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- -- kanaRevive - Release 5 - For tes3mp 0.8-alpha
- -- Players enter a downed state before dying. Other players can activate them to revive them!
- Save this file as "kanaRevive.lua" in server/custom/scripts
- Add this line: kanaRevive = require("custom.kanaRevive")
- ]]
- local scriptConfig = {}
- scriptConfig.useBleedout = true
- scriptConfig.bleedoutTime = 30
- -- "cell" - Sends the message to anyone who has the cell loaded | "server" - Sends the message to everyone on the server | "none" - Sends the message to nobody else
- scriptConfig.playerDownedAnnounceRadius = "server"
- scriptConfig.reviveAnnounceRadius = "server"
- scriptConfig.playerDiedAnnounceRadius = "server"
- -- "set" - Set the stat to a fixed number () | "preserve" - keeps the value as it is | "percent" - Set the stat to be a % of its maximum
- -- Note for preserve:
- scriptConfig.revivedHealthMode = "percent"
- scriptConfig.revivedMagickaMode = "preserve"
- scriptConfig.revivedFatigueMode = "set"
- -- The following are the numbers used if the revive mode is set to "set"
- scriptConfig.setModeHealth = 10 -- Obviously, don't use 0 here or they'll be dead...
- scriptConfig.setModeMagicka = 0
- scriptConfig.setModeFatigue = 0
- -- The following are the modifiers used if the revive mode is set to "percent"
- -- 0.1 represents 10%. 1 represents 100%
- scriptConfig.percentModeHealth = 0.1
- scriptConfig.percentModeMagicka = 0.1
- scriptConfig.percentModeFatigue = 0.1
- -- The following are for the custom player markers
- -- Currently, if a player is downed in a separate cell, players entering the cell won't see the corpse
- -- Using this option, a marker will be created that players can activate instead.
- scriptConfig.useMarkers = true
- scriptConfig.markerModel = "o/contain_corpse20.nif"
- scriptConfig.baseObjectType = "miscellaneous"
- scriptConfig.recordRefId = "kanarevivemarker"
- -- Set the following to true when running a permadeath server to allow players to be downed instead of dying.
- scriptConfig.allowReviveWithPermadeath = true
- local lang = {
- ["awaitingReviveMessage"] = "You are awaiting revival.",
- ["awaitingReviveOtherMessage"] = "%name has been downed! Activate them to revive them.",
- ["bleedingOutMessage"] = "You have %seconds seconds before you bleed out.",
- ["giveInPrompt"] = "Type /die to give in.",
- ["revivedReceiveMessage"] = "You have been revived by %name.",
- ["revivedGiveMessage"] = "You have revived %name.",
- ["revivedOtherMessage"] = "%receive has been revived by %give.",
- ["bleedoutPlayerMessage"] = "You have died.",
- ["bleedoutOtherMessage"] = "%name has bled out.",
- ["defaultSuicide"] = "%name committed suicide.",
- ["defaultKilledByPlayer"] = "%name was killed by player %killer.",
- ["defaultKilledByOther"] = "%name was killed by %killer.",
- ["defaultPermanentDeath"] = "You have died permanently.",
- ["reviveMarkerName"] = "Player corpse - Use to revive!",
- }
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Methods = {}
- Methods.GetLangText = function(key, data)
- local function replacer(wildcard)
- if data[wildcard] then
- return data[wildcard]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- local text = lang[key] or ""
- text = text:gsub("%%(%w+)", replacer)
- return text
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local reviveMarkers = {}
- local pidMarkerLookup = {}
- Methods.CreateReviveMarker = function(pid)
- local playerName = Players[pid].name
- local cellDescription = Players[pid].data.location.cell
- local location = {
- posX = tes3mp.GetPosX(pid),
- posY = tes3mp.GetPosY(pid),
- posZ = tes3mp.GetPosZ(pid) + 10,
- rotX = 0,
- rotY = 0,
- rotZ = tes3mp.GetRotZ(pid)
- }
- -- Create the marker
- local useTemporaryLoad = false
- if LoadedCells[cellDescription] == nil then
- logicHandler.LoadCell(cellDescription)
- useTemporaryLoad = true
- end
- local objData = { refId = scriptConfig.recordRefId, count = 1, charge = -1, enchantmentCharge = -1, soul = -1}
- local uniqueIndex = logicHandler.CreateObjectAtLocation(cellDescription, location, objData, "place")
- if useTemporaryLoad then
- logicHandler.UnloadCell(cellDescription)
- end
- reviveMarkers[uniqueIndex] = {playerName = Players[pid].name, cellDescription = cellDescription, pid = pid}
- pidMarkerLookup[pid] = uniqueIndex
- -- Delete the marker for the downed player, and anyone who was in the cell
- for pid, player in pairs(Players) do
- if tes3mp.GetCell(pid) == cellDescription then
- logicHandler.DeleteObjectForPlayer(pid, cellDescription, uniqueIndex)
- end
- end
- -- A little bit extra to maybe ensure that the player whose marker it is doesn't see it
- logicHandler.DeleteObjectForPlayer(pid, cellDescription, uniqueIndex)
- end
- Methods.RemoveReviveMarker = function(uniqueIndex, cellDescriptionGiven)
- if uniqueIndex then
- local useTemporaryLoad = false
- local cellDescription
- -- The OnObjectActivate call for this function provides a cell description in case the revive marker is from an old session
- -- Use that if provided, otherwise it's safe to get it from looking up its information
- if not cellDescriptionGiven then
- cellDescription = reviveMarkers[uniqueIndex].cellDescription
- else
- cellDescription = cellDescriptionGiven
- end
- if LoadedCells[cellDescription] == nil then
- logicHandler.LoadCell(cellDescription)
- useTemporaryLoad = true
- end
- logicHandler.DeleteObjectForEveryone(cellDescription, uniqueIndex)
- LoadedCells[cellDescription]:DeleteObjectData(uniqueIndex)
- if useTemporaryLoad then
- logicHandler.UnloadCell(cellDescription)
- end
- if reviveMarkers[uniqueIndex] then
- pidMarkerLookup[reviveMarkers[uniqueIndex].pid] = nil
- end
- reviveMarkers[uniqueIndex] = nil
- end
- end
- Methods.SendMessageToAllWithCellLoaded = function(cellDescription, message, exceptionPids)
- for pid, player in pairs(Players) do
- if tableHelper.containsValue(player.cellsLoaded, cellDescription) and not tableHelper.containsValue(exceptionPids or {}, pid) then
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, message .. "\n")
- end
- end
- end
- Methods.SendMessageToAllOnServer = function(message, exceptionPids)
- for pid, player in pairs(Players) do
- if not tableHelper.containsValue(exceptionPids or {}, pid) then
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, message .. "\n")
- end
- end
- end
- Methods.IsPlayerDowned = function(pid)
- if Players[pid] ~= nil then
- return Players[pid].data.customVariables.isDowned or false
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- Methods.CanRevivePlayer = function(pid)
- if Players[pid] ~= nil then
- return not Players[pid].data.customVariables.cannotRevive
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- Methods.OnPlayerRevive = function(downedPid, reviverPid)
- -- Time to do all the configured stat stuff...
- local healthCurrent = tes3mp.GetHealthCurrent(downedPid)
- local healthBase = Players[downedPid].data.stats.healthBase --We'll use this value instead so we avoid that setting-to-1 bug
- local fatigueCurrent = tes3mp.GetFatigueCurrent(downedPid)
- local fatigueBase = tes3mp.GetFatigueBase(downedPid)
- local magickaCurrent = tes3mp.GetMagickaCurrent(downedPid)
- local magickaBase = tes3mp.GetMagickaBase(downedPid)
- local newHealth, newMagicka, newFatigue
- -- Note: We'll clamp them within bounds when everything is done
- -- Health
- if scriptConfig.revivedHealthMode == "set" then
- newHealth = scriptConfig.setModeHealth
- elseif scriptConfig.revivedHealthMode == "preserve" then
- -- Health can't be preserved, so set it to 1 instead
- newHealth = 1
- else -- percent
- newHealth = math.floor((healthBase * scriptConfig.percentModeHealth) + 0.5 )
- end
- -- Magicka
- if scriptConfig.revivedMagickaMode == "set" then
- newMagicka = scriptConfig.setModeMagicka
- elseif scriptConfig.revivedMagickaMode == "preserve" then
- -- Health can't be preserved, so set it to 1 instead
- newMagicka = magickaCurrent
- else -- percent
- newMagicka = math.floor((magickaBase * scriptConfig.percentModeMagicka) + 0.5 )
- end
- -- Fatigue
- if scriptConfig.revivedFatigueMode == "set" then
- newFatigue = scriptConfig.setModeFatigue
- elseif scriptConfig.revivedFatigueMode == "preserve" then
- newFatigue = fatigueCurrent
- else -- Percent
- newFatigue = math.floor((fatigueBase * scriptConfig.percentModeFatigue) + 0.5 )
- end
- -- Now we'll clamp these values before we move on
- newHealth = math.max(math.min(newHealth, healthBase), 1)
- newMagicka = math.max(math.min(newMagicka, magickaBase), 0)
- newFatigue = math.max(math.min(newFatigue, fatigueBase), 0)
- -- Inform players about the revival
- local exemptPids = {downedPid, reviverPid}
- local downedPlayerName = Players[downedPid].name
- local reviverPlayerName = Players[reviverPid].name
- local cell = Players[downedPid].data.location.cell
- local broadcastMessage = Methods.GetLangText("revivedOtherMessage", {receive = downedPlayerName, give = reviverPlayerName})
- -- ...Inform the player being revived
- tes3mp.SendMessage(downedPid, Methods.GetLangText("revivedReceiveMessage", {name = reviverPlayerName}) .. "\n")
- -- ...Inform the reviver
- tes3mp.SendMessage(reviverPid, Methods.GetLangText("revivedGiveMessage", {name = downedPlayerName}) .. "\n")
- -- ...Inform others (if configured)
- if scriptConfig.reviveAnnounceRadius == "cell" then
- Methods.SendMessageToAllWithCellLoaded(cell, broadcastMessage, exemptPids)
- elseif scriptConfig.reviveAnnounceRadius == "server" then
- Methods.SendMessageToAllOnServer(broadcastMessage, exemptPids)
- end
- -- Now finally actually revive the player
- Players[downedPid].data.customVariables.isDowned = false
- contentFixer.UnequipDeadlyItems(downedPid)
- tes3mp.Resurrect(downedPid, 0)
- -- Set the players stats...
- tes3mp.SetHealthCurrent(downedPid, newHealth)
- tes3mp.SetMagickaCurrent(downedPid, newMagicka)
- tes3mp.SetFatigueCurrent(downedPid, newFatigue)
- tes3mp.SendStatsDynamic(downedPid)
- -- Cleanup the player's revive marker, if created
- if scriptConfig.useMarkers then
- Methods.RemoveReviveMarker(pidMarkerLookup[downedPid])
- end
- end
- Methods.OnBleedoutExpire = function(pid)
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.isDowned = false
- -- Inform the player
- if config.playersRespawn then
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, Methods.GetLangText("bleedoutPlayerMessage") .. "\n")
- else
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, Methods.GetLangText("defaultPermanentDeath") .. "\n")
- end
- -- Inform others if configured
- local exemptPids = {pid}
- local pname = Players[pid].name
- local message = Methods.GetLangText("bleedoutOtherMessage", {name = pname})
- local cell = Players[pid].data.location.cell
- if scriptConfig.playerDiedAnnounceRadius == "cell" then
- Methods.SendMessageToAllWithCellLoaded(cell, message, exemptPids)
- elseif scriptConfig.playerDiedAnnounceRadius == "server" then
- Methods.SendMessageToAllOnServer(message, exemptPids)
- end
- -- Resurrect the player, if permadeath is disabled
- if config.playersRespawn then
- -- While we could just jump straight to using Resurrect, we'll faff through the proper channels...
- -- Note: Might have to instead start the regular dying timer, just to be safe
- OnDeathTimeExpiration(pid, Players[pid].accountName)
- else
- -- Set a flag permanently preventing the player from being able to be revived
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.cannotRevive = true
- end
- -- Cleanup the player's revive marker, if created
- if scriptConfig.useMarkers then
- Methods.RemoveReviveMarker(pidMarkerLookup[pid])
- end
- end
- Methods.SetPlayerDowned = function(pid, timeRemaining)
- -- Set the variables
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.isDowned = true
- -- If the player logged out while bleeding out, they will have a non-standard number of seconds left
- local secondsLeft
- if not timeRemaining then
- secondsLeft = scriptConfig.bleedoutTime
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.bleedoutTicks = 0
- else
- secondsLeft = timeRemaining
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.bleedoutTicks = scriptConfig.bleedoutTime - secondsLeft
- end
- -- Send the first basic messages
- -- ... To the player
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, Methods.GetLangText("awaitingReviveMessage") .. "\n")
- -- ... And the others (if configured)
- local downedPlayerName = Players[pid].name
- local exemptPids = {pid}
- local cell = Players[pid].data.location.cell
- local downBroadcastMessage = Methods.GetLangText("awaitingReviveOtherMessage", {name = downedPlayerName})
- if scriptConfig.playerDownedAnnounceRadius == "cell" then
- Methods.SendMessageToAllWithCellLoaded(cell, downBroadcastMessage, exemptPids)
- elseif scriptConfig.playerDownedAnnounceRadius == "server" then
- Methods.SendMessageToAllOnServer(downBroadcastMessage, exemptPids)
- end
- -- Do all the bleedout-related things, provided we're configured to do that
- if scriptConfig.useBleedout then
- -- Tell the player that they're bleeding out, and how many seconds they have left
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, Methods.GetLangText("bleedingOutMessage", {seconds = secondsLeft}) .. "\n")
- -- Start their bleedout timer
- local timerId = tes3mp.CreateTimerEx("BleedoutTick", time.seconds(1), "i", pid)
- Players[pid].data.customVariables["bleedoutTimerId"] = timerId
- tes3mp.StartTimer(timerId)
- end
- -- Create a marker, if configured
- if scriptConfig.useMarkers then
- Methods.CreateReviveMarker(pid)
- end
- -- Tell the player the command prompt to die
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, Methods.GetLangText("giveInPrompt") .. "\n")
- end
- -- We use this to set a player to the downed state when they die, with a special case for if the player has logged back in after being downed (using a flag set during in Methods.OnPlayerLogin to know)
- -- And also obviously we only want to set the player downed if they aren't already
- Methods.TrySetPlayerDowned = function(pid)
- if Players[pid].data.customVariables.cannotRevive == true then
- -- Do nothing
- elseif Players[pid].data.customVariables.loggedOutDowned == true then
- local remaining = scriptConfig.bleedoutTime - Players[pid].data.customVariables.bleedoutTicks
- -- Clear the logout flag
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.loggedOutDowned = nil
- Methods.SetPlayerDowned(pid, remaining)
- elseif not Methods.IsPlayerDowned(pid) then
- Methods.SetPlayerDowned(pid)
- end
- end
- customEventHooks.registerValidator("OnPlayerDeath", function(eventStatus, pid)
- -- Here we replicate some of the tesmp default logic that we're blocking
- local message
- if tes3mp.DoesPlayerHavePlayerKiller(pid) and tes3mp.GetPlayerKillerPid(pid) ~= pid then
- local killerPid = tes3mp.GetPlayerKillerPid(pid)
- message = Methods.GetLangText("defaultKilledByPlayer", {name = logicHandler.GetChatName(pid), killer = logicHandler.GetChatName(killerPid)})
- elseif tes3mp.GetPlayerKillerName(pid) ~= "" then
- message = Methods.GetLangText("defaultKilledByOther", {name = logicHandler.GetChatName(pid), killer = tes3mp.GetPlayerKillerName(pid)})
- else
- message = Methods.GetLangText("defaultSuicide", {name = logicHandler.GetChatName(pid)})
- end
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, message .. "\n", true)
- if config.playersRespawn or scriptConfig.allowReviveWithPermadeath then
- Methods.TrySetPlayerDowned(pid)
- else
- tes3mp.SendMessage(pid, Methods.GetLangText("defaultPermanentDeath") .. "\n", false)
- return customEventHooks.makeEventStatus(false, true)
- end
- return customEventHooks.makeEventStatus(false, false)
- end)
- -------------
- Methods.OnDieCommand = function(pid)
- -- Only do anything if the player is actually downed
- if Methods.IsPlayerDowned(pid) then
- return Methods.OnBleedoutExpire(pid)
- end
- end
- customCommandHooks.registerCommand("die", Methods.OnDieCommand)
- Methods.OnPlayerLogin = function(pid)
- -- Check if a player logged out while downed
- -- If they did, set the flags up for them to resume bleeding out when their death event triggers
- if Players[pid].data.customVariables.isDowned then
- Players[pid]:SetHealthCurrent(0) -- Just to ensure they're always dead
- Players[pid].data.customVariables.loggedOutDowned = true
- -- The rest of setting up / resuming is left to the death event
- end
- end
- customEventHooks.registerHandler("OnPlayerFinishLogin", function (eventStatus, pid)
- Methods.OnPlayerLogin(pid)
- end)
- Methods.OnObjectActivate = function(pid, cellDescription)
- -- A lot of this code is copied from eventHandler.OnObjectActivate
- if Players[pid] ~= nil and Players[pid]:IsLoggedIn() then
- if LoadedCells[cellDescription] ~= nil then
- tes3mp.ReadReceivedObjectList()
- for index = 0, tes3mp.GetObjectListSize() - 1 do
- local objectPid
- local activatorPid
- local objectUniqueIndex
- local objectRefId
- -- Detect if the object being activated is a player
- if tes3mp.IsObjectPlayer(index) then
- objectPid = tes3mp.GetObjectPid(index)
- else
- objectUniqueIndex = tes3mp.GetObjectRefNum(index) .. "-" .. tes3mp.GetObjectMpNum(index)
- objectRefId = tes3mp.GetObjectRefId(index)
- end
- -- Detect if the object was activated by a player
- if tes3mp.DoesObjectHavePlayerActivating(index) then
- activatorPid = tes3mp.GetObjectActivatingPid(index)
- end
- -- If a player was activating a player...
- if objectPid and activatorPid then
- -- Check if the target player is currently downed
- if Methods.IsPlayerDowned(objectPid) then
- -- Revive them!
- Methods.OnPlayerRevive(objectPid, activatorPid)
- end
- elseif objectRefId == scriptConfig.recordRefId then
- -- The player activated a revive marker!
- if reviveMarkers[objectUniqueIndex] and Methods.IsPlayerDowned(reviveMarkers[objectUniqueIndex].pid) then
- Methods.OnPlayerRevive(reviveMarkers[objectUniqueIndex].pid, activatorPid)
- end
- -- It's possible that markers might be left over from previous sessions, so we'll always make sure to delete one that's activated
- Methods.RemoveReviveMarker(objectUniqueIndex, cellDescription)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- customEventHooks.registerHandler("OnObjectActivate", function(eventStatus, pid, cellDescription, objects, players)
- Methods.OnObjectActivate(pid, cellDescription)
- end)
- Methods.OnServerPostInit = function()
- -- Detect if this script's permanent record has been created on this server yet
- -- If it hasn't, create it
- if RecordStores[scriptConfig.baseObjectType].data.permanentRecords[scriptConfig.recordRefId] == nil then
- local data = {model = scriptConfig.markerModel, name = Methods.GetLangText("reviveMarkerName"), script = "nopickup"}
- RecordStores[scriptConfig.baseObjectType].data.permanentRecords[scriptConfig.recordRefId] = data
- RecordStores[scriptConfig.baseObjectType]:Save()
- end
- end
- customEventHooks.registerHandler("OnServerPostInit", function(eventStatus)
- Methods.OnServerPostInit()
- end)
- Methods.OnPlayerDisconnect = function(pid)
- -- Remove the revive markers of players who disconnect
- if Methods.IsPlayerDowned(pid) and scriptConfig.useMarkers then
- Methods.RemoveReviveMarker(pidMarkerLookup[pid])
- end
- end
- customEventHooks.registerValidator("OnPlayerDisconnect", function(eventStatus, pid)
- Methods.OnPlayerDisconnect(pid)
- end)
- -------------
- function BleedoutTick(pid)
- if Players[pid] ~= nil and Players[pid]:IsLoggedIn() then
- local cvars = Players[pid].data.customVariables
- -- Check if the player is still supposed to be bleeding out
- if cvars.isDowned ~= nil and cvars.isDowned == true then
- -- Increment timer
- cvars.bleedoutTicks = (cvars.bleedoutTicks or 0) + 1
- if scriptConfig.useBleedout and cvars.bleedoutTicks >= scriptConfig.bleedoutTime then
- -- Player has exceeded bleedout time!
- return Methods.OnBleedoutExpire(pid)
- else
- -- Queue up another tick countdown
- local timerId = cvars.bleedoutTimerId
- return tes3mp.RestartTimer(timerId, time.seconds(1))
- end
- else
- -- The player is no longer bleeding out, so we don't need to do anything
- return
- end
- end
- end
- -------------
- return Methods
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