
RO/II: Calm down deer

May 27th, 2012
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  1. -- recreantOctopus [RO] began trolling intelligentInsight [II] --
  2. RO: hey hey hey Lunaro
  3. RO: um
  4. II: O| Oh, hello. |o
  5. II: O| Vhat iz it nov? |o
  6. RO: what are you up right now at this exact moment?
  7. II: O| Er. |o
  8. II: O| None of your buzinezz. |o
  9. II: O| Vhy do you azk? |o
  10. RO: oh okay well thats true
  11. RO: em
  12. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR just thought you might be with Solena or something
  13. II: O| No, I am not. |o
  14. RO: oh no!
  15. II: O| ? |o
  16. RO: wait no that sounded weird
  17. II: O| Vhat? |o
  18. RO: okay well
  19. RO: well you probably think this is none of CIRRIN RUNFARs business
  20. RO: but shes not at her hive
  21. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR heard
  22. II: O| Vell, it iz ze middle of ze night. Zhe iz likely out zurfing. |o
  23. II: O| Zhe iz not one to zpend her nightz cooped up in her Hive. |o
  24. RO: she really isnt!
  25. RO: about the surfing bit
  26. II: O| Zen maybe zhe haz gone for a hike? |o
  27. II: O| And anyvay, hov do you knov ziz? |o
  28. II: O| Vho told you? |o
  29. RO: erm
  30. RO: okay CIRRIN RUNFAR was checking himself
  31. II: O| Vhatever for? |o
  32. RO: talk smoke whatever its not really important!
  33. II: O| Okay, vell like I zaid, zhe probably juzt vaz not at home. |o
  34. II: O| Maybe zhe vent to vizit her Moirail or zomezing? |o
  35. II: O| Zhe might even be on her vay to vizit me. Zhe doez zat zometimez... |o
  36. II: O| I zuppoze I vill let you knov if I zee her. In ze mean time, perhapz you zhould try contacting Cucali? |o
  37. RO: oh Cucali might know!
  38. -- recreantOctopus [RO] absconded from intelligentInsight [II] --
  42. -- recreantOctopus [RO] began trolling intelligentInsight [II] --
  43. RO: oh hey
  44. RO: again
  45. II: O| Hello again. |o
  46. II: O| Hov did it go? |o
  47. RO: yeah
  48. RO: shes staying at her moirails
  49. II: O| Ah! I vaz right. |o
  50. II: O| Zee? Nozing to vorry about. |o
  51. RO: you said she might be going over to yours you werent right
  52. II: O| Or to her Moirail. |o
  53. RO: or surfing
  54. II: O| Ze point iz, zhe iz fine. |o
  55. II: O| Zerefore I am right. |o
  56. RO: well
  57. RO: cant argue with that guess
  58. II: O| No you cannot. |o
  59. RO: well it sounded like shell be staying at Cucalis for a while if your interested in that!
  60. II: O| Duly noted. |o
  61. RO: and yeah you were right she was fine
  62. RO: but the other night
  63. RO: she was just lying asleep on beach
  64. RO: anyone could have snuck up on her!
  65. II: O| Zhe vaz? |o
  66. RO: yes!
  67. RO: see this is the kinda stuff that makes CIRRIN RUNFAR really wonder how she changed so much
  68. II: O| It iz a long ztory. |o
  69. RO: well CIRRIN RUNFAR thinks your the only one around right now that knows it
  70. II: O| I vould prefer to keep it zat vay. |o
  71. II: O| It iz not my ztory to tell. |o
  72. RO: huh but oh
  73. RO: for some reason CIRRIN RUNFAR thought you were very linked to that story
  74. RO: because well you know how you two well ended up?
  75. II: O| I am linked to it. |o
  76. II: O| Zat doez not make it mine. |o
  77. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR doesnt get it!
  78. II: O| Vell, zat doez make zenze. |o
  79. II: O| I do not expect you to. |o
  80. RO: oh
  81. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR sees how it is then
  82. II: O| Anyvay, I zhould be going. |o
  83. II: O| Farevell, Cirrin. |o
  84. -- intelligentInsight [II] abzconded from recreantOctopus [RO] --
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