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Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. color 02
  3. Title Emergency Task manager
  4. cd c:\
  5. md Emergency.Task.Manager.Files
  6. set Bor="C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files"
  7. echo.
  8. echo.
  9. echo.
  10. echo.
  11. echo.
  12. echo.
  13. echo Emergency Task manager
  14. echo ~C0ded by eRr0r~
  15. echo Any Copying or selling of that Program is
  16. echo NOT Allowed without Consulting the author
  17. echo For Contact
  18. ping localhost -n 4 > c:\nul
  19. cls
  20. echo.
  21. echo.
  22. echo.
  23. echo.
  24. echo.
  25. echo.
  26. echo **********************
  27. echo ^| ^|
  28. echo ^| Emergency ^|
  29. echo ^| Task manager ^|
  30. echo ^| ^|
  31. echo **********************
  32. ping localhost -n 3 > c:\nul
  33. cls
  34. echo.
  35. echo.
  36. echo.
  37. echo.
  38. echo.
  39. echo.
  40. echo **********************
  41. echo ^| ^|
  42. echo ^| Emergency ^|
  43. echo ^| Task manager ^|
  44. echo ^| ^|
  45. echo **********************
  46. echo.
  47. echo.
  48. echo This program is Used as an Emergency
  49. echo Task manager when the task manager is
  50. echo Disabled by the administrator or when
  51. echo the machine is just infected with a RAT
  52. echo Or a virus that disabled it
  53. echo.
  54. echo Loading...
  55. ping localhost -n 8 > c:\nul
  56. :main
  57. color 02
  58. cls
  59. echo.
  60. echo.
  61. echo.
  62. echo.
  63. echo.
  64. echo.
  65. echo **********************
  66. echo ^| ^|
  67. echo ^| Emergency ^|
  68. echo ^| Task manager ^|
  69. echo ^| ^|
  70. echo **********************
  71. echo.
  72. echo.
  73. echo 1- View Running Processes
  74. echo 2- Kill a Running Process
  75. echo 3- Analyze a Process (Associated DLL's)
  76. echo 4- Analyze a Process (Associated Services)
  77. echo 5- View Non responsive Processes
  78. echo 6- Kill all Non responsive Processes
  79. echo 7- connect to a remote computer and Manage Processes
  80. echo 8- Persistent Kill
  81. echo 9- Kill By PID
  82. echo 10- Exit
  83. echo.
  84. set /p choice=Please Enter a Choice:
  85. if %choice%==1 goto :ch1
  86. if %choice%==2 goto :ch2
  87. if %choice%==3 goto :ch3
  88. if %choice%==4 goto :ch4
  89. if %choice%==5 goto :ch5
  90. if %choice%==6 goto :ch6
  91. if %choice%==7 goto :ch7
  92. if %choice%==8 goto :ch8
  93. if %choice%==9 goto :ch9
  94. if %choice%==10 goto :ch10
  95. if %choice% GTR 10 goto :invalid
  96. :ch1
  97. tasklist > %Bor%\log.txt
  98. start /realtime /max /wait C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\log.txt
  99. pause
  100. del /Q %Bor%\log.txt
  101. goto main
  102. :ch2
  103. set /p prokill=Please enter the name of the Process (including the format):
  104. taskkill /f /im %prokill%
  105. echo.
  106. Echo Successfull Kill, If it Re-runed Please Try the Persistent Kill Choice
  107. pause
  108. goto main
  109. :ch3
  110. set /p proana=Please enter the name of the desired Process (including the format):
  111. tasklist /m /fi "imagename eq %proana%" >> %Bor%\analysis.txt
  112. start /realtime /max /wait C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\analysis.txt
  113. del /q %Bor%\analysis.txt
  114. Echo.
  115. Echo Analysis Complete.
  116. Pause
  117. goto main
  118. :ch4
  119. set /p prosvc=Please enter the name of the desired Process (including the format):
  120. tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq %prosvc%" >> %Bor%\svc.txt
  121. start /realtime /max /wait C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\svc.txt
  122. del /q %Bor%\svc.txt
  123. Echo.
  124. Echo Analysis Complete.
  125. Pause
  126. goto main
  127. :ch5
  128. tasklist /fi "status eq not responding" >> %Bor%\nrespond.txt
  129. start /realtime /max /wait C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\nrespond.txt
  130. del /q %Bor%\nrespond.txt
  131. Echo.
  132. Pause
  133. goto main
  134. :ch6
  135. taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding"
  136. echo.
  137. echo All non resposive Processes Has been terminated
  138. pause
  139. goto main
  140. :ch7
  141. cls
  142. echo.
  143. echo.
  144. echo Please Make sure that the RPC Service is Enabled on the remote computer.
  145. echo.
  146. set /p ip=Please enter the IP address of the Desired Computer:
  147. set /p usr=Please enter the Username of the Desired Computer:
  148. set /p pass=Please enter the password of the username of the Desired computer (press enter if none):
  149. echo.
  150. echo 1- View Processes Running on the Remote Computer
  151. echo 2- Kill a Process Running on the Remote Computer
  152. set /p chh=Please Choose what you want to do on the Remote computer:
  153. echo.
  154. if %chh%==1 goto re1
  155. if %chh%==2 goto re2
  156. :re1
  157. tasklist /s %ip% /u %usr% /p %pass% > %bor%\reproc.txt
  158. start /realtime /wait /max C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\reproc.txt
  159. del /q C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\reproc.txt
  160. pause
  161. goto main
  162. :re2
  163. set /p prkill=Please Enter the name of the desired process (including the format):
  164. taskkill /s %ip% /u %usr% /p %pass% /f /im %prkill%
  165. pause
  166. goto main
  167. :ch8
  168. echo.
  169. echo.
  170. echo WARNING : Do NOT use this Option with Critical System Processes
  171. Echo This Option is For Trojan or Virus processes only
  172. echo.z
  173. pause
  174. cls
  175. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  176. echo.
  177. echo.
  178. echo.
  179. echo.
  180. echo.
  181. echo.
  182. color 04
  184. echo.
  185. echo.
  186. echo.
  187. echo.
  188. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  189. set /p PKIL=Please enter the name of the Desired Process:
  190. Set /p sure=Are you Sure that you Want to use this option ?(Y\N):
  191. echo.
  192. if /i %sure%==Y goto surey
  193. if /i %sure%==N goto suren
  194. :surey
  195. echo @echo off >> %Bor%\Prekill.bat
  196. echo :X >> %Bor%\Prekill.bat
  197. echo Taskkill /f /t /im %PKIL% >> %Bor%\Prekill.bat
  198. echo goto X >> %Bor%\Prekill.bat
  199. start /realtime C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\prekill.bat
  200. echo.
  201. pause
  202. del /q C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files\prekill.bat
  203. goto main
  204. :suren
  205. goto main
  206. :ch9
  207. set /p PID=Please enter the Process's PID:
  208. taskkill /f /PID %PID%
  209. pause
  210. goto main
  211. :invalid
  212. Echo Invalid Choice, Please Choose from 1-10.
  213. echo.
  214. pause
  215. goto main
  216. :ch10
  217. Cls
  218. color 05
  219. echo.
  220. echo.
  221. echo.
  222. echo.
  223. echo.
  224. echo.
  225. echo.
  226. echo.
  227. echo.
  228. echo.
  229. echo.
  230. echo.
  231. echo C0DED BY ERR0R
  232. Echo.
  233. echo ^^
  234. Ping localhost -n 6 >nul
  235. RMDIR /q C:\Emergency.Task.Manager.Files
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