
The Forest That No One Heard HI2

Aug 18th, 2018
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  1. 4:48 PM <%Soulless> Joshua heads outside, and is there a space he could probably smoke unseen?
  2. 4:49 PM <%ArseneLupin> Yeah, there's an alley by the bar
  3. 4:51 PM <%Soulless> He slips into the alley, uses HIS FIRST FREE USE to smoke.
  4. 4:51 PM <%Soulless> "Anything we should look at as we go to wherever this fuck's taking us?"
  5. 4:52 PM <%ArseneLupin> Hmmm, the librarian is a terrible gossip, but sorting through the rumors might be a bit tricky.
  6. 4:54 PM <%Soulless> "Arsene Lupin, right? What sorta gossip is juicy?"
  7. 4:56 PM <%ArseneLupin> Mostly just who's fucking who's wife. He did see someone limping across the street one night though."
  8. 5:00 PM <%Soulless> "I'll ask about it, thanks. Any other hidden stuff?"
  9. 5:00 PM <%Soulless> "Or dangers?"
  10. 5:02 PM <%ArseneLupin> Yes, but I cant ruin the surprise this early
  11. 5:03 PM <%Soulless> He tsks, the cig goes out.
  12. 5:03 PM <%Soulless> He heads back to the main group.
  13. 5:03 PM <%ArseneLupin> Back to HI
  14. 5:23 PM → Odocoileus joined ⇐ %soulonphone quit
  15. 5:28 PM <Varren> Moira barges into the hunting shop and holds the door open. Glancing around silently
  16. 5:28 PM <Odocoileus> Wren follows in behind her and looks about a little
  17. 5:29 PM <%ArseneLupin> You see the man who was with Luke earlier taking the keys from a young woman as they change shifts. The store is pretty normal, nothing really stands out. The man looks at you two curiously. "Did you need something?"
  18. 5:30 PM → Klurg joined (Infernape@the.elite.four)
  19. 5:31 PM <%ArseneLupin>
  20. 5:31 PM <%ArseneLupin> There are no customers here right now
  21. 5:31 PM → Kaeru joined (~kaeru-kae@14B11429:E8FF6DCB:43F360:IP)
  22. 5:32 PM <Varren> "Yeah. Wanna chat and look at your rifles." She steps in and moves to the counter. "Ask about hunting habits in this area." How much did they give her for operation funds?
  23. 5:32 PM <Klurg> "I was curious about the local hunting shop."
  24. 5:32 PM <%ArseneLupin> She has maybe another 10 bucks after the bar
  25. 5:33 PM ⇐ KaeruMobile quit (
  26. 5:33 PM <Varren> Well there goes buys a hunting rifle for Mission Purposes....
  27. 5:33 PM <Varren> "What's the usual hunt here? Ya know..before the animals apparently went on vacation "
  28. 5:34 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Occasional fox or rabbit. Nothing crazy. Maybe a bear every blue moon. None of that anymore though as you've heard."
  29. 5:34 PM <%ArseneLupin> The woman leaves now that her shift is over
  30. 5:35 PM <Klurg> Tanya begins glancing for some of the more decorative or higher quality guns and ammo. "Business been bad because of that?"
  31. 5:36 PM <%ArseneLupin> There's some pretty nice decorative guns, not good for shooting at all though. "Noooooo, look at how busy we are." He says sarcastically as he gestures to the empty room
  32. 5:38 PM <Odocoileus> "so there is no real big game around here usually?"
  33. 5:38 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Not really no. Sometimes a bear or two, but like I said that's rare."
  34. 5:39 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Deers were decently common too, but not the most abundant."
  35. 5:39 PM <Klurg> "Why do you think they've up and gone?"
  36. 5:39 PM <Odocoileus> "they were probably the first to leave right?"
  37. 5:40 PM <%ArseneLupin> He nods at Wren. "No clue why they're gone. Best theory is something big came here. Invasive species and all that. Although ask anyone else and they'll scare you with ghost stories."
  38. 5:40 PM <Odocoileus> "what do you think is goin on?"
  39. 5:41 PM <Varren> "Well arent you a ray of fuckin sunshine." Moira is poking around at the front area, not much else. "You got any handgun?"
  40. 5:41 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Mountain Lion maybe? I dont know." He turns to Moira. "Yeah, we got a few pistols around if you want one."
  41. 5:41 PM <Varren> "Ohm whatcha think about Luke's shit?" She nods, she wants to see them.
  42. 5:42 PM <Klurg> "I'm surprised nobody's tried to hunt down what's causing this. Too risky to try?"
  43. 5:43 PM <%ArseneLupin> He guides her to a case of a few different hand guns, nothing too fancy or good. "I think his old age is catching up with him." He turns. "Too risky to the people who believe it, and not worth it for people who dont. Damage is done already."
  44. 5:43 PM → Lavender (was Izzy227_) joined
  45. 5:48 PM <Odocoileus> She leans against the counter, "so, whats up with this cave in the woods that he is creeped out by?"
  46. 5:49 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Seems like just a cave to me. A bit creepy? Maybe. Nothing weird about it to me though."
  47. 5:49 PM <Odocoileus> She shrugs.
  48. 5:51 PM <Varren> Moira pokes around and shrugs. Nothing to her liking. "Wanna gimme an appraisal on my piece? She is pretty rare."
  49. 5:51 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Sorry, can't really afford to buy anything when we're already down in profit."
  50. 5:51 PM <Klurg> If tanya can find it, she'd buy a fancy decorative flintlock. Not even for utility but for decoration (and to give them some revenue). If they don't have a flintlock, a regular decorated pistol will suffice.
  51. 5:52 PM <%ArseneLupin> There's a fancy normal pistol about. Not too fancy, but fancy for a backwater town like this. Run you maybe 50 bucks
  52. 5:54 PM <Klurg> She'd take buy then
  53. 5:54 PM <Klurg> She's buy that* then.
  54. 5:55 PM <%ArseneLupin> He seems extremely grateful about that
  55. 5:56 PM <Klurg> "Thank you~" Tanya says after buying that.
  56. 5:56 PM <%ArseneLupin> He nods. "Is that all? I have to go do inventory soon."
  57. 5:57 PM <Odocoileus> "yeah im good, see ya round, man." She starts to head off and waves
  58. 5:58 PM <Varren> "Awww...I wanted to show off. Fuck." She pouts and sighs. "Any other weird stories like Luke's? We heard someone went deep in the woods recently."
  59. 5:59 PM <%ArseneLupin> "That would be him. He went into the woods a few days ago, came back the next day yelling about whiskers."
  60. 5:59 PM <Klurg> Tanya nods, and waits for the others to be ready to go
  61. 6:04 PM <Varren> "Figured. You got any good knives or bait? I got ten bucks."
  62. 6:04 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Uhhh, I think I got some bait in back that should be good for that. What you trying to bait?"
  63. 6:06 PM <Varren> "Possibly what Luke saw. We gonna see what the fuck is what. Weird shit interests us."
  64. 6:06 PM <Varren> She tosses the money carelessly onto the counter and goes to grab the bait. Never know.
  65. 6:07 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Alright, I'll grab something for something big then." He heads into the back room and comes back with a decent sized chunk of meat wrapped up for her. "Thank you for your business."
  66. 6:07 PM <Odocoileus> Wren heads out the door and lights up a cigarette.
  67. 6:12 PM <%ArseneLupin> Alright, if you're leaving HI1 to meet up with the others
  68. 6:14 PM <Varren> She goes!
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