
update 14

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. “Good day this is [mother’s name idk]. I’m not available at the moment please leave a message and I’ll get right back at you!”
  2. Beep
  3. “Oh hey Mother. You’re probably working now, right? Sorry I hope it’s going well! I was basically checking up on you and how that car is holding up for commutes haha. And well, your daily daughter update too! I’m in Slateport, but its beaches don’t compare to Dewford so far. They have way too many people but anyways it’s been great! Hylla says hi in her grovyle way. I’m going shopping now but don’t worry I won’t waste all my money today. Love you and hope we talk soo, Mother. Bye bye!”
  4. Sent: August 14,
  5. From: Laurel
  6. To: Aya
  7. Subject: I’m good at this
  8. Is it bad that I didn’t leave my room for two days except for food? :v
  9. I was waiting for the coast to clear and it’s the most cowardly thing I’ve ever done. I mean, in Goldenrod I just knew which places to avoid but Slateport is a maze from what little I saw and I’m not risking it again. She probably left this morning or yesterday.
  10. But even so, I want to leave. Pokemon need training, I need training and the wilderness would do me good. That week in the Petalburg woods was really nice, just looking at the stars and travelling with my team.
  11. Oh, look me, waxing about the wonder of pokemon training and journeys. Norman would share stoic tears at my words.
  12. The pokemon are getting antsy. Pahda wants to fly but I’m afraid of opening the window and she won’t come back like ever. Feeding her some berries calms her, but even then, she’s making circuits around the room, annoying Ren. And annoying Ren means trying to calm him down so he won’t use poison powder all over us. I return him at the point but he’s only done it twice :/
  13. Hylla well, she’s okay I guess. Lilliam too. They’re chill for being (or because) grass types. I filled the bathroom’s tub for Lilliam to keep her skin hydrated. Hm. Spa day. That wouldn’t be bad for me.
  14. Um, anyway, what about you? Finally left the freaky town for a better city? How are your pokemon? The non-projectile kind?
  15. Idk why I wanted to be in a city again, Aya.
  16. Laurel
  17. K: Hey you! talk about radio silence :<
  18. L: Karina! D: sorry!
  19. K: how’s the city life? Went clubbing or went to a pokecontest yet?
  20. L: More like stomach virus :/ I’ve been in bed with my pokemon playing nurse.
  21. K: Ah that sucks :c and here I thought you were like in the open air market and sightseeing.
  22. L: Yeah.
  23. K: I hope you feel better. Give a hug to your pokemon for me, kay? Tell me when you get right into the action as a healthy trainer haha
  24. L: Sure will :) and thanks
  25. Received:
  26. From: Aya
  27. To: Laurel
  28. Subject: No you’re not RE: I’m good at this
  29. Since when did you take the training part of your journey seriously lol
  30. I think this breakthrough should be a perfect bonding exercise with Norman. Bond over shared pokemon training troubles like what kind of food to give your normal types or whatever gym leaders strategize about.
  32. Shauna and Trevor are not thrilled but oh well (shruggy emoticon). Serena is on the same wavelength as I am this time. We tried to reach Cyllage first but there was a serious cave in so we detoured to a southern route towards Ambrette, which we were going to hit up after Cyllage so we shuffled them around.
  33. And I’m not throwing Tamara around anymore. She’s been rolling around the cave and hitting everything that moves, even Din :c Had to catch a meditite that would not stop bothering her. Her name’s Asha and she still keeps fighting my marill but a little calmer now.
  34. Um. Right. You like the city, Laurel. You’re a city gal no matter how much you like camping out. Don’t lie to yourself and stay. Relax. And I don’t mean hibernating inside a pokecenter eating crackers you stole from the cafeteria. I read up that Slateport has an open air market and some museums you could visit. Some are about the seafloor flora and corals or whatever. But don’t leave the city. She shouldn’t be dictating how you have your vacation. I’m scared you’ll go out not thinking straight :c
  35. Just take it easy, for once.
  36. Missing you,
  37. Aya
  38. L: Stomach officially cured :D
  39. K: Yay! Whatcha hitting up? The contest hall?
  40. L: No. I’m leaving the city.
  41. K: WHAT
  42. (something here or nah?)
  43. Sent:
  44. From: Laurel
  45. To: Aya
  46. Subject: I fucked up
  47. I’m sorry
  48. (google searching shit)
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