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  1. Jason Lind <>
  2. To 06/22/13 at 2:53 AM
  3. I consider Edward Snowden a prisoner of war, I would recommend that backchannels be used to keep him permanently in Hong Kong for the foreseeable future as that is an acceptable compromise in my mind. Let me be clear I never heard of him before he committed his act of treason against the United States government however his actions have created an environment I believe will be productive in long term and US prison is no place to reward that kind of dedication to issues that go to the heart of the future of world when it can result in a more stable environment.
  5. Any reply to this communication would be most unexpected.
  7. Since I'm sure your intelligence services have intercepted this communication already, or soon will:
  9. From: Jason Lind
  10. Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:36 AM
  11. To:
  12. Subject: The Strategy of Lind Innovation
  14. Members of the board,
  16. Post Mortem of my President Role
  17. As you know while at Madden last year I made the decision to step down as President of Lind Innovation and change my title of Chief Software Architect to that of Chief Strategy Officer. Until now I have not been able to adequately explain this decision from a combination of timing and suppressed mental capabilities due to the effects of the drug cocktail forced upon me.
  19. In December my Doctor, Monika Aneja, suggested tapering off my Depakote dosage which I readily agreed and immediately implemented. In March I decided to, without informing her, cease my intake of Lithium. We have decided it is best I remain on my monthly 50mg injection of Haldol Decanoate for the time being, although I theorize this is unnecessary as well.
  21. In May of 2011 I contacted John Nash (see with some ideas about extending Bayesian Game Theory with Judea Pearl’s Causality Framework, along with a brief description of my past and thanking him for his life story, his response was surprising. He didn’t comment on any of the theory I was attempting to discuss but instead suggested I needed to cut back my medication to improve my cogitation. So I did, and as you all know that was a bumpy ride.
  23. You see I made some major breakthroughs in my understanding of game theory and the consequences lead me to believe that innovating information warfare was crucial to making Lind Innovation operational. So that’s exactly what I attempted to do. And people called me crazy of course, because no one in their right mind would ever try to do what I did, and for good reason. Two major institutionalizations, a loss of contact with two of my best friends and now possibly a third, these are not consequences I would wish on anyone.
  25. There are very few people in the world that were in a position to do what I did by sending mass emails to some of the most influential people, some of whom I have had previous contact with, some of whom I didn’t, and then sharing the all ends of the conversation in the public domain and putting on a show that no one watching could possibly ignore.
  27. You see because of my past during the early days of the Internet, Reece Sellin (former COO of Lind Innovation) is the best person to talk about that and what happened in the USAF, talk to Richard Starbird (current COO of Lind Innovation), I am a gigantic red flag in anyone’s database who is paying attention. For instance the NSA, who just recently was forced to declassify the fact that they run this sort of surveillance on a massive scale. I basically detonated an atom bomb on the NSA’s system (and knowingly so), whether he knows it or not Edward Snowden might be the biggest hero in the information war I started. That said he knew what he was doing when he did it and don’t even bother trying to save him, hopefully by the time he actually ends up in prison the war will be over.
  29. But this also taught me my strength is not in command or control, I am reckless enough to do very risky things regardless of the consequences because I believe the ends justify the means. Which is why I picked Amanda Modern (President, accepted) to be control and Teresa Morden (CEO, “not yet” accepted) to be commander.
  31. The Strategy of Lind Innovation
  33. While Lind Innovation my appear to be a random collection of people and imaginary titles I can assure they have always served a very real purpose, I’ve been using them to plan the eventual operational capability of our organization. This process has been more challenging and time consuming than I originally anticipated.
  35. You see I conceptualize people like chess pieces, I nudge them into places give them some guidance and watch what happens and step in when I don’t like what I see. And I’m very effective in this type of role, it’s when I start giving orders everything goes to hell.
  37. As much as I might enjoy delving into the details of our research what separates me from most people is I have a macro level understanding of how all the various projects I’ve suggested tie together, coordinating the research and development efforts of these projects is a full time job, and I do not have time to delve into the details long enough to complete any one of them but I have significant and unique valuable insight on all of them.
  39. The mission statement of this organization has not changed since the day I founded it, and my analysis that we need to bring about a “Universal Exchange Platform” has not changed either. My current strategy is to further the theoretical research I laid out in On Exchange Medium and Speculation, develop a framework for designing marketplaces as I began to lay out in the Proof and produce formal theory that we can use to justify kickstarter financing to acquire or build an MMORPG that uses this marketplace as the sole built in mechanism for economic activity.
  41. I hope that Andrew Zaeske, our Chief Economist in hiding, will take the lead on the theory part, working with me to get the academic community on board with these ideas. If he’s unwilling we’ll need to identify another professional economist to take that role.
  43. From a personal note I’m currently working again at Northern Trust, only this time in full offsite capacity on a project that requires my minimal attention to achieve the production they require. I’m being compensated $100/hr for my work and therefore can effectively work 20 hours a week and maintain my current life style. My goal is going to be closer to 40 to build up some cash reserves but this should give me considerably more flexibility to work on Lind Innovation, at least over the next 6 months.
  45. Going forward Amanda Morden will be approving any major moves by me before I undertake them, including this email.
  47. Sincerely thank you all for your dedication and input over the last 5 years and hopefully now we can finally start seeing some real progress,
  49. Jason Lind
  50. EVP / Chief Strategy Officer
  51. Lind Innovation
  53. 414.788.2820
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