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- #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:65777216")
- #include <iostream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <vector>
- #include <set>
- #include <stack>
- #include <map>
- #include <queue>
- #include <string>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <iterator>
- #define y1 trololoy1
- #define y0 trololoy0
- #define mem(A,X) memset(A,X,sizeof(A))
- #define memo(A) memset(A,0,sizeof(A))
- #define forn(I,B) for (int I=1;I<=(B);I++)
- #define forg(H,V) for (int H=first[V];h;h=next[H])
- #define rep(I,B) for (int I=0;I<(B);I++)
- #define labs(X) (((X)>0)?(X):(-(X)))
- #define ropen(X) freopen(X,"r",stdin)
- #define wopen(X) freopen(X,"w",stdout)
- #define rwopen(X) freopen(X".in","r",stdin);freopen(X".out","w",stdout)
- #define pb push_back
- #define mp make_pair
- #define all(X) (X).begin(),(X).end()
- #define sqr(X) ((X)*(X))
- using namespace std;
- typedef pair <int,int> pii;
- typedef double ld;
- typedef long long ll;
- typedef pair <ll,ll> pll;
- typedef vector<int> vi;
- const int N=111111;
- const int L=16;
- const int INF=111111111;
- const double eps=1e-9;
- const double pi=3.14159265358979;
- struct tree{
- int sum;
- tree *l,*r;
- tree(){}
- tree(int value):l(NULL),r(NULL),sum(value){}
- tree(tree* l, tree *r):l(l),r(r){
- sum=l->sum+r->sum;
- }
- } t[N];
- typedef tree* ptree;
- ptree root[N];
- int es[N+N],next[N+N],up[N][L+1],n,m,a[N],tin[N],tout[N],c,timer,sorted[N],first[N];
- inline void add(int x,int y){
- next[++c]=first[x];first[x]=c;
- es[c]=y;
- }
- inline bool upper(int x,int y){
- return tin[x]<=tin[y] && tout[x]>=tout[y];
- }
- ptree build(int l,int r){
- if (l==r) return new tree(0);
- return new tree(build(l,(l+r)/2),build((l+r)/2+1,r));
- }
- int getsum(ptree t,int l,int r,int tl,int tr){
- if (tl>r || tr<l) return 0;
- if (tl>=l && tr<=r) return t->sum;
- return getsum(t->l,l,r,tl,(tl+tr)/2)+getsum(t->r,l,r,(tl+tr)/2+1,tr);
- }
- ptree modify(ptree t,int pos,int value,int tl,int tr){
- if (tl==tr) return new tree(value);
- else {
- if (pos<=(tl+tr)/2) return new tree(modify(t->l,pos,value,tl,(tl+tr)/2),t->r);
- else return new tree(t->l,modify(t->r,pos,value,(tl+tr)/2+1,tr));
- }
- }
- inline int lca(int a,int b){
- if (upper(a,b)) return a;
- if (upper(b,a)) return b;
- for (int i=L;i>=0;--i) if (!upper(up[a][i],b)) a=up[a][i];
- return up[a][0];
- }
- void dfs(int v,int p=1){
- tin[v]=++timer;
- up[v][0]=p;
- forn(i,L) up[v][i]=up[up[v][i-1]][i-1];
- if (v!=1) root[v]=modify(root[p],a[v],getsum(root[p],a[v],a[v],1,n)+1,1,n);
- else root[v]=modify(root[0],a[v],1,1,n);
- forg(h,v) if (es[h]!=p) dfs(es[h],v);
- tout[v]=++timer;
- }
- int get_k(ptree p, ptree q,int k,int tl,int tr){
- if (tl==tr) return tl;
- if (q->l->sum-p->l->sum>=k) return get_k(p->l,q->l,k,tl,(tl+tr)/2);
- else return get_k(p->r,q->r,k-q->l->sum+p->l->sum,(tl+tr)/2+1,tr);
- }
- int get_k(ptree p, ptree q, ptree lc, int value,int k,int tl,int tr){
- if (tl==tr) return tl;
- if (value<=(tl+tr)/2 && value>=tl){
- if (p->l->sum+q->l->sum-2*lc->l->sum+1>=k) return get_k(p->l,q->l,lc->l,value,k,tl,(tl+tr)/2);
- else return get_k(p->r,q->r,lc->r,value,k-(p->l->sum+q->l->sum-2*lc->l->sum+1),(tl+tr)/2+1,tr);
- } else {
- if (p->l->sum+q->l->sum-2*lc->l->sum>=k) return get_k(p->l,q->l,lc->l,value,k,tl,(tl+tr)/2);
- else return get_k(p->r,q->r,lc->r,value,k-(p->l->sum+q->l->sum-2*lc->l->sum),(tl+tr)/2+1,tr);
- }
- }
- int get_k(ptree p,int k,int tl,int tr){
- if (tl==tr) return tl;
- if (p->l->sum>=k) return get_k(p->l,k,tl,(tl+tr)/2);
- else return get_k(p->r,k-p->l->sum,(tl+tr)/2+1,tr);
- }
- inline void query(int a,int b,int k){
- int lc=lca(a,b);
- if (lc==b) swap(a,b);
- if (lc==a){
- if (a>1) printf("%d\n",sorted[get_k(root[up[a][0]],root[b],k,1,n)]);
- else printf("%d\n",sorted[get_k(root[b],k,1,n)]);
- } else printf("%d\n",sorted[get_k(root[a],root[b],root[lc],::a[lc],k,1,n)]);
- }
- int main(){
- // ropen("input.txt");
- // wopen("output1.txt");
- scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
- forn(i,n) scanf("%d",&a[i]);
- forn(i,n) sorted[i]=a[i];
- sort(sorted+1,sorted+n+1);
- forn(i,n) a[i]=lower_bound(sorted+1,sorted+n+1,a[i])-sorted;
- forn(i,n-1){
- int x,y;
- scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
- add(x,y);add(y,x);
- }
- root[0]=build(1,n);
- dfs(1);
- forn(i,m){
- int a,b,k;
- scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&k);
- query(a,b,k);
- }
- return 0;
- }
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