

May 28th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 "There's something in there, we know that.  It's hostile, it doesn't like us or anything else, but it doesn't know something important. It's part of this fast food chain. And that means it's OURS.": (a2znut)
  2. [X] 4 Acquire Humans     : 009 Mana: (Moving Target, Grosstoad, Darkened, Biigoh)
  3. [X] 1 Acquire Humans     : 009 Mana : You geas hire 1 shift of untrained and unhappy humans.: (a2znut)
  4. [X] 1 Acquire Humans     : 009 Mana x 1: (bastur2)
  5. [X] 1 Appease the Dark   : 025: (bastur2)
  6. [X] 4 Appease the Dark   : 025 Mana: (Moving Target, Grosstoad, Darkened, Biigoh)
  7. [X] 1 Appease the Dark   : 025 Mana : Maybe you can keep it in a good mood?: (a2znut)
  8. [X] 2 Defile Sparkles     : 050 Mana : You have tainted staff do... things on the sparkling tables.: (EternitynChaos, gibbousmoons)
  9. [X] 1 Empower Defences:  20 Mana: (Megaolix)
  10. [X] 1 Empower Defences   :  15: (bastur2)
  11. [X] 1 Empower Defences   :  20 Mana: (a2znut)
  12. [X] 1 Empower Defenses   :  10 Mana: (Biigoh)
  13. [X] 3 Empower Defenses   :  <strong>30 Mana</strong>: (Moving Target, Grosstoad, Darkened)
  14. [X] 1 Force the dark energies to take a familiar form inside her. This is less... stable for her, but will give her back a semblance of her magic girl powers which makes her a powerful combatant and a wrecking ball if pointed at other franchises.She's a magic girl. You don't get more of a pick than that.: (Merior)
  15. [X] 1 Fully empowerment until she ascends into being a youma. She's a ready vessel for dark energies so you can push her from her current state all the way into become a youma with all the benefits which come from being one.Choose her role from Stockroom, Cashier, or Cook.: (Merior)
  16. [X] 1 Just empower her to her current limits. Baically flooding her with dark energy, and dismantle what magic had been within her. This will basically get a chunk of immediately completed research including stuff on Magic Girls, Sparkles, Corruption, and a few other topics. She'll merely be 'Elite' and Corrupted.Choose her role from Stockroom, Cashier, or Cook.: (Merior)
  17. [X] 8 Plan Bii: (Drakebane, Happerry, Xicree, Adyen, dreadis, Larekko12, kinglugia, another advent)
  18. [X] 4 Reclaim the Dark    : 050 Mana : You try to take back the bathroom with penalty to roll.: (Megaolix, EternitynChaos, gibbousmoons, gibbousmoons)
  19. [X] 1 Replace Machine    : 030 Mana : Destroy and build anew the soda machine: (Megaolix)
  20. [X] 1 Replace Machine    : 030 Mana : Destroy and build anew the soda machine.: (a2znut)
  21. [X] 1 Research Yuma creation    :   44: (bastur2)
  22. [X] 1 Stockroom training     : 020: (bastur2)
  23. [X] 3 Storage Barrels    : 010 Mana : You prepare a barrel of secret sauce to receive Mana.: (EternitynChaos, gibbousmoons, gibbousmoons)
  24. [X] 4 Storage Barrels    : 10 Mana x 2, spending 20 mana for 2 barrels.: (Moving Target, Grosstoad, Darkened, Biigoh)
  25. [X] 4 Study Anti-Scrying : 10 Mana: (Moving Target, Grosstoad, Darkened, Biigoh)
  26. [X] 1 Study Anti-Scrying :  10: (bastur2)
  27. [X] 2 Study Anti-Scrying :  10 Mana : You looking into permanent distractions to deflect scrying.: (a2znut, Megaolix)
  28. [X] 1 Study Dark Energy  :  20 Mana : You try to discover a random new use for Dark Energy.: (a2znut)
  29. -[X] 1 Try putting the mana in a container for it and talking with the creature while it eat? It may look like a big beast, but perhaps it's smart enough to talk and it just never bothered to. Or maybe smart enough to understand you at least.: (a2znut)
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