
Naheila: Serpenia

Aug 30th, 2017
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  1. Species/Race Name: Serpenia - Gorgon Hair - Leech Snakes
  3. Anatomy/Biology
  4. Types:
  5. Description: If raised without a host, these creatures seem like regular forest variety of snake, usually ranging between green, black, or brown in color. If raised on a host, the color of these snakes will match the hair color of the creature they are on. Their tails look like nubs as if though it had been cut off. When open, the nub has a tube like retractable proboscis that punctures through the skin of the host.
  6. Diet: Without a host, strictly carnivorous, eating small animals including lizards, frogs, other snakes, small mammals, birds, eggs, fish, snails or insects. With a host, they are capable of eating as if they do not have a host, but primarily consume the blood of their host.
  7. Male
  8. Average height: Varies by length of host's hair. Minimum 6 inches. Maximum 6 feet.
  9. Average weight: Varies according to length. Minimum 1/4 lbs upon reaching adulthood.
  10. Average build: average body type
  11. Average lifespan: 20-40 years
  12. Female
  13. Average height: "" Minimum 8 inches. Maximum 8 feet.
  14. Average weight: ""
  15. Average build: ""
  16. Average lifespan: ""
  17. Extra: These snakes can usually be found in the forest, and for the most part they appear as the regular small snake. The main difference is that their tail ends in a sucker, like that of a leech, but it usually remains closed so no one ever notices. During the mating seasons, these snakes enjoy leaving their eggs in/near the homes/beds of other creatures. The eggs are incredibly small and fairly easy to overlook. The peculiar trait of these snakes is that the mother's will keep the eggs within their body for a period of time before laying them, shortening the time between laying and hatching to about a week. Once they have hatched, the newborns will have two choices, find a host or seek shelter. If they seek shelter, they will live their lives as regular snakes.
  18. But if they find a host, an interesting relationship begins to form. These larval like snakes will burrow beneath the furred skin of a creature and feed on them until their next stage. During this stage, they release a chemical into the body that both promotes hair growth and acts as an anti irritant, making it more difficult for the host to notice their presence. Once the larval snakes have properly developed a suitable sucker, they will attach themselves to the host via sucker and commence with the next stage which is their growth spurt. In this phase, they're suckers will be in charge of nutrients to the body as it begins to grow about 2 inches per day. Only creatures with particularly thick hides will be able to tear of these snakes during this phase, this is mostly due to the snakes ability to irritate the nerve if it senses danger or pain, causing creature to writhe in pain as of though it were removing a part of its own body. Growth stops when it reaches twice or thrice the length of the hosts fur. Although many creatures are initially against the unwelcomed guest making their bodies their home, they will enjoy the benefits after some time. These snakes will assist their host in tasks, such as hunting or sensing danger. After becoming a certain age, the snakes will grow too large and fall off in order to mate (5-10 years). Once a snake has fallen off, it cannot attach itself to a host again and will live the rest of it's days as a regular snake.
  19. Politics
  20. Classification:
  21. System:
  22. Values:
  23. Religion:
  24. Settlements/colonies:
  25. Diplomacy:
  27. Technology:
  28. Military:
  29. Civilian/Public:
  30. Overview:
  32. Traditions: If it has taken a liking to their host, they will usually try to leave their eggs within the vicinity of the host.
  33. Recently, there have been several reports of these eggs appearing in the hats of villagers living near the forest. With one particular woman having most of her hair replaced by these snakes. Perhaps it is due to their proximity to the brain, but it appears that she has gained the hypnotic effect of causing anyone that looks into her eyes to freeze in their tracks, as if though they had been turned into statues.
  35. Conflicts/Issues: These snakes do not always respect their hosts or their decisions, and have been seen 'arguing' with their hosts or their fellow sibling snakes. It takes a few years for these creatures to come to understand their host and act as one.
  37. History: (optional)
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