
Elemental World: The Second Age of Wars

Feb 10th, 2016
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  1. Where are you?
  3. Within the world of Mencia, there are six distinct countries. Each was lead long ago by the Elemental Lords after they first gained their godly power. Each lord represented a sixth of the elemental power that constitutes all of Creation. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, and Lightning. However, they were pitted against their brother, the champion and lord of Darkness as well as Destruction. In their fight, all six of the champions had to work together alongside their own brothers and sisters of the elements as well as their armies formed over the years to defeat the seventh lord. In doing so, and dealing the final blow they as well lost their lives and could no longer guide their countries into the future. From then on, each country, aside from Darkness who to this day still hides in the shadows, must handle themselves.
  4. Now, after nearly two thousand years of peace the city states of old have risen up to fight for their freedom, independence, and to form their own Empires. Masters of the both the old elements, and new amalgamation elements lead their armies into combat. You however have no distinction. You have no true alliance, or so most would think. You fight for your own ideals, your own reasons as mercenaries in war for profit. And is there war. And is there profits to be had.
  6. Who Are You?
  8. You are a warrior of the Elements, although you aren't a master, you are skilled enough to be hired as an elite team of mercenaries sent out on special missions for high pay. To complete your missions you have to utilize your own unique set of skills to follow through and complete the objectives. These can range from turning the tide of a battle, retrieving information, and assassinations.
  10. Stats: You are allowed to allocate 12 Stats as you see fit among the following, with the greatest you are allowed to go at the start being 10. While in combat, a skill you wish to use uses your stat as a bonus for whatever task you are trying to do.
  12. Endurance: Your Ability to take a blow. With endurance, if you are to take damage, you subtract the damage dealt to you by your endurance.
  14. Elements: This denotes your ability to utilize your element. The more in this you have the more precise your elemental powers are. This raises your scores with elements by one for each point you have. If this is at 0 you can't utilize elements at all.
  16. Soul: This denotes your raw power in the elements. The more of this you have, the more pure destructive power you have. However it won't be precise necessarily, and it won't solve all of your problems. For non-elementalists this is also a vastly powerful stat. It allows the use of Soul-Burst, an ability that allows you to pump your abilities even farther than normal reality and fight against elementalists on an even footing. Your soul adds a point of damage to each of your attacks utilizing your element, or your Soul-Burst.
  18. Strength: This is your physical strength. Any physical attack you use is augmented by your strength, giving it an additonal point of damage for each strength you have.
  20. Agility: This is your physical ability to run and make accurate physical attacks. Every point of agility raises your accuracy with non-elemental powers by 1. As well it increases your chance to dodge, and how fast you can run, or how far you can run in a turn. It also effects your ability to traverse terrain.
  22. Heavy Stats:
  24. Health: If you reach 0 health you pass out, if you reach -5 you die. You start with 10, but every point of endurance adds 2 to your health.
  26. Elemental Soul: To use your element or soul burst, you must use power from your very soul and summon forth the power. Every turn you use your power utilizes a Elemental Soul Point. You start out with 5 and for every Element or Soul point you gain an extra 1.
  28. Secondary:
  30. Armor: Armor, although can often slow you down, can also provide defense. Each point of armor lowers the damage of an attack on you.
  32. Weapon: Your weapon damage adds itself to each non-elemental attack you use.
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