
[AB/DL] The Littlest Diamond, Part 1/2

Apr 11th, 2019
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  1. “My Diamond! It’s finally here!” Pearl exclaimed, excitedly eyeing the warp pad.
  3. Heavy, loud footsteps rung throughout the Moon Base, and the ground shook as a tall, childish figure jumped to the graceful servant’s side.
  5. “Wonderful! Er...what is it?” Pink Diamond eyed the pastel-pink crate which sat in the middle of the platform.
  7. “Well...Blue Diamond contacted me the other day, asking something special of me. She is well aware of your interest in human life, so it was her decision to provide you with the most practical learning method of human studies…”
  9. Pearl grabbed the container, and unlocked it. Inside were plastic packages of diapers, pacifiers, and bottles.
  11. “...a simulation! Well, it’s more of...a roleplay, My Diamond. I’m sure you’d like it!”
  13. “Oh! How cute. Are these not the things which infants wear? I’ve seen the commercial broadcasts, and they always seem so...happy! It’s quite adorable.” Pink said, picking up a pastel pack of pampers.
  15. “Precisely, My Diamond. I have deduced that wearing such things would bring joy to you as well! After all, those humans speak of wanting to be young again, and the ‘good old days’. So, perhaps, you could understand what that’s like, My Diamond.”
  17. “Though...I don’t wish to shrink down to scale. Pearl, would you kindly get the Resizer Ray and make these things to fit? Thank you, my dear.” She handed her the pack, and patted the loyal servant’s head.
  19. “Yes, My Diamond.” She carried the items, and brought them to a separate room. As Pearl was fixing the various objects, Pink brought up a projection of an old Earth broadcast.
  21. “...And that’s why we made Ultra Pampers with dual leak barriers, to stop messy leaks better than any other diaper out there. No wet leaks, no messy leaks; that’s because these diapers have two extra leak barriers.” A male announcer said, while footage of mothers playing with their little children played. It seemed so real to the royal, and yet, so perfect. A moment of genuine happiness captured in primitive analog film tapes.
  23. She was no stranger to family customs; her superiors would occasionally bring her along to the various Homeworld colonies, where alien citizens would thrive alongside gems. All of which, had some kind of familial bond, whether it was through a hive-like mind, or through small, tribal groups. What separated humans from the lot, however, was their occasional desire to regress to a younger state. It was something Pink could relate to; she had been young for eons, she was the envy of many mortal beings.
  25. It was something she realized as Pearl came back, pushing a giant box of baby paraphernalia.
  27. “Here it is, My Diamond. They should fit you perfectly.”
  29. “Splendid! How do I wear these?” The childlike ruler said, eagerly opening the plastic package.
  31. “Actually, My Diamond, it was Blue Diamond’s request that I put them on for you. May I proceed?”
  33. “Hmm…alright, Pearl.” Pink smiled, phasing away her poofy trousers in a glow of radiant light, leaving her emulated private parts exposed.
  35. “Ah. S-so be it. Lay down, My Diamond.” Pearl stammered, seeing her mistress’ massive flower. This was hardly her first experience with nudity, but the sight of Pink Diamond’s own womanhood made her fluster and tremble.
  37. The little ruler laid down and lifted her legs, just like in the commercials she had watched. Pearl was surprised that she knew the process, and brought out a pink pamper of enormous size. Sliding the garment underneath her carnation-colored bottom, a large poof of baby powder clouded the servant’s face, as Pink fidgeted with the plastic thing. She rubbed the light, soft material between her fingers, and patted it as her Pearl wrapped it over her crotch.
  39. “Hold still, My Diamond. Be a good girl for me, alright?” The loyal companion said, in an almost practiced fashion. With these words, the tiny diamond stopped moving.
  41. “Oh, sorry! I got excited.” She flustered, not wanting to give her closest friend a hard time.
  43. “You don’t have to be, My Diamond. But thank you.” She taped up the padding, giving it a soft pat.
  45. Pink stood up, marveling at the puffy garment which accentuated her frilly outfit. She curiously smacked her padded rear, fluffing it up like a pillow. It was adorned in pink stars, and rocket ships with a certain cosmic feline riding them. The Cookie Cat logo adorned the frontal tape, which was surrounded by colorful, star-like glitter.
  47. “How wonderful! This is far better than my normal outfit. It’s almost like a pillow, wrapped between my legs. If I sit down…” Pink ran back to the throne, quickly resting her pampered bottom on the seat.
  49. “...Oh! It’s like a cushion! I could sit here for a few Earth Days! Thank you, Pearl.” She sighed, slouching on the white, geometric chair.
  51. “You’re welcome. But that isn’t all that you can do with those diapers, My Diamond. I’m sure you know what they are truly used for--”
  52. Pearl was cut off by a loud hissing noise, that echoed throughout the complex. She looked to her master’s diaper, and it began to swell rapidly with a yellow tinge overtaking the white print. The designs turned to a dark blue, indicating that the little ruler was soaking her pampers quite heavily. Her throne seemed to grow warm with her padding, and the youngest of the Diamonds revelled in this feeling of comfort and heat.
  54. “Ahh...I can see why humans love to relieve themselves. How cozy!” She grabbed the front of her diaper, squishing it like a child would handle Play-Doh.
  56. “Ooh! That feels...tingly. I can’t really describe it further, but--oh, stars…” Pink continued to fondle her weighty padding, rubbing it vigorously.
  58. ‘Oh dear. Blue Diamond didn’t give any directives for something like this...I hope she doesn’t get angry.’ Pearl thought, bashfully watching the indulgent display at hand.
  60. “...Pearl, you’ve got to feel this! It’s so warm, and--”
  62. In the middle of her pleasure, a blue screen appeared in front of the throne.
  64. “Pink? Are you--” It was Blue Diamond herself. Her eyes widened at the sight of her subordinate enjoying herself. The little ruler removed her hands from her pampers, and crossed her legs, squishing it even more.
  66. “I--I’m fine, Blue. Is this about t-the materials?” She stammered, realizing that her thighs wrung out the diaper, causing it to leak. Yellow liquid began to pool on the white throne, dribbling from the seat onto the floor.
  68. “I was about to inquire regarding your planet’s status...but the status of your pants seems to be more urgent. I shall be there shortly. My Pearl, come along, now.” Blue Diamond said, trying to hold back a mischievous smile.
  70. “Yes, My Diamond.” A meek voice whispered.
  72. “No, I can--ugh. Perfect.” Pink pouted, cut off by the closing of her sister’s screen.
  74. “Don’t fret, My Diamond. She knows best. At least, she ordered me to let you go under her...supervision.”
  76. “What? Pearl, why did you agree with this? You know I don’t like being babied!”
  78. “That is true, My Diamond. But it appears that you do act like one, as proven by your undergarments. Also, My Diamond, Blue would have me become her own little baby doll if I said no. I just didn’t want to leave your side, Pink. Sorry.”
  80. “Oh, Pearl...I understand. I would get off this throne to hug you, but I’m afraid I would make a big mess.” She gestured to the little leaking waterfall which came from her soaked rear.
  81. “No worries, My Diamond.” Pearl smiled, bowing cordially.
  83. As she spoke those words, the sound of the warp pad powering up was heard.
  85. “Oh, great. Pearl...don’t say anything unless Blue talks to you. Act natural.” Pink sighed.
  87. “Yes, My Diamond.” She said, walking to throne’s side, its base slowly pooling yellow droplets. The servant stepped away from the liquid, fearing contamination.
  89. “Pink? I can smell you from down here.” The somber, motherly voice bellowed from the first floor of the base.
  91. “Oh...what are you talking about, B-blue?” She nervously asked.
  93. “Silly Pink. You can’t deny it. I always had a feeling you were meant to be the baby of our little family.” She appeared in the throne room, her pearl in tow.
  95. “I. Am. Not. A. Baby! I am just--experimenting!” The tall toddler flustered, not realizing she was stepping in her own liquids.
  97. “Ohoho. You always put a smile on my face, Pink. I asked your Pearl to send these things to you to see if you’d cave in. And you did, Pink. You couldn’t resist the temptation. I didn’t expect you to, anyways.” She gestured to the giant pack of diapers, and picked up the childish ruler by the waist.
  99. “H-hey! Let go of me!” She kicked her legs, as her leaky diaper continued to drip its contents on the floor.
  101. “Shh...don’t make this harder than it already is, Pink. You’re a soaky, leaky baby. And I’m the only one who can change you, isn’t that right, Pearl?” Blue Diamond gently said, bringing her closer for a hug.
  103. “Oh! Yes, Blue Diamond.” Her trusty friend replied.
  105. “Hmph! Fine. Could I get a change now, Blue?” The impish Diamond asked, somewhat frustrated.
  107. “A-a-ah! You wanted to act like a big baby, didn’t you?” She shook her finger, and picked up a giant pacifier.
  109. “Yes, but--” Pink was cut off by the binky stuck in her mouth.
  111. “Aha! I knew your little ‘research’ on human broadcasts had something deeper to it! Yellow didn’t believe me, but she will now.”
  113. “No! Don’ bwing me! Pwease?” She retaliated, her pacifier providing a babyish lisp. The frilly-dressed ruler gave the gentle queen puppy-dog eyes, in an attempt to appeal her.
  115. “Aww...alright. Maybe some other time. But I’ll still take care of you for today, okay? I know you love this part of human life, so I’ll let you be a part of it. Is that okay?”
  117. Pink suckled on her binky for a moment, before nodding hesitantly. There was a part of her that wanted to stay a Diamond, a big gem with big responsibilities. And yet, another side of the gem wished for a life that was simpler. Besides, Earth could handle itself for a few days…
  119. “Yeah.”
  121. “Wonderful! Now, come on, little Pink. Let’s get you into a fresh nappy.” She carried her closely, as a blue bubble of baby items followed along.
  123. “Oh, and both of you, clean up my little sister’s accident, please.” Hearing this, Pink blushed and hid her face in her cloak, still sucking on her pacifier.
  125. “Yes, My Diamond.” The two said in unison, bowing together.
  127. “Did...did you jus’ call me ‘lil’ sistew’? You mus’ be weally into dis.” The little Diamond commented, as she suckled on her pacifier.
  129. “Pink. To be frank with you, I’d always seen you as one. I mean, you can’t blame me, right? You are so little, and so energetic indeed. Would you agree?”
  131. “Nu! Well, acksually, yea. Yu have a poin’. Bleh--” She pulled out her binky, realizing her subconscious actions.
  133. “Blue, does that mean I have to call you ‘big sister’ now?” Pink asked, as she was being laid down on a Pebble-constructed changing table.
  135. “My dear, I’m not against it. It’s up to you, really. I don’t wish to be in control of everything. Just...a large amount.”
  137. “Alright, sis.” The tiny tyrant slyly grinned, as her pampers were untaped.
  139. “Aww. How adorable. You really are suited for this, Pink.” Blue Diamond cooed, wiping down the fellow ruler’s soaked rear.
  141. “Heh. I suppose I am. Where are we going after this?”
  143. “Oh, well, your favorite place! The human zoo, of course!”
  145. “Yay!” She kicked her legs in excitement, nearly hitting the soft-spoken queen.
  146. “Now, don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re going to pay a visit to your little friends right before that.”
  148. “Oh, the Betas! But--they’ll see me like this…”
  150. “Exactly!” Blue exclaimed, taping up her supposed sister’s fresh diaper.
  152. “B-but I’m not ready! They’ll make fun of me, and--”
  154. “Will they? If they truly are the most loyal of your court, they’d take care of you, if anything. Think about it.”
  156. “--Good point. But...what about the humans?”
  158. “Oh, I’m sure they’ll go crazy for you. If they adore your Quartzes, they’d never want to let you go. Don’t you think?”
  160. “That does make sense. I suppose.” She reluctantly replied, as she was carried by the giant queen.
  162. The soft-spoken monarch carried the tykish tyrant into her hand-ship, her court servants watching in awe as their other ruler was being carried like an infant.
  164. “Rubies. We’re altering our course. Pink Diamond wishes to see her friends at the Human Zoo. We shall be there for a while.” She commanded, placing the giant toddler on a seat next to her.
  166. “My Diamond, the colony on Starsystem X4--”
  168. “--the Beetles can wait. In the meantime, kindly take the scenic route. I do not wish to place my little sister underneath the pressure of hyper-drive.”
  170. “Little sister…? Oh, yes, My Diamond.” The head Ruby replied, stopping herself from commenting further.
  172. The mild-mannered queen summoned a series of straps and buckles, which converged at the tiny Diamond’s chest.
  174. “Blue...what are you doing?”
  176. “Well, I can’t let my little sister run amok within my spacecraft! I need to keep you safe and sound. I know how rambunctious you can be, Pink.”
  178. “B--but--I’m not an actual--”
  180. “A-a-ah! No need to argue, little sister. We have a zoo to get to.” Blue Diamond said, sticking a binky in her subordinate’s mouth.
  182. Pink pouted, and looked at her caretaker with angered eyes, arms crossed as she sucked on her pacifier.
  184. “Aww. You look like you could use a nap, dear. I’ll wake you up once we reach the zoo. Does that sound good?”
  186. The tall tyke looked to the ground, pondering for a moment. Nodding her head in reluctance, her supposed elder sister procured a miniature version of her blue cloak, and covered her body with it.
  188. “There we are, nice and cozy.” As she patted Pink’s poofy hair, the two Pearls returned from their cleaning duties.
  190. “Are you ready to depart, My Diamond?” Blue Pearl inquired, as the entry doors shut.
  192. “Yes, my Pearl. Begin the journey to the Zoo.”
  194. ‘What have I gotten myself into? Oh...the members of Blue’s court are probably judging me like there’s no tomorrow. Great. Ugh...might as well be in character. There’s no use in rebelling now…’ Pink Diamond thought to herself, before she drifted off to sleep. She had hoped, that, at least, the members of her court would be more tolerant of the situation at hand.
  196. [To be continued…]
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