
Lyra Character Sheet (15/10/2016)

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. Character Sheet
  2. Name: Lyra (Sarah)
  3. Age: ~5 Months (27 Years-Deceased)
  5. Title:
  6. (This is ridiculous)
  7. Her Highness the Crimson Guardian
  8. Lyra Niallasdottir of Firescarn, Thunderbreaker and Bane of Scales, Bone Crusher, Destroyer of Magic, Slayer of Beasts, Master of the Forge, Shaper of Earth, Weilder of Lighting and Caller of fire. Rebuilder of the Lost, Restorer of the Ancient, Spearwielder, Dungeonbreaker and Friend of Oakring.
  9. Queen of the forest, Unifier of the tribes, Alpha of wolves, friend of harpies, protector of moths, Cousin to the Forestwalker, Adventurer among humans, Host and Guide of half-elves, ruler of all monsters of the great forest and Giant Spider.
  11. Species: Hearthbound Tyrant Arachne
  12. Lyra's skull has changed- From an unknown beast to something resembling a dragon, even sporting a pair of horns- though one is half shattered. Her chitin hasn't spread, but it now appears more like armour than ever before- It would be easy to mistake her for someone simply wearing gauntlets, if not for her six eyes, eight legs and giant spider butt. Her colouration is much the same, though caps of an unknown metal, and veins of the same now decorate her legs and fingers. She has a certain presence, though people aren't quite sure what to make of it...
  14. Family:
  15. Parents: Nialla (Mom), Erics (Dad)
  16. Sisters: Sara, Elle, Aria, Sheszka
  17. Brothers: Ephram, Zach
  19. Level 1: Confused hatchling
  20. Level 12: Itsy Bitsy Spider
  21. Level 21: No longer afraid of Water Spouts
  22. Level 44: Thunder is scary, but you don't need a blanket
  23. Level 68: Mom is scarier than thunder, you'll take the blanket
  24. Level 81: Lyra Thunderbreaker, Bane of scales.
  25. Level 93: Guardian. Monster. Friend and Cousin to the Forestwalker.
  26. Level 100: Magic doesn't work like that!
  28. Level 1: Too Fast?!
  29. Level 5: I don't want to practice magic anymore
  30. Level 18: Bearhugs are not something she wants
  31. Level 22: Harpyhugs are a-okay, though
  32. Level 46: Undead Ain't Shit
  33. Level 50: Definitely not stronger than Mom
  34. Level 57: Webs > Shadows
  35. Level 65: Tic-tock dead croc
  37. Level 80: CRAB
  38. Level 90: Bears hurt.
  39. Level 95: No more training. Please.
  40. Level 100: Next dungeon will be better. Or else!
  44. Level 12: No Mom, No!
  45. Level 15: Smithing is hard work.
  46. Level 16: No, you don't get levels when your spear does all the work.
  47. Level 18: Magic, Fire and Metal!
  48. Level 20: Lyra, Professional PMT (Personal Moth Trainer)
  49. Level 26: A herculean spider.
  50. Level 27: Water striders and intimidation!
  51. Level 32: Bears as large as Lyra's appetite!
  52. Level 36: Sibling Evolution Confusion (You are not confused)
  53. Level 38: Raise them up! Strength to All!
  54. Level 39: Ye Olde Magyck Booke
  55. Level 42: No, Lyra. You don't get to train your friends and escape it yourself.
  56. Level 45: Betrayed by her own herald!
  57. Level 47: Rusty.
  58. Level 50: Architect of Bathing.
  59. Level 71: Hero. Savior. Giant Spider/Roadblock.
  60. Level 77: Mom: She's still got it.
  61. Level 78: Wageslave once more.
  62. Level 86: Fuck Gryphons. Gryphons are assholes.
  63. Level 90: Giant Bear-Rabbits are a thing?
  64. Level 91: Tastes like rabbit, not bear. Notes have been made of this travesty.
  65. Level 91: Goodbye, Dignity. I barely knew thee.
  66. Level 94: Bring the Fire!
  67. Level 99: Bisons, anger and a piledriver.
  68. Level 100: Lake Monster Diplomacy (Mostly Yelling)
  70. Level 1: Nin can never know.
  71. Level 2: Oh. That is pretty cool.
  72. Level 2: A CROWN. WHY?!
  73. Level 2: TREACHERY!
  74. Level 3: An Arrival and an Invitation
  75. Level 4: Intimidation: Usable unranked if Giant Spider
  76. Level 7: A Noble idiot?
  77. Level 7: Two Noble Idiots.
  78. Level 17: You agreed to it, so what does that say about you?
  79. Level 19: Fight for me, Minions!
  80. Level 19: A real dungeon.
  81. Level 20: A real weasel-infested hellhole.
  82. Level 21: Garden Variety Bear!
  83. Level 21: Wave after wave of Mooks.
  84. Level 32: The opposite of above. One(1) Divinely Blessed Dungeon Empowered Cleric/Druid/Cheater. Multiclassing is metagaming, you're sure of it.
  85. Level 32: Cheaters never prosper. You'll make sure of it.
  86. Level 33: A lot goes into forging. Heart, soul, Liters and Liters of blood.
  88. Abilities:
  89. Arachne Combat: Rank 9
  90. Her razor sharp limbs and hardy constitution have seen her through fights against even stronger monsters. She's started poisoning her weapons, and using webbing actively in battle. She's adjusting to her evolved strength- and using it to devastating effect.
  92. Web Weaving: Rank 8
  93. Lyra is a natural at weaving webs, mixing sticky thread and strong thread together to catch all sorts of prey. She's gotten even faster at pulling together her threads to make a trap.
  95. Web Crafting: Rank 4
  96. A bit of knowledge and a helping hand saw her through. Lyra can make use of her crafting without extensive trial and error. She's begun crafting bigger and better projects. She's no Elle, though.
  98. Hunting: Rank 10
  99. Lyra has ideas about various ways to use her webs and abilities to track and trap prey. She's also begun to realize hunting with a partner is not only easier and faster, but far more effective. With her tremorsense, she can locate enemies even without web lines. She's been taught to track by trails and scent. It's becoming very difficult to catch her off guard. When she enters combat, her senses get even stronger. She's learned to map areas with earth magic, completely spoiling everyone's plans.
  101. Sneaking: Rank 7
  102. Lyra understands the critical element of sneaking is being silent and unobserved. She's beginning to understand how to take half-steps, preventing her chitin from clicking noisily. Listening in to ambient noise, she knows how and when to speed up, maintaining her stealth while closing in on enemies. Lyra's nearly as quiet as her harpy friend now, stalking noiselessly through the undergrowth.
  104. Teamwork: Rank 10+
  105. Working closely with another can improve Lyra's abilities, letting them combine their efforts for greater effect. She's also learned how to cover for her partner's using distractions and her natural abilities to keep them safe from harm. Lyra has begun to recognize how to utilize her partners' specific talents.
  106. Lyra's blessing and ability has added a new dimension to her ability to cooperate...
  108. Strong Silk: Rank MAX
  109. With a bit of time and dedication, Lyra can re-weave her natural threads into a far stronger compound, good for any kind of crafting and weaving. It can also be used for armor, or to strengthen already built objects. Improving this isn't possible without evolution, or magic.
  111. Spearfighting: Rank 13 Offense/Rank 11 Defense
  112. Lyra's got a serious base in wielding a spear, both on defense and offense. The basics are approaching muscle memory. Lyra also now prematurely flinches when she sees her mother smile in a certain way. Strength is a burden.
  113. With some actual experience under her belt, Lyra is well on the way becoming even stronger. She's learned to use and abuse her incredible strength against her foes- But she still lacks experience fighting trained opponents. Mom has started focusing her training on defense, an area Lyra was lacking.
  114. Lyra's spear is in a rough way, being used by a giant spider.
  115. Replacements are being forged, though for how they'll be used is yet to be seen.
  117. Knifefighting/Hand to Hand: Rank 11 Offense/Rank 7 Defense
  118. While she isn't formally trained in knives, her natural armour and weapons training leave her a dangerous opponent, even when denied her main weapon. She's taken large jumps in hand to hand fighting, learning to exploit her absurd strength. While Lyra's style- if it could even be called as such- is certainly extraordinarily brutal, there isn't much room to question its effectiveness. More and more, Lyra is relying on her hands to finish a fight.
  120. External Mana Control: Rank 7 Casting?/ Rank 10 Control
  121. Lyra can't take in mana- But she can control concentrated magic. With a source, she can cast spells, and she can redirect or deflect spells by seizing control of them. Magic is hard, redirecting or nullifying spells is certainly useful. She's discovered her element with the help of her sister- Casting is now easier. At least for earth spells. She can 'dispel' enchantments by tearing the mana free from them- and her ability to counter spells is increased the more mana her opponent tries to use- If they aren't on guard, she can twist the mana, reducing the spell to concussive blast.
  123. Crafting (Weaponry): Rank 8
  124. Lyra has an uncanny knack for building weaponry- from her own spear to Elle's crossbow. Though it is by and large limited to metal, now. She's begun to work her way into more interesting metals, and more interesting designs. Rather than mimicking traditional weaponry, her latest efforts have been directed at producing weaponry for a giant spider...
  126. Crafting (Smithing): Rank 9
  127. Lyra has a natural talent for working with metal, largely due to being able to forge things with her hands. Sans forge. She's working with the town blacksmith to learn just how to do things properly. Sometimes, her imagination gets away from her, and her pieces end up more fantasy than practical. Also, spiders.
  128. She's learned proper forging techniques, not only from Mikhael, but from a dwarven smith as well. And relying on her own efforts instead of her powers is showing results.
  130. Leadership: Rank 9
  131. Working with Sheszka and Jin has thrust Lyra into the role of leader- She's starting to learn what that means. Herding her friends and family through a dungeon helped. She's currently cursed with a growing sense of responsibility- trying to balance her own desires with taking care of her friends, her neighbours, a new wolf pack-
  133. Elemental Control (Fire): Rank 9
  134. Lyra can light her hands on fire, and increase her own temperature dramatically. She can melt metal with her hands. She's also constantly warm, the perfect place to sunbathe. She's become adept with cooking via fire. A bit of practice has left her with control over her own temperature- The perfect bed. With her evolution comes an accompanying increase in power- Her flames are vicious.
  136. Elemental Control (Earth): Rank 10
  137. Lyra's earth control is a step beyond her fire power. She can manipulate earth and stone with her will, shifting, building, making it run like water. She has limits though, and pushing herself is tiring. She has learned to pace herself, though- continuous use is possible, if difficult.
  139. Elemental Control (Combined) (Forge): Rank 9
  140. Lyra has learned she can manipulate metal in her own hands, combining her abilities to work metal. While she does so, though, Her pattern glows like molten rock, and the heat becomes nigh unbearable for others.
  142. Dignity: Rank 3
  143. While she tries her utmost, Lyra's natural dignity is under constant attack- Either via her own hyperactivity, daydreaming, or the constant machinations of the moth menace. A constant balancing act of trying to portray herself as reliable and strong and totally not a bit of an airhead. Now stricken with terrible secrets, things that could diminish her already nonexistent dignity.
  144. Nin found out the secrets. And so did a bunch of other people, including representatives of a variety of cities and places and peoples.
  145. On the plus side, Lyra has gained the respect of a variety of people.
  146. On the other, she also has their attention.
  148. Intimidation: Rank 6
  149. No longer unranked! Gains cumulative bonuses due to: Giant spider, Giant Skull, Crown of Fire, Earth Control, Fire Control, other people's loss of bowel control, Voice of Rule.
  152. Specials:
  154. Arachne Language
  155. Sharp Armoured Limbs
  156. Spiderwalk: Nearly any surface is climbable.
  157. Venomous Fangs: Biting people doesn't really take skill. But it certainly is effective!
  158. Webs & Silk: Capable of producing fantastically strong materials.
  159. Inhuman Strength: Very few monsters her size can match her strength.
  160. Enhanced Vision
  161. Magic Sense+: Can feel mages and magic being used nearby. She can pinpoint magic, and even see it.
  162. Tremorsense
  163. Nightvision/ Lowlight vision
  164. External Mana Control
  165. ????? ?????????????
  166. Voice of Rule: Those whom you command fight all the harder, and those who oppose you feel your voice in their bones.
  167. Armoured Chitin
  169. Language:
  171. Forest Language
  172. Plainspeech: A standard human language. Lyra got a bit of an accent.
  173. Literate: You haven't tried writing yet due to a lack of materials, but reading is a-okay.
  174. Elfspeech: Not called actually called elfspeech.
  176. Blessings:
  178. Blessing of the Demi-God of Protection: Defense and Resistance, increasing when she defends others.
  179. Earth Element
  180. Blessing of the God of Earth: She can sense things through the ground, call the earth at her whim. And more!
  181. Blessing of the Demi-God of Fire: Nigh immune to fire and heat. She can call fire at will.
  182. Blessing of the God of the Forge: A sense for metal, and other abilities...
  183. Blessing of the God of Rule: Grudging acceptance coupled with denial.
  184. Majestic Queenly Presence: Not a real thing, Nin. Please, please don't be a real thing-
  186. Property:
  187. The Unnamed Blade: A massive spear, if it can be called that. Forged in the earthly fires and the blood of a spider, it awaits a name and the start of a legend.
  188. Flower Crown: Magic! Flowers! A crown!
  189. Spectral Gauntlet: A Gauntlet! See through, with the ability to grab things from far away.
  190. Sickle: It belongs to the cheater, and you don't know what it does.
  191. Dungeon diving and more looting- You're pretty much a certified adventurer at this point.
  192. Woven tunic+: Made with love, version three. No longer fits. Again.
  193. Feather: A gift from Jin. Feather gifts have meaning in harpy culture. Important.
  194. Ribbon: Elle made it for you, to keep your hair out of your eyes. You have a lot of eyes.
  195. Glaive & Dagger: Taken from River Lizardmen and remade to serve you. You've passed the first trial of the old Arachne, defeating your enemies and crafting your own weapon. Mother is proud. These rivermetal implements won't be slowed by water, and will serve you well.
  196. Woven Bags: Elle has since made you a few of your own.
  197. Small Bag of Coins: You're RICH! Maybe? You don't actually know how currency works. Or how much you have. Scratch that- turning in the goods to the local trade means that you and your family have more money than the town.
  198. More Loot:More Loot.
  199. Armour: A set of masterfully made mixed plate, the same as mom.
  200. Water Buckler: Affixed with an elemental stone, it's immune to fire and can produce a steady flow of water at will.
  201. Huge goddamn pile of loot: Enchanting supplies, staves, robes, enchanted bits of jewelery.
  202. Spear: Resized using her new powers- She stole it from the animated armour. A metal spear with a crossguard. Now a lightning spear. Now retired.
  203. Lacy Spider-Panties: Also has regular panties. Not sure what is wrong with Elle.
  204. Wedding Dress: Scandalous! And now replaced with one made almost entirely of lace, plus corset.
  205. Sun Dress: A Pale white, almost luminescent. Very nice!
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