a confused expression.
  217. >She slowly nods and replies, “What you're experiencing is normal. Though, you will come to accept this reality. There are many things to enjoy in this world.”
  218. “You're kidding, right?” you accuse. “After all that talk about being a slave, you're saying there are things to enjoy? Seriously?”
  219. >“W-well,” she stutters. “Just don't give up hope, okay?”
  220. >She turns and begins walking briskly away.
  221. “What?” you call loudly.
  222. >The purple pony glances back at you before opening the door and entering the truck.
  223. >You are left staring as it pulls out of the lot. A gate fence closes behind it.
  224. >The impact of her words hit you and you're left standing in puzzlement.
  225. >Why does she even care about your situation?
  226. >She seemed pretty trigger happy herself back in your jail cell.
  227. >The concern quickly melts away as the savory scent of food hits your nose.
  228. “Can't hurt to listen to you for once nose,” you mutter to yourself.
  229. >The pleasant smell leads you to a building which was being swarmed by other chained creatures.
  230. >Upon entering the room, you observe a glass pane and counter separating the room from slaves and well dressed ponies.
  231. >You notice the food is being put through small pockets.
  232. >The transparent wall reminds you of many tickets lined up in a row.
  233. >Slaves do whatever they can to impress buyers.
  234. >One pony presses her marehood against the glass and a group of aroused looking buyers reward her with some food.
  235. >It appears to be an appetizing looking sausage.
  236. >She turns, stares them in the eye, and brings it to her lips, slowly taking the length into her mouth.
  237. >The scene disgusts you. Other slaves seem to glare at her.
  238. >You rationalize that they must be feeling more hungry than disgusted but you've lost your appetite.
  239. >Trays of food line the walls on the buyer's side of the room.
  240. >Your side is lined with guards.
  241. >After a few more moments, the guard closest to the mare taps her on the shoulder.
  242. >She gives her audience a wink and blows them a kiss before following the guard.
  243. >She leaves with a hefty amount of food.
  244. >The guard escorts her out of the room and another slave takes her place.
  245. >Similar performances are done by the other slaves.
  246. >You consider walking out of the room but more slaves block your way, pushing their way for a chance to score food.
  247. >You fall into one of the many lines of slaves.
  248. “Would they really want to see another species' genitalia?” you ask yourself.
  249. >Perhaps it's not the interspecies genitalia they're interested in but rather the degradation and shame of exposing it.
  250. >Should you fall in and do what everyone else seems to be doing?
  251. >They were getting food rewarded to them, some more than others.
  252. >Food was something you wanted none the less, even if the performances were killing your appetite. You hadn't eaten since you first awoke in your cell.
  253. >Before you know it, you're up front and given the opportunity to show off.
  254. >Some that were standing away from the window and chatting among themselves seem to take an interest.
  255. >You hear muttering between them. Their curious whispers question, “A human?”
  256. >They quickly become more morbid as they await your activity.
  257. >“I wonder if their penis is larger than a minotaur's.”
  258. >“What would one taste like if you cooked them?”
  259. >“Who here would ties this sexy human up?”
  260. >You're appalled at their questions.
  261. “Who the hell do you think you are?” you finally say. “How can a high functioning society even get away with this crap? Do you have no morals or standards?”
  262. >Their chatter is muted and all eyes go to you.
  263. >You decide to continue, “Do none of you have any humanity? Would you subject your children to this kind of treatment?”
  264. >Some uncomfortable glances are exchanged. Some appear to become angry or simply amused.
  265. “In my homeland, we had slavery once. When it finally ended, hate was shared by both groups of people. For a long time, it stayed near the surface and it took a hundred years before everyone was on an equal standing. Even to the day I left, a scar was left from all the hate and some still felt the echoes of the past.” You sigh and catch your breath. After a moment, you shout at the top of your lungs, “Is this really what you want to be? A society burned by hate?”
  266. >There is a silence for a moment and it feels like everyone's eyes are on you.
  267. >Eventually voices respond from the other side of the glass, “Shut up, slave!”
  268. >“Take this one away.”
  269. >“That's a wild one. He'll need to be broken strictly.”
  270. >Among the displeasure and outraged voices, you notice one pony walk forward.
  271. >His fur is dark beige and his blue eyes have bags under them.
  272. >His black mane looks like it was combed back and treated with hair product.
  273. >He dons a red tie with a dollar sign on it along with a white dress shirt collar.
  274. >You watch in amazement as he passes you a biscuit through the window.
  275. >None of the other buyers seem to bother too much as their attention appears to return to gossiping and watching other slaves show off their goods.
  276. >A guard nudges you forcefully.
  277. >You nod to the pony who passed it through and he smiles gently before stepping back seamlessly phasing into the crowd.
  278. >You're escorted out of the building. Many may have disliked your speech and it may have even been pointless or nonsensical but one pony gave you food.
  279. >However, the sense of pride you were feeling wasn't from the biscuit.
  280. >It is from the chance he gave you.
  281. >It was from his acceptance.
  282. >You couldn't help but be happy and proud of yourself because of it.
  283. “Never give up hope,” you echo to yourself.
  285. >You find a place to sit down against the building.
  286. >All of your muscles relax and you almost feel inclined to take a nap if not for already having slept for a few weeks before.
  287. >You tune out the background chatter and noises from within the building.
  288. >It feels like this is the first time you've had alone with your thoughts, something that didn't exactly please you, but was a necessary evil to keep you sane.
  289. >This isn't real, right?
  290. >It was the same question from before. The thought repeated in your head.
  291. >There's no possible way.
  292. >With everything that happened before... it just didn't make any sense.
  293. >Even so, where had that speech come from?
  294. >It was an overwhelming anger within yourself.
  295. >You hadn't even realized it was there until the words were being vomited from your mouth.
  296. >If this was real, it was sick.
  297. >But the only thing you had to prove this was real to you was the biscuit you were holding.
  298. >Huh, you don't remember it being wet.
  299. >You take a bite.
  300. >It's salty at first but eventually its sweet flavor bleeds through into your mouth.
  301. >The chunk sits in your mouth, dissolving slightly, enhancing the sweet flavor.
  302. >Why did that stallion give you a biscuit?
  303. >You take another bite, shoveling a large chunk into your starved mouth.
  304. >Why would anyone show kindness to a slave?
  305. >Why were you feeling so conflicted.
  306. >You realize how much you were burying your emotions.
  307. >That's not healthy.
  308. >You decide to detach yourself from them and give them a look.
  309. >Like opening a box of memories.
  310. >Let's see, we have some anger still, and frustration.
  311. >Those are from waking up and suddenly being in a colorful pony run world... Where you're a slave.
  312. >Yep, understandable.
  313. >Happiness and pride.
  314. >You got those from that mystery pony. The biscuit was just a cherry on top.
  315. >Sadness?
  316. >Meh, you've had enough. Don't want to be edgy.
  317. >The word brings a simple laugh out of you. It reminded you of home.
  318. >You open your eyes again. Time appears to pass faster when you're in your own head as the sun has moved quite a bit from before entering the room.
  319. >Or maybe you hadn't been in your head for very long.
  320. >You couldn't really be sure.
  321. >It was refreshing to go digging through your thoughts.
  322. >A necessary chore you had just been putting off.
  323. >You look around the lot to see if there's anything a good slave should be doing.
  324. >Two ponies exit the room, not escorted by guards.
  325. >They seem to be empty handed... or rather, empty hooved.
  326. >You laugh to yourself, “No one would use puns that dumb here.”
  327. >One of them points at a mare, the same one you first saw exposing herself.
  328. >Both of them nod and you put the pieces together in your head.
  329. >They must be friends...
  330. >But... Just to be safe, you'll tail them until you're positive that's the case.
  331. >Because there is always the distinct possibility they're looking for some food.
  332. >You're not sure if it's out of boredom, curiosity, or some sick sense of justice but you follow through tailing them.
  333. >Leaning against the high wooden fence, you pretend to sit down and eat your biscuit.
  334. >You notice a guard nearby take notice of the group of three that forms.
  335. >The guard would stop them if something dumb happened, right?
  336. >This is your first time being a slave so you weren't sure how they would react.
  337. >You remember your shock collar and realize that none of the other ponies appear to be wearing them.
  338. >It appeared they just had their hind hooves chained loosely together.
  339. >Why would they put you under greater restraints?
  340. >Were ponies really that scared of humans?
  341. >Thinking back to your speech, you wonder why you weren't shocked then.
  342. >Perhaps you could have broken through the glass and attacked those rich fucks...
  343. >If you really tried... If you really wanted to.
  344. >But something deep inside unleashed your anger in a rather tame way.
  345. >Perhaps your body was smarter than your mind.
  346. >It was always thinking about self preservation.
  347. >Meanwhile, you're just a passenger to its existence.
  348. >There it is again.
  349. >Feelings you don't want to remember.
  350. “Anon let's focus on the scene at hand.”
  351. “Good idea Anon.”
  352. >The two ponies close in uncomfortably.
  353. >“That's quite a haul you have there Berry,” says one of the stallions. His physique is scrawny and smaller than his bulky companion.
  354. >Oddly enough, he has a horn on his head, almost as if he was a unicorn.
  355. >You've seen it all now it seems. Normal ponies, pegasi, and, now, even unicorns.
  356. >“Hell, you might even be able to feed the entire camp for an entire day,” he continues.
  357. >She shoots a glare at the two, holding the food a bit more closely towards herself.
  358. >“Maybe you could give us a show sometime,” the bigger one suggests with a nasty grin.
  359. >You grimace seeing exactly where this is headed.
  360. “Not again,” you groan.
  361. >“Why don't you two fuck off?” Berry growls.
  362. >Her bluish-pink mane begins to puff and flare.
  363. >“Aw, come on Berry, can't you just spare some food to some poor saps that weren't born with the good fortune of being a pretty slave mare like you?”
  364. >“You think what I have to do is fun?” she says in a threatening tone. “I don't want to go back there for as long as possible.”
  365. >“We can make a trade,” the larger stallion suggests. “We'll give you /our/ hay-sausage in exchange for one of those waffles.”
  366. >Hay-sausage? That must be a euphemism in this world.
  367. >He begins reaching for one and she swats his hoof away.
  368. >The other quickly turns and kicks both hind hooves into her face.
  369. >She is sent flat to the ground and her food goes flying, scattering around her.
  370. >Other slaves that appeared like they didn't notice made a dash for scraps of food.
  371. >You turn and look at the guard in dismay and he hasn't even flinched.
  372. >In fact, the sick bastard is smiling.
  373. >You turn back to the two attackers.
  374. >They should have dispersed to also grab food but they haven't.
  375. >They're standing over a dazed Berry.
  376. >Your eyes widen imagining what they're going to do.
  377. >Are they really going to do what you're afraid they'll do?
  378. >Anger, once again, boils to the surface.
  379. >The scene is one you can't bear to see again.
  380. >You stand up and begin charging at the larger pony.
  381. >It doesn't matter what happens to this body. As long as you can save her.
  382. >You would do it all over again.
  383. >Dropping the biscuit, you stand and begin running as best you can towards the larger stallion.
  384. >You throw your body into him, sending you both rolling.
  385. >Pain doesn't matter.
  386. >The chains restrict your arms, preventing you from throwing a punch, so instead, you headbutt him.
  387. >You get up from off of him and kick as hard as the chains will allow into his side.
  388. >He cries out. There, that's what you wanted.
  389. >“Stay down,” you hiss.
  390. >The other pony looks at you and then at his companion.
  391. >You both glare at each other but his ears begin to betray his confidence.
  392. >They fold back and he carefully walks past you towards his companion.
  393. >You limp over to Berry and help her up. She begrudgingly accepts.
  394. >Her haul is all but gone. Amongst the chaos, all of her food was snatched by some other hungry slave.
  395. >Glancing at the two attackers, you notice them slink off together.
  396. >You walk back over to your biscuit, which was surprisingly untouched, and hand it to her.
  397. >“I-I couldn't,” she stutters, giving the biscuit a longing stare.
  398. “I don't want it. You should have it after losing your food,” you reply.
  399. >She gives you a questioning look. “Why did you do that?”
  400. >Why /did/ you do that?
  401. “I guess I just don't like seeing innocent people- erm, ponies getting hurt.”
  402. >She raises an eyebrow. “Well, I suppose I owe you my thanks.”
  403. >You shake the biscuit again to show you're still offering it to her.
  404. >Berry looks at it, then back at you. She gingerly takes it out of your hand.
  405. >In one bite, she has eaten the other half of your biscuit.
  406. >She chews and swallows quickly, almost as if she's afraid someone will try to take from her.
  407. >“What's your name?” she asks warily.
  408. “Anonymous,” you say politely. “But you can just call me Anon. What's your name?”
  409. >She looks you up and down. “Berry Punch.”
  410. >You realize how awkward it is to stand there silently.
  411. “Do you mind explaining what's going on around here?”
  413. ----[NEW! - Jan. 31, 2015+1]----
  415. >“What do you mean?” she ponders. “What's to explain? This is where slaves are sold.”
  416. “Sure,” you begin, annoyed she didn't understand, “but why didn't I get electrocuted for tackling those two slave ponies? Why didn't the guards intervene at all? Why am I not getting punished? Why is there a room where ponies try to impress upper class ponies? None of this makes any sense.”
  417. >Berry glances around and then continues holding your gaze.
  418. >A look of conflict shoots across her face.
  419. >“Where to begin,” she stammers. “This is the final transition zone. Slaves are sent here to become more presentable. That room,” she points towards the room you had exploded, letting a speech ramble out of your mind, “is where slaves are fed. You perform for food and prove yourself worthy to potential buyers.”
  420. >You shift uncomfortably, as your mind lingers back to her provocative dance.
  421. >She raises an eyebrow at you.
  422. “Why does everyone degrade themselves so much?”
  423. >“Anon,” she says, biting her lip slightly. “We're slaves. Doing such things is likely in our future.”
  424. You sigh in a defeat. “So why did the guards not intervene?” you repeat.
  425. >“Slaves have to be presentable,” she starts. “They can't be covered in injuries or they may not appeal to the buyer.”
  426. “You make it sound humane,” you laugh sarcastically.
  427. >She let's out a shudder. “There are more ways to punish a slave than by hitting them.”
  428. >There is a moment of silence as you stare at her sympathetically.
  429. >Who knows what they did to slaves who misbehaved.
  430. >Perhaps it involved rape or starvation.
  431. >It could even mean being trapped in isolation.
  432. >Imagining other slaves in such a position fills you with dread.
  433. >Imagining yourself there seemed unreal.
  434. >You had done something you thought a slave would be punished for.
  435. >Maybe you were going to be tortured in some way.
  436. “Have you ever been punished?”
  437. >She is bites her lip again, breaking your eye contact harshly.
  438. >“I'd rather not think about it,” she whimpers, her voice cracking slightly.
  439. >You see her eyes fill with water and her facial expression turns bitter.
  440. >Something within you makes you bend down and hug the mare.
  441. >Her body almost goes from shaky to unnaturally still.
  442. >Her cries stop and turn silent.
  443. >This only makes you feel worse and you press her into your body more.
  444. >It's okay, let's it go,” you coo. “Let it all out.”
  446. >It's a long while before Berry returns to a calm state of mind.
  447. >All that captivates your mind is comforting her.
  448. >Only when every slave is called to the building opposite of the gate does Berry snap out of her crushing whimpers.
  449. >You and Berry follow the other slaves into the building.
  450. >“It's time to be sold,” she whispers with a bit of glee.
  451. >You raise an eyebrow. “You sound like you want to be sold.”
  452. >She nods, “I'll finally be free of this place.”
  453. >The crowd stops pushing forward.
  454. >Those in the front of the line are taken to taken to three platforms.
  455. >The tallest platform has the cluster of rich ponies surrounding it.
  456. >As the spotlight is shined onto the slave, a minotaur, do they begin shouting out bids.
  457. >You're not sure what a bit is but they shout numbers in the thousands.
  458. >“Eight thousand!” one cries.
  459. >“Eight thousand five hundred bits!” another shouts.
  460. >Eventually the highest bid of ninety-five hundred.
  461. >This process goes on until it is Berry's turn.
  462. >She looks nervous as she is lead to the lowest platform.
  463. >However, her desire to be free seems to kick in and she gains a confident appearance.
  464. >Almost like she's a model back from Earth.
  465. >The ponies are silent.
  466. >Berry's confident expression doesn't crack.
  467. >You wonder why you care so much.
  468. >She wasn't your friend, even if you did protect her.
  469. >How many times has she done this song and dance before?
  470. >“Two thousand bits,” one bidder says.
  471. >Berry confident expression persists and remains unfazed.
  472. >You knew this meant she was free. No longer bound to this slave trade.
  473. >Would it be this easy for you?
  475. ----[Update - Jan. 31, 2015+1]----
  477. As promised, I wrote some new stuff for this story. It's strange that I've only been away from this story or even the thought of writing greentext fanfiction at all. I thank you all for coming to check this story out.
  478. Only after a few weeks have I felt my ability to write cohesively improve significantly, but it has also torn me away from this story. I tried for the first week to continue brainstorming for ideas on this story with little success. When I started getting invested in other work that I was doing, the last thing on my mind was this one.
  479. I think the best course of action for this story is to stop for now. Not only does this story not have that same spark that it used to, but it needs serious revisions to be more focused.
  480. When I started this project, I really did bite off more than I could chew. I was inspired by some of the longer greens by other authors and I wanted to have a story that could match the scale theirs did. Since I hadn't written in a long ass time, I decided to be broad and open-ended. I wanted to give myself as much room to expand, fuck-up, and be as proud as possible of anything that just so happened to work. Well, I was definitely successful at that and the current product is a somewhat shallow main character and lack of direction.
  481. Since I don't plan on revising this story until a later date, I suppose I will leak the plans I had. There were two important scene shifts I wanted to happen in this story. I guess I'll start from a little bit before I ended...
  483. [spoiler]
  485. Filthy Rich is the pony that gave Anon food after his speech.
  486. Mr. Filthy- I mean Mr. Rich sympathy for Anon (based on the note he struck about children in his speech) pushes him to buy him.
  487. Diamond Tiara and Anon start forming a relationship. Essentially, she a bitch to him and even threatens to lie to her father ("Anon hurt me") if he doesn't obey her.
  488. While that annoying situation presses on for Anon, Luna meets with him and explains how there is a secret slave ring that Anon was a slave for.
  489. She is currently seeking the perpetrator behind these heinous crimes. Filthy Rich is an undercover agent for her while she investigates.
  490. Anon carry's on as a slave as best as he can.
  491. Diamond Tiara finally is scolded by her father in front of Anon.
  492. Later, when they're alone he says she deserves it. Diamond admits she knows that. Anon, surprised by that reaction, become curious and asks her why she was in trouble. Diamond explains what happened and Anon consoles the insecure source within herself and they bond.
  493. Something would happen that might compromise Filthy Rich and so Anon is sold to "Mane 6" and helps them out. That's about as far as I got.
  495. [/spoiler]
  497. It wouldn't be too terribly difficult to rework the story but I would have decide on the scope of the story. If you couldn't tell from what I had planned, there really isn't a clear path to resolution. There is also no clear path to what actually is resolved. I think if I were to rework this story with its strongest elements, I would focus on Anon himself and his memories (or lack thereof) and his newfound relationship with Diamond Tiara. The slavery aspect while it might be interesting at different points for different reasons, is way too broad and doesn't fit with that idea so it would like be remove or reworked into its own story.
  498. As this story is, it's a fragmented mess. It's essentially three stories in one. The first is that the focus remains on the current scene of the slave lot and the secret slave ring is expanded on with snipits from Luna. The second story focuses on Anon's memories and his relationship with Diamond Tiara (the current strongest element of this story). Thirdly, the focus on Anon being a slave to the "Mane 6" and wacky adventures they could go on (the weakest and most vague, but where I initially wanted the plot to be).
  499. There is definitely a reason why I liked this story, even though rereading it with a fresh mind that has had time to grow a little. It has a lot of different ideas at play that could be fun to expand on but not all in one story. Perhaps a CYOA would fit better since there is so much possibility with the story but even that would require some revisions and a lot of planning.
  500. I think I'm rambling so I'll cut that out.
  501. I want to thank everyone who followed this story and gave some honest criticism. It was a lot of fun to write and get feedback. This is my first story that I pushed towards the public eye so it was interesting to see the variety of feedback I got. Anyways, c'ya cowboy.
  503. ----[Update]----
  505. Author's Note:
  506. There will be occasional modifications/fixes with text
  507. that may not be reflected when I post. I will try and
  508. keep them minor as to not confuses readers who only
  509. follow initial posts. Contingency must be maintained.
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